But seriously, when is the first lawsuit going to happen?


41 (100%)
Besides what we know from personal stories on CAG..

File this one under the “Are You Kidding Me?” file. According to reports from various gaming sites and general publications, cases of injuries stemming from the physical exercise associated with using the Nintendo Wii’s motion sensor controller are surfacing, causing some couch-potato chagrin.

The Nintendo Wii launched on Sunday, November 19th across North America. In the week since, 600,000 units have sold, making it one of the more successful launches in recent console history.

The source on this one is the Wall Street Journal, who report that a twelve year old boy from Kentucky experienced significant muscle pains after using the Wii. In addition, a computer programmer from the great state of Minnesota complained of “sore shoulders”, while a man in Indiana told the newspaper that he was left miserably soaked in sweat after a marathon session of Wii’s boxing title.

As a very active techie, this writer is left wondering “what’s the problem?” Most people strain for hours running, cycling, and lifting weights to break a quality sweat (and thus, burning calories). How much more fun is it to do so while smacking around a virtual combatant?

Nintendo’s marketing department has responded by stating that the console “was not meant to be a Jenny Craig supplement”. Well, it sure can’t hurt.

Source: http://www.gizmocafe.com/blogs/gizmo_cafe_blog/archive/2006/11/28/99156.aspx?CommentPosted=true

Of course it isn't about someone breaking their TV or their best friends nose.. but.. apparently it's been happening.

In all seriousness, do you think someone or some PEOPLE (Sigh Class Action Lawsuits...) will try and sue Nintendo for injury? I ask this because every game tells you to put the wrist strap on. In Wii Sports, it even warns you to be aware of your surroundings. Do you think that this would hold up in court?

I want this to be more on the lines of a serious topic, only because people in this world are sick and money hungry..and it's bound to happen IMO. I just hope they don't win.

Going a bit off topic, but not by much: I kinda hope they make a game along the lines of exercise. Maybe not a fool proof game where you're shedding pounds by the week.. but still :). Clearly you are burning more calories playing Wii then you would playing any other game for any other system. Of course, that varies by game. There are some mini games in Rayman that I should play 2 hours a day 4x a week.. Shit, I'd have niiiice arms.

Sooo what you guys think?
Someone will try to sue them. With all the warning Nintendo will win. As for faulty wrist straps Nintendo might lose that but wont have to pay out that much.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Will they get sued? Not a doubt in my mind.

However, I doubt it will be for a viable reason.[/QUOTE]

Most lawsuits against these things aren't really good ..sigh
:roll: It's douche bags like this that cause us to have to sit through 100 warning signs before we can play a game.
In Wii sports after a few games, every match it would pop up telling me to take a break.
[quote name='Limpbizkit182521']Someone will try to sue them. With all the warning Nintendo will win. As for faulty wrist straps Nintendo might lose that but wont have to pay out that much.[/QUOTE]

Does anyone really think the wrist straps are faulty?! I think you have to REALLY.. REALLY launch your remote and have it slip out of your hand for it to snap. I have 4 remotes..and I never even came close to having a problem.
[quote name='lilboo']Does anyone really think the wrist straps are faulty?! I think you have to REALLY.. REALLY launch your remote and have it slip out of your hand for it to snap. I have 4 remotes..and I never even came close to having a problem.[/QUOTE]

I dont have a Wii. I'm under the assumption of poor quality straps based on what I've heard online.
I actually had "pain" in my arms the day after the first day I played Wii Boxing. But that was the good work out kinda pain. But that's because I played for like an hour straight against my friend. ::FILES LAWSUIT::
Ya there will be someone lol... wait till some crazy friend goes nuts and nails his other friend in the head with a Wiimote, giving him a concussion, then sueing nintendo for not putting padding on the wiimotes.
[quote name='lilboo']Does anyone really think the wrist straps are faulty?! I think you have to REALLY.. REALLY launch your remote and have it slip out of your hand for it to snap. I have 4 remotes..and I never even came close to having a problem.[/quote]

Agreed. I've only rarely had my remote slip out of my hands (I keep a tight grip as we're supposed to) and even then, it's never come close to breaking. As you said, you really have to LAUNCH the crap out of it AND let go of the remote before that strap will break. It's obvious that it wasn't meant to be tossed like that...but under normal use, that strap is perfectly capable of handling stress. Look at how many units have sold and how amazingly relatively few stories of damage/injury we've heard.
I swear, this picture keeps getting more and more relevant.


