Brutal Legend - Gen. Discussion & Info - Demo Out Now!

Wow, this game is a must buy for me! I just finished played the demo and man, I don't remember ever laughing so hard in a game before. It's just pure awesome! This game is going to rock hard!

Highly recommended for everybody to pick up the demo.
just got the Six Degrees of Schafer achievement today... i can't imagine it'll be that difficult to get, eventually, but if anyone's after it when the game comes out, lemme know... i'd be happy to assist
Played this demo a day ago and it ROCKED! I love Double Fine but am not a big metal fan and Jack Black is likable but I haven't seen him doing anything to really impress me... until now! Loved the humor in the demo and can't wait to play more. I'll definitely pick this up when it is cheaper down the road. Don't have money to spare and my trade credit is already going to the other big games this holiday season.
I just got mine through UPS from I preordered this when Best Buy did the insane $10 Sims cards for $5 and games shipped for free. I didn't expect EA to ship to where I got it before the stores did.

This also makes me happy for my Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2 preorders on
I need [want really super bad] a Tenacious D guitar/axe code .
If anyone gets an extra or has a cool GameStop they go to .

I pre-ordered at Best Buy because of the $10 gift card offer and cool album cover package .

I can't afford to shop at GameStop if I can get something on sale .
What the hell! I didn't know there was a Tenacious D guitar preorder exclusive. Ugh, fucking stupid preorder exclusives. I really wish they would stop this crap.

Looks like I am missing out on this since I ordered Brutal Legend as one of my games in Toys R Us' B2G1 sale. Dammit, and I am a huge Tenacious D fan. :cry:

If anyone has any extra codes, then can I be second in line? :D
Just like the Metal music inspired by it this is the game that refused to die(remember first hearing about it two or three years ago). I really hope the IGN review is accurate cause the concept of this game is awesome! Plus when it comes to a role about music Jack Black is awesome! Tim Schaefer may finally get the aaa title he deserves!
Okay, what the hell? I'm hearing that this game has a lot of RTS style gameplay in it.. Please keep in mind that I have not read any previews or anything on the game, I have only played the demo.

I found this on another forum:

A good chunk of the single player campaign are 'Stage Battles', which are the RTS elements to the game that completely came out of left field for me personally. You have a main stage, which is sort of the home base in RTS, that you have to protect. Basically it's your standard RTS affair with units, giving commands, building resource centers, etc.

You start off with just the stage and must play guitar solos on 'fan geysers' which are the unit building centers. You have a ground unit, ranged attack unit, vehicles, healers, etc. Basically you have a main objective in each scenario whether it be to defend an area or break down a gate to the enemies base. You are still able to control Eddie and attack on your own though while giving commands. It's not as deep as say Age of Empires or C&C, but for me since I really hate RTS games, it really killed the game for me personally.

You can't just hack n slash your way through these stages either in 5 minutes as the enemies will just overcome you in numbers. Perhaps this is possible on 'Normal' but definitely not on 'Brutal' difficulty....and even if it was possible to beat these horde of enemies with just Eddie, then the point of 'Stage Battles' was stupid to begin with.

I was hoping they weren't such a big deal but apparently they are as I have already done 3 of them. I'm thinking of just quitting right now as I really hate those stage battles so much.

and from the IGN AU review

"... while you certainly do hack, slash and blast your way around the
massive open world, Riggs gets to test his leadership skills in the
second major gameplay element: real-time strategy. Yep – a significant
portion of this game puts you in the commander's Doc Martins, waging
war against the forces of glam and goth-rock from your concert stage;
fans fuel your army's units – and the units themselves are headbangers,
groupies, bikies and roadies...

We suppose that the coating of action over the top of this
strategy backbone might well be intimidating for anyone not familiar
with the basics of resource management; however, by utilising the heavy
metal setting, Brütal Legend sets up a great analogy for battle: two
warring stages, fans as resources, merch stands for storing those fans
and units pulled from everyday music culture. It's a genius analogy –
and one that demystifies the RTS genre for your casual player.

