Brink now $54.99 w/ $10 gift card at Amazon! (Xbox 360/PS3)

After struggling between the pre-order choices of Brink and LA Noire, I decided to go with Brink. I still want LA Noire but can wait for the reviews on a SP-only game, and will probably pull the trigger if it goes down to $40 (which might be a while, given the title's hype/popularity). The same could be said of Brink I suppose, but I'm a sucker for MP FPS's.
[quote name='junkie88']You dont have to do anything, I pre order all the time. You will get an email that has the adjusted price on release day. I rarely look at my past orders to see if it adjusted before it ships but I dont think it shows in there. You will get the discounted price I wouldnt even worry about it.[/QUOTE]

Truth. Might not always be the same day of release though. Looked at my order of Enslaved and I got the price adjustment email 1 day after release date.
[quote name='ShockandAww']I dont understand release day review embargos for a new IP like this. It just tells me to stay away until reviews come in since apparently there isn't a lot of confidence in the game, and by that time the deals may be gone, which again tells me to stay away until it's cheaper even if it does happen to be good.[/QUOTE]
Seriously. Some of my friends are getting this right away, but I'm just not sold on the game... Some glowing reviews might have pushed me over the edge, but nope. And even assuming that it does get some good reviews in the next few days, the fact that I missed out on the preorder DLC and game credit promo makes the purchase much less attractive.
in case anyone's interested, the pc version also comes with 10 dollar credit. The advertisement is a little bellow the description page. I just preordered and it said i quality for the credit. however, i no longer see the ad for the psycho bonus... hopefully i'll still get it..
[quote name='eLefAdEr']After struggling between the pre-order choices of Brink and LA Noire, I decided to go with Brink. I still want LA Noire but can wait for the reviews on a SP-only game, and will probably pull the trigger if it goes down to $40 (which might be a while, given the title's hype/popularity). The same could be said of Brink I suppose, but I'm a sucker for MP FPS's.[/QUOTE]

Kmart (if you daisy chain your deal with Brink) has a $20 coupon w/ LA Noire just like Brink. Plus they're apparently doing a free game under $20 w/ La Noire as well. Makes it a buy for me now.
[quote name='genfuyung']I'm so tempted to pick this up (especially for the awesome psycho pack) but everyone who has played it has said it seems like the price will plummet quickly. I think I can wait 2 weeks for it to hit 40.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='genfuyung']I try not to really factor in the credits amazon gives. Some people on here will say "Oh I got Brink for 45" and then next week will say "I got game X for price X after using my Brink credit" Its amazing that people think that way. If it was straight up 45 dollars cash to buy it then no I wouldn't let the 5 dollars deter me.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='AJVtony831']With the fact that so many games are being discounted for $40 a few weeks after being released, I think I'll hold off on this. I would prefer to pay $40 out of pocket then pay $55 and get a $10 credit.[/QUOTE]
you all can get the game day 1 for $45 plus tax total out of pocket day 1 no waiting & get $10 in credit. Pre-order at BB then price match the $15 TRU giftcard offer making the game $45 & still have the $10 pre-order credit. Now if you have amazon credit the you gotta wait a couple weeks instead. That's why I don't understand why people are so quick to turn all their BB giftcard/credit into amazons credit before the need to spend it. Wait till you have a deal to jump on the exchange or spend it why lock yourself into 1 store prematurely?
[quote name='Enuf']you all can get the game day 1 for $45 plus tax total out of pocket day 1 no waiting & get $10 in credit. Pre-order at BB then price match the $15 TRU giftcard offer making the game $45 & still have the $10 pre-order credit. Now if you have amazon credit the you gotta wait a couple weeks instead. That's why I don't understand why people are so quick to turn all their BB giftcard/credit into amazons credit before the need to spend it. Wait till you have a deal to jump on the exchange or spend it why lock yourself into 1 store prematurely?[/QUOTE]

Despite your repeating this, MOST Best Buys give you tons of grief for this. Nevermind the time waiting in line HOPING they'll actually match it. It's part of the reason I just stopped shopping there. If they're going to give you garbage for taking advantage of their own policies (even after waiting for 30 minutes to do it)... then it's not worth my time.
I'm surprised there is so much buzz for this game. I hope it turns out well but I can't really commit to such an unknown quantity.
[quote name='Ragnorok64']I'm surprised there is so much buzz for this game. I hope it turns out well but I can't really commit to such an unknown quantity.[/QUOTE]

Unknown? It's being brought to you by Bethesda and Splash Damage...
[quote name='Ragnorok64']I'm surprised there is so much buzz for this game. I hope it turns out well but I can't really commit to such an unknown quantity.[/QUOTE]

agreed. i was hoping there would be a demo by now. pre-ordered today.
[quote name='Dragonsbane']Soooo....can I get amazon to give me 5 more bucks?[/QUOTE]

If you get a clueless rep who doesn't notice the blatantly obvious $5 dollar difference in listed price, then perhaps.
Here's a picture without the name..

