Boycott Mission Impossible 3

I was just saying, Why hate on a man because what he believes in? You never even met him. Some of the worst fucks in the industry you wouldn't even know about cause they don't open their mouths...
I know about 30 ass holes in the industry... But I don't know tom cruise, neither do you haters.
[quote name='jetblac']I was just saying, Why hate on a man because what he believes in? You never even met him. Some of the worst fucks in the industry you wouldn't even know about cause they don't open their mouths...
I know about 30 ass holes in the industry... But I don't know tom cruise, neither do you haters.[/quote]

fuck you you fucking little pussy ass bitch, let me tell you this, come to the D, come to anywhere in the D and I will end your sorry ass $$$$$$ ass bitch life, because truth be told you're a little $$$$$$ that shouldn't be aloud to draw breah you fucking fairy, and I and I alone WILL END YOUR PATHETIC EXISTANCE, IF YOU HAVE BALLS PM ME YOU BITCH AND I'LL GIVE YOU DIRECTIONS TO YOUR LITTLE $$$$$$ END fuckING HOMO BITCH
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']fuck you you fucking little pussy ass bitch, let me tell you this, come to the D, come to anywhere in the D and I will end your sorry ass $$$$$$ ass bitch life, because truth be told you're a little $$$$$$ that shouldn't be aloud to draw breah you fucking fairy, and I and I alone WILL END YOUR PATHETIC EXISTANCE, IF YOU HAVE BALLS PM ME YOU BITCH AND I'LL GIVE YOU DIRECTIONS TO YOUR LITTLE $$$$$$ END fuckING HOMO BITCH[/quote]
Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']fuck you you fucking little pussy ass bitch, let me tell you this, come to the D, come to anywhere in the D and I will end your sorry ass $$$$$$ ass bitch life, because truth be told you're a little $$$$$$ that shouldn't be aloud to draw breah you fucking fairy, and I and I alone WILL END YOUR PATHETIC EXISTANCE, IF YOU HAVE BALLS PM ME YOU BITCH AND I'LL GIVE YOU DIRECTIONS TO YOUR LITTLE $$$$$$ END fuckING HOMO BITCH[/quote]
Somebody get some horse tranquilizers!!!!
[quote name='Scorch']Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?[/quote]
SHOW me, show me you know what you want, show me you want to suffer like me, you want to be mocked to be laughed at to be everyones' friend, but nobody's true friend, and then you can unite in my cause to bring about and end to this stupidity, to these fuckng peasants, that stand in our way...
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Of course. But not because Tom is a "douchebag". I'll be skipping it because MI:2 was fucking awful. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Along that note and I don't know if anyone mentioned that he supposedly locked Woo out of the editing room to keep some shit he wanted in.
I wouldn't be surprised if he has creative control over that shit for MI movies now so I don't know if I really want Tom Cruise's cock in my mouth which is what I'd be doing if I paid for a ticket for this or even rented it. I'm not in the mood to stroke the assholes ego.
Horse makes thread to boycott a movie because the lead actor is insane.

People made fun of said horse in said thread and horse takes it personally.

Horse, ironically, goes insane.

[quote name='alonzomourning23']No it's not. The 2nd temple is what the wall was once part of. Solomon's temple supposedly existed before that.

And there's no evidence of a worldwide flood. No way to gather all of earths life forms in an area, and no way to make a boat large enough to house them (wooden boats can only get so big before they spring too many leaks).

There's no evidence of an exodus taking place. There's no evidence of the Pharoahs army being wiped out. There's no evidence of israelite slaves in Egypt. Much of the old testament is either completely lacking evidence, or heavily disputed.

He supposedly knows this because he essentially reached enlightenment and was able to see into the past through his thetan. Thetans being immortal, like many believe souls are, simply pass from one physical life to the next.

An enlightened one who can see into the past isn't an oddity in the realm of religion.

There's no way for us to tell if any other planet, outside our solar system, has life. If planets in nearby solar systems had life equivalent to humans then we'd have no way of knowing unless they used a form of communication to reach us that we recieved (essentially radio signals). If they were using a more advanced one then we wouldn't know, if it was too weak we wouldn't know, if they simply did not send such transmissions then we wouldn't know. There's no other way to know. It's not like saying the god's are on mount olympus and being able to go up there and prove that they're not. Even in our solar system we don't know if there's some primitive life forms in places such as underground mars, on europa(which may or may not have huge oceans under the ice) etc.

You want to argue that a religion needs to have some scientific validity to be considered valid. But that's ridiculous, as few religions meet that criteria. It also defeats the purpose of religion. Science is evidence, religion is faith.[/QUOTE]

Alzono owning PAD? Who woulda thunk it?
While I personally don't care too much for Tom Cruise as an actor or give a damn one way or another about his religious stance, I'll still boycott MI 3 but for a different reason: MI 2 was horrible.
[quote name='Greetard']Horse makes thread to boycott a movie because the lead actor is insane.

People made fun of said horse in said thread and horse takes it personally.

Horse, ironically, goes insane.


Children, this is an example of what we call "attempted humor." Notice how it fails to deliver with absolutely every sentence, thus making the poster resort to spanish in order to regain some lost face among his peers. Unfortunately for the poster, his 'brilliant' analysis is totally ignored in the subsequent posts, making him look like a complete douchebag without anything interesting to say. Smile and say, "Hahaha yeah that is a good 1" before he begins flinging poo at us.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']And who's to say jesus, muhammed and a host of other religious figures would have failed that test? In fact they stood in opposition to many inconsistencies they thought existed in society.

Reason created god. Reason said that something must cause lightning, something must happen after death, something must cause dead people to appear in dreams etc. It's all reason, and it's all faith, as it cannot be proven. For example, buddhists believe in reincarnation, something which you cannot prove or disprove. Agreeing with that or not is a matter of faith, not science. The buddha was essentially saying don't believe in what I teach if it doesn't fit with your own way of thinking. The key word is "your", and you even used it yourself. What he said was logical to him, he used his own reason to arrive at those conclusions. That doesn't mean that the conclusion itself isn't faith.

If you cannot prove it, or provide obvious evidence to it, then it's a matter of faith. There's nothing you can do that could prove anything such as karma, nirvana, reincarnation etc. exist. The existence of those things is purely an issue of faith. You may find evidence that to you supports those things, but in the end it's faith. If you actually can prove one of those things then it's no longer faith.[/quote]

By your line of reasoning, every single belief that a person has is faith (faith in contemporary science, faith in religion, faith in nothing...), so there is no way for a human being's belief system to escape being labeled as faith (the only exception possibly being Descartes' very important apriori 'I think therefore I am')

When most modern Americans use the term 'faith', they mean a blind allegiance to the orthodox teachings of mainstream religion, regardless of whether these teachings clash with their inner voice of reason or serve to advance the common good. You use the word faith almost interchangably with belief, so I wanted to clarify it for the thread readers who have a more contemporary understanding of the word.

As for concepts such as reincarnation - why is it a given that they can't be proven or disproven? We already have near-worldwide consensus (scientific and religious) on the heliocentric solar system, and we're working the evolution angle (the usual suspects are still bringing up the rear).

My only point was, as the Buddha said, you shouldn't buy into any beliefs unless you come to the same conclusion by your own method of reasoning. It's not like the religion's ideology is setup to shunt you into the role of an meek obedient sheep (or a micromanaging rule-happy shepard).
bread's done