Brain Test


120 (100%)

The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

Daily Telegraph
I see it going clockwise. I havent seen it go counter-cw yet.
That is so odd, all I saw was clockwise for about 30 seconds or so, maybe I'll try again later, but I'd rather not vest anymore time into it. She is somewhat hypnotic though.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']I find that the easiest way to get it to change directions is to stare directly at the foot shadow.[/QUOTE]
I could only see it going CW until I looked at it again after your post, then I could alternate.

Nipples FTW!
all i saw was counter clockwise for like 10 minutes. I opened AIM to message the link to somebody, and the window covered up her head and the picture kept running in the background. After her head got covered up I kept seeing it change directions, when i would look at the IM window and not directly at her.
I think it's all about when you look at it. I got the trick. It's the foot that confuses you. Depending on when you look at it is when you brain will attempt to sort out which the direction the girl is spinning in.

I can make myself see either direction, clockwise or CC.
I stared at that thing for near five minutes and theres no possible way I could see it doing anything other than clockwise.
I got it to spin (CW to CCW) the other way after looking at the shadows under her feet for about 30 seconds.

It's freakin' me out, MAN!
If I look at the shadows or directly underneath and try to look at it with peripheral vision, it spins CCW. If I look at the middle of my monitor and do the same thing, it spins CW. It takes about 5 to 10 seconds for it to change.
I can see both easily, but just looking at it she goes clockwise. To see it counter clockwise easier, just put your hand up and cover everything but the legs, it should be much easier to see those going the opposite way.
[quote name='sasukekun']I got it to spin (CW to CCW) the other way after looking at the shadows under her feet for about 30 seconds.

It's freakin' me out, MAN![/QUOTE]

Holy crap it worked. That is CRAZY! The funny thing is that if I look away for just a second and look back the damn thing is going clockwise again.

Although, the first time I looked at it, clockwise.
She's mesmerizing. I mostly see it going clockwise. I can change it by looking off to the side, then refocusing on it. If the leg is on the left when I refocus, she tends to spin counter-clockwise, on the right, clockwise.

I stared at it for a while, convinced that it was a trick, that she could only dance one way.
Anti Clockwise? What the hell is that.

I see it Counter Clockwise and can change it to CW easily. I too see the nipples as well.
I see it turning clockwise. I tried looking at it and tried to figure out how someone might see it turning counter clockwise but I cant.
ok, it has to have nothing to do with perception. i just watched her body (fuck the shadow shit) and eventually she just switches and starts turning the other way.
[quote name='Maklershed']I see it turning clockwise. I tried looking at it and tried to figure out how someone might see it turning counter clockwise but I cant.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I don't see how it could go any way BUT clockwise! I can cover up stuff, look away, use peripheral vision, she still goes CW.
Clockwise and then I saw counter-clockwise. And of course this has nothing to do with any particular hemisphere of the brain, just how you look at it.
Wow, this is interesting. I only see it going counter clockwise. This makes sense, since the left brain traits fit me, and most of these tests I have left brain (I actually saw the spinning before I knew which direction was for which brain side).

That being said, usually after I can see both sides. Yet, I don't see the other direction. I thought for a minute it was a joke, since the feet are obviously going ccw, but I guess I just don't see it.
Weird. At first glance, she was spinning counter clockwise for me. After I looked at her foot and concentrated, she started to spin clockwise, but now I can't imagine her spinning counter clockwise anymore! Freaky!

edit: n/m. she's started to spin ccw for a few seconds and then went back to cw. :lol:

The shadow is going counter clockwise while the figure is going clockwise. If you look only at the shadow you'll see that as the foot turns on the left side of the picture it comes into the foreground while if you're only looking at the body it seems to go to the background. If you just look at her body and ignore the shadow she's going clockwise. Try that out, and see if you all can see it going opposite of what it first seemed to be doing. Look at just one part or the other and you can change which direction she's going.
[quote name='crystalklear64']I don't think its even spinning. Now that I'm looking at it again, it seems to turn 180 back and forth.[/quote]
Well that is what it's doing, the rest is inferred by your brain, that's why you can see it either way (that plus it being black).
[quote name='sasukekun']

I see it going clockwise. I havent seen it go counter-cw yet.[/quote]

This is pretty neat. But I cannot see it going CCW, only clockwise.

EDIT: Did anyone experience what i did. Using xcoax's suggestion, I saw the top figure going CCW for a sec, and then it was like my eyes and mind couldn't agree, and I had to look away for a second. It was really weird and hard to explain.
I mostly see it CCW but I can switch it to CW fairly easily.

For those who see the dancer predominantly going CW are you left-handed? Just curious.
bread's done