I emailed a rep and got $5 but when I checked they gave me $5 twice lol. I love you Amazon.
[quote name='JKSonic']Was that XBL + 800msp a deal someplace? If so is it still going on?[/QUOTE] yeah it was on the dashboard. I was silver when I purchased it. It had a Black Ops background. It had a huge emphasis on the new map pack.
hmmm my copy shipped today...

got my email(s) about promotional credit also...

1 -$10 all purpose
1 -$10 all purpose
1 -$10 video game.

don't know why but makes for a good deal.
[quote name='Afflicted']hmmm my copy shipped today...

got my email(s) about promotional credit also...

1 -$10 all purpose
1 -$10 all purpose
1 -$10 video game.

don't know why but makes for a good deal.[/QUOTE]

Did you actually test the credits? I have received similar e-mails for past games and only a single $10 credit actually works.
[quote name='bojay1997']Did you actually test the credits? I have received similar e-mails for past games and only a single $10 credit actually works.[/QUOTE]

they all apply... surprised me as well because I've got multiple before that didn't work.
Welp after emailing them about the 54.99 price tag....they charged me 59.99. Now i'm pissed. Pre-order guarantee my ass.

Time for a bitchy email.
[quote name='Darkfire']Welp after emailing them about the 54.99 price tag....they charged me 59.99. Now i'm pissed. Pre-order guarantee my ass.

Time for a bitchy email.[/QUOTE]

from the policy...

If your order enters the shipping process before the release date and the price is lowered before the end of the day of the release date, we will automatically refund your credit card for the difference between the price you were charged and the release-date price. If you did not use a credit card to pay for your order, please contact Customer Service.

...release day is tomorrow so they have a couple of days to refund you.
[quote name='Afflicted']from the policy...

If your order enters the shipping process before the release date and the price is lowered before the end of the day of the release date, we will automatically refund your credit card for the difference between the price you were charged and the release-date price. If you did not use a credit card to pay for your order, please contact Customer Service.

...release day is tomorrow so they have a couple of days to refund you.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, i don't trust it, though. I emailed them before the order was "being prepared," and people had time to cancel/re-order for the new price or get it readjusted so I don't think it was already being shipped or charged before when they got my email.

Should have just done the chat.
Giantbomb just released their "quicklook" of the game as well. Gerstman's comments were less than favorable. He specifically mentioned that the offline component of the game is basically the online game against bots. Bots that are not convincing or particularly fun to play with.
So far from what I heard from people who got it early, the game is very mediocre. Right now I'm downloading my free copy through steam from bethsoft insider. If I don't like it I'll be returning the copy I ordered from amazon when it gets here.
[quote name='VISCO']Glad I passed not saying reviews are always right but poor reviews usually mean a price drop will come soon.[/QUOTE]
Ditto. I almost fell in for the Psycho Pack.

[quote name='CyReN']Does amazon take back credit for returns?[/QUOTE]
Yes. And if you ordered it with any promo credits. You will lose them as well.
I just received my three 10 dollar promotional credits for ordering 1 copy of Brink. No, I'm not joking. Amazon sent me THREE 10 dollar promotional credits for ordering this game. I have no idea why, but I immediately pre-ordered L.A. Noire for 30 bucks. Awesome!

If the game sucks I'll just beat it real quick and hopefully get a decent trade-in credit from Amazon.
[quote name='yokofox33']I just received my three 10 dollar promotional credits for ordering 1 copy of Brink. No, I'm not joking. Amazon sent me THREE 10 dollar promotional credits for ordering this game. I have no idea why, but I immediately pre-ordered L.A. Noire for 30 bucks. Awesome!

If the game sucks I'll just beat it real quick and hopefully get a decent trade-in credit from Amazon.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, same thing happened here. I just got Duke Nukem Forever for $29.
[quote name='TraBuch']I really wish more people would review PC versions.[/QUOTE]

According to G4TV only the 360 version was sent out.

