Building a PC and looking for opinions and help with the parts I picked.

Steve Dave


Under search wishlist just put "Ianpc" in for the title.

I already have the monitor and DVD drive.

First will these parts all work together?

Is the power supply big enough?

This is about what I would like to spend but I would be more then willing to spend a few more dollars on some parts if it will result in better performance.

Gamewise how does this system hold up? I do not need to run HL2 at peak settings but I would like the games I play to run smooth and look good.

What about the future. Will I be able to buy a new video card and power supply later on and still be able to run games and have them look good or in a few years will I need to repurchase all these parts again?

Thanks for any info.
Link takes me to the Newegg account login page. Sorry.
Maybe you should post the parts you picked here and it'll be easier for us to critique w/o doing a bunch of hopping around between sites.

I ran HL2 and got good performance from a 2.8GHz Athlon64 w/ a Radeon9600xt. It could run on my old Geforce5200 at middling settings, but the Radeon let me turn on all the nice DX9 effects. I recently upgraded to a Geforce 6800xt, it or a 6600GT will give you good performance on a budget.
[quote name='arbiter']
I ran HL2 and got good performance from a 2.8GHz Athlon64 w/ a Radeon9600xt. It could run on my old Geforce5200 at middling settings, but the Radeon let me turn on all the nice DX9 effects. I recently upgraded to a Geforce 6800xt, it or a 6600GT will give you good performance on a budget.[/QUOTE]

do you mean Athlon 64 2800+? Because a 2.8GHz Athlon 64 is a much faster processor.
all in all, the stuff looks pretty good. I would doublecheck to see if the videocard maker has any recommendations for the wattage of the powersupply but 430w should be pretty good. Any in any case it is not that difficult to change a power supply if you need to at a later point, usually a couple of screws and it pops right out of the case. If you do upgrade just make sure you get a power supply with all the right connections for your motherboard. The only other thing I would reccommend would be to get some more ram, a gig of ram is nice, but it isn't a huge cost to get more and I am of the mindset that one can never have too much ram :)
Is there another video card you would recommend instead of the one I got. I am having troubling finding warrenty info for the current one and any reviews outside of newegg.
[quote name='Steve Dave']Is there another video card you would recommend instead of the one I got. I am having troubling finding warrenty info for the current one and any reviews outside of newegg.[/QUOTE]

As a general rule of thumb, if you're buying a nVidia card ALWAYS buy the BFG Technologies card. All their cards include a lifetime warrenty, 24/7 tech support, and then even run upgrade specials even now and then. And, to boot, all the cards come over-clocked.

You can buy directly from them, but places like NewEgg and ZipZoomFly carry them (under MSRP).
Are there any deals on the BFGs out there because I can't find them at a price I can afford.

Are there any other cards out there that come overclocked with a lifetime warrenty at a good price?

Honestly, seeing how you fail to grasp the concept of a cached account and lack the ability to copy and paste, I'd say you're safer off buying a Dell. Furthermore, I think humanity is safer if you don't reproduce. :lol:
I also don't grasp what you are crying about?

Whats a cached account?

Why would I copy and paste? If all you are going to do is look at the names then I don't want you help anyway and if going to a different website is that difficult of a task then that would also probably mean I don't want the help.
Not a bad system, though I would personally dump XP Home, and go with Pro. You might want to go with a different case that has a better power supply. 430w is ok, but later down the line, you'll have to upgrade it (if you plan on upgrading the comp at all). Especially if you plan on using the mobo's SLI feature for your graphics card(s).

Also, I'd go with a 6800GT PCIe card instead. Not sure why everyone is jumping on the GS version, it's really not better, in fact, it's just under the GT's performance.

The system should do some decent gaming though. My system is almost similar, except I have an Intel chip. I can run most games on high settings with no problems (HL2, Doom 3, BF2, FEAR, etc.)

Also, you may want to throw in a few case fans.
Also, I'd go with a 6800GT PCIe card instead. Not sure why everyone is jumping on the GS version, it's really not better, in fact, it's just under the GT's performance.

Also, you may want to throw in a few case fans.

What is pro going to give me over home?

As for a case what would you choose? I only want to spend around $100 for case and power.

What is SLI?

I am going with the GS because the GT is too much. Unless I am overlooking a good GT for under $200.

Thanks for the info.
[quote name='Steve Dave']I also don't grasp what you are crying about?

Whats a cached account?

Why would I copy and paste? If all you are going to do is look at the names then I don't want you help anyway and if going to a different website is that difficult of a task then that would also probably mean I don't want the help.[/QUOTE]

He is talking about your link :

No one can see the parts. That link is a general link and if some one also had a wishlist it would show up. Your WILL NOT SHOW UP if you use that link since it relies on data that is cached by your browser. Only you can see it, no one else can. Clear your cache and cookies and make sure to log out of, then try that exact link, it will just not work.

I would love to help but without knowing what you are buying I cannot help.
SLI is for people who have a lot of money so that they can have two GPUs in one system. And SATA and Serial ATA are the same thing, and they're the better HDD interface at the moment.

Everything looks good and you're power supply seems fine but take heed, most Nvidia cards are power hungry when compared to ATI. And I'd rather have an ATI card myself.:)
[quote name='Vinny']And I'd rather have an ATI card myself.:)[/QUOTE]

Which one? Do any come overclocked with a lifetime warranty?
[quote name='UnderwaterMadman']do you mean Athlon 64 2800+? Because a 2.8GHz Athlon 64 is a much faster processor.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I mean the 2800+, I think the core clock on it is around 1.3 GHz.
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