Bullet Witch - Gen Discussion & Info


I saw the videos in IGN and also I was thinking on buying Rainbow Six Vegas: LE in Best Buy with the Gamepro $10.00 off coupon and some RW discounts that I have but they are out of it in the DFW area.

and just saw that on the Weekly Add Bullet Witch is coming out on the 28 just barely to make the Gamepro discount , but is it any good?

Have anyone here played it? seen it? Is it a good game to buy?
Well look at this way. You just found about this game in the past few days. Is that ever a good sign? I have seen none of the big gaming mags or gaming sites review it yet which is a sign that they want the game to come out first so reviews wont affect the consumers mind. Plus, the previews on this game has been short and not good at all. They say it has awful graphics and some camera issues :/

plus its gonna be 50 bucks at best buy for a non-microsoft game, what does that tell you :(
I was checking out Play Magazine yesterday (it was on the cover) it looks great. But the play style and game length will make this a rental for me.
played it hated it no way. But repetitive games like that just aren't my style. Plus its ugly and the gameplay is just boring. I would recommend you guys rent it first.
Game gets a LOT better after the first couple levels are completed. It changes and gets 1000% better. Definetly a buy if you dont have ADD and actually have patience. I got an early copy.
the developer of this game made WinBack 2, one of the worst game i ever played. They also made Beat Down: Fists of Vengeance and Drakengard 1 and 2.
I actually played this game. Not very good. The graphics were pretty poor and the controls were pretty unusable. Not sure if I played the latest version but since it was just two days ago and the game is coming out soon I will asume it is. I got a free BW comic book too!
meh, will probly rent this from the campus store. I already have numerous fps in my backlog like gears, lost planet, crackdown, pdz
[quote name='the ender']Wait 3 months, it'll be $20. Poor reviews + no publicity = quick price drop.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, I forsee this being a $16.96 CC game in the near future.
[quote name='BasketCase1080']meh, will probly rent this from the campus store. I already have numerous fps in my backlog like gears, lost planet, crackdown, pdz[/QUOTE]

Isn't PDZ the only FPS in that list?
[quote name='Rusty Ghia']Isn't PDZ the only FPS in that list?[/QUOTE]
Fun Person Shooter.
Well I usually like games that get bad reviews, and I got Bullet Witch yesterday, and I like it so far. Oh well, casting lightning attacks on a gas station was fun for me :lol:

Also getting it for $35 at EB w/ left over credit was nice too.
I'm enjoying it too. Sure, it's not the greatest game ever made but I'm finding it to be a lot of fun. Just another game to use as a reason why I don't listen to reviews.

That one boss battle on top of the airplane was pretty cool.
I only played the first stage, but I doubt I'll pop it in again. I can see it getting better with some nice magic attacks, but the level design and gameplay are pretty piss-poor. I'm over the whole "stuck in area until you kill all bad guys" gimmick -- it's okay in small doses (Twilight Princess), but not as a core mechanic. The lack of lock-on is a pain, leaving both melee and gunfire unsatisfying. Enemies look cool, but there were literally only 3 types in the first level: zombie soldier, floaty big-brain, and tanks. Compare that to Dead Rising with dozens of different zombies. Bullet Witch is graphically average, has sound balance issues, and features uninspired Achievements. I suggest you pass.
Im picking it up today. Any game that gets compared to Gungrave is going to get a purchase from me.

Do they have the additional costumes up for download yet? And if so are they free?
[quote name='rodeojones903']Im picking it up today. Any game that gets compared to Gungrave is going to get a purchase from me.

Do they have the additional costumes up for download yet? And if so are they free?[/QUOTE]

It's not as intense as "Gungrave", sorry to break it to you. If you want more intense action "Gungrave" is certainly better.
I thought it looked awesome. Someone compared it to a sub-par Devil May Cry/Gungrave hybrid, I can't remember who though. I'm a huge fan of shooting things repeatedly without having to worry about ammo or reloading.

