Boycott Mission Impossible 3

I've never agreed with Tom Cruise, ever. Before I was a Scientologist, I never agreed with Tom Cruise. Here's the problem. You don't know the history of Tom Cruise. I do. And when I started studying the history of Tom Cruise, I understood more and more why I didn't believe in Tom Cruise.

oops that should read psychiatry and not Tom Cruise.
[quote name='DJ K8E']I'm not seeing it for Cruise, I'm seeing it for Abrams. Even if I thought Lost was a complete waste of time, and Alias has only gotten worse as it went on...

Ummm... on second thought...[/QUOTE]

I'm a fan of Abrams work... but to say Lost was a complete waste of time is foolish.

Following Alias from season one, I can say that Alias has mutated into something different, and I wish I knew why -- creatively, that is; why was it changed?

The first and second season were stellar, the third and fourth were when it started getting awkward. The character interactions of the first and second season were pitch-perfect, as were the cliff-hangers and overlapping scenarious and whatnot.

It's a shame.
I don't care enough about the actors themselves to boycott a movie because I don't agree with someone's religious views. Then again, if this movie is as bad as the last one...
Best idea I've heard all year. I don't have to pay, and I still won't see it!

Tom Cruise is the same in every movie. Besides, am I expected to believe that little panzy is macho? Puh-leaze.
[quote name='jmcc']No, not "so be it." By giving him any money you're supporting a cult that murders its members.

So...she made you see Rent, yet you're still going through with the marriage thing?[/QUOTE]

I still won't let the other managers live down tricking me into screening Rent. I hate that movie, it just got on my nerves with all the stupid singing and horrible plot. It would fade to black then come back; I thought the pain was over!
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']Remains of Solomon's temple is still in existence in Jerusalem. It's the temple mount, home of the first two Jewish temples. Eden was destroyed in Noah's flood. [/quote]

No it's not. The 2nd temple is what the wall was once part of. Solomon's temple supposedly existed before that.

And there's no evidence of a worldwide flood. No way to gather all of earths life forms in an area, and no way to make a boat large enough to house them (wooden boats can only get so big before they spring too many leaks).

There's no evidence of an exodus taking place. There's no evidence of the Pharoahs army being wiped out. There's no evidence of israelite slaves in Egypt. Much of the old testament is either completely lacking evidence, or heavily disputed.

For someone that loves to think they're super objective you're being awfully dense.

So not one of those millions of spaceships crashed? Not one of them can be found? What about the power generators that would be needed to encase the planet in an electronic shield? Which planet is Xenu encased in?

Scientology says there were 76 known habited planets millions of years ago. Their claim, not mine. So why can't they identify one of them? Just one is all I ask. If their entire religion stemmed from alien overpopulation why can't they name or produce evidence of existence of one planet?

They know the evil emperor, they know his evil tax audit scheme, they know that the spaceships looked like DC-8's (Now just how can this be when no one's seen them??? HMMMM, could it be that DC-8's were the latest and greatest mode of transportation when L Ron Hubbard came up with this "religion"? NOOOOOOO that wouldn't make sense.) they know there were 76 planets.

Now putting the math aside of transporting 1.4 trillion frozen bodies how can you know what a spaceship looks like but not the name of one planet in that empire, where it was located, who inhabited it and how to contact them?

Can you say....... suckers?

I knew you could.

He supposedly knows this because he essentially reached enlightenment and was able to see into the past through his thetan. Thetans being immortal, like many believe souls are, simply pass from one physical life to the next.

An enlightened one who can see into the past isn't an oddity in the realm of religion.

There's no way for us to tell if any other planet, outside our solar system, has life. If planets in nearby solar systems had life equivalent to humans then we'd have no way of knowing unless they used a form of communication to reach us that we recieved (essentially radio signals). If they were using a more advanced one then we wouldn't know, if it was too weak we wouldn't know, if they simply did not send such transmissions then we wouldn't know. There's no other way to know. It's not like saying the god's are on mount olympus and being able to go up there and prove that they're not. Even in our solar system we don't know if there's some primitive life forms in places such as underground mars, on europa(which may or may not have huge oceans under the ice) etc.

