Borderlands Discussion Thread - Game of the Year Edition Available Now!

Great game, gotta say. Runs pretty well on my P4 3.6ghz, 2gb ram and 8600GT 256mb.

I'm definitely not cancelling my preorder after that "release" :p

Can't wait to find some friends to play with on Steam (nobody on my friends list has the game preordered..WTF!)
Absolutely loving the game. Fallout has conditioned me to be fine on my own in single player but co-op is always there as a fantastic option if I want to kick up the crazy fun factor. (Playing on the 360 and usually have 5-10 others always available to join up if need be. Can't believe how many people on my friend's list with this game!)
does anyone know if characters are linked to your account rather than stored locally?
I'd like to use the same character on laptop and pc depending where I am..........

somehow I'm thinking the answer is no....

on a side note, if anyone wants to play my steam name is zoglog.
Just wanted to update my PC info, my GamespyID is AceFan84 just like my XBL and PSN name. Next time I fire the game up I will have to shoot some of you guys friend invites.
Just picked this up as well. I can already tell it's gonna wreck havoc on the part of me that's OCD on collecting everything in a game...damn 7 million (or whatever) guns...

steamID - Salamando3000
gamespyID - salamando3000
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Duke I tried adding you as a friend but your GamespyID wasn't working for me, don't know if I was typing it in wrong or what.
Only had time to play it for a little bit. I hit lvl 7 with the Hunter. I'm loving it so far.

Cgarb84, I got your invite. I accepted it, but you didn't show on my friends list. Maybe it is slow to update. I'll have to send out some friend invites tomorrow.
[quote name='cgarb84']Duke I tried adding you as a friend but your GamespyID wasn't working for me, don't know if I was typing it in wrong or what.[/QUOTE]

Huh, maybe it doesn't exist. I don't remember the last time I used Gamespy was so I just assumed it'd be the same as everything else. I'll post it here when I figure it out what it is.

Oh, were you typing a capital i (I) at the end of DukeEdward?
Just got done playing with three friends for legit, 12 straight hours. I've got a level 16 Brute and a level 6 and 14 Soldier. We just finished up beating Sledge.

My eyes burn.
Duke, my GameSpy ID is actually EastX, the same as my Steam ID.

Phew, I just had a scare. When I tried to launch the game through Steam for the first time, I got this message:

This game is currently unavailable. Please try again another time.

Rebooting Steam fixed it though. Thank goodness!
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Sorry bout that EastX, I'll fix it.

Oh, and my Gamespy ID is Queenzors. NOT DukeEdwardI. Sorry bout the confusion.

Oh, and if I'm going to play with any of you, you NEED to have a mic set up. This game is just a confusing mess without it.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Sorry bout that EastX, I'll fix it.

Oh, and my Gamespy ID is Queenzors. NOT DukeEdwardI. Sorry bout the confusion.

Oh, and if I'm going to play with any of you, you NEED to have a mic set up. This game is just a confusing mess without it.[/QUOTE]

Ooops. I guess I need to resend one. I sent one to Duke EdwardI.
I will be sending out more invites this morning when I log on. Hopefully I will have some waiting for me as well.

Btw I don't plan on using in-game voice chat, I currently have it disabled. I prefer to use Skype with my friends when we game Online. If anyone here doesn't have/use Skype I highly recommend it. It is a lot better than in game chat for most games.
[quote name='eswat']Gamespy id: pkarpiak.

I haven't been able to join any online games or invite anyone, even with some ports open. Le sigh.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Forwarded ports....still no go.
[quote name='cgarb84']Btw I don't plan on using in-game voice chat, I currently have it disabled. I prefer to use Skype with my friends when we game Online. If anyone here doesn't have/use Skype I highly recommend it. It is a lot better than in game chat for most games.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'd recommend either Skype, Ventrilo (if somebody you know has a server), or steam chat (if you're only playing with one other person). They're all a lot better and more customizable than in-game chat.
Make sure you guys also forwarded port 28902, it's not in the readme, but the BL forums said to do that one.

I forwarded everything and was able to host a private game.
So what interesting guns have you guys gotten? I can't say I'm surprised at the lack of whacky weapons, though I did find a gun that spirals and bounces. It's a shame how useless it was though, it was pretty cool. I've also got a shotgun that shoots rockets that seems to be my main weapon for Brick.
WTF, did anyone else order this from Amazon and have their delivery date pushed back to the MIDDLE OF NOVEMBER?! I placed an order waaaaaaaaaaaay back at the beginning of the month and they listed the 29th as expected delivery (why this game never got free release date shipping I'll never know). Epic fail on Amazon's part because my choices are to suck it up or cancel the order. Going to give them hell unless they can provide an incredibly valid reason.

Guess I'm going to BB tonight. . .
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Well I don't get why you're so cynical of Steam, they delivered very well on this one releasing it only minutes past the estimated time.[/QUOTE]
Maybe because there's no physical copy involved? Not hard to deliver there!

To update, the fault lies with Gearbox. They fucked up royally on distribution and shortchanged Amazon. I just spoke with Amazon CS and that was the response I got (but hey, they gave me another $5 off so it's all good). So all this talk of 'selling out everywhere; ramping up production LoL!' was really spin on the fact that they failed their initial allocation. I was worried when I didn't have a shipping notification last night from Amazon about Borderlands and now I know why. It appears many Amazon customers were fucked by this as well, since there's already a discussion about it being sold out/backordered two weeks on release day.