If it's all too much to get your head around, then Eddie Riggs can
be guided into battle on-foot (on wings, on wheels and on speaker
stacks), where you get your hands dirty, soloing to melt faces and
boost morale, plunging along through the horde of evil with your axe
(both of them, actually) in hand. Essentially, if you want to, Brütal
Legend allows you to do the bare minimum of real-time strategizing. "

I really, really detest RTS games, so this game just went from an absolute must-buy to a maybe-rent. Man, the demo was so misleading. Way to screw the pooch, Tim.
Normally I hate RTS on console, buuuut...I have to say I like the squad-based combat in this. Nothing quite like forming a mosh pit around yourself and kicking *** in battle.
[quote name='Scorch']Okay, what the hell? I'm hearing that this game has a lot of RTS style gameplay in it.. Please keep in mind that I have not read any previews or anything on the game, I have only played the demo.

I found this on another forum:

and from the IGN AU review

I really, really detest RTS games, so this game just went from an absolute must-buy to a maybe-rent. Man, the demo was so misleading. Way to screw the pooch, Tim.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was reading some reviews and this came out of nowhere for me. I was going to pick it up at TRU in the B2G1 sale but not now. Going through the demo I was surprised this didn't come up, especially if it's such a big part of the game as your above quotes state as well as what I've read. I guess I'll have to start reading previews, RTS just seems out of place here, but I'm not going to say it doesn't work since I haven't played it. I'll probably still pick it up sometime if it's cheap.

Ehh, time to find another game to get at TRU now.
its more action with rts elements think overlord or pikmin
and from the eurogamer review(gave it an 8 btw)

Yet the whole thing scales very well: even when you're commanding the troops and orchestrating a tank-rush, you can still drop back down to earth and get into close-up lamping, or summon the Deuce to run over your enemy's advancing guard.Even ignoring such options, over the course of the game I went from ambivalence regarding the RTS interludes to actually looking forward to them, which is handy for me as they also represent the game's online mode, with Stage Battles allowing you to pick from a limited range of factions and take on rival rock generals around the world.

If they do continue to leave you cold, the more strategic side of the game is rarely actually frustrating. Nothing in Brutal Legend is, really, partly because each task is generally over and done with before you have a chance to become irritated, and then you're off to try your hand at something else. Eddie Riggs is not the star of a particularly lengthy adventure - if you really must, you can plough straight through the main campaign quite comfortably in about eight hours, but I wouldn't recommend it: this is a game to linger over, and its side-quests, although formulaic, are generally not to be missed.

i have the game and its pretty simple u just get ur troops tell em to attack defend follow etc and the game eases u through it mission by mission
also its awesome controlling ur army and using the double team attacks(i havent gotten to full stage battles yet btw)
To all those playing it in the last day or two, how short does it feel, not in a speed run aspect? IGN who doesn't really know how to give bad reviews to any game with a budget did have a comment about it being short, which frightens me coming from IGN.....I don't try to rush through a game but I do not want to pay ~60$ for ~8 hour game no matter how great the story is....

*** Sorry just read the quote above me about it being an eight hour game
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The demo was entertaining enough, though was really easy. I'm not even good at these type of games and I blew through it. The "boss" was pretty much a joke. Actually, I hadn't the slightest idea whether or not I had taken any damage at all - I didn't see any obvious damage meter or whatever. I did seem to get hit, but it seemed to have no effect. I presume I was just missing it. In any case it didn't matter as I went through it without dying.

I have a hard time justifying $60 for any game, and this one is no exception. The demo was fun, sure, but not really that great. I'm not a fan of the music, but it is right for this game's style. It works. The humor wasn't anything special - all stuff we've seen before a thousand times over. I can see buying it at some point, but probably closer to $30 for me.
the game does seem fairly short if ur rushing through the main quests(im already at like 30% from doin like 3-5 missions) but like eurogamer said the world is defeinetely worth exploring and finding all the collectibles is pretty fun in between missions

also i just did my 1st stage battle and it was pretty simple recruit the troops u want then just tell them to attack the enemy and u join in directly to fight as well
[quote name='crunchewy']Actually, I hadn't the slightest idea whether or not I had taken any damage at all - I didn't see any obvious damage meter or whatever. I did seem to get hit, but it seemed to have no effect. I presume I was just missing it. In any case it didn't matter as I went through it without dying.

