Bristol Palin to Educate Teens About Abstinence

Well, I wouldn't count her out just because she didn't do it. I'd value the opinion of a druggie saying not to do drugs cuz it fucks you up. Abstinence is one of several options, of course, and other than oral and anal, and...well...pretty much anything else you want to come up with that involves getting off, but no sperm in a uterus, it is the only 100% way not to get pregnant/get somebody pregnant while having an orgasm.
[quote name='SpazX']Well, I wouldn't count her out just because she didn't do it. I'd value the opinion of a druggie saying not to do drugs cuz it fucks you up. Abstinence is one of several options, of course, and other than oral and anal, and...well...pretty much anything else you want to come up with that involves getting off, but no sperm in a uterus, it is the only 100% way not to get pregnant/get somebody pregnant while having an orgasm.[/QUOTE]

"I'm Bristol Palin, and I support full facials as one method of avoiding unwanted pregnancies!"
I don't understand educating about abstinence. Why the hell do we need to teach people about what happens by not doing something. Proper birth control would be the best approach if the religious zealots would get out of the way.

The preachy "don't do drugs" and "don't have sex" campaigns are a failure.
[quote name='mykevermin']"I'm Bristol Palin, and I support full facials as one method of avoiding unwanted pregnancies!"[/QUOTE]

You joke but this would probably be more effective than abstinence-only. I don't know how I'm going to handle it when my kids become teenagers - obviously abstinence is what I'd want but above all I just want them to be safe. Knowledge is power! Or, um... knowing is half the battle!
They way they do it is so limiting. You can literally do anything other than straight sexual intercourse and you have almost no chance of pregnancy. STDs, sure, but not pregnancy.
[quote name='mykevermin']"I'm Bristol Palin, and I support full facials as one method of avoiding unwanted pregnancies!"[/QUOTE]

[quote name='javeryh']You joke but this would probably be more effective than abstinence-only.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure 99% of teenage boys in the country could get behind this plan.
I think teenagers learning about all the awesome non-vaginal-intercourse fuckin' around they can enjoy would be helpful.

"not at all" programs don't help curb other adolescent deviant behaviors, for example - binge drinking is a more widespread problem in the US compared to other nations. Abstinence is treated in a similar way, and that's why it's ineffective.

But "today we're going to learn about safe, pleasurable anal" class in high school will *never* happen (even if it's the last sort of thing that should be learned by trial and error, egads). Social conservatives would never consider the thought, and hell, most parents, no matter how liberal or open-minded, don't want institutions teaching their children about such things.

When it comes to parenting styles, even the most open, liberal, egalitarian parenting types turn into clean-the-gun-on-the-couch-when-the-date-comes-over-to-pick-up-your-daughter type of control freak the moment they have a daughter reach puberty. So this is something that, while very sensible, has huge mountains to overcome - it's not something I think we'd see in our lifetime.

Just over a decade ago, Clinton fired then Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders for answering a question during an international conference affirming that she thinks masturbation should be taught as a safe sex alternative.

(now, that's more evidence that the idea that Clinton was super-liberal is an old wive's tale and a right-wing attempt to rewrite history, but that's another topic for another day.)

EDIT: I almost spit diet coke all over my monitor picturing motivational posters in high schools around the country with slogans like "Cum on my Face! It's the safe way to avoid pregnancy!"
Actual facials seem unnecessary. Messy and not as enjoyable anyway, just porn showmanship, like getting in 12 different strenuous positions.

"Alright kids, next class is all about controlling your gag reflex"
[quote name='SpazX']Well, I wouldn't count her out just because she didn't do it. I'd value the opinion of a druggie saying not to do drugs cuz it fucks you up. Abstinence is one of several options, of course, and other than oral and anal, and...well...pretty much anything else you want to come up with that involves getting off, but no sperm in a uterus, it is the only 100% way not to get pregnant/get somebody pregnant while having an orgasm.[/QUOTE]
My issue isn't with someone with experience teaching a lesson. My issue is that the entire family is held up as some sort of role model.

  • A successful woman (quits her job halfway through a contract)
  • An honest politician (massive quantity of ethics investigations)
  • Properly caring for a special needs child (carrying them around as a shield against criticism)
  • An intelligent commentator (writes her central talking points-not notes-on her hand)
  • An example of conservative values like abstinence.
The family isn't a role model, they're a cautionary tale.

Do you even read what you write anymore? You used to have something to say and now it's just gibberish fake liberal speak that makes no sense. It's the kind of behavior I see out of people before they crack up and start building bombs.
[quote name='mykevermin']Dude - that's like criticizing the dismount in gymnastics.[/QUOTE]

Hey, if you're performing then perform. If you're just fucking you might as well do what feels best...and is easiest to clean up.

