Brushes with fame


35 (100%)
Hey guys, I was wondering how many CAGers out there have met anyone famous, hung out with them or are famous themselves.

Here's one of my only ones.

Okay, this story starts off about five or six years ago. Me and my friends bought some tickets to go to a WWF house show in Ft. Worth, Tx. We were all huge wrestling fans and were really excited about going.

We had some pretty awesome seats - they were about the fifth or sixth row on the floor right next to the ring.

Anyway, the matches were pretty good. There was Dude Love, HHH, Chyna and a lot of other cool wrestlers, but the main event was the Undertaker vs. Bret Hart. Keep in mind, that this was back when Bret Hart was doing his anti-America gimmick, so everyone hated him.

That's when my friends put a crazy idea in my head. They said I should spit a loogey on Bret Hart. Heh heh, spit on Bret Hart, I asked? That was a pretty crazy thing to do.

So Bret's music hits and we run over to the entranceway where Bret is coming out. Everyone is throwing stuff at him, but he just keeps walking. I totally didn't know what happened next. Bret walked right by me and about three or four feet away from me, and it was as if some mystical force tookover my body. Without my control, I spit the biggest loogey bomb in the air. It launched into the air, a high-arching rainbow of beautiful blood-mixed snot and landed perfectly on his right cheek! Hah, I got him.

But immediately after my bomb hit Bret, a drunk Mexican from behind me threw his entire cup of beer in Bret's face too. I thought Bret was gonna kick our ass, but he just kept walking. The security guards see this happen, but say I threw the beer on Bret. Knowing that I was only 16, I pleaded my case that I couldn't have possibly thrown the beer since I was a wee lad.

Didn't matter, they threw my ass out. I know I deserved it and I can't tell you to this day why I did it. I've never been one to bend to peer pressure. I think, maybe, that it was because he was Canadian.

Well, my spit has touched Bret's face, so that's my brush with fame.
I met Bruce Campbell and got an autographed copy of his autobiography. I got him to sign it 'Hey, fan-bitch! You're groovy!' He was really nice and incredibly funny, truly a celebrity that hasn't let it get to his head. Then again, some moght not call him a celebrity. That's all I got.
[quote name='Ledhed']I met Bruce Campbell and got an autographed copy of his autobiography. I got him to sign it 'Hey, fan-bitch! You're groovy!' He was really nice and incredibly funny, truly a celebrity that hasn't let it get to his head. Then again, some moght not call him a celebrity. That's all I got.[/quote]

Bruce is definitely a celebrity in my eyes. He's made some cool-ass movies.
Only brush with fame I had was meeting one of the Conquistators from the old NWA days. He wasn't sans costume though :cry:
[quote name='BasketCase1080']youd spit on a man who could break you in two???[/quote]

Hah hah yeah, that was pretty dumb. Although, it would have been worth it if he put me in the Sharpshooter and my friends took a photo.
I got to sit and talk to rvd after a show when he came to Baltimore. He showed me some roundhouse kicks and stuff because i asked him to Hes one of my fav wrestlers. After meeting him i liked him even more because he is just so laid back and a really cool guy to just hang with.
I met Jewel once. She has a pretty nice rack and everything but when she smiles you see that she is all snaggly-toothed.
I've got an odd mix of pseudo-celebrities that I've met, often at autograph signings, but one or two were out in the real world by random chance. Most are sports related. The sports related "celebrities" include Red Auerbach, Reggie Lewis, Rod Woodson, and Jack Ham.

Non-sports famous people I've met include Ann Rice, Stephen King, Michael Dukakis, and Greg Evigan (he was on that horrible show "BJ and the Bear" way, way back) Oh, and porn star Nina Hartley.

Hey, I never said it was an impressive list.
[quote name='brushwood']I met Jewel once. She has a pretty nice rack and everything but when she smiles you see that she is all snaggly-toothed.[/quote]

I thought the sabertooth got her teeth fixed.
Method Man used to shop at the gamestop I worked at. He used to ask if particular games were good or not, and just buy em anyway.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']I was at a Weird Al concert, and he got literally 2 feet away from me. That's it for me.[/quote]

Nobody can top that. I'd like to see 'em try...
I walked past Ron Jeremy in the hallway at Caesar's Palace in Vegas a few years back.

And I was seated at a table directly behind Lou Ferrigno at a restaurant in Hawaii and this was back at the height of his Hulk fame.

And I've met all the guys in Fishbone several times and hung out. They rock!
I got my pic taken with Kevin Smith at a comic con and he autographed my Mooby hat.