This is also something I was wondering. I got hit a couple of times but I never saw any indicator telling me how much damage I had taken. Could someone explain how this works? Is it possible to die?
[quote name='FrankySox']This is also something I was wondering. I got hit a couple of times but I never saw any indicator telling me how much damage I had taken. Could someone explain how this works? Is it possible to die?[/QUOTE]

yep u can die ur screen starts turning red eddie starts becoming all bloodied up and if theres music playing it starts fading and sounds like its coming from a bad signal
I have a Rock Band track pack DLC code to trade for the Tenacious D guitar/axe code .

I haven't really started the game yet , but I really liked the intro .
I think it's cool that it was live action .
I went ahead and bought the game since my TRU didn't have Fall Out 3 GOTY. It isn't awful but not the greatest game I thought it was supposed to be. The soundtrack in the deuce is some awesome metal, Ozzy's role is very repetitive so far, Awesome to have Lemmy in a game (trick question "Who'd win in a wrestling match, Lemmy or God?" LOL ha haha), to bad Slayer doesn't make an appearance, a Raining Blood power would be awesome, the game having a Real Metal Music feel and comedy is the only things making it rank with me, else for button mashers Conan and Wolverine were better. I am playing on brutal taking my time, I am feeling as soon as I beat it, I'll ebay it.

** Didn't want to scare potential buyers of the game away, Support Metal anyway possible... it is a quality game just follows alot of the way games seem to be more I hate to say casual so I will say easy and "OPEN WORLD"

Visual Quality = 10;
Playablity = 7;
re-playablity = 2;
SoundTrack= "AWESOME";
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Really want this game but I am forcing myself to wait for a deal on it. Plus I just have too much to play right now with a whole lot more coming out soon. But I am really looking forward to the day when I do pick this up.
[quote name='cgarb84']Really want this game but I am forcing myself to wait for a deal on it. Plus I just have too much to play right now with a whole lot more coming out soon. But I am really looking forward to the day when I do pick this up.[/QUOTE]

In the same boat after buying Ghostbusters this past summer at full price and beating it in two days and being disappointed with myself for having spent 60 bucks....the Brutal Legend reviews sound too similar. "8 hour game, really great script and funny, but gameplay is somewhat lacking." A good/funny script I realize cannot justify a 60 dollar purchase of an 8 hour game that does not have really good gameplay to go along with it.

With that said can't wait to pick this up in a couple of months when its on sale at Target for 38 bucks.
It is longer than 8 hours if you do a lot of the side quests.

Granted, I spent 35 hours on Mass Effect before finishing it. It can be finished in 12 if you ignore sidequests. I spent 25 hours on Fallout 3 before even starting the main quest.
I got this for $30 on the Best Buy Buy 1 get 1 50% deal from a while back, so not that worried about how long it is. Looks good, music is rockin' voice acting is top notch. It's a little easy getting lost even with the map as you don;t necessarily need the roads to get to a certain point. The RTS elements are OK so far, just completed the Mine Mission, met Ozzy, and am now exploring for side quests.
Because I'm broke I rented instead of buying. I have done around 5 of the main quests so far, and around 9 of the side ones. The soundtrack is awesome; have not felt the urge to skip any of the songs (a first for me in an open world game)! The cameos have been great and I really like exploring the world to find new abilities and get fire tributes from the gods of metal. I hope that there is more variety to the side quests though(did 4 of the ambush ones). Overall, I think I will buy this game once I have the funds.
I made the decision to rent over purchase, as I'm waiting to see the reception of Borderlands next week. The game looks and sounds pretty great. I noticed a few choppy framerate moments, but didn't get hung up on them too bad. The side stuff is defiintely a bit too repeatative, but the main storyline is so entertaining that I'm having a good time thus far. (Although I think I'll be glad I rented as it does seem like it'll be on the short side.)
Yea, I'm a little underwhelmed after playing the demo. While the demo was short, it was heavy on humor, and quite frankly, the humor has started to fade away. I've played through several missions so far, and I'm agreeing with some of the lower scored reviews. Jack of all trades, master of none.

