Breaking News: Original Star Wars Trilogy To Be Released On Dvd!!!

You beat me to it. ;)
I can't wait for this release. I never thought I would live to see the day the unedited OT was released on DVD.
If it's true then its easy to see that Lucas's love of money is much greater than his artistic vision.

Can we expect episodes 7-9 to be announced soon as well?
Oh God Yes Thank You Allah Jesus Whoever Yes Yes Yes!!!!

wait, too bad I already fucking overpaid for the ramakes.

I'm going to buy the bootlegs of these new releases in protest of being ass-raped by lucas.

not only that, the cocksuckers are bundling the remakes with the originals, which is like sticking their penises in out open wounds.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']If it's true then its easy to see that Lucas's love of money is much greater than his artistic vision.

Can we expect episodes 7-9 to be announced soon as well?[/QUOTE]

Well considering that most die hard Star Wars fans hate the "Special Edition", what's wrong with giving them what they want too?

I guess people like Lucas can't win no matter what they do.
Star Wars fans represent the auto-erotic asphyxiation group in terms of cult followings. Except they require just a dash of furrydom.

I can't believe they'd stand for this shit. But they will. And choke themselves when they masturbate all over the discs.

Where is Triumph when I need him....
go figure he done this. milk the fans for more money. he should of released one big box with all the movies. we all know he will still do it. i cant beleve this be limeted to. i sure i buy a few copies one to keep and some to ebay for a mint...
[quote name='Scahom1']Well considering that most die hard Star Wars fans hate the "Special Edition", what's wrong with giving them what they want too?

I guess people like Lucas can't win no matter what they do.[/QUOTE]

I'm really not passing judgement either way really. I'm just pointing to the fact that a while ago he said that the original trilogy versions of the film would never be published again because they were not how he wanted them to be.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I'm really not passing judgement either way really. I'm just pointing to the fact that a while ago he said that the original trilogy versions of the film would never be published again because they were not how he wanted them to be.[/QUOTE]
If, back in the 1980s, he REALLY wanted a disney style song and dance sequence in Return of the Jedi then I will stab myself in the eye.

He is so full of shit. I almost destroyed the whole box set when I saw that stupid fucking scene.
[quote name='SpazX']Well it is exactly what the fans wanted, would probably be better to just release the originals though.[/QUOTE]

Or released both in one collection...
What he SHOULD do is produce a movie where he just swims in all the money of all his deluded fans. It could be a special effects powerhouse. They could make him look like he doesn't eat shit every goddamn day of his life.

Either that, or produce a movie where I just slap him with my cock.

Each has its own merit.

The only thing worse than an EA apologist is a George Lucas one.

//wait for it...
[quote name='me in the Silent Hill thread said']So you can spend 90 bucks to see it in the Starwars Septilogy Special Addition Titanium Super Turbo Edition Boxset.[/quote]

Man did I call this one or what?
I more than likely will buy this set. My partner has wanted to get them on DVD for a while, and I've put my foot down that I refuse to place those butchered pieces of Lucas's "creative vision" beside my DVD collection. But, how much you want to bet it'll only be unmastered versions that aren't 16x9 that look like shit. Then later on, he'll release a box set with the originals in 16x9 w/6.1 sound along with the "Special (ED)itions". yes that is a pun there. I'm seriously fucking tired of studios double dipping with dvds. Part of the reason why I refuse to buy brand new dvds...rather wait to get them used at a video store or pawn shop...
[quote name='Strell']What he SHOULD do is produce a movie where he just swims in all the money of all his deluded fans. It could be a special effects powerhouse. They could make him look like he doesn't eat shit every goddamn day of his life.

Either that, or produce a movie where I just slap him with my cock.

Each has its own merit.

The only thing worse than an EA apologist is a George Lucas one.

//wait for it...[/QUOTE]

I like EA and Lucas! You wanna head up? I'll slap that mustance right off your face ;)
[quote name='Scahom1']I like EA and Lucas! You wanna head up? I'll slap that mustance right off your face ;)[/QUOTE]

Bitch! We throw down TONIGHT. 2v2 basketball. I soooooo call Fett on my team.
Oh, and for the record, I'd like to state that I purposely didn't buy the original set in preperation for these. And frankly, I don't really give a shit about Lucas's business tactics, I likes what I likes. End of story.

(this is kind of the same argument from the "boycott Tom Cruise" thread)
This will be better than the "let's add more Boba Fett edition" .
I have the original letterboxed not fucked with edition on VHS .
I'm excited about this , I don't know why so many of you guys are being overly negative .
I'm still waiting for the whole series set, but since it probably looks like it won't come out for awhile, I might go pick this up instead.
[quote name='Jek Porkins']Eh, what does it matter? I crash into the Death Star in both versions just the same.[/quote]


You should have pulled up when Biggs told you to! What were you thinking?

But seriuosly, I'm sure Lucas loves the money, like all of us would. But fans have been screaming for the Original Versions since the advent of the DVD and the the Special Edition. And now he releases them, again because he knows he can make another bazillion dollars, and I will go out like the lemming Star Wars fan that I am and buy it (with the Wal-Mart Exclusive Action Figures I'm sure they are preparing) even though I have the Laserdisc's. And now people will bitch that he should have released them with the SE. Somebody said it first: This is a no win situation for Lucas, so he'll just have to console himself with his 17 Ferrari's and Billions of dollars at the Lucas Ranch!
Nice to see I'm not the only one who says to myself as I open my wallet, "Please Mr. Lucas, take some more of my money" as I willingly hand over more cash.
Eh, fuckin' whatever. I claimed my rights to download dvd images of laserdisc rips of the trilogy when I bought the special edition box set.

This certainly makes one forget about all the previous episodes of double-dipping. Six discs of double-triple-dipping madness.

I think, if we can ever successfully get our government to examine and fine the oil industry for price gounging, that George Lucas should be next in line.
The original films' video quality will not match up to that of the restored versions. "It is state of the art, as of 1993, and that's not as good as state of the art 2006," Ward says.

Which means they won't bother cleaning them up at all. It's almost as if Lucas has succumbed to the pressure but he's going to give us the most bare bones, shitty picture quality copies he can find, and charge out the ass for each one.
you've got to be kidding me. . . . man, that's another ~$60 I might spend. Lucas planned this all along. Damn him.
I know. I hate him because I know I'm going to buy this. This will make 3 VHS box sets and 2 DVD box sets of the original trilogy for me. Damn it.
[quote name='Roufuss']Which means they won't bother cleaning them up at all. It's almost as if Lucas has succumbed to the pressure but he's going to give us the most bare bones, shitty picture quality copies he can find, and charge out the ass for each one.[/QUOTE]

Thats because in another two years they'll release "remastered" versions of the unmolested original trilogy to get another $60 from you. Then two years after that the "new-trilogy" aka train wreck special editions will come out with enhanced Jar -Jar goodness ... and so on ... its a vicious money grubbing cycle.

God I hate George Lucas.
Look, you guys were fucking stupid for buying the retarded new versions on DVD in the first place. That's why it took so long for these cock suckers to release the versions we REALLY wanted. So if you bought the DVDs already, either quit fucking whining or take it on the chin and accept your losses already.
I personally can't wait to buy these, and then the following year, the new version in which Lucas adds more material to the Special Editions to make them fit better with Eps 1-3.

I think that would be version 4.2, but I've lost count.

[quote name='Scahom1']I like EA and Lucas! You wanna head up? I'll slap that mustance right off your face ;)[/QUOTE]

As much as a hate EA i am gonna have to say that lucas is pulling a Capcom (with the Streetfighter frachise)

How manny SF2s came out ?
bread's done