On topic though, I think that if someone sues for fun excercise, they deserve to get the crap kicked out of them. Heck, I went overboard once and hurt myself already, I'm not gonna sue Nintendo for my own stupidity.

Someone probably will and they deserve to get hurt even more.
I think the first true lawsuit OR story to make some kind of media headline would be when it's about a kid.

4 10 year olds (or younger) are playing. Kid 1 swings the remote REALLY HARD and busts Kid 2's face, thus breaking his nose or knocking out some teeth. This will make some mom very, very mad.

That's what I'm betting on.
[quote name='lilboo']I think the first true lawsuit OR story to make some kind of media headline would be when it's about a kid.

4 10 year olds (or younger) are playing. Kid 1 swings the remote REALLY HARD and busts Kid 2's face, thus breaking his nose or knocking out some teeth. This will make some mom very, very mad.

That's what I'm betting on.[/quote]

They are covered though. There is a SPECIFIC warning to make sure nobody or anything is around that you can hit.
[quote name='Limpbizkit182521']I dont have a Wii. I'm under the assumption of poor quality straps based on what I've heard online.[/QUOTE]

Once you get a chance, put the strap on your wrist, tighten up the clip, and swing normally with the remote. The strap isn't the problem.

People aren't using it correctly. You watch some of those videos of people breaking it and it's people letting go of the remote when they're swinging WAY too hard.

I've never had my remote even get close to slipping out of my hands and I had over 5 hours of play today according to my message board.

I'm sure any lawsuit that would go forward would be dismissed before it ever went to trial. There is so much in the way of documentation and warnings, that people really wouldn't have a leg to stand on (even if it's not too sore from hours of boxing.)
[quote name='Michaellvortega']:roll: It's douche bags like this that cause us to have to sit through 100 warning signs before we can play a game.
In Wii sports after a few games, every match it would pop up telling me to take a break.[/quote]

I think we should start planning our class action lawsuit against stupid people... we could sue them for being idiots and wasting our time. Instead of asking for money, we could just ask that they all have to neuter themselves :applause:
I got one too.

My friend, lets call him Butterballs, and his friend Grabass are playing Wii at Butterball's house in front of Butterball's parents 62", 2.5k tv. Grabass is bolwing like someone would pitch in fast pitch softball and Butterball tells him to knock it off. Soon after, Butterball is sitting on the couch stroking his cat's Harbl when Grabass bowls, snaps wriststrap and makes an inch long crack in the tv.
I bet butterballs thrown the pussy off his lap. Grabed grabass and turned the wiimote sideways, shined it up real nice, and stuck it strught up his candy ass! Then rock bottomed him through the coffee table. And thats the bottom line cause butterballs said so!

Actually I bet people will sue and will probily win. Look at mcdonalds. They lost a law suit for a lady spilling get this HOT chocolate on her self. She said there was no sign that the HOT chocolate would be HOT!!!!!! Now look on coffee or HOT! chocolate at Mcd's it says contenst will be HOT! no shit. I thought HOT chocolate would be cold? Yeah she sued cause she was carrying the drink in her lap and it spilled. she said it ruined her chance to get pregnet that month cause it burned her crotch and she couldn't have sex and she has at her prime and now her and her husband may NEVER be able to have kids now. Pain and suffering. emotional stress. negligence. Money hungery whore! I can't stand it when people sue like this.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']I bet butterballs thrown the pussy off his lap. Grabed grabass and turned the wiimote sideways, shined it up real nice, and stuck it strught up his candy ass! Then rock bottomed him through the coffee table. And thats the bottom line cause butterballs said so!

Actually I bet people will sue and will probily win. Look at mcdonalds. They lost a law suit for a lady spilling get this HOT chocolate on her self. She said there was no sign that the HOT chocolate would be HOT!!!!!! Now look on coffee or HOT! chocolate at Mcd's it says contenst will be HOT! no shit. I thought HOT chocolate would be cold? Yeah she sued cause she was carrying the drink in her lap and it spilled. she said it ruined her chance to get pregnet that month cause it burned her crotch and she couldn't have sex and she has at her prime and now her and her husband may NEVER be able to have kids now. Pain and suffering. emotional stress. negligence. Money hungery whore! I can't stand it when people sue like this.[/quote]

If you did any research on the McDonald's case, you would know it was 100% valid. #1 it was Coffee not hot chocolate. #2, the issue wasn't her spilling it on herself; rather, the fact that McDonald's unsafely brewed and heated their coffee at much higher temperatures than their competitors. The coffee was unfit for anyone to drink after it was served, as it was too hot for consumption by most people. McDonald's brewed the coffee this hot to make it last longer, for higher profts.