[quote name='eau']Yes. And if you ordered it with any promo credits. You will lose them as well.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about the promo credit but I've never had Amazon take back the ten dollar credit on a game I preordered from them but returned. (Granted, its only happened once so I don't abuse the system so to speak.)
So when you use "gift card" credit for a game and then return it...what happens? Do they refund the gc or do they refund to your CC on file? When the priced went down to $55 they said I'd receive the refund of $5 to my CC a few days after shipment, but I used gc credit to fully pay for the game.

Since I didn't use any promo credit I'll be fine right? I just want the money back in gc form though because it's easier to keep track of my Amazon money that way. Having two kids, my gaming fund now comes almost directly from Amazon credit (and buying Amazon credit at BB with their awesome TiV's).

EDIT - I just got double credit too, haha. I used the first $10 on an LA Noire preorder, so will they be taking that back as well? Or once they issue the promo credit is it yours to keep?
Sort of found my own answer, in the help section it says that they subtract your promo credit from what you get back in your return. Between it being $55 and getting two $10 credits (making it $35) I'm a little more inclined to just keep it and try it out. For $35 hopefully I can trade it in when I'm finished and get at least half of that back.
[quote name='JKSonic']Sort of found my own answer, in the help section it says that they subtract your promo credit from what you get back in your return. Between it being $55 and getting two $10 credits (making it $35) I'm a little more inclined to just keep it and try it out. For $35 hopefully I can trade it in when I'm finished and get at least half of that back.[/QUOTE]

What he said for returns on promo credit items.

At this point especially if you got double triple credit just give it a try then trade in for 30ish.
i think those getting the double or triple cred must have had their game preordered for a while since i read that happening to two other people and they both said they had the game preordred for a while.
[quote name='eau']And if you ordered it with any promo credits. You will lose them as well.[/QUOTE]

Great thing to keep in mind. I returned a game I had accidentally ordered with promo credits and got a refund of $8. After talking to the customer service rep he funded me those credits, but I would not do that again. If you don't want it, either trade it in or sell it yourself, don't return it if you had promo credits as a part of the purchase.
[quote name='youenvy']i think those getting the double or triple cred must have had their game preordered for a while since i read that happening to two other people and they both said they had the game preordred for a while.[/QUOTE]

Nope I just preordered mine on Sunday. It's either just a flat out mistake or they decided to add more credit to the game since it started to look a little iffy as it got closer and closer to release.

Like I said though I'm really thinking about just keeping it. IGN's review was terrible, the text didn't even really match their final score. Eh, I guess I'll just decide to open it or not when it gets here later today.
I would of gone for this but all these FPS are playing and looking the same for me. Bulletstorm kept me interested for a couple of days but that got old fast. Every time I play a FPS, it gets old real fast for me. I can't wait for BC3 though but other than that, no other FPS have my interest.

Brink is supposed to be an objective-based multiplayer shooter.

Does it have any similarities in gameplay like TF2?

So to anyone who played TF2 before, does it play similarly or so?
you it..
[quote name='cRodz']

Brink is supposed to be an objective-based multiplayer shooter.

Does it have any similarities in gameplay like TF2?

So to anyone who played TF2 before, does it play similarly or so?
you it..

In the game I played last night I can't really say the multiplayer will be good for a bit. At least in the game I was in everyone was just throwing ammo and syringes at each other while shooting the other team. I mean when the games been out longer and people understand it more(I can't complain since I pretty much joined in doing the same thing since I had no clue what I was doing either). I mean I'm no professional at making strategies, but in a battle just throwing ammo and syringes at your team-mates doesn't fall under the category of very helpful, I don't think anyway. The ability to switch professions at checkpoints in the mission is nice though. Haven't gotten too deep into it, but it seems like a game with potential but from the get-go extremely confusing. Most of the typical Call of Duty will not like it probably, which will give the game back rep. Overall though it's worth a try probably when it drops in price.
[quote name='JKSonic']Nope I just preordered mine on Sunday. It's either just a flat out mistake or they decided to add more credit to the game since it started to look a little iffy as it got closer and closer to release.

Like I said though I'm really thinking about just keeping it. IGN's review was terrible, the text didn't even really match their final score. .[/QUOTE]

thats good to know

Thinking of keeping it for a bit 2-3 weeks then just return it to Amazon since they usually give like $35 for 2 week old games. Ill just lock in the trade and see how i like the game.
I also got double credit. Went ahead and used it so they don't reverse it or something. I'm very curious to try this game out- since I've been playing TF2 for 3 years now.
[quote name='Coper3000']I also got double credit. Went ahead and used it so they don't reverse it or something. I'm very curious to try this game out- since I've been playing TF2 for 3 years now.[/QUOTE]

Same, just preordered LA Noire for 39.99 :)
bread's done