Strike one Gearbox.

UPDATE: It appears BB didn't get the game for PC AT ALL, so it may be that physical copies of the game for PC do not exist yet. Will try calling GS but they're notorious for never allocating more PC games than were pre-ordered. That is, if they even got them.
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[quote name='Guerrilla']Well Amazon changed my PC ship date to November 26th, then again to November 3rd...[/QUOTE]
Did they e-mail you about the second date? Mine is still 16-25th. I tried navigating their awful forums to find any information but it seems they've been absolutely silent on the topic other than 'shortages'. You can't have shortages if you never made copies, that's called a delay Gearbox. . .

Has anyone found a physical copy for PC?
[quote name='seen']Why would you want a physical copy which will require you to keep the disk in at all times?[/QUOTE]

So that when Steam goes belly-up someday in the far-flung future, we'll still have our game.
[quote name='seen']Why would you want a physical copy which will require you to keep the disk in at all times?[/QUOTE]
Because I'm attracted to shiny objects. :(
first off I must say I am enjoyinig this game very much

second off this game is a piece of crap console port. ok maybe that's too harsh, there have been worse ports. But this one is pretty mediocre. All you have to do is go into the options menu, you can't even use scroll wheel to shift through the options. Not to mention all the hacks you need to do to the ini.

Pretty disappointing port wise. It's kind of sad they could have made a good game great w/ a few simple changes

1) non-local hosting of characters
2) a proper lobby system like battlenet
3) a proper options menu
For everyone who is a member of the CAG-BP(Steam group) are you still interested in being in it?

I created the group with the intention that us CAG's could use it to communicate and play with others. I have messaged almost every member here and no one responds.
Not a single retailer nearby has ever seen a PC copy, so I'm going to file this one under horrible distribution. It's pretty sad when pirates have your game but not even the mighty Amazon can score a copy. Hmm, I wonder if the save files would transfer ok. . .
Haven't gotten a message from you seen, but at the moment I'm pretty focused on hitting 50 with me myself and I.

Just beat the game and
I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. It was going really damn awesome until I realized it was over. Luckily this interview ( Shows they intend on doing much more via DLC. I'm very hopeful. Not to mention more NINJA fuckING CLAPTRAP!
I understand wanting to grind on your own, but I have sent you multiple messages on steam friends (I even just sent you a message) and never get a response. I have sent in previous days this message "Hi,
[quote name='Jodou']Did they e-mail you about the second date? Mine is still 16-25th.[/QUOTE]
Actually no- I merely confirmed that it was okay to delay the game a month. A couple hours later I checked my orders and it was listed as
"Shipping Soon Delivery Estimate:November 3, 2009

We are preparing these items for shipment and this portion of your order cannot be canceled or changed."

So perhaps they managed to get some out of Gearbox after all. Or, perhaps, the automated system thought it has some to ship. Still, I may buy the Steam version and give my brother the box copy though (or use the second account as a bank).
[quote name='Jodou']Not a single retailer nearby has ever seen a PC copy, so I'm going to file this one under horrible distribution. It's pretty sad when pirates have your game but not even the mighty Amazon can score a copy. Hmm, I wonder if the save files would transfer ok. . .[/QUOTE]

I have a retail PC version of the game. I got it at my local Gamestop. I had pre-ordered it. So, they do exist.
Thanks for the updates, not sure how they could screw up the PC release so badly given they already delayed it a week. I'm certainly not impressed with the flat out lies about demand being higher than expected when they clearly didn't meet allocations for pre-orders.
I had a breakthrough regarding my port forwarding woes this evening.

I have a DSL modem and a linksys router I use as a multi-user hub and a wireless access point. I forwarded the ports on the linksys but my ports were not open according to PFCHecker.

Well I realized I needed to open the ports on my DSL modem/router also. Did so...and now it works like a charm. Just overlooked the DSL modem the whole time. lol

Just wanted to share with fellow CAGS in case someone had a similar oversight.

P.S. I got all instructions from
Just beat the game tonight with some friends. I enjoyed the experience tremendously and thought the game fucking ruled. We're 37's and in the process of going through once again. We've also got like five other characters set-up all around various levels.

This game is just WAY to much fun. Sure, there aren't a ton of options that most PC gamers are used to, but the entire experience of the game is so great that it easily makes up for it.

I thought the ending was alright (LOVED Ninja Assassin Clap Trap), but I was a little disappointed at the total lack of final boss loot. In a game that is so hugely based around loot, it just seems incredibly odd that you get absolutely nothing for beating the game.

Aside from that though, the game was excellent and I'll definitely continue playing. I'm really looking forward to the DLC as well.
Okay- I just got shipping confirmation from Amazon.

It now shows as "Shipped" with an estimated arrival of today...

Free overnight shipping? 0_0;
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[quote name='Guerrilla']Okay- I just got shipping confirmation from Amazon.

It now shows as "Shipped" with an estimated arrival of today...

Free overnight shipping? 0_0;[/QUOTE]
Not surprising, they probably upgraded you for free due to the delay.

Anyone know how the modding community is for the game? I could easily see a gun generator mod that allows you to create guns with whatever stats you want.
[quote name='Jodou']Anyone know how the modding community is for the game? I could easily see a gun generator mod that allows you to create guns with whatever stats you want.[/QUOTE]

And why would you want that? That'd suck all the fun out.
bread's done