Buy a refurbished DSLite or wait for DSi


CAG Veteran
Man, I lost my DS awhile back, and I'm really aching to play with tons of the DS games, namely FFIV and Chrono Trigger, so anyway, which would be more beneficial, waiting til god knows when for the DSi, or just buying a DS Lite, and turning it into gamestop when the DSi comes out?
DS Lite because of the gba slot and the ability to use an M3/R4/etc chip (only for legal applications of course ;) ).
How much do you think I would earn towards a DSi if I turned a DSLite in when I buy it? $50 or so?
If you're going to get a DSi anyway, just wait for a few more months. Trading into Gamestop isn't going to get back enough compared to what you're going to spend to get a DS Lite, unless you could find a cheap used one. But otherwise I'd just wait. That's what I did when they announced the DS Lite right when I was going to get a DS and I'm happy I waited. I'd say the only reason to get a DS Lite now is if you want to be able to play GBA games or guitar hero, or if you don't care about the DSi features and would rather have better battery life.
From the way things are sounding, the DSi won't be around until fall. I can't remotely imagine going without my DS that long. I say buy a DS Lite, then resell it to eBay or to the trading forums or something if you decide to replace it for a DSi. If you're dying to play the DS now, how are you going to make it so long until the DSi comes out?
i love my DSi for a number of reasons (flipbook software, awesome d-pad/shoulder buttons, adjustable brightness in-game, and yes, the camera), but that's just me. unless those sort of things sound attractive to you, and if you really want to play GBA games or games that require the GBA slot, go with a DS Lite.

but if you decide to go with a DSi, superufo has them for $223.
[quote name='antlp89']DS Lite because of the gba slot and the ability to use an M3/R4/etc chip (only for legal applications of course ;) ).[/QUOTE]

you can use flash cart on DSi as well.
[quote name='inthegray']i love my DSi for a number of reasons (flipbook software, awesome d-pad/shoulder buttons, adjustable brightness in-game, and yes, the camera), but that's just me.[/quote]

Aren't the menus of the DSi in Japanese? And you'll only ever be able to download Japanese DSi-ware?
I thought about import, but I don't really want to hassle with Japanese.

The only DSi feature that interests me is DSiWare.
I think it's too early to tell. I'm in a similar situation: My DS's touch screen isn't really working all to well. I can pay $75-80 for Nintendo to fix it, $130 for a new DSlite, or $180 or so for a DSi quite a while into the year.

For me, the promise of what the DSi could be is making me wait a bit. Not to long in the past, I wrote something on these boards like "I want a handheld that's about the size of a gameboy micro or a cell phone, with onboard storage, and digital distribution." Well, nintendo's sorta come through.

I don't think that the promise of the Gameboy Micro showed through it's initial price, and took some time for people to realize its merits. I bet the DSi will be quite the same. So like I said, I am going to wait, and see what the pricing will be, what the DSware games are like, and probably, to touch a system in a store. If you are really interested in the DSi, you're going to need to wait too, because there just isn't enough information out there yet.
If you want a DSi, but also want something now, I'd buy a used DS Lite. You'll probably be able to sell it on ebay or Craigslists or whatever for a good portion of what you paid for it as long as you sell it a month or so in advance of the DSi launch. That will shorten the time you're without a DS at all. Don't trade it in to Gamestop as you won't get much for it that way. I definitely wouldn't import a DSi because it appears that import DSi's will not be able to download or use US DSiWare, and presumably that is one of the main reasons to get a DSi. I know that would be a main reason for me to get one. Honestly, I can't imagine why you would get one if you couldn't use the DSiWare on it. Not to mention that importing a DSi is expensive, so you'd not only have a gimped DSi, but an expensive gimped DSi.
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