Borderlands discussion - Is Moxxi hot or not?

[quote name='saunderscowie']QUESTION:

My Uncles girlfriend works for Take-Two and has got me Liberty City Stories and Borderlands for free. Now I live in a dorm with absolutely terrible internet literally can't play anything online so is it worth me keeping? I won't be able to co-op with anyone.[/QUOTE]
It is if you like guns and fpses. I've enjoyed myself playing single player. Nothing like the multiplayer, but still really fun.
aside from blasting zombies and the comedy aspect of the DLC, in a way they improved the use of grenades, shotguns, rocketlaunchers, and brick's fists. tbh, before DLC even though shotguns were effective you were always safer and had a better chance of taking down the enemy with range. Now, AoE, Splash damage, and zombie repellant is both fun and effective.

the DLC seems longer only because you have to walk everywhere and back. Sad, wish they put in more easter eggs and missions even if they are trivial.

was hoping to see some more vehicle usage or some more clever use of AI but all in all it was fun, still is fun, and really shines in multiplayer.
DLC is definitely a lot of fun for 4 or 5 hours if you do everything. Though if they don't raise the level cap with the next one I don't see myself paying this much again.
Started playing the game yesterday with a buddy couch-co-op, and holy hell this game is addicting! We played 8 hours, right through dinner, and didn't even want to stop at 1 a.m. except we were both pretty beat after BF and playing Forza all day. Things could change since I'm still early on in the game but this is my GOTY at this point.
[quote name='saunderscowie']QUESTION:

My Uncles girlfriend works for Take-Two and has got me Liberty City Stories and Borderlands for free. Now I live in a dorm with absolutely terrible internet literally can't play anything online so is it worth me keeping? I won't be able to co-op with anyone.[/QUOTE]

Yes, it has local split screen co-op and it will be great with room mates. I can't play online either but the single player and split screen is good enough for an admission I believe.
Only two cheezmints left then I 1K+ this game. It's just too bad it feels so awkward playing as someone that isn't the Siren...
Is this game worth it to get even after level 30? Since the game just repeats its self with the same storyline/enemies except that they're more difficult to beat. I'll probably be playing alone and online.
[quote name='beach_BumX']Is this game worth it to get even after level 30? Since the game just repeats its self with the same storyline/enemies except that they're more difficult to beat. I'll probably be playing alone and online.[/QUOTE]

Yes, it is because the difficulty gets ramped up a little. The enemies are higher levels than before. I thought I was just going to stroll through the second playthrough and smite the peons, but was shown the error of my ways.

HOWEVER, once you get to level 50, and $9999999 (probably one too many 9's) gold, well, it does tend to lose it's charm a little.

Hopefully the NEXT DLC will raise the level cap
Not sure what raising the level cap would do the benefit the game, so you'd be say 5 - 10 lvls higher and with the skill points that come with it you'd be even more unstoppable.

imo, just fixing bugs and adding more multiplayer content and mini games would be a much better DLC. the game once you get good equipment is really easy. There's already a few transition points in the game that aren't operational so I'm pretty certain they'll be used in DLC further down the road.

...only 41 more brains to go.
[quote name='100xp']Not sure what raising the level cap would do the benefit the game, so you'd be say 5 - 10 lvls higher and with the skill points that come with it you'd be even more unstoppable.

Obviously if they raised the maximum level for the players, they would also be free to do so for the enemies, thus increasing the challenge. Plus level 50 players would have something to work for again instead of nothing.
Alright, 1K+'d this game tonight! Now to take a break from it for awhile. A Part of me kinda wants competitive multiplayer for this game where it would be the characters people have created 4 on 4 or however many in deathmatch. So can have one person's sniper who spent their points on bloodwing versus one who focused more on sniping with bit of gunslinging. Eventhough it'd be pretty damn broken.
I dunno, raising the cap would be great but they need to serisously amp up the difficulty or at least the AI of the enemies. Once you figure out their elemental weakness and sweet spot, it's pretty much point and shoot until they drop no matter what the level. Maybe if they had some more strategy and puzzle solving during a fight it would make it more interesting. (granted I still love the game and play)

Also considering you continue to accumulate EXP via kills, missions, and challenges, a lot of players may already be lvl 60 virtually. You could log in and instantly get LEVEL UP! to the new cap.

Lvl 50 players farm for better gear for themselves and their alts, grind their wpn profs, and some try and hammer out all the in game challenges just for the sake of completion. Then when you're done, you have 3 other characters to do that with if you so choose.

I think they just need to add more multiplayer mini games, some sort of expanded arena, and some driving. Even an ODST version of Fire fight would be fun. fix the bugs sooner than later which Gearbox said they are trying to address asap.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']After about an hour, this game seems to me like everything I wanted out of Fallout 3 when I originally heard about it.[/QUOTE]

I agree and only if they did a bit more with characters and character intros later on in the game as well as the beginning it would be great.
I want to play some co-op with this game. I'm a level 7, not sure if that matters, but the game appears as if it would be a lot more fun running through with some people instead of on my own. Let me know if anyone wants to play sometime.
Only have the Braaaaaaaaains mission to finish in the DLC but I got to say the DLC was better than the regular game in several ways. I only wish they would fix that vending machine that stays broken. I wish they would have raised the lvl cap with this and that they would have put in better gear via the DLC. Maybe a few dif mission types too.