You want to argue that a religion needs to have some scientific validity to be considered valid. But that's ridiculous, as few religions meet that criteria. It also defeats the purpose of religion. Science is evidence, religion is faith.
[quote name='Brak']
Following Alias from season one, I can say that Alias has mutated into something different, and I wish I knew why -- creatively, that is; why was it changed?.[/quote]
I'd say there are two reason 1.)I doubt they had a clear arc to go over many seasons. The show was a success, they got picked up, they got things going as well as they could, then had to come up with new ideas. 2.)Abrams attention began to become divided when he started work on Lost, so those left behind were free to steer the show how they wanted (the new mutation) It is the same thing which has happened with Lost Season 2, Abrams was busy directing Mission Impossible 3 and so others were left to do the steering of the show and Alias.
[quote name='2Fast']Best idea I've heard all year. I don't have to pay, and I still won't see it!

Tom Cruise is the same in every movie. Besides, am I expected to believe that little panzy is macho? Puh-leaze.[/QUOTE]

No joke. That man's still playing the exact same one-note smirking hotshot role he's used in every movie for the past twenty years. The guy makes Tom Hanks look like friggin' Richard Burton.
[quote name='trq']No joke. That man's still playing the exact same one-note smirking hotshot role he's used in every movie for the past twenty years. The guy makes Tom Hanks look like friggin' Richard Burton.[/QUOTE]
Ummmm Bruce Willis anyone? That need no explaning. Also wouldnt it be funny if Ethan had a brother named Mike?
From what I understand tom cruise wanted to boycott this movie by not promoting it if comedy central ran that scientology episode again. Due to comedy central being ran by the same company they gave in and didnt run it.

This is suposidly why isac hayes left.

That alone is far more annoying than his choice in religion how could you not boycott this film?
This movie looks great to me but tom cruise is a power triping asshole.
What the hell, who the fuck cares what the lead actor does outside of the film, it doesn't change the film.

I like J.J. Abrams, I like this franchise, and I like big-budget action flicks, I'll most definitely see it.

The OP is lame.
Screw Tom and his "Fruity Little Club". Just troll or wait for it to hit Blockbuster if you really wanna see it.

Meanwhile, if you want to send a real message to Hollywood, see a movie about REAL heroes who actually changed the course of human events. Go see "United 93" on April 28th.

That movie had a huge impact on everyone in the theatre. Grown men were bawling like children who missed their mommies. Everyone was moved and compelled to watch without even blinking. This small little film, with no special effects, no big budget or even a soundtrack (sorry Steven Tyler), is going to stir serious debate as to whether how long we can pussyfoot around these animals and actually rain down the fire and brimstone they practically beg us for...

EDIT: Woops, guess I typoed the title. Sometimes I get a little passionate. So sue me...
I liked from the previews when T.C. gets blown up against a car, leading characters getting slammed around makes me happy, I can't wait to find a .gif of it.
[quote name='Cryoscout']Screw Tom and his "Fruity Little Club". Just troll or wait for it to hit Blockbuster if you really wanna see it.

Meanwhile, if you want to send a real message to Hollywood, see a movie about REAL heroes who actually changed the course of human events. Go see "United 98" on April 28th.

That movie had a huge impact on everyone in the theatre. Grown men were bawling like children who missed their mommies. Everyone was moved and compelled to watch without even blinking. This small little film, with no special effects, no big budget or even a soundtrack (sorry Steven Tyler), is going to stir serious debate as to whether how long we can pussyfoot around these animals and actually rain down the fire and brimstone they practically beg us for...[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that movie must have made quite an impact on you...Because you totally got the title right, I mean, no mistakes there, you are on your game. It's movies like these that make you remember the specifics of key historical events that happened over 4 years ago.
after seeing that waste of my time garbage called MI:II back in 2000, you can bet I will NOT SEE THIS MOVIE (MI:III)
[quote name='Jedi1979']bah, who cares what people believe in...Cruise does his job well...and that is too make movies...sometimes he seems over the top but Cruise is still one of the most powerful celebrities out there

btw everybody should ban the simpsons since Nancy Cartwright is a scientologist....[/quote]

The difference is that Nancy Cartwright doesn't act like a complete jackass. Neither does John Travolta who is also a scientologist. People can believe what they want, but when you act like a fool it is going to turn people off. Plus, IIRC Tom Cruise had issue with a comedy skit that Comedy Central was going to run about Scientology and was going to stop promoting his film if they aired it.
Yeah I agree, this is stupid.

What does it harm me if my neighbor worships 1 god or 1000, as far as I can Cruise's religion does not impact anyone else's way of life.

If you want to boycott something politically worthwhile then boycott domino's pizza because the CEO is a catholic totalitarian who is building a town in Florida in which stores that sell birth control will effectively be banned and the subsidized housing will only be given to those who demostrate "wholesomeness" (wink wink)

Letting totalitarians (even rich christian totalitarians) setup their own fundamentalist regimes within US borders is alot more worthy of your attention then some corny short dude who runs around doing backflips bc his gf is 20 years younger.