Read this http://www.vanfirm.com/mcdonalds-coffee-lawsuit.htm
[quote name='Doom5']If you did any research on the McDonald's case, you would know it was 100% valid. #1 it was Coffee not hot chocolate. #2, the issue wasn't her spilling it on herself; rather, the fact that McDonald's unsafely brewed and heated their coffee at much higher temperatures than their competitors. The coffee was unfit for anyone to drink after it was served, as it was too hot for consumption by most people. McDonald's brewed the coffee this hot to make it last longer, for higher profts.

Read this http://www.vanfirm.com/mcdonalds-coffee-lawsuit.htm[/QUOTE]

Sorry, this lawsuit was bull crap - regardless of what their competitors do. You don't run the #1 franchise like your competitors - because then you won't stay #1.

Was the coffee hot? Yes. Was the coffee hotter than the coffee served at most other places? Yes. Was the coffee too hot?

Not according to The National Coffee Association of U.S.A., Inc. (NCAUSA.org). They say the following:

Your brewer should maintain a water temperature between 195 - 205 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal extraction.

Brewed coffee should be enjoyed immediately!
Pour it into a warmed mug or coffee cup so that it will maintain its temperature as long as possible.

If it will be a few minutes before it will be served, the temperature should be maintained at 180 - 185 degrees Fahrenheit.

Oh, and look what the site says about their training manual:

Before trial, McDonald's gave the opposing lawyer its operations and training manual, which says its coffee must be brewed at 195 to 205 degrees and held at 180 to 190 degrees for optimal taste.

It looks like the coffee experts agree 100% with McDonald's - the coffee was brewed, held and served at the correct temp.

Coffee is hot. Duh.
[quote name='UncleBob']

It looks like the coffee experts agree 100% with McDonald's - the coffee was brewed, held and served at the correct temp.

Coffee is hot. Duh.[/quote]

And the NCAUSA also makes the laws....oh wait, they don't.

The lady was in the hospital for 8 days and had to have skin grafts. That's not safe. She only sued after McDonalds refused to pay her hospital bills, $20,000.

The jury awarded the figure 2.7 million because they wanted to punish McDonalds - 2.7 is the amount of 2 days of their coffee sales. Regardless, the trial judge lowered that amount to $400,000 because he thought it was to high.
Well unlike McDonalds.. at least there are warnings on each game and in the instructions. So hopefully they got their asses covered :) (which I think they do)
im waiting for some idoit to sue nintendo cause they got shocked weeing on their wii.

"ummm i thought i was to piss on it cause it was called wii"

i wonder if i could sue sony for making me stand in line waiting for a ps3

"i missed my soaps cause sony made me stand outside for 3 days waiting :
"The source on this one is the Wall Street Journal, who report that a twelve year old boy from Kentucky experienced significant muscle pains after using the Wii. In addition, a computer programmer from the great state of Minnesota complained of “sore shoulders”, while a man in Indiana told the newspaper that he was left miserably soaked in sweat after a marathon session of Wii’s boxing title."

This is known as "physical activity". I know a lot of gamers aren't familiar with it, but rest assured, when you use muscles for hours on end, they tend to hurt.
I would guess that they get no more lawsuits then usual. It is just with the Wii, it's success, and media reports like this, will make it more widely known.

Companies, especially as well known as Nintendo, probably get about a lawsuit a day that we all think is just dumb or silly.
It is like this coffee is hot. Nintendo has warnings everywhere and tells you to go outside after playing Wii Sports for awhile. Their bases are covered and belong to them.
Even though Nintendo has a warning before each game, people will still sue them. Chances are it'll be something frivolous like suing McDonald's because their food made you fat. That's just the way of our litigious society. I'm not a lawyer but I think the warning pretty much have them covered.
Wii-mote goes flyyyyying:


:lol: :applause: :applause:

If you're gonna swing like a maniac, best to hold onto the damn thing...or of course the strap will break :p And i'm positive somewhere down the line *someone* will deem this nintendo's fault.

