Borderlands 2 - Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep - 6/25 - 800 pts.

[quote name='io']I'm at level 50 on my TVHM playthrough and having a hell of a time beating the Warrior to finish it off. I have yet to get any level 50 orange gear though. It is my understanding that I need to beat him and then do the side missions to get that stuff, right? I really just want to be able to beat Terramorphous and finish off the last few achievements (Terra and the side mission one mostly at this point).[/QUOTE]

I can help you with Warrior if you'd like. I have yet to beat Terra or any of the "end game" bosses (Hyperius/Master Gee) so if we want to get a CAG group and give it a go, I'm not opposed to it.
New patch out for PC. The applicable fixes will *presumably* make it to the next XBOX update.

Very long list this time. Among others, it re-calculates BAR after profile reset, nerfs the bee shield (retroactive), curbs Fleshstick boosting, and gives Terra more health:

Restored some lost progress to players who have had their profiles reset. To ensure you are credited for as much progress as possible, please load your character, select "Continue" on the Main Menu, and then "Save and Quit" after you enter the world. Repeat this process for each character in your character list.

Amplify damage from Amplify Shields is now divided among all projectiles fired from a single shot.

Balance adjustments to "The Bee":
Increased Recharge Delay
Significantly increased Recharge Rate
Reduced Amplify damage

Fixed issue resulting in infinite leveling exploit with Fleshstick.

Increased the health of Terramorphous, Willhelm, and Blue.

complete PC patch notes
[quote name='One From Zero']New patch out for PC. The applicable fixes will *presumably* make it to the next XBOX update.

Very long list this time. Among others, it re-calculates BAR after profile reset, nerfs the bee shield (retroactive), curbs Fleshstick boosting, and gives Terra more health:

complete PC patch notes[/QUOTE]

Wow. That's disappointing. Gearbox was always one to embrace quirks/glitches found by the community. I guess not anymore.
Nerfing the shield is lame. They should just leave it to the player to decide if they want to use something that is game breaking.

I think the bee kills the fun in the game, but it serves a purpose when you have to kill an enemy 150 times just hoping it will drop a rare weapon.
I guess I better get to power leveling my Mechromancer or else I'll never play it. I've done the beginning portion of the game more than enough times to say "fuck it."
I think the bee/cc combo and relative weakness of bosses has made people play this game longer than they might have otherwise. Just for the fun of farming. I've been farming the warrior with a bee/heart breaker and shotgun relic very quickly (not a single orange drop when doing it by myself though) and that's been a lot of fun for me. If it takes me 4x as long (or longer) to do it because of nerfed weaponry or added health to a boss I might be less likely to do it and less likely to want to play the game since farming is what I'm doing now that I've beaten it.
Exactly. I really enjoy the farming aspect of the first game and the ability to do so solo/small-team (in a reasonable amount of time) has created a totally open-ended experience for me. Was hoping the same would be true of this installment.
Yeah Randy is on Twitter right now trying to defend this. Kind of coming off like a douche. First he makes some quip that some people just like to play broken games. Then when someone asks about drop rates he says his team likes the rates and that they are "better than in real life". Then some crap about people being "e-terrorists" in their reactions to this. You cannot say one part of your game is broken and then when people have a legit claim about another part you just blow them off. I have loved this game but I am sort of regretting buying the DLC since I play solo mostly so raid bosses are almost impossible. Nerfing the Bee pretty much eliminates my ability to do this. I guess you could play offline.
I'm not really into farming the raid bosses myself but I'm inclined to agree that Gearbox should just leave this stuff alone. This isn't people hacking or modding, which should be stamped out IMO, it's just people using legitimate equipment creatively to achieve effects that the developers didn't necessarily anticipate. :) That's one of the things that makes games fun.

I would question why instead of a difficulty curve, this game is 99% content that anyone can finish easily, and 1% content that is extremely difficult and requires a dedicated team with specialized gear, with NOTHING in between. But that's another story.
Probably because they are called "raid" bosses and not "solo" bosses. It's like World of Warcraft, if you want to kill the "raid" bosses, you need a group of people to do it. You can't just walk into a raid, at a least a current one, and just start farming and soloing the bosses. I'm guessing that was Gearbox's intention with "raid" bosses.
Fix the fact that I had to farm Warrior for like 20 hours to get oranges because it dropped twice under him.

