boy, does this story suck

"This situation is one of concern at highest levels of the U.S. government," State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said in Washington.

That's the best line in the whole article.
Leave it to India to have a government concerned with something more pointless than the concerns of our government... not to say that oral sex is pointless, and come to think of it oral sex was a focal point of our government at one point too... oh shit, I think I just proved that the Indian gov is still superior to ours.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Leave it to India to have a government concerned with something more pointless than the concerns of our government... not to say that oral sex is pointless, and come to think of it oral sex was a focal point of our government at one point too... oh shit, I think I just proved that the Indian gov is still superior to ours.[/quote]

India's thought police are out of line!
After all, it's not like this poor girl showed her left boob on TV or did an interview with Howard Stern. I could see laying down the hammer for those offenses.
Damn they are strict, our former president got in trouble for the same thing and all he had to do was apologize. And the chick who performed it got a book deal and publicity out of the whole thing.
" It was a private act of two hormone-charged teenagers that lasted 2 minutes and 37 seconds on digital video. "
HAHAHAHAAH..ssry, but it just sounded relaly funny for an opening line..
[quote name='greydemise']" It was a private act of two hormone-charged teenagers that lasted 2 minutes and 37 seconds on digital video. "
HAHAHAHAAH..ssry, but it just sounded relaly funny for an opening line..[/quote]

Wow that kid can't hold off, can he?
I thought they sent her to canada to protect her, maybe I read it wrong. Though I'm sure she'll have thousands of guys waiting for her when she arrives, if only I knew where she was :D
"Ultimately we have to see bigger picture. We want to increase Internet penetration. All this will only happen if you allow service providers the freedom," he said. "The law needs to be more industry friendly and more pragmatic."

ha ha ha I just got the double meaning of the topic "boy, does this suck" :rofl:

I think we need to start sending people to Canada as a punishment too.
[quote name='ZeroSupporT']Damn they are strict, our former president got in trouble for the same thing and all he had to do was apologize. And the chick who performed it got a book deal and publicity out of the whole thing.[/quote]

It's not the same thing. It wasn't on video. Also, Clinton was impeached for it.
Cananda should become America's jail. There is nothing worse then living in Canada. This might be considered as cruel and unusual punishment though, so I am not sure if it could work.
As punishment you will go to canada....punishment? YES, oh uh nooo nooo dont send me, ITS TO LATE, oh darn not canada.........
sheesh. whores. heh.

the part that was most interesting was when that Dutt person pointed out which was the reason they (relatives, media, blah blah) were disturbed...he had 'sex' too young or because he sent out the clip?

either way. there, there now India.
bread's done