I don't know, I've been expecting more, but so far I'm a little disappointed. That might change once I get further and give MP a crack, but we'll see. I'm glad I'm renting right now (gamefly rocks)
I think I will be doing some side quests to make this game last longer. So far I love it. Awesome Storyline, cool gameplay, sorta has a Freedom Fighters feel to it with the Head Bangers. I think when it drops to 30, I will buy for sure!!
I'm about 50% through the game now. The RTS definitely doesn't feel out of place for me, but I still preferred the hack & slash that was more heavily relied on earlier in the game. It just feels weird running around giving orders when you just want to take a battle axe to someone's head.

The storyline/environment is obviously the biggest sell here. If you could consider yourself a metalhead and/or a Jack Black fanboy then this is a no-brainer even for $60. I assume most people who fall under that category already bought it though. As for the rest of us, I would say for $30 this is a must-have and I wouldn't mind paying $40 for it. It's pretty much Zelda with a guitar. Very similar gameplay elements with the hacking & slashing, and especially with the use of guitar solos (like the ocarina) to perform larger commands (opening parts of the world and performing a "face melting solo" which literally melts the faces off opponents, amongst other things).

It's been said before, but I'll say it again: the soundtrack is amazing. I don't think I loved a soundtrack for a game this much since Vice City. It is that good and fits that well. I'm not even a regular listener of metal either, but it just feels right as your riding around in your hotrod and dismantling baddies. Also, despite not being a superfan of any of the characters modeled after notable metal band members
Ozzy, Motorhead, Judist Priest
, there's still a lot of "OH HELL YES" coming from me when they first make their cameos.

Oh and one last note about the side quests: they are sort of annoying. I haven't gotten the achievement for doing 20 of them so I guess I haven't done a ton (I must be close though), but already it's more of a chore than anything else. And you do need to do them. Or maybe just spend your money more wisely than I did (those statues and paint jobs were too tempting!). But I did find myself looking at my cash flow and realizing I was a bit underequipped to be facing whatever line of baddies I was facing at the time, and my reaction was "ugh, off to race" or "off to ambush."

Oh oh! Speaking of "line of baddies." Not sure if this a big spoiler (I doubt the one above is either) but:
GLAM ROCKERS! What perfect guys to face off against your metal army. It also makes for some hilarious dialogue as you can imagine. The group after the glam rockers are also fitting. I'm guessing they would be considered Goths? They are sort of like this Goth/Emo mix, but I just love that you're battling genres especially given the real music history of Glam Rock vs Metal. Does anyone know any real riff between Metal and Goth/Emo music scenes besides the obvious "Our music is badass and awesome while yours is whinny and gloomy so let's fight!"? Trying to think music history speaking
. Ok, I think I'm finally done. :)
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I am holding off the MP until I get further in the campaign to avoid character spoilers, but I hear MP is quite fun if you don't view it as an RTS.

Tim Schafer just wrote an open letter on their community site explaining how to maximize fun out of the multiplayer and the stage battles. Lots of interesting information, and it gets me psyched to play MP:

It is a historical fact that it began its life as an RTS game, inspired by Herzog Zwei. But then as we worked on it we simplified it, and simplified it, and focused it more and more on the player avatar and the combat. Every time we focused the gameplay on the action, it became more fun. The end result is something much more action-oriented, and I think, totally unique. If you try to play the stage battles in Brütal Legend as an RTS game then you will lose. First you will get mad, then you will scream, and then you will lose. But if you are open to a new kind of action experience, you will have a blast.

