Buying a 360 tomorrow


Hey guys, bought a HDTV on sale today, buying a 360 tomorrow.

I already decided that I was gonna get 2 games, one being Dead Rising. I've already beat Gears of War so I was thinking Crackdown for the 2nd game, looks really fun but I dont really care about the Halo 3 beta.

Any other games I should consider to start with?

Oh and I'm getting a little bit of lag with my PS2, I did some research and its because the TV had to upscale the image before it can show them, so a 360 should be unaffected, right?
Hopefully the lack of game saves won't kill Dead Rising for you, it along with the small text (on a standard definition), made it a subpar game for me.
A second game however, I would recommend Viva Pinata, it is only $30 too. Looks are very deceiving for it, it may look "kiddy" but it is so addicting... Other game you could start with are Kameo(my second 360 game, and it was fun), Saints Row(another $30 game that can last 20+ hours), and Oblivion (although I never personally played it, waiting for a price drop). Not to say Crackdown is bad though, I played the demo and it was much fun. Your choices should also depend on whether or not you plan on getting Xbox Live.
If you're getting two games, buy the system at GameCrazy (if you have one nearby).. all used games are B2G1F when you purchase a system. You get 12 free rentals as well.

Saint's Row, Oblivion, Dead Rising.. all good choices. If you want Crackdown for the actual game - wait. In about 3 weeks, used copies will be going for CHEAP. Or just rent it. It's a short game.
Scrap the second game and buy an extended warranty. Seriously. no reports about 360s dying are overblown-- the thing is made very cheaply.

Dead Rising is a great choice for a first game. don't listen to the cries about the save system-- people are spoiled by autosaves.
Rainbow six vegas is another good one. Crackdown is tons of fun. Same with oblivion. Looks brilliant on a nice TV, and I put over 50 hours into it, and I didn't even get half the achievements.

Also I would suggest guitar hero II.

And if your into sports at all get NBA 2k7. Best graphics for a sports game and some of the best graphics on the 360 period.
Just dove into Dead Rising tonight, and holy crap is it awesome. Great choice for a first game. I played the hell out of the demo before picking it up at a GR clearance, and man... the game is way better than the demo even let on. The save system is a little wonky, but it's still hands-down the best zombie game ever made. They just *nailed* the mood and the constant onslaught.

Oblivion is a blast, but I've been putting it off while I clear through some less time consuming backlogged games. Viva Pinata is also a dandy, as has been pointed out. Download the demo and see what you think.
Rent Dead Rising before buying it. Despite how many people adore it, I found it to be a terrible game and I would definitely recommend you try before you buy.
Crackdown gets really boring, really fast.

Rainbow 6: Vegas is good, if you like realistic shooters.
Call of Duty 2 is also good (unless you play on Veteran, which will make you want to rip your hair out).
[quote name='mr ryles']Rainbow six vegas is another good one. Crackdown is tons of fun. Same with oblivion. Looks brilliant on a nice TV, and I put over 50 hours into it, and I didn't even get half the achievements. [/quote]

It took me 200 hours (or so) to get them all. I wasn't in any hurry though, so you could probably do it a lot faster.

I'd get gears and Saint's Row if I were you--only get Crackdown if you're a fanatic about the Halo 3 beta. Crackdown's price will drop like a rock soon. Saint's Row is a better game anyway, in my opinion.
Ive been playing RSV and Battlefield 2 alot lately. My wife plays DOA4 alot. You really cant go wrong with any of the opinions here. The 360 has so many good games out there
Personally I would say to get Gears even though you already beat it. I have gone through the game 7 times and find the multiplayer to be awesome. There are a lot of newbies in the game so you won't be alone and once you find a crew to run with the game is a blast. It is the first game that truly hooked me since Battlefield 2 and I play it almost every day and it never gets old.
[quote name='Apossum']Scrap the second game and buy an extended warranty. Seriously. no reports about 360s dying are overblown-- the thing is made very cheaply. [/quote]


To second this with another reason, Crackdown was a game meant to be rented only, never bought. I can't deny the fun of it, but it only lasts so long. Warranties/Service Contract is the way to go. I had a launch 360, always thought it was funny to read people on forums complain about the three evil red rings, but as of this past month I know different. I am glad I had my warranty and M$ was pretty quick about it.

Anyways, get Lost Planet, that game never gets enough love (they have both a multiplayer demo and single player demo on the marketplace)
Yes, be sure to get the warranty.

I suggest Saint's Row and Rainbow Six Vegas very highly. Especially Saint's Row, better than ANY of the GTAs. Yeah I said it.

Also consider picking up a XBLA points card. XBLA is damn chock full of great games.

Oblivion's a good choice if you're into those type of game.

Some games I personally would avoid:

Lost Planet - *yawn* is it over yet?
COD3 - *yawn*x2 same exact game as COD2
Any of the 2007 EA sports titles because they're all either lacking, or plain SUCK (I'm looking at you Live)
Perfect Dark's just bad.

But those are my opinions, you could always rent/download the games.

EDIT. It's hard to believe no one mentioned these yet, consider GRAW 1 or 2! AWESOME games.
i was thinking about picking up condemned on the memorial day gs sale this weekend, anyone played it? figured it might be worth the 20 bucks, i heard good things.
[quote name='mang9432']i was thinking about picking up condemned on the memorial day gs sale this weekend, anyone played it? figured it might be worth the 20 bucks, i heard good things.[/quote]

If you like scary games you would probably enjoy it. I liked it quite a bit.
Here's a few I would recommend that you can't go wrong with

Rainbow Six Vegas- My favorite all around 360 game
Crackdown- Game is a ton of fun co-op online. Worth it even without the Halo Beta
GRAW 1 and 2- Both fantastic
Call of Duty 2- Still gets play time online 1 1/2 years after release. COD3 was a stinker
Project Gotham 3- Still a favorite of mine
Gears of War- The online co-op is fantastic. Multiplayer part has soured on me because of glitch exploits
Viva Pinata- Addictive is the only word I can say
Dead Rising (Patience is a must because of the save stuff)
Condemned- Still need to play, but my friends/brother love this game
Marvel Ultimate Alliance-If you can get 4 player online co-op going it brings the game to another level
Oblivion- If you like RPG's this is a must own, and will keep you busy for a long time

If you like sports
Fight Night - Fantastic looking game, and its a very good boxer
Virtua Tennis 3- Game lives up to the VT name. The demo was crap because it was on Hard mode. Don't let it fool ya. Game rocks

Someone mentioned Live arcade. Pick up a points card and pick up

- Fantastic Board Game
Alien Hominid- A Hard but fantastic side scrolling shooter
Small Arms- A Smash Brothers Clone, which is fun with friends
3D Pinball- If your a pinball fan this is a must own

There are a bunch more arcade titles worth picking up, and that does not include retro titles (as most don't live up to the test of time)
Guitar Hero 2 $90, Burnout Revenge $30, Rockstar Table Tennis $20, Fight Night Round 3 $30, Crackdown $60, Moto Gp 06 $30, Lego Star Wars 2 $20, And Elder Scrolls: Oblivion $60. Are All Game You Should Consider. GH2 Is So Addictive, Halo 3 Beta Is Sick, You Might Change Your Mind After Playing It, Crackdown is pretty fun as well. Burnout Is The Best Racing Game Out Right Now For 360. I Like It Better Than Forza 2, Can't Wait For DiRT. Table Tennis Is So Realistic In Physics, fast paced And Addictive. I'd buy geometry wars on XBLA as well, it's a fun game and cheap. enjoy...
bread's done