Borderlands discussion - Is Moxxi hot or not?

I just finally finished play through one as well. I've been putting it off for a few days, not really sure why. Usually I couldn't care less about story / ending, but yeah... Its not so much as the game's ending being weak, as it is being completely devoid of one... Also, I am glad that the difficulty has increased in play through two. Now, if only I could finally get in some co-op :bomb:.
I too finished the game at lvl 36. On my second play through now and am a lvl 41 just starting on the sledge safehouse mission. Leadership Class Mod is helping quite a bit. I've got a level 19 combat rifle prof. and 200 bullets a magazine which will be more once I hit level 50 and switch to the Heavy Gunner class mod.

The game is/was fun, but after beating the second playthrough I'm not sure what else there will be to do. Oh and the boss was ridiculously easy. 1 magainze with the combat rifle all crit. hits = game over.
hehe I just got this gun: 10110 Cannon and this is what a google search (Gamespot forums) picked up lol.
010011110100110101000111 on the Eridian Canon translates to "OMG"

Its stats are:
Lvl 19 Required
Damage: 589
Accuracy: 91.7
Fire Rate: 0.4

With 010011110100110101000111 as description, has Inf ammo
Here's something interesting...

I now have 45 Backpack slots.

EDIT: Aww...I can't actually hold 45 items.

EDIT 2: Oh wait...yes I can.
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[quote name='speedracer']That would be an amazingly effective way to guarantee ninja looting in co-op at all times. No thanks.[/QUOTE]

Ah I only play with my real friends and family for fun anyway, so it would be great for us.

Just the other night I was playing with my cousin and he has a Brick character, and I guess when Brick goes into Berserk mode he can't pick up items (I'm not sure, I haven't used Brick) so he kills the guy and out drops a purple shotgun, my cousin was running back and forth over it yelling DON"T YOU DARE PICK THAT UP!

I ran over and looked at it for a minute, then tossed a really crappy SMG on the ground next to it and said, "Here you go!" and grabbed the shotgun..... Good times... Good times...
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Patch issued today for the Xbox 360 version.

Some good stuff in there, but still no fixes for save corruption in co-op games, glitched Achievements, Lilith's Silent Resolve skill, and the screwy splash damage for rockets.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']And then even worse than that.[/QUOTE]
Wow, not looking forward to beating it so much, then. I hate when my games have bad endings. Not to mention that the story already doesn't seem to be shaping up to be great in what I've played through so far.

The atmosphere is pretty great, though.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']Wow, not looking forward to beating it so much, then. I hate when my games have bad endings. Not to mention that the story already doesn't seem to be shaping up to be great in what I've played through so far.

The atmosphere is pretty great, though.[/QUOTE]

Again, people should've had zero, or less than zero expectations for the story. The game was all about the loot from the get go.

Even though the ending was super-shitty, I was pissed, but got over it. I just want loot.
Will be having my first taste of Borderlands this weekend, I'm looking forward to it. I've been wanting to play a shooter for a while and the whole loot thing appeals to me.
[quote name='Spybreak8']hehe I just got this gun: 10110 Cannon and this is what a google search (Gamespot forums) picked up lol.

Its stats are:
Lvl 19 Required
Damage: 589
Accuracy: 91.7
Fire Rate: 0.4

With 010011110100110101000111 as description, has Inf ammo[/QUOTE]

I got this gun too, found it in a red box.
I'm glad in heroic...i mean playthrough2 they changed/improved all the names of the badguys.

Looking forward the DLC.
Second playthrough is well.....AWESOME and challenging. Just hit 40. Almost to 50 then I might go with Brick if anybody wants to help Power Level me up to 20 :D
[quote name='ninjaspeedrazor']I got this gun too, found it in a red box.[/QUOTE]

Was this red box on a cliff next to granite like rock formations? If so then I'd say this weapon isn't a randomly procedural generated weapon. Hmm interesting, although I sold it since the fire rate doesn't work well playing solo.
I got my only alien gun in a red chest right before a big fight - before fighting three aliens in an enclosed arena area (forgot the mission.) It's 8xx damage and a very low fire rate and infinite ammo. It fires large electric looking balls that explode on contact. It also has a cool-down period after so many consecutive shots. I don't use it much.

I'm lvl 38 now - lvl 24 combat rifle now. I've found I like a fire rate of 10-13 on the rifle. I need high accuracy and a scope because I scope shoot a lot with it.

