Borderlands Discussion Thread - Game of the Year Edition Available Now!

Tuesday is the release of the console version of Borderlands everyone! To those of you who are picking up either the 360 or PS3 version, be prepared to answer A LOT of questions from those of us who are getting the PC version. And if you end up not liking it, don't rain on our parade TOO much ;).

[quote name='seen']We need your email or login name you use on steam; if you don't want to post it you can pm it to myself or DukeEdwardI.[/QUOTE]

Already took care of it :) Sent him an invite.

EDIT:[quote name='basilofbkrst']Alright sooo this is awkward. Need to Change my Steam Info. Login: Soclairian, Tag: Soclairian. . . Long story. Gonna drop the group from the other account so no random creepy person joining our games. Sorry.[/QUOTE]

Done. So what exactly happened? I'm kinda confused about the dropping of the group from the other account. What group? What account? How would there be a creepy person joining our games? Lol, did you give us a stranger's account info and did we invite that stranger into our group?

SUPER EDIT: Found this review over at the Gamespot forums.
Jump, Push, Start: Borderlands Review - 4/5
Overall a positive review, but not realistic enough? Come on...
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[quote name='basilofbkrst']So that account was a friend's but he never used it. Then I told him about the game so he wanted it. So I made the new one and dropped him from the group (CAG Border Patrol) So the guy that has never been to this site wasn't joining games with people from the group.

In conclusion: ToRatingan is no more. Soclairian is here to stay. . . Which is confusing since ToRatigan's Tag was Soclairian. Sorry bout all that Duke.[/QUOTE]

Ok, I think I got it. Just to make sure though, is this your Steam profile? Want to make sure I invite the right Soclairian.
It looks like I'm in the minority in buying the retail PC version and not getting it on Steam. I'm old fashioned and like retail packaging. I should still be able to track all of you down via Gamespy, I'm hoping.
Hey anyone here doing a borderlands steam group thing? I don't have the average 35 bucks(about) but i can give someone my Fallout 3 GOTY DLC disc.
[quote name='maxim2boobles']kotaku has review out for borderlands. im now having doubts if i should get it.[/QUOTE]

You're right. I too am going to ignore that he had twice as many good things to say about it than bad, and that the overall vibe of the review was that the game is pretty fun. Despite the fact that even in his criticism of the game he still manages to mention a couple more times that the game is really fun, I'm still going to dwell on the negative! I mean HOW DARE THEY not put in an extensive map that will lead me by the hand every step of the way! HOW DARE THEY not give me a perfect working vehicle with suitable parking for every quest objective with vale parking! Suspect AI you say?!? You mean these bandits and animal creatures don't act like elite military operatives? WHAT YOU SAY???!!! I am appalled.

Thank you sir for showing me the light, as a game that is averaging 8.5 and 9's so far is not worth a purchase. As we all know, if it doesn't say Halo or Call of Duty on the box it's no good right?

Not to be cynical or jaded about the game reviewing industry, but I have to believe that if this game was as hyped as Uncharted 2 or Halo 3 or GTA4 it'd be getting 9s and 10s.

But regardless, all the reviews point to one thing: Awesome loot and fun co-op, which is pretty much what I wanted.

(Disclaimer: I love both uncharted 2 and Halo 3. Please don't flame me as some fanboy or anything)
That's what I'm saying, it was not as hyped as those games. But if it was, I can bet you the score would probably be bumped up a bit on these reviews. I don't really trust the whole game reviewing system though.

I was able to watch this on livestream for 2 hours on and off yesterday and not be bored with it, so I think that's a good sign for me personally that I'm going to love this game.
Yeah I agree with you. The only review I really trust is my own, but it is nice to see that all the reviews now pouring in for this game are consistent, which is a good sign. They are all hovering around 8.5, some a little more some a little less.