[quote name='GhostShark']Probably because they are called "raid" bosses and not "solo" bosses. It's like World of Warcraft, if you want to kill the "raid" bosses, you need a group of people to do it. You can't just walk into a raid, at a least a current one, and just start farming and soloing the bosses. I'm guessing that was Gearbox's intention with "raid" bosses.[/QUOTE]

I think the point isn't that there are raid bosses, but there's nothing in between. In WoW, there's instances, heroics, etc. to gear up for raid.
Diff'rent Strokes, but the game is still fun to me and I only have a few purples. Also, they have been giving out enough keys that anyone on here definitely has some good stuff.

But then again, I am very limited in my gametime and I would never even think about re-playing a boss battle multiple times in order to "hopefully" get a certain drop. I haven't had that kind of time since the 6th grade.
[quote name='elessar123']Fix the fact that I had to farm Warrior for like 20 hours to get oranges because it dropped twice under him.[/QUOTE]

All you had to do was walk out of the area, and then run through hero's pass back to the warrior's room and his body would have been gone but the drop would still be there.
[quote name='GhostShark']Probably because they are called "raid" bosses and not "solo" bosses. It's like World of Warcraft, if you want to kill the "raid" bosses, you need a group of people to do it. You can't just walk into a raid, at a least a current one, and just start farming and soloing the bosses. I'm guessing that was Gearbox's intention with "raid" bosses.[/QUOTE]

You can call it a raid boss all you want but making a game that you can solo all of it but one part is stupid.
[quote name='blindinglights']All you had to do was walk out of the area, and then run through hero's pass back to the warrior's room and his body would have been gone but the drop would still be there.[/QUOTE]

Tried, and it got stuck on loading the room to Warrior, which is yet another bug they could have fixed.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I'm not really into farming the raid bosses myself but I'm inclined to agree that Gearbox should just leave this stuff alone. This isn't people hacking or modding, which should be stamped out IMO, it's just people using legitimate equipment creatively to achieve effects that the developers didn't necessarily anticipate. :) That's one of the things that makes games fun.

[quote name='cancerman1120']You can call it a raid boss all you want but making a game that you can solo all of it but one part is stupid.[/QUOTE]

I agree with both these points.
[quote name='GhostShark']Probably because they are called "raid" bosses and not "solo" bosses. It's like World of Warcraft, if you want to kill the "raid" bosses, you need a group of people to do it. You can't just walk into a raid, at a least a current one, and just start farming and soloing the bosses. I'm guessing that was Gearbox's intention with "raid" bosses.[/QUOTE]

Then they probably should have created a MMO instead of whatever they wish to call this. You can't just haphazardly implement staple aspects/mechanics of different genres you seem to barely understand then simply sit back and hope for the best. Gearbox going against their "fun > balance" mantra so quickly makes them appear as mildly incompetent blatant liars. It's no surprise a chunk of the fanbase is so quick to calling them on their bullshit.

[quote name='cancerman1120']Yeah Randy is on Twitter right now trying to defend this. Kind of coming off like a douche. First he makes some quip that some people just like to play broken games. Then when someone asks about drop rates he says his team likes the rates and that they are "better than in real life". Then some crap about people being "e-terrorists" in their reactions to this. You cannot say one part of your game is broken and then when people have a legit claim about another part you just blow them off.[/QUOTE]

Ah yes, the overly emotional "itz mah ip so i caine dos wat i wantz!" defense mechanism. We have dismissed this asinine response. I can't wait for him to tell the fanbase to STFU and go back to BL1 like Cliff did for Gears in defense of the third game's raging sea of legitimate flaws. It's always entertaining when developers conveniently forget they are selling a product to millions to customers and publicly insulting us isn't the best course of action. Because some of us totally won't take that into account when the next game is released.

