Boycott Fable 2

[quote name='benjamouth']I got an email from them today, doesn't seem like they are.[/quote]

I got the same one. This morning was pretty bad. This was the least of my troubles though.
I already canceled my pre-order. Why the hell would I want local co-op? Local co-op is only good for things like LEGO Indiana Jones so I can play with my girlfriend. God knows what else got cut from the game.

Whatever, I'll just wait another 7 days to get my RPG fix with Fallout 3. It looks awesome enough to not care about co-op.

I'm curious to see how the pre-order numbers were affected by this.
Kotaku just stated that both the soundtrack and the developer diary were also just cut out of the CE.

This comes from GAME(?) in the U.K., one of its corporate emails.
[quote name='jer7583']Does this mean I have to boycott the $30 used copy I'll buy in 9 months too?[/quote]
If you are still paying the $30 price for a used copy after 9 months, then you need to reconsider your choice of suppliers.

You obviously have Internet service, so mail order should always be an option. Even if you live in the middle of nowhere with no B&M storefronts within 500 miles and postal sevice only once a month, you should still be able to find 9 month old used copies for much less than $30, and most likely after 9 months able to find new copies for $30 or less. Hot Deals message boards are your friend....
I will not be boycotting this game due to this useless stuff being cut from the CE. I loved the first one and this one looks even better. As for the Co-op patch, since this game went "gold" weeks ago, they have most likely been working on the patch since then. If they would have waited the game would have been pushed back many weeks. Since its an online-only feature, everyone that will use it will be able to get the patch from Live so I don't see how that really affects the game or whether you would pre-order or not. I guess we all have things that fire us up, right?
[quote name='Kendal']So buy the regular edition and get a $10 GC from Amazon and still be $10 ahead after DLC. I am waiting. Hopefully Amazon will compensate for this fuck up, even though it is not their fault.

These extras are worth maybe $5 now. When I had the LE for $67 with the nicer case, the figure and whatnot, it was worth the extra money. Not now.[/quote]

This is the exact situation I am in right now. Guess it's the regular edition then! It would be a tough decision if the regular edition wasn't getting a $10 GC, but with that, it would be a $17 difference. I won't boycott the game itself, but CE is definitely being cut from my pick-up list.
THe game launches in America a few days before Europe. The patch with online co-op is supposed to be available for download on day one of the European launch. Which is like a 3 day wait for Americans, if I recall correctly.
Robjus, take a deep breath, and chill out. Boycotting a game because of such trivialities is a bit silly. I rather they remove, fix, and release online co-op a week later than release a broken function.
This thread is why I feel bad for people who pre order those LE, and CE and waste their money. This is cheap ass gamer right? I wait untill a game gets reviewed or rent it first before buying it new. Be a real CAG and wait until someone trades it in at gamestop.
Guys buy the Platinum hits edition just like the first Fable and you will get the extra content for half the price! That's what I did last time. Also, remember that this guy promises the world and actually delivers about a third of it. Hey, Fable was still a good game that I enjoyed (well the Lost chapters version anyhow).:bouncy:
[quote name='RXDAWGG']Guys buy the Platinum hits edition just like the first Fable and you will get the extra content for half the price! That's what I did last time. Also, remember that this guy promises the world and actually delivers about a third of it. Hey, Fable was still a good game that I enjoyed (well the Lost chapters version anyhow).:bouncy:[/quote]

Exactly, why rush to buy an unfinished game for $60, or more if you still want Collectors Edition even though they scrapped everything except the bonus disc (have fun with that). Just buy it in a few months when the game is actually finished, comes with bonus material and only cost $30. Why continue to support this practice of releasing unfinished games?:roll:
[quote name='Guerrilla']I'm waiting for Lionhead Studios to announce that the game disc has been cut from the CE due to supply issues. :D[/quote]

That's great..."It's clear that the gaming public has low standards and is willing to take anything will shovel there way, so we'll just sell you an empty box and who knows, you might be able to download the game day of release, or it might take us another year to get that out...."
[quote name='Robjus']Exactly, why rush to buy an unfinished game for $60, or more if you still want Collectors Edition even though they scrapped everything except the bonus disc (have fun with that). Just buy it in a few months when the game is actually finished, comes with bonus material and only cost $30. Why continue to support this practice of releasing unfinished games?:roll:[/QUOTE]

Game material is cut for damn near every game, things just don't work out. CE material getting the axe means nothing to me, it was extra to begin with, easy come easy go. If more time is needed to get the online co-op actually playable then dammit let them take it instead of being a bitch about it, its really no big deal. I mean it sounds like you got your expectations sky high and want to judge a game on what it was promised to be ages ago versus what it is really going to be.
[quote name='coolsteel']Game material is cut for damn near every game, things just don't work out. [/QUOTE]

Truer words couldn't be said right now. Molyneux is a victom of being passionate about what he's working on and wants to communicate and share. Then it comes back to haunt him. This process is nothing new, other than the LE version getting jacked.
So what did they cut out of the CE? I got a phone call about this last night only I was not at home and it was a recording that was half over when the phone was picked up. I don't really even remember what was all in the CE to start.
[quote name='sendme']So what did they cut out of the CE? I got a phone call about this last night only I was not at home and it was a recording that was half over when the phone was picked up. I don't really even remember what was all in the CE to start.[/QUOTE]

The Fate Cards, Limited Metal Case, and Little Hobble Figure were all cut. The recording said that "Gamestop" cut the price 10.00 to 69.99 and that LE would include the ingame content as well as the making of DVD. And the Game of course.

