Bucky's unemployment lowball is over! totals are up and invoices going out


110 (100%)
:cold: = invoice sent
:hot: = payment received
:bouncy: = package mailed
:drool: = need your address
:applause: = left feedback

2supekards :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Get Smart's Bruce and Lloyd Out of Control (has slipcover) - $1 - 2supekards
Invictus - $1 - 2supekards
The Rookie - $2 - 2supekards
The Sand Pebbles - $1 - 2supekards
The Slammin' Salmon - $1 - 2supekards
Tombstone (sealed) - $4 - 2supekards
Without a Paddle - $2 - 2supekards

Blackdog60 :cold: :hot:
Final Fantasy Chronicles (missing instruction manual) (gh) - $6 - blackdog60
Final Fantasy Anthology (gh) - $6 - blackdog60

Bvharris :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
3:10 to Yuma (sealed) - $4 – bvharris
Mad Men: Season 1 - $8 - bvharris
Mad Men: Season 2 - $8 - bvharris
Mad Men: Season 3 - $8 - bvharris
National Treasure 1 - $5 - bvharris
National Treasure 2 - $5 - bvharris
The Town (has slipcover) - $5 – bvharris

Dendaman :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Inglourious Basterds - $5 - Dendaman

Deserter Goose :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Bolt (has slipcover) - $6 - Deserter Goose
Donnie Darko (sealed) - $7 - Deserter Goose
Full Metal Jacket - $4 - Deserter Goose
The Karate Kid - $2 - Deserter Goose
The Karate Kid II - $2 - Deserter Goose
Marley & Me - $4 - Deserter Goose

Dv8mad :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Alice - $2 - dv8mad
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (has slipcover) - $4 - dv8mad
Stand by Me - $6 - dv8mad
We Are Marshall - $2 - dv8mad

Fordianslip :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
The Wrestler (sealed) - $3 – fordianslip

Freemason :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
The Fast & The Furious 1 - $4 - Freemason
G.I. Joe (has slipcover) - $4 - Freemason
Kick-Ass - $6 - Freemason
Mars Attacks! - $3 - Freemason
Night at the Museum 1 - $2 - freemason
Night at the Museum 2 (has slipcover) - $3 - freemason

Fwbweux :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Minority Report (sealed) - $7 – fwbweux

Gothamcentral79 :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
The Forbidden Kingdom - $2 - gothamcentral79
Hellboy 1 (sealed) - $6 - gothamcentral79
Hellboy 2 - $6 - gothamcentral79
Justified: The Complete First Season - $14 - gothamcentral79
Role Models - $3 - gothamcentral79
Shoot 'Em Up - $4 - gothamcentral79
Unforgiven (sealed) - $5 - gothamcentral79

Josh5890 :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Blood Diamond - $3 - Josh5890
Public Enemies - $2 - Josh5890
Seabiscuit (sealed) (has slipcover) - $4 - Josh5890

Machine Elf :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
The Invention of Lying - $5 - MachineElf
The Notebook (Limited Edition Gift Set) (sealed) - $10 - MachineElf
Tropic Thunder - $3 - Machine Elf

Merchie89 :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Apollo 13 (has slipcover) - $4 - merchie89
Run Fatboy Run - $1 - merchie89
Seven Pounds - $2 - merchie89
The Soloist - $2 - merchie89

Mike UFC :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Get Smart - $1 - Mike UFC
Hancock - $5 - Mike UFC
Meet the Robinsons - $4 - Mike UFC
The Mummy 1 - $4 - Mike UFC
The Mummy 2 - $4 - Mike UFC
The Mummy 3 - $4 - Mike UFC
War - $2 - Mike UFC

Nagasami :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Defiance (sealed) - $4 - Nagasami
Die Hard Collection - $18 - Nagasami
Fearless (sealed) - $3 - Nagasami

Querjek :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Chrono Cross (non-gh) - $7 - Querjek

Ragingst0rm6 :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Demon's Souls guide - $21 -ragingst0rm6

Ray2dee :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Fast & Furious 4 (has slipcover) - $7 - ray2dee

Saratinous :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
The Expendables (has slipcover) - $4 - saratinous
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (sealed) - $2 - saratinous
Wyatt Earp - $2 - saratinous

Sdragon :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Little Miss Sunshine - $3 - sdragon
The Warriors (sealed) - $4 - sdragon