First, a note on the differences: In an RTS game you float high above the action, making one split-second strategic decision after another. You often command individual units to position them based on their heath and context. In Brütal Legend, you make strategic choices once in a while, but then you jump into the battle and slug it out in person. You can fly, but it's mostly for quick scouting and transportation. You will spend a few seconds every once in a while popping into a menu to build troops or pick a guitar solo, but then you should be right back in the action. To play the game most effectively you need to be on the ground with your army most of the time, mixing it up with your axe, and your guitar, but most of all-using your Double Team attacks.

Double Team attacks are critical to your success in Stage Battles. Every friendly unit in your army has a move that they can only perform in conjunction with the player character. These moves are extremely varied, extremely powerful, and extremely fun to perform. Sometimes you might simply gain control that unit's weapon-for instance, when a Razor Girl jumps up on your shoulders-but when you do so you increase it's damage significantly. Other units, like the Bride, seem to be just passive, debuffing units most of the time (the Bride slows down enemy units) but when you Double Team with her she has a devastating lighting attack. More complicated Double Teams include the Frightwig, who Ophelia can pick up and throw onto an enemy unit. The Frightwig then wraps itself around the enemy's head and causes the victim to join Ophelia's side in the battle. (You can even use this to commandeer the enemy's Rock Crusher!) The Organist is another passive unit whose Double Team attack allows you to gain direct player control over an enemy unit, giving you command over whatever attacks they normally have.

There are important strategic choices to make in Stage Battles. Should I spend my fans to upgrade my stage and gain access to more powerful units, or should I spend it now on cheap infantry? Which fan geysers should I fight for and which should I concede? What is the right time to block my enemies troop production with a Rock Block solo? Would anti-infantry units be better against the current enemy army, or should I switch to anti-vehicle? But these strategic decisions only take a second, and then you should get right back in the action. You should never be up in the air or away from the battle for too long.

Some people find it hard to split up the army and give individual orders to individual troops. This is kinda true, mostly because you shouldn't be doing it! That's how you play an RTS game, not how you should play Brütal Legend. True, there are times where you might want to split your army, but it's not common. I play complete Stage Battles most of the time without issuing a single Individual order. Your army is most effective when it's together. The AI automatically groups your warriors into battle formations where the troops support each other. Many of the units buff or heal each other. When they are together they can all be enhanced with a single Battle Cry (or other buffing) solo. And when they are all together and you are in the middle of them, that is when you have the greatest number of options for Double Team attacks.

So to summarize my advice for playing Brütal Legend Stage Battles:
Get in the center of the action!
Use Double Team attacks!
Don't stay in the air too long!
Use Double Team attacks!!
For the most part, keep your army together!
Use Double Team attacks!!!
Don't think of it as an RTS game!

If you have tried the Stage Battles before reading these tips, and felt overwhelmed by the controls, or frustrated with the lack of detailed troop controls, I'm hoping you will be able to take this info and go back into the fray and be much more successful. We know that the Stage Battles are tons of fun for most players-and for people who are open to new kinds of action gameplay experiences, they are in fact the core of what makes Brütal Legend a fun game experience and unlike any other. I'll see you online!

-TimOfLegend (that's my name on both XBL and PSN. Play against me and you'll get an achievement!)

P.S. Here are some more tips from our Lead Designer, Erik Robson:

General Tips
*Early in the game, low-level troops are vulnerable to enemy Avatar harassment; make sure you watch over them and protect them if necessary.
*Don't play timidly. The game is about projecting power and taking control of territory. If you try to play defensively and stay in or near your base, you'll be at a resource disadvantage.
*If you set the beacon on a building, your dudes will attack the building until it's destroyed, ignoring any incoming attacks.
*The right solo played at the right time can be devastating - don't forget you have those tools at your disposal!

Ironheade Tips
*Ironheade is extremely mobile - use this to your advantage.
*Razor Girls' Double Team is great for dealing with early-game Avatar harassment.
*Remember that you can upgrade your level 1 troops once your stage hits level 3. If you've spent the game massing up those small infantry, an upgrade can really pay off.