When I was a kid I met Mr. T and he autographed a book to me, have a pick of that too.

I met all the kids in the hall but Kevin Mcdonald after a concert they performed, really nice guys.

I met pornstar Gena Lynn at a club one time, she is smokin..

Oh yeah I was almost hit by Reggie Jackson while he was driving his car.
I just had my 15 minutes of fame. I was on the most recent Fraternity Life on MTV, the one in Santa Cruz. I don't think they showed me on TV for more then about 5 seconds or so about every other episode. I didn't cause drama, so I got no air time. But it was kinda cool seeing behind the scenes how they film and produce a show like that. Also we got hooked up by MTV, they paid for a house for the quarter, stocked it with unlimited free Pepsi and chips and they paid for us to go to Las Vegas including 1 night at the palms. In Vegas they also gave us VIP passes to a Maxim party and we got a skybox at Club Rain inside the Palms. Too bad the T.V show fucking sucked. Thats about as close as I'm ever going to get to actual fame.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']
I met all the kids in the hall but Kevin Mcdonald after a concert they performed, really nice guys..[/quote]

That is pretty freakin' cool.

One of my buddies met Dave Chappelle at a diner in the middle of the night. He had his other friend drive home and get Undercover Brother for him to sign. Said that Dave was a nice guy, and when he was handed the movie, he goes "this had better not be Rush hour."

Me, I've met Kevin Johnson (used to play basketball for the Phoenix Suns) and also almost knocked Wesley Snipes over in a club. Yeah, that would've been the end of me, but he is really short.
I worked on a dance show for a couple of years and the biggest of names I got to meet there was Amber. A couple years back at E3, I bumped into the Great One, #99 (Wayne Gretzky). Have come across Richard Melville Hall (Moby) numerous times, the last being at his tea house TeaNY.

Game related, at this year's GDC, I was talking to Will Wright out on the balcony, and at E3 this year was talking with Warren Spector.

I've been on stage with Pennywise at the 1997 Epitaph summer nationals..... and I could go on, but this is making me sound like a jackarse, eh?
Well these are kind of minor celebrities, but here goes:

I guess The Casualties are all popular now (saw their CD on sale at Target). Anyway, a few years back they played this VFW hall in Grand Rapids MI. Anyway, the lead singer Jorge asked me where the nearest liqour store was, so I walked with him up to the nearest party store where he bought a case of Black Label and I bought some Jagermeister. He had mentioned something about the poor underage kids with nothing to drink, so I chipped in with him on another case of Black Label for the kids. That show was probably the best one I've ever been to.

I also hung out with Lars Frederickson of Rancid fame - his band Lars Frederickson and the Bastards played their second show in Toledo to a small crowd, and we hung out a bit before the show.

Also in high school I saw Willard Scott the weather man.
My short list:

Dated the girl who played Molly Ringwald's little sister in the movie "Sixteen Candles" for a very brief time. We were ina play together my first year of college in the south burbs of Chicago.

Acted in a play with a girl who went on to be on one of the Star Trek series. Her name was Jenny something. She was incredibly hot but very underage when I knew her. Had to resist the urges that could've sent me to jail. :)

Partied with the Mighty Mighty Bostones before a concert of theirs many years ago. A buddy of mine had won tickets at one point and got to meet them. We got tickets the next time they were in town and one of the band members saw him during the opening act and invited us backstage. My friend got the sax player stoned before they went on. When they were playing, the lead singer introduced him as “The stoned wonder of the world”. My friend and I laughed and he yelled out “I did that to him!” The following year, my friend saw them again, without me, and got them all to sign a poster for me saying things like “Bob, where are you?!”

Same friend & I ran into Eric Begosian (sp?) after a comedy concert of his. We were like “Great show man” and he looked at us as if we were about to jump him and said “Uh, thanks.”