[quote name='vgamergirl']Wii-mote goes flyyyyying:


:lol: :applause: :applause:

If you're gonna swing like a maniac, best to hold onto the damn thing...or of course the strap will break :p And i'm positive somewhere down the line *someone* will deem this nintendo's fault.


Jesus fuckin tap dancing Christ.
I will say this for the 71732983789728937982798712nd time.
I do NOT feel bad nor side with ANYONE who breaks something with their Wiimote.. or even breaks their wrist strap.

That DOUCHE in that video seriously says "Look how thin it is! Of COURSE it's gonna snap!!11" .. of COURSE it's gonna snap when you throw it like that you fuckTARD.

I really don't want to own a Wii anymore, because apparently all the idiots are playing with it. (No offense to anyone who actually plays like a civil person :))
[quote name='drfunk85']And the NCAUSA also makes the laws....oh wait, they don't.

The lady was in the hospital for 8 days and had to have skin grafts. That's not safe. She only sued after McDonalds refused to pay her hospital bills, $20,000.

The jury awarded the figure 2.7 million because they wanted to punish McDonalds - 2.7 is the amount of 2 days of their coffee sales. Regardless, the trial judge lowered that amount to $400,000 because he thought it was to high.[/QUOTE]

Despite what you may have heard, while Judges and Juries may get to decide on things, there is no mystical power behind their decisions that makes them "right".

McDonald's serves millions of cups of super-hot, "not-fit-for-humans" coffee every week. Why is it that we only hear of this one individual who was so badly damanged? She is the variable in this situation, not the 'super-hot' coffee (that just happenes to be made to the standards of the major coffee orginization).

Question - my car can go well beyond any speed reccommended by "the law". If I don't use good judgement with the speed of my car, should I be able to sue Dodge because the car's speed was "faulty"?
Someone in one of my classes told me that her sister is a nurse, and she had to put stitches in someone because another person accidentally hit them with Wiimote while playing a game.
[quote name='UncleBob']Despite what you may have heard, while Judges and Juries may get to decide on things, there is no mystical power behind their decisions that makes them "right".

McDonald's serves millions of cups of super-hot, "not-fit-for-humans" coffee every week. Why is it that we only hear of this one individual who was so badly damanged? She is the variable in this situation, not the 'super-hot' coffee (that just happenes to be made to the standards of the major coffee orginization).

Question - my car can go well beyond any speed reccommended by "the law". If I don't use good judgement with the speed of my car, should I be able to sue Dodge because the car's speed was "faulty"?[/quote]

Actually, McDonalds had something like a thousand complaints against them specifically due to burns from their coffee. That is one of the things that led to the jury awarding the 2.7 million (that the judge reduced). McDonalds continually ignored previous people getting severely burned.

And the question about your cars speed is ridiculous. You can't control the temperature of the coffee that is served to you. The lady wasn't doing anything abnormal that would make spilling it very likely. She was a passenger in a car (not driving like many people report). The car was stopped when she removed the lid to put in cream/sugar (something that McDonalds realizes will happen when they give you coffee and cream/sugar seperately). She didn't use poor judgement, it just spilled. Accidents happen. However, due to McDonalds continually ignoring complaints about the temperature of their coffee (and brewing it at temperatures much higher than their competitors), she had to have skin grafts. Coffee is supposed to be hot. Any amount of "experts" that you offer wont convince me or many people that it is ideally enjoyed at a temperature that will cause you to need skin grafts if spilled.
[quote name='drfunk85']And the question about your cars speed is ridiculous. You can't control the temperature of the coffee that is served to you. The lady wasn't doing anything abnormal that would make spilling it very likely. She was a passenger in a car (not driving like many people report). The car was stopped when she removed the lid to put in cream/sugar (something that McDonalds realizes will happen when they give you coffee and cream/sugar seperately). She didn't use poor judgement, it just spilled. Accidents happen. However, due to McDonalds continually ignoring complaints about the temperature of their coffee (and brewing it at temperatures much higher than their competitors), she had to have skin grafts. Coffee is supposed to be hot. Any amount of "experts" that you offer wont convince me or many people that it is ideally enjoyed at a temperature that will cause you to need skin grafts if spilled.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about you, but I don't hold extremely hot (be it 160 or 190 degree) products between my legs. Ever. This is abnormal. Combined with the fact that she was a fairly aged person and was wearing sweat pants that just soaked up the coffee (and that she made no effort to remove, thus keeping the hot coffee pressed to her skin), the fact that she needed skin grafts was not simply because the coffee was too hot.