I honestly love how the Gamestop recording worded it. They first blamed the shortage on MS but then said that They ( GS ) were taking the 10.00 off. Isn't this a universal price drop? They made it sound like well since MS is screwing you over on the LE we will give you 10.00 off.
Well, I really didn't have a need for some cards or another figure. I pre-ordered the LE originally for the in game stuff and $10 Gift Card.
They're chopping the bonus soundtrack and diary now too.

[quote name='Kotaku via UK Retailer "Game"']We have recently contacted you regarding a marketwide problem with the Fable II Collectors Edition. We have since been informed by Microsoft that there has been a further complication.
They have advised us that the developer diary and soundtrack are no longer going to be available on the bonus DVD.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='JJSP']They're chopping the bonus soundtrack and diary now too.[/quote]

The developer diaries and the soundtrack were never planned to be a part of the bonus disk. The latest post on lionhead clears up this issue. The soundtrack to fable is being given away for free later this week (not sure if its the soundtrack to fable 1 or 2), and the dev diaries can be viewed at any time here.

There is an email from GAME doing the rounds on the internet, claiming that the LCE has been further reduced. This information is incorrect; there are no further cuts in the Limited Collectors Edition.
The Developer Diaries and Soundtrack were never going to be a part of the bonus DVD, these can be downloaded for free. The diaries from Xbox LIVE marketplace (or here) and the soundtrack from, and enter “FableCollection” promotion code. This will be available beginning October 6, 2008 @ 9am PST. (I am sure there are future plans for additional tracks)
You will get the game in the LCE that's for sure, the issue with the Hobbe, cigar box packaging and Fate Cards is beyond everyone's control. I don't have any other details on that.
The videos that are on there are brand new and never-seen-before. The Making of Fable II is based on footage that was filmed over two years, it's unlike most Making of features and a little bit of the footage you will have seen in the video diaries.
I don't know why GAME send that email and I also don't know why sites publish this without checking with us or Microsoft first.
Ahah, OP is a JOKE. Drop a 360 on your head.

Fans of Fable are still buying the GAME regardless of shitty little pack ins.
[quote name='Robjus']I must admit, I have been really hyped for Fable 2 for sometime and loved the first game even though it had many short coming. But I say enough is enough. First they take out the online Co-Op and while they say to hope to have a patch ready day one I doubt any of us are foolish enough to believe it will be ready then, if ever. I say at the earliest it will be 3 months.

And then they cut most of the bonus stuff from the Collector's Edition? Why offer this stuff and then say you can't provide it anymore due to supply issues? What, to many people want to hand over even more money to you for some odd ball items? Then increase production.

Who knows what else they've cut from the game like the first time around. I am sick of these companies making promises they then cut, and shipping games that aren't finished yet. Why not send a message to Lionhead Studios and Microsoft that you don't enjoy paying for unfinished games and hoping for a patch in the future, and having your features and bonus content cut by not buying this game?

IF they were truely sorry why not upgrade all of the games with the very limited and mostly pointless bonus content that you now get in the collectors edition?[/QUOTE]

I couldnt decide which one to run with-


I'm boycotting it due to the fact that last-minute they decide to change the contents on us, and the main things I *did* want in the LE was what was cut out. I don't see the need to wear Spartan armor in Fable, that would be like me running around in leather armor and a feathered hat in Halo 3, it doesn't fucking make sense. Beyond that, with the whole not finishing online co-op thing, while yes, it is intended to get released fast, I see that as them rushing a game out for the release deadline. I understand this happens to most games, but I truly fear on this game, and how it may end up being quite a disappointment. I feel at this point, I might aswell not buy it, as the best way to show a company you are disappointed in the decisions they have made, is to not support them, by not buying their product. If it ends up being a wonderful game, sure, I'll pick it up later, at a much lower price, but for now I don't see it being worth retail, nor the $10 extra for some extremely out of place items, a dungeon and a DVD.
[quote name='georox']I'm boycotting it due to the fact that last-minute they decide to change the contents on us, and the main things I *did* want in the LE was what was cut out. I don't see the need to wear Spartan armor in Fable, that would be like me running around in leather armor and a feathered hat in Halo 3, it doesn't fucking make sense. Beyond that, with the whole not finishing online co-op thing, while yes, it is intended to get released fast, I see that as them rushing a game out for the release deadline. I understand this happens to most games, but I truly fear on this game, and how it may end up being quite a disappointment. I feel at this point, I might aswell not buy it, as the best way to show a company you are disappointed in the decisions they have made, is to not support them, by not buying their product. If it ends up being a wonderful game, sure, I'll pick it up later, at a much lower price, but for now I don't see it being worth retail, nor the $10 extra for some extremely out of place items, a dungeon and a DVD.[/quote]
You do know the Halo armor in Fable 2 fits within the game's style and time/period...right? It's basically colored leather (green)'s a pic;

I'm not boycotting but I did cancel my LE preorder with Amazon. I can pick this up later for cheap since there is now nothing worth getting for a day 1 purchase.
[quote name='SynGamer']You do know the Halo armor in Fable 2 fits within the game's style and time/period...right? It's basically colored leather (green)'s a pic;


I have only followed it so much, its been one of those "The first wasn't a complete waste, maybe they'll fix the 2nd" games to me. Yea, that isn't too horrid on things, but in all honesty, that does look pretty.... eh. But overall, Fable was released as a half-finished game and we ended up getting a 1/3rds of the game tacked on later as "Lost Chapters" so my gut tells me with what is already happening in 2, the same may happen.
bread's done