Couple of questions - the power ups - the ones that increase magazine size/capacity - the combat rifle one says size and the general one for all guns says capacity - is there a difference? Also - does that mean the overall amount of ammo it can hold or does it also increase clip size/capacity? That's the one thing I'd like to increase is clip size with the gun I'm using.
Got my first orange gun yesterday in a chest in New Haven. A level 22 POS combat rifle that does only 54 damage. The only good thing about it, +50% critical damage... oh well, I can say that I have an orange weapon now.

Just hit level 30 and those Crimson Lance are tough... figured it's not worth it yet so I'll wait until I can upgrade my gear before I try it again.
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[quote name='Vulcan2422']Anybody up for playing Second playthrough? I'm trying to hit 50....then try it with brick after I hit 50[/QUOTE]

I'm up for some second playthrough co-op, my hunter is at 41 right now.
[quote name='bordjon']I got my only alien gun in a red chest right before a big fight - before fighting three aliens in an enclosed arena area (forgot the mission.) It's 8xx damage and a very low fire rate and infinite ammo. It fires large electric looking balls that explode on contact. It also has a cool-down period after so many consecutive shots. I don't use it much.

I'm lvl 38 now - lvl 24 combat rifle now. I've found I like a fire rate of 10-13 on the rifle. I need high accuracy and a scope because I scope shoot a lot with it.

Couple of questions - the power ups - the ones that increase magazine size/capacity - the combat rifle one says size and the general one for all guns says capacity - is there a difference? Also - does that mean the overall amount of ammo it can hold or does it also increase clip size/capacity? That's the one thing I'd like to increase is clip size with the gun I'm using.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure its only magazine size. I've got the machine gun and the overall weapons increase for my solider and he can hold 166 off a regular 81 magazine. If you throw in the Heavy Gunner Mod it's over 200!
Sorry if this has been covered (I didn't see it). If you are playing split screen can you play online as well? I would like to get this for my twin brothers who share a dorm at college and get a copy for me so that we can all three play together.
[quote name='Dakkon']Sorry if this has been covered (I didn't see it). If you are playing split screen can you play online as well? I would like to get this for my twin brothers who share a dorm at college and get a copy for me so that we can all three play together.[/QUOTE]

I haven't tried, so I'm not really sure. However, I did read this over at SD posted by neverdye: "Another thing that bugs me is that on X360, you cannot play splitscreen co-op online. What I mean by that is....Player 1 & 2 using the same box/tv splitscreen cannot go online and play with other players through xbox live. Hopefully there will be a patch for this", so it looks like you can't; however, since I haven't tried it, I can't comment with 100% certainty that it's not possible :p.
[quote name='Dakkon']Sorry if this has been covered (I didn't see it). If you are playing split screen can you play online as well? I would like to get this for my twin brothers who share a dorm at college and get a copy for me so that we can all three play together.[/QUOTE]

If they both have xbl accounts most likely yes, but I tried playing it with my brother and his friend that didn't have an account and it didn't work, no guests I guess.

Edit: Beaten to it

Wow just realized I had 39 out of the 42 slots when I finished, great now I have to find that one.
[quote name='thamaster24']
Wow just realized I had 39 out of the 42 slots when I finished, great now I have to find that one.[/QUOTE]
I used these videos to help me find the last 2 i was missing tonight.
just started a second play through. only got 3 legendary weapons from 1-35 in co-op play. 2 revolvers, 1 rocket launcher. nothing too fantastic :/
That sucks, I've been having pretty good luck so far in my second playthrough. I found probably the most bizarre weapon I have just now, a purple, fully auto sniper rifle...

I'm still looking for people to co-op with, or better yet a dedicated co-op group type deal. I've added quite a few people already, but either no one is on, or playing other games :bomb:.
[quote name='Tillawen']That sucks, I've been having pretty good luck so far in my second playthrough. I found probably the most bizarre weapon I have just now, a purple, fully auto sniper rifle...