Skiizim :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
An Affair to Remember (sealed) - $6 - skiizim
Bad Santa (sealed) - $5 - skiizim
Enemy at the Gates (sealed) - $5 - skiizim
Four Brothers (sealed) - $7 - skiizim
Gattaca (sealed) - $6 - skiizim
Invincible - $4 - skiizim
L.A. Confidential (sealed) - $7 - skiizim
Remember Me (has slipcover) - $10 – skiizim

Thejam :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Speed Racer - $5 - thejam
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Skynet Edition) (has slipcover) - $6 – thejam
The Untouchables - $3 – thejam

TidalDreams :cold: :hot:
Avatar (Three-Disc Extended Collector's Edition) - $12 - TidalDreams

tsel :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Zack and Miri Make a Porno - $3 - tsel

Vegan :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (cart only) - $4 – Vegan

Wchillinman :cold: :hot: :bouncy:
Lost Odyssey - $7 - Wchillinman

lowball post

lowball starts 11/7/2011 at 12:30am and will end late 11/13/2011 or early 11/14/2011

lowball rules of how bidding works will be followed.
1) Simply type in your max bid for the item(s) in this thread. No PMs. No Emails. Just reply in the forum reply section. This is to keep bids public. Obviously post edits and spoilers hiding bids are NOT acceptable. If you made a mistake in your submission, please post again.
2) I will update the first page to reflect your bids as often as possible. Feel free to check the latest bids on the last page(s) if you are unsure of the latest update.

3) No edits. If a change needs to be made, post again.
4) All items start at $1 and the smallest bid increment is $1.
5) You will be expected to pay the amount you bid plus appropriate shipping if you have the highest offer at the end. Negative feedback will be left for those who choose not to follow through with payment.
6) If you place a bid, you are committing to that item. Sometimes unavoidable circumstances arise, if you are fearful that this may happen, please wait to bid on the last day so you know that nothing unforeseen will occur!
7) All bids are welcome (excluding bids from CAGs on dv8's Negative Experience List).
8) International bidders must PM me first to clear whether or not I will be able to ship to them

SHIPPING: $3 for the first item and $1 for each additional. If you win more than 6 items shipping will just be for cost. (handling costs are factored into this)

The following form(s) of payment is/are accepted.
~ Paypal
~ Amazon Payments

bids updated to post #163

$408 towards goal of $400 - 102% of the way there!

everything is complete (unless otherwise noted)