The plan to create a town dedicated to freedom of Christian living -- especially if it means restricting "non-Christian" activities -- have understandably raised the ire of civil liberties groups. CNN and MSNBC/Newsweek reported that the town of Ave Maria would ban the sale of pornography and birth control outright. But according to Blake Gable, vice president of Barron Collier, that's not exactly true. "We're not restricting what our retailers sell and don't sell," Gable told me in a phone interview, "but we will ask retailers to take Mr. Monaghan's beliefs into account."
For example, Gable maintained that Ave Maria would ban strip clubs. They would also forbid adult bookstores from opening, but wouldn't necessarily prohibit regular bookstores that happened to carry pornography. Still, when asked whether Barron Collier would favor a pharmacy that agreed not to sell birth control over one that did, Gable replied, "We'd go for the one that wouldn't sell, only out of respect to Mr. Monaghan and the wishes of the university."
Nicole Berner, a Planned Parenthood staff attorney, says playing favorites among companies is tantamount to restricting residents' constitutional rights to contraceptives. "It's our view that if Ave Maria is what it purports itself to be -- completely privately owned -- then the town would need to comply with the 'company town' doctrine." Berner cited the 1946 Supreme Court decision in Marsh v. Alabama, in which the court held that "ownership [of a town] does not always mean absolute dominion."
[quote name='Cryoscout']Screw Tom and his "Fruity Little Club". Just troll or wait for it to hit Blockbuster if you really wanna see it.

Meanwhile, if you want to send a real message to Hollywood, see a movie about REAL heroes who actually changed the course of human events. Go see "United 98" on April 28th.

That movie had a huge impact on everyone in the theatre. Grown men were bawling like children who missed their mommies. Everyone was moved and compelled to watch without even blinking. This small little film, with no special effects, no big budget or even a soundtrack (sorry Steven Tyler), is going to stir serious debate as to whether how long we can pussyfoot around these animals and actually rain down the fire and brimstone they practically beg us for...[/QUOTE]

Now there is a movie I will not be seeing. I refuse to support something that will directly capitalize on the tragedies of 9/11. Sure 10% of the proceeds go to victims families...and the rest of the the bank of some already wealthy dudes.

Eff that.
[quote name='camoor']Yeah I agree, this is stupid.

What does it harm me if my neighbor worships 1 god or 1000, as far as I can Cruise's religion does not impact anyone else's way of life.

If you want to boycott something politically worthwhile then boycott domino's pizza because the CEO is a catholic totalitarian who is building a town in Florida in which stores that sell birth control will effectively be banned and the subsidized housing will only be given to those who demostrate "wholesomeness" (wink wink)

Letting totalitarians (even rich christian totalitarians) setup their own fundamentalist regimes within US borders is alot more worthy of your attention then some corny short dude who runs around doing backflips bc his gf is 20 years younger.[/quote]
Hahaha, wow. I wonder if they'll sell condoms. :whistle2:k

If not, then when their kids reach the teenage years, that will be one of the most drug using, unsafe pre-marital sex having towns in the U.S. Just imagine how boring it would be to live there as a kid.

But the parents would most likely cover it up as best as possible to keep the facade of a wholesome town.
[quote name='Vampire Hunter D']Ummmm Bruce Willis anyone? That need no explaning. Also wouldnt it be funny if Ethan had a brother named Mike?[/quote]

Cause in Death Becomes her, moonlighting, & the kid - he acted just like John McClane

[quote name='Cryoscout']Screw Tom and his "Fruity Little Club". Just troll or wait for it to hit Blockbuster if you really wanna see it.

Meanwhile, if you want to send a real message to Hollywood, see a movie about REAL heroes who actually changed the course of human events. Go see "United 98" on April 28th.

That movie had a huge impact on everyone in the theatre. Grown men were bawling like children who missed their mommies. Everyone was moved and compelled to watch without even blinking. This small little film, with no special effects, no big budget or even a soundtrack (sorry Steven Tyler), is going to stir serious debate as to whether how long we can pussyfoot around these animals and actually rain down the fire and brimstone they practically beg us for...[/quote]

I hope the terrorists who attacked United 98 who 2 of them are documented as still alive and well, one of them here in america currently getting his pilots license will get some money as well. He needs it after all the shit he's been through.

