Buy the WATCHMEN Graphic Novel for $9.99, that's 50% off


**Disclosure: Yes, most of you already know I work at TFAW, but just to make sure nobody gets confused, or thinks there's some sneakiness going on - Hey! I work at TFAW. Which means you can always feel free to ask me questions here on the board or e-mail me at [email protected] **

A happy Friday to you all!

We're wrapping up our Summer Steals Sale today at TFAW and were sitting around thinking what we could follow it up with.

And we had an idea.

Everyone by this point has heard of WATCHMEN. But to date, a lot of people have still not read this modern classic. So we're doing something to remedy that.

Right now, we're selling brand new copies of the WATCHMEN for $9.99. That's 50% off the cover price. We strongly believe you should read the graphic novel before seeing the movie, and at this sort of discount - we hope it makes it a lot easier for you to do so.

Unfortunately, at this price the deal can't last forever so swing by and get your copy of this masterpiece now. Have yourselves a fantastic weekend, and thank you all once again for all of your support. We appreciate it.



P.S. - Oh! And if you want to save some money on shipping, if you sign up for our newsletter you will get a coupon for FREE domestic shipping (U.S.) on orders over $35. Which will a.) save you cash AND b.) make sure you're the first to hear about sales like this one and the Summer Steals.
That is a really great deal, and I would certainly buy it if i didn't already have a copy. It doesn't have an extras or anything that would make it better than the original TPB edition right?
Great deal, but the minimum is $11 shipping to Canada.
US people need to get it though, I hear its one of the best Graphic Novels ever.
This TC works for TFAW!!!!! lol

I like TFAW but the shipping price isn't usually awesome. I've picked up Serenity/Buffy merchandise a few times from them.
Damn you TFAW! I already bought $120 worth of stuff from your summer steals sale, now I'm buying more. I got 2 copies of WATCHMEN for a friend and myself and Spiderman loves Mary jane for the ladies. I love you're guys' site, you need to post deals on CAG more often.
Wow, I've never heard of the Watchmen before. And everyone seems to be giving great reviews maybe I should check it out, thx.
I'm still waiting on my order from the big sale, but can't wait for it. Oddly enough my little brother wanted to buy Watchman from TFAW and I am debating whether to do it or not since for $15 I should be able to pick up a copy locally --- anyway TFAW is great, def. got my business during that crazy sale!
how fast is the shipping? i know thats not really up to you i'm just wondering cause i'm leaving town thursday and am needing something to read on the trip
Let's see, in no particular order...

1. If you have to leave Thursday, you probably are NOT going to have your copy of the WATCHMEN to take with you. Sorry. But look at it this way, you'll have an amazing help of comic awesome waiting for you when you get home. :D

2. I know, I know. First Summer Steals, now this. Really... I need to stop running sales. That's it, first thing Monday I'm tripling the prices on everything.:lol: (Kidding of course) We're really not trying to drive you crazy with comic goodness, but really, I just couldn't stand the thought of a generation that only knew WATCHMEN as this cool movie. You MUST read it first. At least that's my opinion.

3. Oh! And thank you once again (and always) for the support you've shown us here. I really appreciate all the kind posts and e-mails and just wanted to take a second to say thanks! Believe me, I respond to every one of them I get, so if your e-mail, post, or IM hasn't been addressed yet rest assured... slowly but surely I'm working my way through them.

Have yourselves a fantastic weekend and try and stay out of the heat. I don't know about you, but I'm just not made for these kinds of temperatures.