3:10 to Yuma (sealed) - $4 - bvharris
An Affair to Remember (sealed) - $6 - skiizim
Alice - $2 - dv8mad
Apollo 13 (has slipcover) - $4 - merchie89
Avatar (Three-Disc Extended Collector's Edition) - $12 - TidalDreams
Bad Santa (sealed) - $5 - skiizim
Blood Diamond - $3 - Josh5890
Bolt (has slipcover) - $6 - Deserter Goose
Defiance (sealed) - $4 - Nagasami
Die Hard Collection - $18 - Nagasami
Donnie Darko (sealed) - $7 - Deserter Goose
Enemy at the Gates (sealed) - $5 - skiizim
The Expendables (has slipcover) - $4 - saratinous
The Fast & The Furious 1 - $4 - Freemason
Fast & Furious 4 (has slipcover) - $7 - ray2dee
Fearless (sealed) - $3 - Nagasami
The Forbidden Kingdom - $2 - gothamcentral79
Four Brothers (sealed) - $7 - skiizim
Full Metal Jacket - $4 - Deserter Goose
Gattaca (sealed) - $6 - skiizim
Get Smart - $1 - Mike UFC
Get Smart's Bruce and Lloyd Out of Control (has slipcover) - $1 - 2supekards
G.I. Joe (has slipcover) - $4 - Freemason
Hancock - $5 - Mike UFC
Hellboy 1 (sealed) - $6 - gothamcentral79
Hellboy 2 - $6 - gothamcentral79
Inglourious Basterds - $5 - Dendaman
The Invention of Lying - $5 - MachineElf
Invictus - $1 - 2supekards
Invincible - $4 - skiizim
Justified: The Complete First Season - $14 - gothamcentral79
The Karate Kid - $2 - Deserter Goose
The Karate Kid II - $2 - Deserter Goose
Kick-Ass - $6 - Freemason
L.A. Confidential (sealed) - $7 - skiizim
Little Miss Sunshine - $3 - sdragon
Mad Men: Season 1 - $8 - bvharris
Mad Men: Season 2 - $8 - bvharris
Mad Men: Season 3 - $8 - bvharris
Marley & Me - $4 - Deserter Goose
Mars Attacks! - $3 - Freemason
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (sealed) - $2 - saratinous
Meet the Robinsons - $4 - Mike UFC
Minority Report (sealed) - $7 - fwbweux
The Mummy 1 - $4 - Mike UFC
The Mummy 2 - $4 - Mike UFC
The Mummy 3 - $4 - Mike UFC
National Treasure 1 - $5 - bvharris
National Treasure 2 - $5 - bvharris
Night at the Museum 1 - $2 - freemason
Night at the Museum 2 (has slipcover) - $3 - freemason
The Notebook (Limited Edition Gift Set) (sealed) - $10 - MachineElf
Public Enemies - $2 - Josh5890
Remember Me (has slipcover) - $10 - skiizim
Role Models - $3 - gothamcentral79
The Rookie - $2 - 2supekards
Run Fatboy Run - $1 - merchie89
The Sand Pebbles - $1 - 2supekards
Seabiscuit (sealed) (has slipcover) - $4 - Josh5890
Seven Pounds - $2 - merchie89
Shoot 'Em Up - $4 - gothamcentral79
The Slammin' Salmon - $1 - 2supekards
The Soloist - $2 - merchie89
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (has slipcover) - $4 - dv8mad
Speed Racer - $5 - thejam
Stand by Me - $6 - dv8mad
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Skynet Edition) (has slipcover) - $6 - thejam
Tombstone (sealed) - $4 - 2supekards
The Town (has slipcover) - $5 - bvharris
Tropic Thunder - $3 - Machine Elf
Unforgiven (sealed) - $5 - gothamcentral79
The Untouchables - $3 - thejam
War - $2 - Mike UFC
The Warriors (sealed) - $4 - sdragon
We Are Marshall - $2 - dv8mad
Without a Paddle - $2 - 2supekards
The Wrestler (sealed) - $3 - fordianslip
Wyatt Earp - $2 - saratinous
Zack and Miri Make a Porno - $3 - tsel

Lost Odyssey - $7 - Wchillinman

Chrono Cross (non-gh) - $7 - Querjek
Final Fantasy Chronicles (missing instruction manual) (gh) - $6 - blackdog60
Final Fantasy Anthology (gh) - $6 - blackdog60

Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (cart only) - $4 - Vegan

Demon's Souls - $21 -ragingst0rm6
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Damn you....... you will be eating up my money that is non existent. Looking to get over 100 blus before xmas lol. Sitting at 76. I would for sure be a player.
oh in case anyone is wondering what would make me "crazy" enough to sell so many movies

unemployment :whistle2:(

alright I'll be drawing up the rules and start the lowball on Sunday most likely
lowball will start tonight and run for about a week

taking pics later (though given the vast amount of movies probably just the spines)

also will be trying to figure out which digital copies have or haven't been used (if there are any) and might list them separate

plus could be adding some strategy guides (like the Demon's Souls guide since I never plan on getting that game again, just wasn't my type of game)
does anyone know of that site where you can paste in a list and it'll spit it back out to you numbered?

Word doesn't want to work correctly for me >_
[quote name='buckythekat']does anyone know of that site where you can paste in a list and it'll spit it back out to you numbered?

Word doesn't want to work correctly for me >_
[quote name='MachineElf']I would think any word processing program could, online or otherwise. You should make us type (or copy and paste) titles anyway. Otherwise we'll lose track of the numbers and slow us down from bidding in a hurry at the end.[/QUOTE]

oh I will require that, I hate number only bidding

the number thing was more I'm trying to figure out just how many items I have, anyways still getting everything together but it should be starting later tonight
Put me down for a $1 on each of these:

Lost Odyssey

Chrono Cross (non-gh)
Final Fantasy Chronicles (gh)
Final Fantasy Anthology (gh)

Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (cart only)
Okay, well in any case you have them to get started :D
Alice - $2
Apollo 13 (has slipcover) - $3
Bad Santa (sealed) - $3
Die Hard Collection - $12
The Expendables (has slipcover) - $3
The Fast & The Furious 1 - $3
Fast & Furious 4 (has slipcover) - $3
Full Metal Jacket - $2
Gattaca (sealed) - $3
Invincible - $2
Kick-Ass - $2
L.A. Confidential (sealed) - $3
Meet the Robinsons - $2
Minority Report (sealed) - $5
National Treasure 1 - $2
National Treasure 2 - $2
Night at the Museum 2 (has slipcover) - $2
The Notebook (Limited Edition Gift Set) (sealed) - $2
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (has slipcover) - $4
Stand by Me - $4
The Town (has slipcover) - $4
We Are Marshall - $2
Zack and Miri Make a Porno - $2
These will probably go up, but hey, why not. Let's get this started.

Gattaca $4
Hellboy 1 (sealed) $1
Hellboy 2 $1
Inglourious Basterds $1

Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past $1
Oh man, I love me some lowball blus.

Blood Diamond - $1
Four Brothers (sealed) - $1
Invincible - $1
National Treasure $3
National Treasure 2 - $3
Zack and Miri Make a Porno - $3
Donnie Darko (sealed) $2 Freemason
Full Metal Jacket $3 Freemason
G.I. Joe (has slipcover) $2 Freemason
Hancock $2 Freemason
Hellboy 1 (sealed) $2 Freemason
Hellboy 2 $2 Freemason
Kick-Ass $3 Freemason
Mars Attacks! $1 Freemason
The Mummy 1 $2 Freemason
The Mummy 2 $2 Freemason
The Mummy 3 $2 Freemason
Night at the Museum 1 $2 Freemason
Night at the Museum 2 (has slipcover) $3 Freemason
Smokin' Aces $1 Freemason
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Skynet Edition) (has slipcover) $2 Freemason
3:10 to Yuma (sealed) - $2
Avatar (Three-Disc Extended Collector's Edition) - $10
Bolt (has slipcover) - $2
The Expendables (has slipcover) - $4
Hellboy 1 (sealed) - $3
Hellboy 2 - $3
Little Miss Sunshine - $2
Mars Attacks! - $2
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (sealed) - $2
Meet the Robinsons - $3
Role Models - $2
Shoot 'Em Up - $2
Speed Racer - $2
Tombstone (sealed) - $2
Tropic Thunder - $2
The Untouchables - $2
The Wrestler (sealed) - $2
Wyatt Earp - $2
Justified: The Complete First Season - $1
Mad Men: Season 1 - $1
Mad Men: Season 2 - $1
Mad Men: Season 3 - $1
The Wrestler (sealed) - $3
Donnie Darko (sealed) - $1
Inglourious Basterds - $1
Final Fantasy Chronicles (gh) - $2
Final Fantasy Anthology (gh) - $2
Avatar (Three-Disc Extended Collector's Edition) - $2
Bad Santa (sealed) - $2
Bolt (has slipcover) - $2
Die Hard Collection - $5
Donnie Darko (sealed) - $2
Kick-Ass - $2
Little Miss Sunshine - $1
Mad Men: Season 1 - $2
Mad Men: Season 2 - $2
Mad Men: Season 3 - $2
Meet the Robinsons - $1
The Notebook (Limited Edition Gift Set) (sealed) - $1
Public Enemies - $1
The Town (has slipcover) - $2
The Warriors (sealed) - $2
The Wrestler (sealed) - $1
Zack and Miri Make a Porno - $1
working on updating bids right now

oh joy, copied and pasted all the bids into Word which total to about 4 pages :shock:

now to go through and erased duplicate items until I have what each person has the highest bid on

edit: and bids are finally updated, if I missed something lemme know

[quote name='sdragon']Yowza, outbid already. Should have looked at previous posts.[/QUOTE]

you did have the highest bid on two items :)
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No see my dollar bids on Chrono Cross and Lost Odyssey.
An Affair to Remember (sealed) - $2
Bolt (has slipcover) - $3
Little Miss Sunshine - $3
The Notebook (Limited Edition Gift Set) (sealed) - $3
Seven Pounds - $1
Without a Paddle - $1
[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']No see my dollar bids on Chrono Cross and Lost Odyssey.[/QUOTE]

whoops, sorry about that

bids have been updated
Chrono Cross (non-gh) - $3
Final Fantasy Chronicles (gh) - $4
Final Fantasy Anthology (gh) - $4

Demon's Souls - $10
bread's done