Maybe they can use the money to make a time machine and figure out why cell phones worked on planes then, and dont now.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']some of you are taking this way too seriously... it's just ya know, a suggestion lads[/quote]

[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']What the hell, who the fuck cares what the lead actor does outside of the film, it doesn't change the film.

I like J.J. Abrams, I like this franchise, and I like big-budget action flicks, I'll most definitely see it.

The OP is lame.[/quote]

Oh, that's right, I forgot you're retarded...
[quote name='GuyWithGun']Hahaha, wow. I wonder if they'll sell condoms. :whistle2:k

If not, then when their kids reach the teenage years, that will be one of the most drug using, unsafe pre-marital sex having towns in the U.S. Just imagine how boring it would be to live there as a kid.

But the parents would most likely cover it up as best as possible to keep the facade of a wholesome town.[/quote]

No birth control, no condoms and no abortions. He believes god wants people to "be fruitful and multiply".


[quote name='Ugamer_X']Yeah, that movie must have made quite an impact on you...Because you totally got the title right, I mean, no mistakes there, you are on your game. It's movies like these that make you remember the specifics of key historical events that happened over 4 years ago.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

that was some fucking ownage

and so he does not make the mistake again
Let me start by saying that alonzomourning has pwned this topic.

Satire is one thing. A show like "South Park" is entertaining, because they use crude comedy and make light of celebrities who have been receiving a lot of attention. It's funny, and it appeals to me, especially since I'm part of the 18-25 demographic.

But this "infotainment" crap is ridiculous. You guys think Tom Cruise is a freak? How much better do you think you are? There are millions of people -- including many people on this board -- who get erections over hearing about the personal lives of celebrities. Now that is freaky. That is pathetic. That is sad.

So how about that Tom Cruise? By the accounts of millions of women everywhere, he's a pretty good-looking guy. He's got a gorgeous wife. He's so loaded that he probably wipes his ass with dollar bills.

Instead of boycotting the movie, I think that some of the users on this board should just boycott communication for a while. I think it would do everyone good.
Mission Impossible is just something I have to see in the theater. Who gives a shit if Tom Cruise is part of some fucked up religon? Mind your own business.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']You want to argue that a religion needs to have some scientific validity to be considered valid. But that's ridiculous, as few religions meet that criteria. It also defeats the purpose of religion. Science is evidence, religion is faith.[/quote]

That's not neccessarily true.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism.
- Einstein

For the most part you are correct, just wanted to point out there is at least one significant exception among mainstream religion.

Now, back to the discussion about why one cult that denounces psychiatry is worse then the other more popular cults that denounce birth control, promote intolerance, and stage violent riots when someone draws a pic of their prophet.
Just to throw in my little serious tidbit about the movie....

I never have been a fan of the MI series, I guess Bond movies spoiled me :). Anyway, I've seen the first two and thought they were OK. They were fun to watch and Tom Cruise was always an enjoyable guy to watch performing on-screen. But, to me, the guy has just gone so overboard in the last year with the media and his public remarks I just can't help watching him and NOT thinking about his off screen persona. I don't know if I'll go to the theater to see it, maybe a matinee or I'll wait for the DVD for rental.
I'm sure not seeing it! MI part ONE was lame and I hear two was worse. You guys who are eager to see it, please go buy some taste.

I agree that Tom Cruise is a douche nowadays. In fact, he is batsh** as far as I'm concerned. Still, The last Samurai and War of the Worlds rocked.
Oh, and Winnie... SOmehow I doubt he is all that interested in his gorgeous wife, if you know what I'm saying. Or her gender for that matter. Not that I'd persecute him for it, but it's such a sham.
[quote name='camoor']That's not neccessarily true.

For the most part you are correct, just wanted to point out there is at least one significant exception among mainstream religion.

That's not an exception. You need faith, agreeing with his teachings is faith. It cannot be proven. The difference is whether faith is required or faith is optional, but it's still faith.

Though if you like that quote, you'll probably like this one better. It's from one of the founders (10 people, one soul) of sikhism, which is the worlds 5th largest religion. He died because he appeared before the mogul emperor of india to denounce his persecution of other faiths:

“Hinduism may not be my faith, and I may believe not in the supremacy of Veda or the Brahmins, nor in idol worship or caste or pilgrimages and other rituals, but I would fight for the right of all Hindus to live with honour and practice their faith according to their own rites." That site describes the incident in more detail.