I'm still looking for people to co-op with, or better yet a dedicated co-op group type deal. I've added quite a few people already, but either no one is on, or playing other games :bomb:.[/QUOTE]

Add me on there, I started my second playthrough and just hit 42 last night...I was so pist off, there was a shotgun for sale for 2 million that did 204 Damage and with my bonus it was a x7.......I was quite sad when I couldn't buy it
[quote name='freshzen']I'm looking to join somebody's game on their 2nd play through. I'm at level 41, so looking for somebody around 39-42.[/QUOTE]

Feel like playing in a couple? add me to your Friends list and I'll hop on once I see the request come through
[quote name='ZForce915']Am I missing something? I just started my game and I'm at the health station but can't figure out how to buy any health packs.[/QUOTE]

If you haven't fixed the machine yet, do a couple of more missions and you'll be able to buy a shield and health kits.
[quote name='Trakan']If you haven't fixed the machine yet, do a couple of more missions and you'll be able to buy a shield and health kits.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Trakan, I figured I was just missing something like that.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']The game does get pretty sick on a second playthrough with some friends.[/QUOTE]

That it does....hell even by my self when I play I still have a good time. I think this is my go to game honestly when ever I'm bored with something else
You all are complaining too much. I got to Level 50 on Playthrough 2 by myself with minimal problems.

Of course, I'm still open to helping some people with my Level 50 Support Gunner Soldier. Infinite Ammo, my bullets heal, and my Turret fires Rocket.
[quote name='KingBroly']You all are complaining too much. I got to Level 50 on Playthrough 2 by myself with minimal problems.

Of course, I'm still open to helping some people with my Level 50 Support Gunner Soldier. Infinite Ammo, my bullets heal, and my Turret fires Rocket.[/QUOTE]

I did half half mostly. I played some Co-Op and then also played by my self. I just hit 44 with my Medic Soldier. Pretty soon his turret will fire rockets.
[quote name='naiku']I used these videos to help me find the last 2 i was missing tonight.

Thanks! I appreciate it, I think the one I have to do is in Treacher's Landing.

Just starting playthrough #2, if anyone is playing tonite send me a fr. I'll probably be on til around 11 central time. I won't be on for another hr though.
I'm doing 95% by my self mainly because I cause major lag whenever I tried to play with others, satellite broadband strikes again. I'm enjoying the crap out of this in split screen though, god I'm so glad they have that option but I wonder why they didn't want AI to tag along in your so called team. Drop in and out co-op like Gears would have been the best.
Anyone know if the highest class mods are the 660 ones? I haven't seen anything higher than that yet and I'm on my second playthrough in the middle of nowhere area.

Also does anyone know what's the highest level of artifact you can get for you special ability? I have 2 level 4 artifacts and 2 level 5.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']I did half half mostly. I played some Co-Op and then also played by my self. I just hit 44 with my Medic Soldier. Pretty soon his turret will fire rockets.[/QUOTE]

Medic Soldier? I don't think I've seen a Medic Class Mod for a Soldier.
I sent panda / vulcan a friend request.. My hunters up to 48-ish right now, in second playthrough. Just posting so you don't got who the fuck is Tillawen??
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Wow Mothrakk was a pain in the ass to take down! It was funny when I finally did kill it, was like a huge flying piñata, CANNNNDYY!
[quote name='moojuice']Pretty sure he calls it that because he plays his Soldier like a medic.[/QUOTE]

Yup yup, I call it that, cause that's how I play my Soldier.

[quote name='Tillawen']I sent panda / vulcan a friend request.. My hunters up to 48-ish right now, in second playthrough. Just posting so you don't got who the fuck is Tillawen??[/QUOTE]

Got it and accepted it. I'll probably be on tonight playing it
How many skill points do you would assume 45, right? Is it a good idea to stick to a couple of boosts and get to the max on them?
I would say that it depends on your class and how you play but generally I would say it's worth it to max out in a certain spec because the final abilities are usually worth it. As a hunter, I focused on the sniper and gunslinger aspects and it's totally worth it. The last skill under sniper is Trespass which, when maxed out, gives my bullets a 100% to penetrate shields, which comes in real handy when fighting Guardians and the Crimson Lance guys. The last for gunslinger is Relentless which increases my fire rate by 40% and gives me a 25% chance to do double damage whenever I kill an enemy.

On a completely separate subject, does anybody know how many missions there are total? I think I've done all the missions in the game but have no way to be sure.
[quote name='ZForce915']How many skill points do you would assume 45, right? Is it a good idea to stick to a couple of boosts and get to the max on them?[/QUOTE]

See this is the inspiration to multiple playthroughs, other than tougher enemies and better loot, but I want to try different classes so I envision I'll be playing this game for a loooong time lol.

Graf1k, check out this wiki site:
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[quote name='graf1k']
On a completely separate subject, does anybody know how many missions there are total? I think I've done all the missions in the game but have no way to be sure.[/QUOTE]

Spoilered in case someone doesn't want to know-

160 according to the wiki that was posted, 30 in the main story and 130 sidequests.
bread's done