Bush declares himself King


As anyone who isn't a complete Republican shill knows, Bush has repeatedly violated the law by spying on American citizens without a warrant. The Republican-controlled Congress has responded to this treasonous act by proposing to change the law to make it harder for Bush to break in the future. We now have the Bush administration's response to these proposed changes, which you can read here and here (warning: they're PDF files.)

To sum things up: The Bush administration certainly respects Congress's right to change the law. Bush may even sign the changes into law. But Bush feels absolutely no responsibility to follow the new law, regardless of what it may actually be.

Bush has declared himself (again) to be completely above the law. He has the sole right to decide what the law is, and is the sole judge, jury, and executioner of that law. He is, in essence, King.

Its quite funny to compare and contrast the response to Bush's declaration with Clinton's perjury charge. Back in '97/'98, the news networks were filled with a constant stream of talking heads, repeating talking points about no man being above the law, this being a nation of laws, etc, etc. Now - not so much. Can you IMAGINE the response had Clinton simply declared himself to be above the laws that govern mere mortals? :p

Now we have a president who HAS declared himself to be above the law, and is quite willing to use that power with regards to topics far more important than lying about a BJ. Warrentless wiretaps and physical searches? Of course. Indefinite detention without charges? Not a problem. Shipping suspects to third-world countries to be tortured? You have a problem with that?

And Congress's response to this? Well, we could, you know, Censure him. Maybe. If that's not too extreme... We don't want to look like we're being all political about the President's right to torture people... The media? In breaking news, the missing white girl in Aruba is still missing.

I expect someone here to criticize this post because it is, quite frankly, old news. And that's the problem: when the president declares himself to be above the law, it should NEVER be old news. The fact that this can even be considered 'old news' is a sign of what deep shit we're in.
nearest liberal reactionary who hates bush said:
Its quite funny to compare and contrast the response to Bush's declaration with Clinton's perjury charge. Back in '97/'98, the news networks were filled with a constant stream of talking heads, repeating talking points about no man being above the law, this being a nation of laws, etc, etc. Now - not so much. Can you IMAGINE the response had Clinton simply declared himself to be above the laws that govern mere mortals? :p

Clinton was above the law. He was never prosecuted for perjury by a court, high crimes or misdemeanors by the senate, war crimes by the world court for all the people he killed in mogadishu, yugoslavia, Iraq, afganistan, and the Sudan violating international law - and not even including the people he let die in Rwanda.

No one remembers the improper use of FBI files, the pardoning of his brother, marc rich, and dan rostenkowski (sp?), the illegal chineese contributions to his legal defense fund or the allowing of the chineese to purchase critical technology for their missile guidance systems.

Nor did he see the inside of a courtroom from the line of women claiming all things from sexuall assault to rape.

Nor did we hear the outcries from the left when Janet Reno's mafia swept into waco texas with teargas in one hand and lighters in the other all under the pretense that the children needed to be saved from their own religion with tanks instead of quiet confrontation that could have happened weeks before the standoff ensued.

Nor did we hear the outrage becuase poor elian gonzales was denied his right to due process and petition for aslylum in a free country. The gestapo tactics used then was simply even-handed Clinton administration justice to return a child to his father to a prison 90 miles off the florida coast. Now all we hear is Bush's unwillingness to give people due process after they've been captured planning or attacking the US and our armed forces. But who really cares if you people are democratic shills. Your democratic leaders are taking for granted you will vote for their version of evil this fall, and you all will. Suckers.

[quote name='attorney geberal response to judiciary committe questions']U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth
Circuit, “as did all the other courts to have decided the issue, held that the President did
have authority to conduct warrantless searches to obtain foreign intelligence
information.” CRS’s suggestion that the Court of Review somehow overlooked that it
was relying on pre-FISA cases, thereby undermining its analysis, is entirely without
merit. Indeed, the Court of Review was acutely conscious that the decisions it was
discussing involved pre-FISA surveillance, and the court noted that fact repeatedly, see
310 F.3d at 725, 726, 742. But that fact does not undercut the decision: the whole point
of the opinion was whether and to what extent FISA could modify the standards
governing the President’s inherent constitutional authority. On this point, the Court of
Review was clear: it “took for granted” that the President had inherent constitutional
authority to conduct foreign intelligence surveillance and “assuming that is so, FISA
could not encroach on the President’s constitutional power.” Id. at 742 (emphasis
added). In other words, according to the Court of Review, although FISA could
supplement the President’s power to conduct foreign intelligence surveillance, it could
not take away that power, which is vested in him by Article II of the Constitution.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='alonzomourning23']You got my hopes up for nothing. I want a formal declaration.

I honestly thought he accidentally did call himself king.[/quote]
Same here. Damn! So close!

I believe my avatar says it all.
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