Buy Guitar Hero III Product, Get $10 Off Accessory or Game


Just got this in the e-mail from Best Buy, and with GH3 coming out soon, I figured someone would make use of it.

The deal is that you buy any Guitar Hero 3 product and get $10 of any second game or accessory $29.99 & up. This excludes game hardware, special order, clearance, demo, and open-box item, and you can only do one offer per coupon and househould. But it should work if you print it off and bring it in.
"Guitar Hero III Product" includes the guitar skins right? That's how I understand it anyway.

Or do they mean you must purchase a GHIII game or bundle to avail of the coupon?
I believe the INTENT of the coupon is to make you buy Guitar Hero 3, but I suppose it's possible to just buy an accessory of some sort. I would err on the side of you having to buy GH3, though.
Thanks OP, picked up GHIII and got the ESA holiday bundle for $10 off after arguing with them for about ten minutes, also got a Motley Crue faceplate free because they couldn't find the Sex Pistol ones.
anyone know what the chances would be of me taking my sex pistols plate back in a week and maybe being able to exchange it for one that's not so ugly?
FYI the Guitar Hero III keychains are only $2 at best buy (saw them at the checkout counters) thus making this an $8 off coupon for any game $29.99 and up
bread's done