[quote name='Azumangaman']Great deal, but the minimum is $11 shipping to Canada.
US people need to get it though, I hear its one of the best Graphic Novels ever.[/quote]

Nope. Just the regular TPB, but for 50% off. Don't worry though - we got some pretty great deals on the hardcover and absolute editions too. :)

- Andrew@TFAW
[quote name='Grico']That is a really great deal, and I would certainly buy it if i didn't already have a copy. It doesn't have an extras or anything that would make it better than the original TPB edition right?[/quote]

Nope. Just the regular TPB, but for 50% off. Don't worry though - we got some pretty great deals on the hardcover and absolute editions too. :)

- Andrew@TFAW
[quote name='MrBrando']Damn you TFAW! I already bought $120 worth of stuff from your summer steals sale, now I'm buying more. I got 2 copies of WATCHMEN for a friend and myself and Spiderman loves Mary jane for the ladies. I love you're guys' site, you need to post deals on CAG more often.[/quote]

Thanks Mr. Brando!

Glad you love us despite our obnoxious tendency to throw deals, and sales, and stuff. :lol:

I try and post to CAG when we have something appropriate to offer to the community. BUT we also don't want to be jerks and go and start flooding the boards with unwanted messages, so it's something of a balancing act. However, whenever we have a truly great deal to share, that we think will REALLY be of interest, and (most importantly) that we don't think will be an insult or offensive to you fine folks - you can bet I'll tell you about it.

Speaking for myself, I LOVE that I get to share deals like this with y'all and call it a job. That being said, I also don't want to be that spam jerk with useless information. But you can all feel free to check in with me time to time at [email protected] and I'll let you know whatever coolery we have going on.

Thanks as always for checking us out and for letting us know what you think.

We truly appreciate it.


[quote name='Quintox']I'm still waiting on my order from the big sale, but can't wait for it. Oddly enough my little brother wanted to buy Watchman from TFAW and I am debating whether to do it or not since for $15 I should be able to pick up a copy locally --- anyway TFAW is great, def. got my business during that crazy sale![/quote]


Drop me a line at [email protected], and first thing Monday I'll check on your order and give you the heads up on ETA and stuff.

Do it through the e-mail , NOT HERE (so your privacy is maintained) and just give me your order number. I'll be able to figure it our from there.


Nice. I had been kicking around ordering it from Amazon for a few weeks now. The free shipping for a $20.00 order gave me a great excuse to catch-up on some Berserk. Thanks!
I have a question regarding pre-order. Do you guys charge my card when I order or when it releases? I'm thinking of getting the hardcover Watchmen
this is standard price on amazon and you only need to order $25 worth of product for free shipping, all graphic novels are pretty much this price on amazon, batman:year one, dark knight returns, etc.
[quote name='MikeHoncho']I have a question regarding pre-order. Do you guys charge my card when I order or when it releases? I'm thinking of getting the hardcover Watchmen[/quote]

Hey Mike,

We charge your card when your item ships. Technically, it is illegal to charge a person's card (in most states) prior to shipping their item. Just a heads up if you've had that experience in the past.

Regardless, you can place a pre-order knowing you won't be charged until it is ready to go.


[quote name='von551']this is standard price on amazon and you only need to order $25 worth of product for free shipping, all graphic novels are pretty much this price on amazon, batman:year one, dark knight returns, etc.[/quote]

Right now on Amazon (and this is the evening of Monday, August 18th) the lowest listed price for WATCHMEN is $10.35. So von551 is right that people have dropped their prices a bit.

However, if you go to the WATCHMEN shop on TFAW (which you can get to by clicking the insane number of WATCHMEN banners on our site or by clicking here ) we have a FREE domestic shipping offer on all orders over $19.99. Which I believe is $5 less than the $25 mentioned on Amazon.

Ultimately, shop where you feel like you're treated the best. At $9.99 (50% off) this isn't a money maker by any means. :lol: All we (or anyone else) can do, is try and treat people the way we'd want to be treated ourselves, and offer the best prices we can.

We just wanted to make sure as many people READ the WATCHMEN before they watched the WATCHMEN. And on that note, GAH!!! With all of this talk of lawsuit I'm a little scared the answer to the question "Who watches the Watchmen?" is going to be - NOBODY. :cry:

Let's hope the studios work things out because, personally, I'm stoked to check it out.


bread's done