Books of your youth. What really stood out to you?

Chuck E. Beaver books were awesome when I was little.
Where The Red Fern Grows
Sideways Stories from Wayside School, these were the BEST!
Narnia series
There was one story that freaked me the fuck out as a kid from the "Scary Stories" books. I believe it was titled, "Harold". It was about a couple of guys (maybe brothers?) that lived together. There was a scarecrow on their property that ended up being alive/possessed. It would move around their house to different spots while they slept or when they weren't there. The thing ends up killing one or both of them. I might be remembering things wrong, but I that story was definitely unnerving.
From when I was very young

[quote name='Paco']Anyone remember this one?


Man I used to love that trilogy of books. I read the stories so many times that I can actually recite the stories to my nieces and nephews. Not word for word, but the general gist of them.[/QUOTE]

fuck yes! I had two of those books. Loved them. The Giving Tree was good as a kid but depressing as hell if you read it now. Velveteen Rabbit was cool. Brian Jaques Redwall books. Where The Red Fern Grows.
The Giver was great. Also read a lot of the Goosebumps books before moving on to Stephen King books like Christine, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The Shining, The Langoliers, etc.
Johnny Got His Gun... I ended up picking it out for a book report in 6th grade. I don't know what I was expecting when I picked it up, but to this day it remains one of my favorites.

Going a little further back, pretty much every Goosebumps Choose-Your-Own Adventure... I still have dozens of them just sitting in a box in the attic... damn I loved that series.

Honorable mention goes to the Berenstein Bears series of books, since they taught me how to read and... like the Goosebumps books, I still have dozens of them.
Goosebumps books, Choose Your Own Adventure books, Animorphs, Berenstein Bears, etc.

I also loved this book where everything was a pickle. Anyone remember the name of it?
I was also a goosebumps kid. I also enjoyed the Help! I'm trapped in (insert something wacky here) books. I actually read quite often as a kid, and even enjoyed going to the book fair held at school to buy whatever my mom could get me.
I remember being in around 3rd or 4th grade when the Goosebumps series became popular, had lots of them. Also read Animorphs for a while, thought it was a cool concept.
I started reading Stephen King when I was 11 and had read over half of his written works (at the time) when I was 14. In retrospect, I wouldn't recommend that. I finally read the Phantom Tollbooth when I was in my mid-twenties and wished I had heard of it sooner.

The Hardy Boys, Dune, and the first two or three books of the Sword of Truth series were all magnificent. Wizard's First Rule was the most engaging of any book that I remember. The first few Shadowrun books (Never Deal with a Dragon, etc.) by Charrette and the first Magic: The Gathering book (Arena) were also ridiculously entertaining.
Lot of good books here! I used to love those scholastic book fairs, it was like Christmas in school.

My list includes the aforementioned My Teacher is an Alien, The Giver, Fahrenheit 451 (read those two about the same time), The LOTR trilogy + the Hobbit (read those just before the movies came out), Shel Silverstein, RL Stine, some of the old toddler books mentioned here, The Stinky Cheese man was the shit, Star Wars novels (still shamelessly love them), and in class The Yearling (guilty pleasure).
[quote name='Paco']Anyone remember this one?


Man I used to love that trilogy of books. I read the stories so many times that I can actually recite the stories to my nieces and nephews. Not word for word, but the general gist of them.[/QUOTE]

I fucking loved those, though the drawings inside scared the shit out of me when I was little.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']Goosebumps books, Choose Your Own Adventure books, Animorphs, Berenstein Bears, etc.

I also loved this book where everything was a pickle. Anyone remember the name of it?[/QUOTE]

It's wasn't this was it? I doubt it, but those books were some of my favorites.

Someone mentioned Hatchet, and I remember all those books were great. My favorite was Brian's Winter, even though the whole thing was hypothetical.
My absolute favorite book was Cars And Trucks And Things That Go. Richard Scarry was the fucking man! I loved that book.

During my younger years I read alot of Goosebumps. When I got older I ended up reading more series novels such as Night, and The Color Purple. In Junior High School I found a copy of Fight Club in my schools library. Bizarre don't you think, but I read it, love it, and stuck with those kinds of novels. Now I read alot of scifi and cyberpunk fiction.
Little Fox Goes to the End of the World - Ann Tompert

I still have the copy from when I was kid. I tried to buy it for my nieces and nephews, but it is out of print.
bread's done