You can't control the temperature of the coffee? Really? You can't ask them to put a few ice cubes in the cup when ordering it? I know during my time spent working fast food, I had this request on occasion and had no problems doing so... Hell, I bet if she would have asked them to put in the creme and sugar, they would have done that as well.

And, apparently, I don't need experts to convince anyone that coffee needs to be hot... if you re-read the article linked above, it even says:

And a spokesman for Mr. Coffee Inc., the coffee-machine maker, says that if customer complaints are any indication, industry settings may be too low - some customers like it hotter.

I'd love to know more details about this case - for example, did Liebeck get coffee from this McDonald's before - perhaps on a regular basis? That'd be interesting to know...
You know, if I am holding the Wiimote, and I let go it while my hand is totally stationary...and then the strap breaks and it falls to the ground, we'd have a legitimate issue here. If the straps couldn't handle a zero-velocity or zero-acceleration environment, with no other big environmental variables in place (g-forces, extreme temperatures, wind....an extreme longing for cake), then it would be an issue worth getting mad about.

But I can't understand how in the fuck people are hurting themselves with this thing.

Look, I nudged the side of a chair with my Wiimote, and it smiled and asked me to do it again.

Joking aside, breaking the strap requires that 1) you let go of the remote, and 2) you are moving at ludicrous speed.

Now why the f*ck one should ever come true is beyond me EXCEPT for the occassions in which you lose your grip. But this is one of those situations where that's the risk. It's like being on a jet ski and tightening your grip when it's high in the air - you're actually going to go faster in that case. So you just need to be prepared.

Same idea here - if you are swinging it that fast, then common sense dictates you hold onto the 'mote more securely.

But the deal is that you shouldn't ever be moving that fast - there's little to no situations where that amount of speed is needed, and I imagine the Wii can't even handle accurate movement if that's the case. There's got to be a threshhold the Wii can't overcome, meaning it's worthless to be that big of a jerk about it.

Don't get go of the 'mote and don't be a damn fool about it. Why is it that this is so hard for people to do? Nintendo has taken every step out of process in terms of safety for you already, with the exception of giving you bionic hands with which you can grip things more strongly.

What the fuck is wrong with people. Grow a pair and stfu.
[quote name='lilboo']I think the first true lawsuit OR story to make some kind of media headline would be when it's about a kid.

4 10 year olds (or younger) are playing. Kid 1 swings the remote REALLY HARD and busts Kid 2's face, thus breaking his nose or knocking out some teeth. This will make some mom very, very mad.

That's what I'm betting on.[/quote]

Ha! That is pretty close to what happened at my house on Thanksgiving. My niece was playing wii sports bowling and my step daugheter was walking behind her when she was on the back swing and the wiimote smacked her in the mouth and gave her a busted lip and some bleeding gums! We just told her that she needed to be more careful about where she was walking next time!
[quote name='Strell']Joking aside, breaking the strap requires that 1) you let go of the remote, and 2) you are moving at ludicrous speed.[/QUOTE]

On top of that, think of how hard some people have to be throwing the controller in order to have it break the strap, continue forward (not changing direction based on how the strap breaks) *and* break which ever particular item is being broken. With some of these TVs, it takes some effort to crack the screens in them - These people have to really be chucking their controllers.
[quote name='erin22']Ha! That is pretty close to what happened at my house on Thanksgiving. My niece was playing wii sports bowling and my step daugheter was walking behind her when she was on the back swing and the wiimote smacked her in the mouth and gave her a busted lip and some bleeding gums! We just told her that she needed to be more careful about where she was walking next time![/QUOTE]

What!?!? It wasn't HER fault! It was NINTENDO'S!!

You know what saddens me? Because of retarded people who play with this system and can't even play a simple game of Tennis... makes me doubtful that we will ever get a sword/lightsaber game with 1:1. Seriously. If people turn Wii Sports into a home-wrecking, child abusing kinda game...swinging a sword for a game thats 1:1 will mean nothing but stupid things happening :(
bread's done