I used to like buddhism the most out of the major religions, but I prefer sikhism more after spending some time studying it.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']some of you are taking this way too seriously... it's just ya know, a suggestion lads[/quote]

[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Mission Impossible is just something I have to see in the theater. Who gives a shit if Tom Cruise is part of some fucked up religon? Mind your own business.[/quote]

:roll: oh that's right you're the little bitch we all used to laugh at with that love chronicles thread
[quote name='eastx']I'm sure not seeing it! MI part ONE was lame and I hear two was worse. You guys who are eager to see it, please go buy some taste.

I agree that Tom Cruise is a douche nowadays. In fact, he is batsh** as far as I'm concerned. Still, The last Samurai and War of the Worlds rocked.[/QUOTE]

Whoa wait, back the fuck up. You say Mission Impossible sucked, yet War of the World was good?!?!?!? What...the...fuck...
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Whoa wait, back the fuck up. You say Mission Impossible sucked, yet War of the World was good?!?!?!? What...the...fuck...[/quote]
I second that double take...
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Oh, that's right, I forgot you're retarded...[/QUOTE]
Wait a sec...
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']:roll: oh that's right you're the little bitch we all used to laugh at with that love chronicles thread[/QUOTE]
...Didn't you just say...

[quote name='Zenithian Legend']some of you are taking this way too seriously... it's just ya know, a suggestion lads[/QUOTE]?

Stupidity for the win.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I think your custom user title hits it right on the money... minus the greek part of course ;)[/QUOTE]

Pretty much.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']That's not an exception. You need faith, agreeing with his teachings is faith. It cannot be proven. The difference is whether faith is required or faith is optional, but it's still faith.[/quote]

Buddha is telling you as the individual not to believe him if what he says does not resonate with your conception of reason or common sense.

I would argue that using a rational perspective to interpret the world around you constitutes the opposite of faith (when you interpret faith as the word is used in conventional society). Reason implies that you are measuring interpretations against a filter of logic to sift out any incosistencies and illusions.

Anyway - I like your hindu quote because it's an elegant way of saying if I don't step on your toes then leave me the F alone - stop trying to govern my TV, censoring what I draw, and stop putting the crucifix in places it doesnt belong/stop waking me up with minuret shrieking/ stop forcing burkas, decency standars, whatever on women - I'll believe what I want dammit. That's why I can tolerate backflips and crazy ramblings - it's inane in comparison to the mainstream totalitarian attitudes that are gaining popularity these days.
[quote name='WinnieThePujols']Let me start by saying that alonzomourning has pwned this topic.

Satire is one thing. A show like "South Park" is entertaining, because they use crude comedy and make light of celebrities who have been receiving a lot of attention. It's funny, and it appeals to me, especially since I'm part of the 18-25 demographic.

But this "infotainment" crap is ridiculous. You guys think Tom Cruise is a freak? How much better do you think you are? There are millions of people -- including many people on this board -- who get erections over hearing about the personal lives of celebrities. Now that is freaky. That is pathetic. That is sad.

So how about that Tom Cruise? By the accounts of millions of women everywhere, he's a pretty good-looking guy. He's got a gorgeous wife. He's so loaded that he probably wipes his ass with dollar bills.

Instead of boycotting the movie, I think that some of the users on this board should just boycott communication for a while. I think it would do everyone good.[/QUOTE]

fucking Katie don't you have a baby to take care of?!
[quote name='camoor']Buddha is telling you as the individual not to believe him if what he says does not resonate with your conception of reason or common sense.

I would argue that using a rational perspective to interpret the world around you constitutes the opposite of faith (when you interpret faith as the word is used in conventional society). Reason implies that you are measuring interpretations against a filter of logic to sift out any incosistencies and illusions.[/quote]

And who's to say jesus, muhammed and a host of other religious figures would have failed that test? In fact they stood in opposition to many inconsistencies they thought existed in society.

Reason created god. Reason said that something must cause lightning, something must happen after death, something must cause dead people to appear in dreams etc. It's all reason, and it's all faith, as it cannot be proven. For example, buddhists believe in reincarnation, something which you cannot prove or disprove. Agreeing with that or not is a matter of faith, not science. The buddha was essentially saying don't believe in what I teach if it doesn't fit with your own way of thinking. The key word is "your", and you even used it yourself. What he said was logical to him, he used his own reason to arrive at those conclusions. That doesn't mean that the conclusion itself isn't faith.

If you cannot prove it, or provide obvious evidence to it, then it's a matter of faith. There's nothing you can do that could prove anything such as karma, nirvana, reincarnation etc. exist. The existence of those things is purely an issue of faith. You may find evidence that to you supports those things, but in the end it's faith. If you actually can prove one of those things then it's no longer faith.
bread's done