[quote name='Quillion']My issue isn't with someone with experience teaching a lesson. My issue is that the entire family is held up as some sort of role model.

  • A successful woman (quits her job halfway through a contract)
  • An honest politician (massive quantity of ethics investigations)
  • Properly caring for a special needs child (carrying them around as a shield against criticism)
  • An intelligent commentator (writes her central talking points-not notes-on her hand)
  • An example of conservative values like abstinence.
The family isn't a role model, they're a cautionary tale.[/QUOTE]

Well I would agree with that. They're certainly not role models, you don't want to do what they've done. They can show you what not to do though.
you guys are sure getting worked up over a pseudo celebrity guest starring on a wholesome tween show to talk about abstinence. this isnt in schools, this isnt effecting policy, WHO CARES.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']you guys are sure getting worked up over a pseudo celebrity guest starring on a wholesome tween show to talk about abstinence. this isnt in schools, this isnt effecting policy, WHO CARES.[/QUOTE]

Why do you care? Why even post that you don't care?
RAM clearly didn't read the whole thread. We moved past that shit somewhere between facials and encouraging kids to do anal.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']If only they had encouraged anal when I was in school, .[/QUOTE]

yeah, now that porn has gone completely mainstream (thank you, internet) there is so much nasty shit going on and I'm like 10 years too late. I mean, nasty shit was happening 10 years ago but it definitely wasn't encouraged - you had to work at it!
Back in my day, you had to walk 15 miles uphill in the snow just to stick your thumb up a girl's butthole. And that girl had a severe case of dysentery!
Wow. I'm not sure who's joking and who' serious, but I'm really scared of what some of you might be teaching your kids... Seriously, anal isn't "foolproof" for protecting against babies.
[quote name='UncleBob']Wow. I'm not sure who's joking and who' serious, but I'm really scared of what some of you might be teaching your kids... Seriously, anal isn't "foolproof" for protecting against babies.[/QUOTE]

Of course it isn't foolproof, but it would have to leak out and find its way around and in the vagina. It's very unlikely, especially if you're aware of it. Plus, use a rubber with your anal and the leaking is near impossible as well.

And of course if it's a dude he's not getting pregnant.
I think oral and anal sex kind of go against the ideas of abstinence and virginity. Just sayin'.

How many cases of anal prolapse will we dealing with in the future? It's going to be a national crisis! Anal sex must be stopped!
Of course it goes against abstinence.

The issue is which is more important--finding ways to reduce teen pregnancy, for forcing one's moral views about sex on others?

Abstinence only education is 100% about the latter as it continues to be pushed despite numerous evidence that it has no statistical impact on teen preganancy.
[quote name='evanft']Back in my day, you had to walk 15 miles uphill in the snow just to stick your thumb up a girl's butthole. And that girl had a severe case of dysentery![/QUOTE]

That's just terrible.:)
[quote name='dmaul1114']Of course it goes against abstinence.

The issue is which is more important--finding ways to reduce teen pregnancy, for forcing one's moral views about sex on others?

Abstinence only education is 100% about the latter as it continues to be pushed despite numerous evidence that it has no statistical impact on teen preganancy.[/QUOTE]

I'm not a proponent of abstinence-based teaching. Morality should be taught at home.
[quote name='UncleBob']Seriously, anal isn't "foolproof" for protecting against babies.[/QUOTE]

Wait, what? Seriously? What kind of fucked up scenarios are you picturing where anal sex makes you pregnant? Are people having lots of ass-babies and I just don't know about it?

Funny story: friend of a friend was in an elevator with ODB (RIP), who propositioned her with the ever-classy line, "I want to have babies in your ass."
I believe Dan Savage has helped call it 'saddlebacking'.

On topic, I think it's a little different when she talks about abstinence. Obviously she can talk about the worst case scenario (a kid), but her worst case really isn't everyone else's worst case. I mean she has a multi-millionaire mother who is supporting her and the kid. Not everyone has that jacket in case the jacket breaks.
[quote name='trq']Wait, what? Seriously? What kind of fucked up scenarios are you picturing where anal sex makes you pregnant? Are people having lots of ass-babies and I just don't know about it?

Well, he's right that it's not 100% fool proof. There's always some tiny risk of sperm dripping it's way to the vagina etc.