Met Skippy from Family Ties on the street in Atlanta. He was passing out flyers to come see him do stand up in a club. I took a flyer and though “Boy that guy looks like Skippy!” Didn’t realize it was him until after I walked away and looked at the flyer. He was looking at me like “Come on! Recognize me!”
When I was small we were vacationing at a Miami Beach hotel and one day we decided to walk down the street. While we were walking by the front of another hotel there was a limo parked out front and a rather large crowd. We stopped to check out what was going on and low and behold Jacko walks out in full uniform - shades and everything. He had a ton of body guards and was quickly rushed into the limo. Good thing I wasn't too close or else he might have offered me some Jesus juice. :wink:
i saw a few nfl football players at mandalay bay in vegas. i also saw cuba gooding jr. at hard rock. i can't believe nobody recognized him. you could tell he was trying to be low key, but i called him out anyways, lol. he looked embarrassed and gave me a nod.

my brother played blackjack with lexluthor from smallville and the main guy from roswell. he said they were really laid back and nice. lex wouldn't give my bro any details on the next season of smallville though, lol (this was in between the end of the first season and the beginning of the second). my bro asked if kristin kreuk was a hottie in person too and lex said hell yea! he lost so much at the blackjack tables that he had to hit up the atm a few times, haha.

when i went to the clippers game, i said bye to lamar odom (about 2 years ago) and he gave me a nod. i also saw frankie muniz (malcom in the middle) trying to get out of the parking lot in his giant "pimped out" escalade, lol! i saw him again somewhere else, but i don't remember. i think it was a backlot at universal studios or at the warner bros lot. no, i'm not stalking him! :lol:
I've met Ashton Kutcher and Brittany Murphy through a contest our station was running. Also met Tina Fabulous from The Bachelor. Met Michael Jordan and a few other sports figures.

By the way Brittany Murphy is very short. She looked only about 5 ft tall. Oh, and she was wearing men's tighty whites (fruit of the loom). Not that any of us noticed though. :oops:
All my brushes with celebrities have all been sports related, because my dad had a baseball card shop growing up, and him and his friend(who also had a shop in houston) would put on 2-3 card shows a year. I've met people like Frank Thomas, Reggie Jackson, Bill Russell, all the Astros and Rangers from about 1989-1997, etc. Out of all the people I met, the coolest and nicest by far, was Ernie Banks. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met, and he's one person that definately didn't let celebrity take a hold of him.
I went to a Kid Rock concert a few years back with some of my girlfriends. We saw him walking around talking on the cell phone outside behind the building. Some guy he was with brought us to this area to get backstage, but as soon as the security guys carded us, he said we were not old enough. I guess that explains why we were invited backstage in the first place. :evil:
You know, it's funny that this topic was created, because I had a celebrity run-in the other day that I was going to mention. But I'll get to that in a minute.

One of my first was when I was a kid and I got to meet Greg Lee from Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (this was back during the hey day, so to speak). The show was doing a mall tour and the mall nearby happened to be one of them. Of course, tell people you met Greg Lee now and they're like "Who?"

The second celebrity encounter, and probably the best (though the latest one is definitely up there with it) was when I got to meet blues legend B.B. King after a show he performed here at my school. Me and my friends waited around after the show to meet him. We got to get on the tour bus and hang out with him for about 10 minutes. He did most of the talking while we sat there mesmerized. Really great guy. We each got his autograph and a picture with him.

The lastest one was just this past Wednesday when I got to meet Dennis Haskins - aka Mr. Belding from Saved by the Bell :D I used to watch that show religiously growing up so getting a chance to meet him was a thrill. He's been doing a college tour, coming to different schools and speaking, and ours happened to be one of them. It was great. There was a trivia game, a costume contest (with people dressed as their favorite SBTB characters) and a Q&A session. Really funny guy, and really nice too. After the show, he stayed until everyone had a chance to get a picture and/or an autograph. Got an autograph and a picture with him too.

I'd like to post the pictures I have with B.B. and Belding, but I dunno....I'd like to keep the pointing and laughing down to an absolute minimum.

For any of those who couldn't take the time to read all that, here's the quick summary.

Greg Lee from Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego
Blues legend B.B. King
Mr. fucking Belding from Saved by the Bell
Did somebody say.....Keanu?

Ive met a few people that have worked on/been in Godzilla and Gamera movies at Godzilla conventions Ive been too, but otherwise I have not met any celebrities.
The only one I really have any chance of meeting anytime is Ashton Kutcher, as I go to the same school he did and I hear that he comes back to this area everyonce and awhile.
At the end of the year the Chemistry teacher has us tie dye stuff, and I saw a picture he had of Ashton. His dyed shirt was the saddest looking one of the group he was in.
I have met a ton of wrestlers. I was a huge wrestling fan and would go everytime they came to atlanta WCW anyways..

I met..