Loving the game and playing this online co-op nearly the whole time makes me hopeful for a FPS MMO in this vain. It really could work well. I loved the slight MMO feel of this game.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']After about an hour, this game seems to me like everything I wanted out of Fallout 3 when I originally heard about it.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. I'm more of a FPS fan than an RPG one, and the balance in this game is shifted more towards my tastes anyway. Accessible RPG elements, really good FPS mechanics -- and lots of fun.
does anyone have the "And They'll Tell Two Friends" achievement for this game that is willing to let me join a game for the achievement. its the one for playing with a gearbox employee, or someone else who has. i joined a few random matches trying to get it, but no luck.
I don't know if this is cOLD news or not, but the trophies for the next DLC are listed already on the PS3. Just be sure to compare trophies with someone on your friends list. As of right now, when I look at my trophies, I only see Zombie DLC, but comparing with anyone on my list (even if they don't have Borderlands), I can see more.
For how short it was I still feel like I got my $10 out of the ex-pack. Think of it as the price of a movie and about four good hours of entertainment. I loved the art design and it actually had a cool story and a few fun bosses.

The art-direction reminded me of some of the earlier Monkey Island games. I really found it superior to the look of the main campaign.
My buddy and I will be online tonight doing some low level stuff if anyone wants to join in. Probably around 6:30-7pm EST. Just add me and we'll go from there.
Anyone have problems with the Scavenger: Revolver mission? I can't find the last piece of the gun. It's not where the map says it is. Is this broken? Is there a way to manually fix it? Sucks that I won't get my mission completed. I've turned off the system and come back later and still no piece. It's the first glitch I've run into, though, I'm sure not the last.
[quote name='eastx']You have to look with your eyes rather than relying on the map.[/QUOTE]
I get that, but I've been over the area 10 times, at least, and nothing is there. Not a glowing piece in sight. I just need the barrel. It's weird that it's nowhere to be found. It looks like it should be on the roof of one of the shed things, maybe in a tire, but there's nothing around. I guess, I'll move on and miss out on one mission, though, it sucks because it's not even my fault it's not where it's supposed to be.
[quote name='Redeema']I get that, but I've been over the area 10 times, at least, and nothing is there. Not a glowing piece in sight. I just need the barrel. It's weird that it's nowhere to be found. It looks like it should be on the roof of one of the shed things, maybe in a tire, but there's nothing around. I guess, I'll move on and miss out on one mission, though, it sucks because it's not even my fault it's not where it's supposed to be.[/QUOTE]
Is that the one that's across from Lucky's place? On kind of an elevated outcropping?

If so, the last piece is in the hood of the wrecked car hanging over the side of the cliff. This one took me forever to find and I was starting to think the game was just glitched before I finally uncovered it.
[quote name='Redeema'] I guess, I'll move on and miss out on one mission, though, it sucks because it's not even my fault it's not where it's supposed to be.[/QUOTE]

Aren't you familiar with ? Of course the info is out there; there's no reason to give up.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Is that the one that's across from Lucky's place? On kind of an elevated outcropping?

If so, the last piece is in the hood of the wrecked car hanging over the side of the cliff. This one took me forever to find and I was starting to think the game was just glitched before I finally uncovered it.

Aw crap. It was way off from where the map said it would be. Thanks. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the game was glitching. Got it. Completed the mission. I can proceed now to kill Mad Mel.

Eastx, I know about Gamefaqs, but if other people were having the same issue I thought I was having it wouldn't matter if a guide told me where it was. Now the problem is solved and we'll move along, nothing more to see.
What are your guesses on when / if a complete borderlands game might come out? I mean one with all the DLC? Thinking about selling my copy since my backlog is so crazy as it is, and none of my friends have this. I'd rather pick it up again in a year with all the DLC (and man is it coming out fast!)
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Is that the one that's across from Lucky's place? On kind of an elevated outcropping?

If so, the last piece is in the hood of the wrecked car hanging over the side of the cliff. This one took me forever to find and I was starting to think the game was just glitched before I finally uncovered it.

Yea I had troubles in this area as well and just by sure chance, and due to elimination of reasoning I found it.

More dlc, very cool, horde mode ish awesomeness.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Next winter maybe? Seems like it generally takes about a year.[/QUOTE]

I think you're probably right. This is a game I could see advertised as a complete edition or platinum hit later on.
Good value proposition to wait for the inevitable GOTY edition, but for me, the game (and the DLC released so far) is just too much fun to wait for, even if it means paying more. :)
Where do you get the braaaaaains mission in Dr. Ned from anyway? I've done all but two of the missions on the bounty board.
[quote name='reddjoey']I found the gaming wikia to be really helpful when I was stuck looking for something right under my nose[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I used it to find the last backpack upgrade location I had missed.
[quote name='JolietJake']Where do you get the braaaaaains mission in Dr. Ned from anyway? I've done all but two of the missions on the bounty board.[/QUOTE]
It's not on a bounty board. You get it from talking to a certain "friend" in the town where you fought the pumpkin headed guy.
I'm surprised there aren't more complaints about charging for a storage feature that should've been in the game to begin with.
Probably because there's technically 40 slots in the game already, which is plenty.

They're just listening to the fans with this storage feature. I always had plenty of room and then some.
I think I've said this before, but I thought that the lack of a storage bank was a good design decision-- it forced you to make split-second choices and then just move on. Now you're going to be in the middle of a co-op run with someone and hear, "Hold on, my inventory is getting full, I need to teleport back to the bank and sort through my guns for 20 minutes"?
[quote name='bardockkun']It's not on a bounty board. You get it from talking to a certain "friend" in the town where you fought the pumpkin headed guy.[/QUOTE]
Yeah i found it on another site. They really put that poor guy through hell.:lol:
[quote name='eastx']You're right, Ryuukishi. It sucks to let players do what they want. :p[/QUOTE]
Eh, when you put it that way, it sounds all mean. :) But no, I do think that deciding what features to cut is as important to good design as deciding what features to add.
The storage locker should have been in the an unlockable after you finish the game. I'm playing through the game right now for the first time and I like the limitation. It makes you think about what you want to carry vs. what to sell for cash.
bread's done