But he did come across as acting like that's some huge risk, when it's pretty damn minuscule, and way below any type of vaginal intercourse (pulling out, condom which can break or slip off, pill which can have missed doses etc.).
[quote name='UncleBob']Wow. I'm not sure who's joking and who' serious, but I'm really scared of what some of you might be teaching your kids... Seriously, anal isn't "foolproof" for protecting against babies.[/QUOTE]

Plus, Becky in 3rd period French told me you can totally get pregnant by sitting on a toilet seat.
[quote name='bvharris']Plus, Becky in 3rd period French told me you can totally get pregnant by sitting on a toilet seat.[/QUOTE]

This is the kind of stuff that scares me...
First off, Anal is *NOT* a 100% foolproof method for preventing pregnancy. Period.
Second, teaching kids that Anal is "safer" could very well backfire. Kids aren't very smart. They might think anal is an alternative to using a condom. It's not. Beyond the (admittedly, small) chance for pregnancy, HIV (and other STDs) are more easily transmitted via anal sex. Also, anal sex, if not done correctly, can really do some damage. And what kid is going to rush home to her (/his) parents and tell them she needs to go to the hospital because her pooper hurts from her boyfriend not using enough lube?

Man, forget now, we need to go back in time and teach you fools some sex ed.
I think the point is you couldn't just say "Anal sex is safer and less likely to lead to pregnancy."

You'd have to teach about lube, that condoms are still needed to prevent STDs etc.

And that's why it will never happen as people don't want kids being taught that kind of info, as Myke noted earlier, so this is kind of a silly tangent.

The only way to do sex ed from both an efficacy and ability to implement the curriculum standpoint is to, sure say abstinence is the only 100% effective way to prevent pregancy and STDs. But here's how to be as safe as possible if you do decide to have sex and teach about condoms, the pill etc.

Any talk about oral and anal sex would be about how STDs can still be obtained, how condoms, dental dams etc. can make it safer etc. to dispel myths that you can't get stds from oral etc.
[quote name='dmaul1114']The only way to do sex ed from both an efficacy and ability to implement the curriculum standpoint is to, sure say abstinence is the only 100% effective way to prevent pregancy and STDs. But here's how to be as safe as possible if you do decide to have sex and teach about condoms, the pill etc.[/QUOTE]

Nothing wrong with this, so long as the parents agree (sign a consent form or such).
[quote name='UncleBob']Myke, are you saying that anal sex is safer than vaginal sex?[/QUOTE]

I don't know. Are you trying to argue that, because kids may not understand ideas, that's all the more reason to not educate them?
I imagine if they decided to teach kids about anal it wouldn't consist of - "Hey, you know how you can't get pregnant? By doin' it up the butt! Now on to herpes..."

So I don't think "you shouldn't teach them because they wouldn't know how to do what you teach them" makes all that much sense. If it was taught you would teach it all - consequences, etc.
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't know. Are you trying to argue that, because kids may not understand ideas, that's all the more reason to not educate them?[/QUOTE]

You don't know what you're saying...?

Anywhoo, I'm merely saying that it's a bad idea to tell kids that "anal is safer." Granted, the chances of getting pregnant are much slimmer via anal, but there are other, more serious issues that can't be addressed with a metal clothes hanger.
How did you get past the "abstinence education doesn't work" point to be *permitted* to debate this point?

You've hurdles yet to overcome, Mr. C. Can't fight Super Macho Man until you've defeated Mr. Sandman.
This isn't even like a fat guy teaching people how to lose weight. It's like a fat guy teaching people how to lose weight while stuffing donuts orally AND anally the whole time, while saying "I'm not fat - I'm just big boned, just like God made me you betcha."

It is astounding we are having this discussion. I'm willing to bet the Egyptians had this discussion. And I'm willing to bet it last a few hours before someone said THIS SHIT IS STUPID and they went back to erecting giant boner statues in the middle of nowhere.

Also, let's use better words to define shit. You're pissing my English degree the fuck off. Is anal "safer" than vaginal sex? What the fuck. Safe isn't the word for it. You're trumping up some bullshit about how it might have less potential for pregnancy. That much is true. As for physical damage potential, yes - it ranks higher. But don't compound the two. Damn.

Grouping both together is sort of like saying "masturbating is safer than using a hand grenade" because haw haw let's make up some poor comparisons in a bad attempt at covering up our lack of vocabulary cognizance.
[quote name='Strell']This isn't even like a fat guy teaching people how to lose weight. It's like a fat guy teaching people how to lose weight while stuffing donuts orally AND anally the whole time, while saying "I'm not fat - I'm just big boned, just like God made me you betcha."[/QUOTE]

Granted, I haven't watched what the Palin' kid has said, but if someone can admit his/her mistakes, then we can learn from them.
bread's done