I am a CAG though, so I plan on waiting until I can get it for around $20-30

Who the hell buys brand new games for full price? Honestly...
[quote name='Sarang01']You DO have to reload Climax.[/QUOTE]

But its unlimited ammo. which you can set on fire with a spell :hot:
[quote name='Sarang01']You DO have to reload Climax.[/quote]

Boooooo. If they are going to have unlimited ammo, atleast go the whole 9 unrealistic yards and do away with reloading.
[quote name='Stingermck']But its unlimited ammo. which you can set on fire with a spell :hot:[/QUOTE]

Either depending on the gun or spell it doesn't make much difference in terms of power, I can't remember which.
[quote name='Sarang01']Either depending on the gun or spell it doesn't make much difference in terms of power, I can't remember which.[/QUOTE]
That spell does make quite a bit of difference with the machine gun and the sniper. I haven't tried it with the shotgun yet.
Rolls eyes. You have that avatar title above before you know I hate Koei and think they're hacks right?
By machine gun you mean the Gatling Gun?
I'll wait 'til it's a little cheaper, as I don't know if I'll like it or not.
The game screams bargain bin. Although I am having a cool time with it. I'll buy it when it's $20 though. It's nice to try out games from work. Saves me some cash.
[quote name='Sarang01']Rolls eyes. You have that avatar title above before you know I hate Koei and think they're hacks right?
By machine gun you mean the Gatling Gun?[/QUOTE]
I didn't know your personal feelings on Koei. I'm not sure why I would know, nor what they have to do with this topic o_O

Also I mean machine gun. It's far more effective with the element shot spell. And the sniper/cannon actually becomes a sniper rifle when you use it. So it's not a useless spell, which I assumed you were calling it.
I scored a copy in a trade with cag1000. It is an ok title, but definitely deserving of a budget price. If you want this I would recommend renting first and then buying Used or when it is on sale. I've gotten through the first level and it reminds me of a cross between Bloodrayne and Gungrave with some majic abilities thrown in. One cool feature is the reversible cover art. The cover image on the reverse side is the same as the poster included and the back cover has 4 images of downloadable outfits.
[quote name='obijuan71']Anyone getting Bullet Witch ???[/QUOTE]

I certainly hope not. Especially with Crackdown coming before to buy or continue playing, or God of War 2 next week. Looks absolutely wretched, like as in $30 budget anime licensed PS2 3rd person shooter.
I just need to get the 15 hour play time achievement then I am taking it back to work. No fukin way I am playing it on Hell mode for one fukin achievement. Shitty A.I sucks.
Almost rented this at Blockbuster last night, but we went with MLB 2k7 instead.

I'm sure we made the right choice.

I'll give it a rental eventually, though I don't expect much from it.
actually i like it so far, i'm playing it on the hard difficulty since people say it was a short game, and so far i'm liking it. I've only beat the first level, but it's enjoyable.
Rented it, beat it in about 4 hrs. Granted, this was on Easy, but it was so sparse I don't see it being much different on Normal.

Rent only, do not buy it. This is coming from a huge Gungrave/Bloodrayne 1 fan. This game just has nothing special, and the main character is a waste. It's still fun for a rent, but you'll be done with it real soon, doesn't really have a lasting appeal going for it. If you dig achievements though, it's easy.

Maybe the "Concept" stages will be amazing, but no DC as of now. At 20$, possibly. 15$ or less, sure.
D+ from me.

And that is only because some of the music is okay. And some of the banter. Not Most Wanted good, but respectable.

The levels are sparse. No sort of compass, which makes absolutely perfect sense because all the buildings, forests, etc. look the same. There's nothing I enjoy more spending 30 minutes wandering around a town without any sort of direction (I'm excluding the few indoor areas that had the way points since there is only two to three of them) The controls are awful. Is there way to map out specific spells to the D-Pad? I scoured forums and couldn't see anything. The storyline is awful. I figured it out after the second stage. The surprise hook was just fucking predictable. I especially love the lazy programmers attitude towards bosses. We can just have one boss fight last over 30 minutes with no way to save your progress! High five!

I've swallowed my fair share of lackluster Japanese 360 software, but this one takes the cake.
I'm enjoying it. I rented it from Gameznflix, and this game is def a $25 or less purchase. $25 then using a coupon of course ;)

But I don't agree with lots of reviews and people.. I'm enjoying it for the most part!
[quote name='terribledeli']And that is only because some of the music is okay. And some of the banter. Not Most Wanted good, but respectable.[/QUOTE]
"Most Wanted" good??


I expect to rent this from Gameznflix when I get the time. Right now: I don't have the time.
holy shit this game sucks.
the aiming is god-awful, slow and jerky, the save system is horrid, several times ive passed numerous checkpoints, only to die and restart the mission.
ive spent over 2 hours on the final boss and still have no idea if theres an order to killing him. do i have to shoot him in the back before i can kill the snakes? do the snakes even have to be killed to beat him? you cant tell because no matter where you shoot him you get the electrical shocks.
fuck you atari, if this is the kind of shit youre going to be bringing to the consoles i hope you go bankrupt.
im done know, thank you.
I just put this in today. Ive yet to play it, but if there is one thing this game does right off the bat is DLC. Free costumes and new missions are only 20 points a piece.
bread's done