I still have to wait another week for the Steam release though :( I just hate this "screw over the PC gamer" trend that is becoming more and more prevalent.
[quote name='Lokki']It looks like I'm in the minority in buying the retail PC version and not getting it on Steam. I'm old fashioned and like retail packaging. I should still be able to track all of you down via Gamespy, I'm hoping.[/QUOTE]

I'm kind of the same way, I like having the box on the shelf and the download bandwidth available for other stuff. The nice thing about Steam in this case, though (beyond the price) is the lack of Securom. There hasn't been any mention of whether it'll just be a simple disc check or install limit nonsense, but the Steam version is just using Steam as the DRM.

Just a heads up!
I'm loving the reviews. It sounds to be exactly what I was hoping for from this game. I can't wait to get my hands on my copy!
Great news on the reviews. I mostly hold my impressions to hearing discussions about games (podcasts, message boards, etc.), but I definitely needed to see how some of the Co-Op stuff was going to work in addition to impressions of overall game length before I committed 100%. (Actually I was already probably 100%, but now I'm more like 150%. :cool:)

Can't wait!
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Yeah, that's the one. Sorry for the confusion.[/QUOTE]

Good deal. Invitation sent.

Loving the reviews! I added a new section in the OP which lists all the reviews thus far. Next Monday can't come soon enough.

basilofbkrst, I don't think you've been a tribble...
AWESOME day for me tomorrow!

3 days of Paid vacation from work starts tomorrow
Turtle Beach X41 7.1 Dolby Digital headset (Delivered tomorrow via Amazon)
Smackdown vs Raw 2010 (Delivered tomorrow via Amazon)
Borderlands (Delivered tomorrow via Amazon)

cant wait
Didn't intend on buying this, but a friend asked if I wanted to go in on a four-pack on Steam. After doing some research and looking at the reviews, I think I'll go ahead and spend the $33.50 on this.
[quote name='Lokki']It looks like I'm in the minority in buying the retail PC version and not getting it on Steam. I'm old fashioned and like retail packaging. I should still be able to track all of you down via Gamespy, I'm hoping.[/QUOTE]
Getting the PC version from Amazon, and the XBox version from Gamestop.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']I think that of all the things reviews have shown, it's consistency. There's yet to be a review below 8 that I've seen.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Only complaints I can think of that I've seen so far:

-Lack of enemy variety
-Bad AI
-HORRIBLE ending

I already expected things like that anyway, so I'm not disappointed.

EDIT: Yet MORE reviews. I'm actually getting sick of reading these. It's kind of the same pros and cons every time.

X-Play: 4/5
GamesRadar: 8
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Updated or bump watever. If anyone would let me have a spot on a four pack i have the DLC disc for GOTY fallout 3 on xbox. let me know.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Lots of places have it listed for tomorrow. It's looking like only Steam users get the shaft. I blame Randy for not trusting Steam![/QUOTE]

Listed for consoles. Walmart, newegg, Steam, Amazon all have the PC version for the Oct 26 or 27
[quote name='kilm']Listed for consoles. Walmart, newegg, Steam, Amazon all have the PC version for the Oct 26 or 27[/QUOTE]

My, my. Amazon used to have it at 20th, updated. Best Buy has the 20th. Seems they're alone though. My badz.
Best Buy has definitely been selling PC Borderlands, but it's impossible to play (...) until the 26th due to Securom locking people from playing until their servers are online to authenticate them.

Week later for 'optimization' my ass. More like 'optimization of sales'

Makes me sad cause I'd go out and buy the console version, but it's just not worth it, nomatter how bad I want the game.
They're probably just tying up the odds and ends of online. It doesn't bother me much, I only wish that steam could have given us the single player component and patched in multiplayer on Monday. But I suppose that's a tall order.
I'm glad it doesn't come out on PC until the 26th. Gives me time to get my new case and fans in the mail, get my PC moved over, and get Windows 7 installed. I'd hate to have the game today, download and install it, only to have to re-download and install once I reformat.
[quote name='SEH']I'm glad it doesn't come out on PC until the 26th. Gives me time to get my new case and fans in the mail, get my PC moved over, and get Windows 7 installed. I'd hate to have the game today, download and install it, only to have to re-download and install once I reformat.[/QUOTE]