Ric Flair (had dinner with him)
DIsco inferno ( Gas station)
GOldberg (publix the night after he won the belt from Holloywood)
Kiwi ( sat next to us at a Thrashers Game)
Shaun Ohare ( Same restraunt as Ric Flair different time)
Jin drag? (see above)

DDP (before show walked up to our aisle. We were there like an hour early and there was nobody in the crowd yet. Came up and said hello)

Macho Man ( see above. Then they came back durning their fight to fight around our area)

I met Many of the ATl Falcons and Atl Thrashers.
(Falcons lived in my apt compelex and had a training faulicty 10 min away)
(Thrashers practice were I play hockey so I have acutally played with a few)

I think thats all>
I yelled at brittney spears and called her a peice of shit. she gave me the finger and I yelled "nice try" as she ran into a taxi with this big guy.

Another time in NYC, one of Rudolph Guliaini's body gaurds pushed me out of the way to make room for him to walk, and I was only 13 at the time too.and the streets were pretty empty.
I have had a few, I used to work at the ice rink the Pittsburgh Penquins and the visiting teams used for pre-game practice in the early 90's. So I have alot of autographs and pictures from a ton of NHL'ers.

When I was in High School I worked at a Sushi Bar and the B-52's, Diamond David Lee Roth, and Ziggy Marley ate there.

But my real brush with greatness is I slept with a semi-celeb, my older brother used to be part owner of a big bar-nghtclub in the Pittsburgh area when I was in College. The all-girl rock band "The Donna's" used to play there alot before they hit it big and I banged the drummer a few times. Also I slept in the same bed as the lead singer for the band "Veruca Salt", but nothing sexual happened :cry: .
went to a thousand foot krutch concert........saw them after the show they signed my ticket.......awsome guys .......great songs.........

and kiwi the old WCW wrestler i saw him at the local wrestling place here signing autographs took a pic with him and got an autograph cool guy
I haven't met any celebritites but i've seen some really damn close. My girlfriend and i went to the premier of Spider-man a few years ago and we saw Wiill Smith, Phil Jackson, Kobe Bryant, Macho Man, Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, and other people i can't remember. It would've been cool to meet them though.
In 1996, I got to be in Chasing Amy, the Kevin Smith movie, as an extra. I'm in the first row of the comic convention scene when the dude's talking about his comic book, "White Hating Coon" and ends up pulling out the gat. Can you guess which dude I am?? Discounted chapbook of my poetry, only $2.00! to the person who can get it right ;-)
[quote name='jpdunphy']In 1996, I got to be in Chasing Amy, the Kevin Smith movie, as an extra. I'm in the first row of the comic convention scene when the dude's talking about his comic book, "White Hating Coon" and ends up pulling out the gat. Can you guess which dude I am?? Discounted chapbook of my poetry, only $2.00! to the person who can get it right ;-)[/quote]

thats sweet, that part of the movie is hilarious, I have seen the outakes and everybody was laughing, most have been hard to keep it in
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']I have met a ton of wrestlers. I was a huge wrestling fan and would go everytime they came to atlanta WCW anyways..

I met..

Ric Flair (had dinner with him)
DIsco inferno ( Gas station)
GOldberg (publix the night after he won the belt from Holloywood)
Kiwi ( sat next to us at a Thrashers Game)
Shaun Ohare ( Same restraunt as Ric Flair different time)
Jin drag? (see above)

DDP (before show walked up to our aisle. We were there like an hour early and there was nobody in the crowd yet. Came up and said hello)

Macho Man ( see above. Then they came back durning their fight to fight around our area)

I met Many of the ATl Falcons and Atl Thrashers.
(Falcons lived in my apt compelex and had a training faulicty 10 min away)
(Thrashers practice were I play hockey so I have acutally played with a few)

I think thats all>[/quote]

Damn dude, that's pretty damn cool. Disco Inferno had some good runs in WCW, but that lame-ass gimmick was pretty bad.

My favorite one for awhile was Lenny and Lodi, when they acted like they were gay. Oh my God, that was some funny ass shit. One would fall down into the corner and the other would happen to fall right behind him. Man, that was funny stuff. Then the WWE copied their gimmick.
Oh I forgot about Bruce Willis...I guess he is bigger than Meg Ryan...but Meg was so damn cute. I just kept thinking about that fake orgasm from "When Harry Met Sally".
[quote name='defender']Oh I forgot about Bruce Willis...I guess he is bigger than Meg Ryan...but Meg was so damn cute. I just kept thinking about that fake orgasm from "When Harry Met Sally".[/quote]

So how did the conversations go with both of them?
My dad may have all yall beat. He was working a snow plow(I think it was a snow plow, my dad was stoned for a long time during that period) up in New York and saw Jimi Hendrix walking along side the road. My dad even offered him a ride, but he declined and kept on walking.
bread's done