Sad to see many people in the industry today honestly believe they are f*cking untouchable and that by creating these games we owe them our undying allegiance regardless of the situation at hand.

...We don't.
I don't know how I came off as the bad guy here, but I never disagreed with any of you. I actualy do agree that it's redudant to make nerfs to stuff that shouldn't be and to put in nearly-impossible (codeword being nearly) raid bosses. I was just stating that their intention was to include raid bosses, which they are called in the game. So, naturally, one would seek a group to defeat the boss, and not solo it.
[quote name='GhostShark']I don't know how I came off as the bad guy here, but I never disagreed with any of you. I actualy do agree that it's redudant to make nerfs to stuff that shouldn't be and to put in nearly-impossible (codeword being nearly) raid bosses. I was just stating that their intention was to include raid bosses, which they are called in the game. So, naturally, one would seek a group to defeat the boss, and not solo it.[/QUOTE]

You aren't the "bad guy" here and my post wasn't intended to portray you as a villain. My apologies. I was just pointing out how ridiculously moronic it is for Gearbox to willingly penalize players for discovering new viable methods of conquering bosses in their games without breaking XBL TOS or using third party tools. All it seems to artificially extend the length of their game past its intended prime under the guise of achieving "balance" by simply increasing the difficulty. The same flawed approach BioWare has taken to ME3 MP to more or less maximize profit from microtransactions.

IMO it's akin to Epic banning Gears of War players for Wall Bouncing and Capcom removing super cancelling from Street Fighter. Eventually this type of practice does little more than irritate and alienate the same fanbase you're desperately trying to keep leaving the fanboys and elite pros to fight over what's left of the community. Excessive/exaggerated displays of control over the game universe is the same reason I stopped playing Dragon Age 2. The writers held their mediocre narrative in such high regard it kept the gameplay in a permanent stranglehold to the point where freedom of choice for party builds were at an all time low for me. Certain characters (with certain powers and combinations you couldn't find elsewhere or had to spec for personally) were scripted to disappear at certain times some of which were completely out of the player's control to keep on schedule with storyline demand.

Eventually I got sick of constantly searching for ways to accommodate BioWare's personal preferences instead of my own and played something else. To this day I can't recall the whereabouts of the damn disc. Truth be told... I don't care. The point I'm trying to make is neither the developer nor fan is perfect. Both could use a healthy dose of humility and reality. All of these "tough love" nerf campaigns inspired by control freak tier fans supported by the shattered egos of programmers really need to stop. You wouldn't ground your son for a month for getting straight As when you expected Cs unless you're aiming for a "Worst Father Ever" award, right?

I say stop overhyping new features, creatures, difficulties, etc. when you know damn well it is impossible to cover every angle. Stop underestimating your god damn fanbase who has more spare time than anyone on staff and is just as if not more passionate about your work. Oh, and for the love of everything holy... PLEASE... stop believing you're better at playing your game than the rest of us. It's never true.

I just... ugh. This shit is going to backfire eventually. I personally think it's long overdue because I for one am tired of being labelled a fool for having a difference of opinion, expecting something broken to be fixed and what isn't broken to be left to its own devices. I've been DLC boycotting more than ever now and I honestly don't enjoy doing it. The next stage is used only purchases, developer exile and quitting gaming altogether (again).
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Nice, both of the key codes are still working.[/QUOTE]

word up son. redeemed both...and I don't even have a twitter. thanks.
This thread is dying a slow death. Damn you, Pitchford!

Kind of pissed at the Bee nerf, but I'm just biding my time til the next DLC hits... Which is hopefully soon, because I'm pretty sure I'm going to trade this game in soon while it still has some form of value.
[quote name='HydroX']This thread is dying a slow death. Damn you, Pitchford![/QUOTE]

I'm sure it has more to do with Halo and CoD than some bone headed developers thoughts.
[quote name='HydroX']This thread is dying a slow death. Damn you, Pitchford![/QUOTE]
It's just the lull between DLCs. There's bound to be more activity once they officially announce Mr. Torgue's Wild Ride or whatever it was called. :)
[quote name='HydroX']This thread is dying a slow death. Damn you, Pitchford!