Yup, that's why I'm glad that my copy of Win 7 came in early, and directly from MS. I already have it all ready to go. Now I just need my Borderlands. :drool:
Some not so great news for PC people...

taken from

"At present, voice chat is ridiculously bare bones. You can chat, but that's it. The most basic of features, the ability to turn your microphone off, is missing. There is no way to adjust the booming default volume of another's voice. They can't be muted.

According to Gearbox, that situation should be resolved by an update soon, but there's no word as to exactly when it will arrive and what functionality it will deliver."

taken from

"John: I must have my rant about the interface. For a game that boasts it understands that PC players use the mouse, and that it’s PC first, something went wrong. The game opens with “PRESS ENTER”. Mmm hmm? Then there’s so much that’s insane. You can only invite people with “i”, and you can only get out of the invite screen by pressing “ESC to cancel”. Comparing weapons can be started with the mouse, but only exited with the keyboard. And here 360 control icons appear in the inventory. You can’t click on the keyboard shortcuts to activate them. You cannot scroll through quest text when being given it without using Page Up and Page Down, despite there being a triangle button for the mouse… It’s not good.
Jim: Okay. The interface has botched itself between mouse and keyboard…
John: It’s not pretty. It’s like an all-encompassing tribute to the inability to close the VATS thing in FO3

I really hope there is a day 1 patch, or this is going to be pretty disappointing considering they have been touting all along how they developed it for the PC first, which now sounds like a giant lie.
I already preordered my copy, but I have a non-CAG friend who is looking to get in on a 4-pack. And I can front the money for him. Is anyone else interested?
Voice chat doesn't matter to me. My friends and I all have a Vent server. It costs like $20 a year for a 10-man server, if voice chatting is that big of an issue for you in-game, go in with a few friends and get a server.
[quote name='SEH']Voice chat doesn't matter to me. My friends and I all have a Vent server. It costs like $20 a year for a 10-man server, if voice chatting is that big of an issue for you in-game, go in with a few friends and get a server.[/QUOTE]

mmmk...but if you read what I posted it says you cant turn the in game voice off. SO you will hear an echo or feedback or whatever since you will be using 2 voice methods.
[quote name='TLPRIME']Some not so great news for PC people...

taken from

"At present, voice chat is ridiculously bare bones. You can chat, but that's it. The most basic of features, the ability to turn your microphone off, is missing. There is no way to adjust the booming default volume of another's voice. They can't be muted.

According to Gearbox, that situation should be resolved by an update soon, but there's no word as to exactly when it will arrive and what functionality it will deliver."

taken from

"John: I must have my rant about the interface. For a game that boasts it understands that PC players use the mouse, and that it’s PC first, something went wrong. The game opens with “PRESS ENTER”. Mmm hmm? Then there’s so much that’s insane. You can only invite people with “i”, and you can only get out of the invite screen by pressing “ESC to cancel”. Comparing weapons can be started with the mouse, but only exited with the keyboard. And here 360 control icons appear in the inventory. You can’t click on the keyboard shortcuts to activate them. You cannot scroll through quest text when being given it without using Page Up and Page Down, despite there being a triangle button for the mouse… It’s not good.
Jim: Okay. The interface has botched itself between mouse and keyboard…
John: It’s not pretty. It’s like an all-encompassing tribute to the inability to close the VATS thing in FO3

I really hope there is a day 1 patch, or this is going to be pretty disappointing considering they have been touting all along how they developed it for the PC first, which now sounds like a giant lie.[/QUOTE]

Wow....that...that just plain sucks. I'm still super excited about Borderlands, but those interface downfalls disappoint me and need to be fixed.

EDIT: GameInformer gave it a 9.25

GameInformer: 9.25
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bread's done