Drowning Doom Tips
*Gravediggers, while more numerous, have lower health than other basic melee troops. They may need extra support in the early game.
*Use your debuffers (Bride, Organ, and Dirgible). They're powerful, and the Bride and Organ stack their debilitating effects.
*Bride's Double Team is great for dealing with early-game Avatar harassment.
*Remember that you can upgrade your level 1 troops once your stage hits level 3. If you've spent the game massing up those small infantry, an upgrade can really pay off.

Tainted Coil Tips
*Your hierarchy units (Nuns, Warfather, and Overblessers) are extremely vulnerable while alone. They're much safer when they're surrounded by minions, because they get a small stacking healing bonus from each nearby minion.
*Punishing Parties' Double Team is good for dealing with early-game Avatar harassment.
*Remember your Superior and Divine troops - for example, if you build a Warfather, he can then build a Superior Nun, which in turn can produce Superior Soul Kissers and Punishing Parties. Superior and Divine squads are more powerful than the basic troops, but cost the same!

BTW, I just added Tim to my friends list. Apparently it is not full.
Looking for a 360 Guitar Code, if anyone has one they'd like to spare. I'm putting a 1 month Live subscription up to trade for it.
Can anyone give me any tips on
the first escort mission with the tour bus? I did it like 10 times and it keeps getting destroyed
, granted I am playing on brutal setting, but I don't want to change difficulty and lose achievements.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Can anyone give me any tips on
the first escort mission with the tour bus? I did it like 10 times and it keeps getting destroyed
, granted I am playing on brutal setting, but I don't want to change difficulty and lose achievements.[/QUOTE]

This may be a stupid suggestion, but:
I assume you have the mounted machine gun on Deuce? I don't recall it 100%, but I don't remember having even the slightest bit of trouble on Normal so I assume if you have at least some worthwhile weapon you should be fine.
Well, this game has pushed me to the limit today. I was really really liking it alot. Untill the RTS crap comes up and it literally makes me not want to play this game.
It seems as if I keep getting my ass handed to me by Ophelia. I can just imagine how Dovaricus or how ever his is spelled is for the RTS battle. So I am done with this game and it is now going back cause of this stupid RTS battle
[quote name='ubernes']This may be a stupid suggestion, but:
I assume you have the mounted machine gun on Deuce? I don't recall it 100%, but I don't remember having even the slightest bit of trouble on Normal so I assume if you have at least some worthwhile weapon you should be fine.

Also don't drive up to close on the bus hang back to get the lock on the baddies..........
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Well, this game has pushed me to the limit today. I was really really liking it alot. Untill the RTS crap comes up and it literally makes me not want to play this game.
It seems as if I keep getting my ass handed to me by Ophelia. I can just imagine how Dovaricus or how ever his is spelled is for the RTS battle. So I am done with this game and it is now going back cause of this stupid RTS battle

Yes Yes along with other problems I have with the game the last battle with all the RTS crap is annoying...
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Well, this game has pushed me to the limit today. I was really really liking it alot. Untill the RTS crap comes up and it literally makes me not want to play this game.
It seems as if I keep getting my ass handed to me by Ophelia. I can just imagine how Dovaricus or how ever his is spelled is for the RTS battle. So I am done with this game and it is now going back cause of this stupid RTS battle

That's where I was last night and I was like, really? What else do I need to do? I don't even know how I won. I was pretty much at the same place I was when I died the previous time and BRUTAL VICTORY shows up. I wasn't going to complain though.

This probably isn't even the last battle with [blank] either for me, so I look forward to another frustrating one.
Well, just as you guys said then....It's going back to blockbuster. Don't get me wrong, SOME of the RTS battles are cool.....when you actually have a chance at winning them. But the one I posted up, It seems impossible honestly. Shame too cause I wanna freaking know the story behind it. But not so that it gives me game rage.
bread's done