Kind of pissed at the Bee nerf, but I'm just biding my time til the next DLC hits... Which is hopefully soon, because I'm pretty sure I'm going to trade this game in soon while it still has some form of value.[/QUOTE]

After reading some of the dickhead replies he had for fans yesterday, I sold my copy. I lost a lot of respect for pitchford. I may eventually pick up the other dlc's but not at full price anymore. Glad I didn't buy the season pass.
[quote name='Corvin']I'm sure it has more to do with Halo and CoD than some bone headed developers thoughts.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I know that much.... My friends list is all Blops II or Halo 4, and since I don't play those games, I am relegated to BL2 solo duty.

I have yet to beat Hyperius, although a friend and I *almost* got him, but it would be nice to beat him and Gee before I trade this in. If anyone wants to give it a go, let me know.
I was already disappointed in their decision to add the gold chest in. Obviously they put that in for marketing purposes (to make B2 more popular on social media), and in order for us to give a crap about the chest they had to nerf the drop rates. Back in B1 I've sometimes seen multiple oranges for sale at the same time in one vending machine. Now $ is almost useless as the chances of actually winning (gambling) or buying something decent is so small, that I consider it a waste of time to even try.

Now they've nerfed the Bee and Randy turns out to be a douche. Pretty disappointing indeed.
I like Mr. Torgue already:



[quote name='One From Zero']Just stumbled onto this article. If you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and check it out:

The Borderland's Gun Collector's Club

The magic recipe for creating addiction, how Gearbox created the perfect storm in BL1, and how they probably still don't understand what that recipe is. Really interesting stuff.[/QUOTE]

That was nice - I will admit I did some skimming here and there but read most of it. Then I went to the main blog and noticed he has a new-ish post now that BL2 is out which is pretty great too.

The Borderland's 2 Gun Discarder's Club
Cool. Thanks for that! Yeah, that original article is a monster.

I'm surprised that his reaction to the broken token economy (guns) of BL2 centers around lack of storage. I would have guessed lack of rarity, since he made a pretty convincing argument in the first article that striving for that next better gun has kept the BL1 community alive this long.
It would seem the Torque DLC is due on November 20th. I have still yet to play Captain Scarlett, so this is good, for when I do play, I will have plenty to do.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Gah, I have SO MUCH to play this Tuesday. I haven't even gone through Pirate's Booty yet.[/QUOTE]

At least it's not the same day as Omega!
Hmmm...I have a season pass so I will download this but I have a bad taste in my mouth about this game right now. I did not even collect the last golden keys because Pitchford was such an ass this week. I know, "first world problems" and all. The funny thing though is that with the Mechromancer and 2 DLCs being released within the first2 months of this game being released pretty much makes Pitchford a liar. He said they were not even working on DLC until the game was done. No way that is true. I went gold mid Aug I guess so in 3 months they created all this? Does not seem likely. Not complaining about content since BL2 has it in spades but why can't developers just be honest about their plans for DLC? Just own it.

Anyway, it their going to be a level increase? If not then I am waiting. It is no fun to play without earning XP right now.
Definitely not interested in the Campaign of Carnage. Terrible business practices aside it sounds like more of the same. Well... minus new enemies, a level cap increase and rarity level higher than what we already have to justify the amount of senseless grinding necessary to earn those new weapons. Weapons which from the looks of it won't compare to the Legendaries most of us already have now.

I'll gladly keep my money in my pocket for the last TWD episode and Dragonborn.
[quote name='cancerman1120']Anyway, it their going to be a level increase? If not then I am waiting. It is no fun to play without earning XP right now.[/QUOTE]

Well, according to Pitchford's twitter you are ahead of the curve and must be a hardcore badass:

heh! It'll come. It will be time before too long... You're ahead of the curve - you must be a hardcore badass!

oh, and let's not forget this:

farmers are edge case sized minority. What is best for farmers is destructive to everything else in the game.
bread's done