Buying Games Just Because?


13 (100%)
I think I'm addicted purely to buying games I find for cheap. I just bought my 70th game for my 360 (might not seem like a lot to some of you but it is a shit ton for me) and I only play on the weekends for just a few hours. I don't have time to play these games but I still actively look for good deals on them. I have probably 15 to 20 games that have never seen the inside of my 360 yet they are all unwrapped and sitting in my entertainment center. Anyone else like this?
I am in the exact same situation....

I'm really busy from work so this means that I don't have alot of time to play...yet I have alot more money that I used now I indulge in buying more games that I have in the past...

For example, 2 big games I really enjoy (Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros Brawl), I have probalby played them both for a combined 4 hours.....yet I purchased both at launch....Other games (for example Fatal Frame 2 and 3), I have not even opened along with a host of others....

I figure if I ever get fired or when I have more time I will play, but I must admit I almost spend as much time buying games now as I do playing them...
Isn't that the blessing and curse of CAG? Seriously, I have held back on buying a 360 simply because my PS2 backlog is in the hundreds...
well my library of 11 360 games looks at your 70 and goes "DAMN!"

but yea ... i don't have much time or the attention span for games anymore even to play the few games i already own but when i see some crazy deals on CAG i feel the damn urge to get it just to get it.
Even tho i just know that i will only play it for 1-2 hours if at all and it will be shelfed until the standard price of the game drops below the deal i got it for.
So at the end i never really save anything.

I think there should be a self temp bann button here on CAG.
So when you are broke or feel like you will go broke soon .. you can just IP ban your ass for a few weeks or so.
come on CAG 2.0!
I don't got anything against CAG or anything, love the place, but CAG is your problem. If you didn't know about this site & all the rock hard deals, you would be a richer man.
Used to be, but it paid off as I got out of gaming and sold most of them. Helped for some extra cash. :)

Now I just buy the games I truly like. everything else I just get through gamefly now, saves me a shit ton of money.
Not really, but I kinda understand yuh.

I may buy games for cheap, but it's not just because they're cheap or there's a deal for it. I tend to get what interests me most, and just because a game is cheap doesn't mean it's any less of a game than a more expensive game.

So basically I choose the cheaper game over the more expensive game if they look like they're on the same level quality wise.

I think people get new and expensive mixed up with quality. Just get what you want the smart way, and don't buy into the hype.
I use to do that as well 2-3 years ago until over the course of a month I realized I was just wasting my money I could blow on better things. Nowadays I just buy games I intend to play... with some exceptions. Those exceptions being particular franchises.
Nope, I only buy games that I actually want and intend to play. I don't think I own a game that I have never played.
I am guilty of this as well. I blame some of the better amazon deals, coupled with my prime membership. I have to turn of one-click shopping!
I'm definitely guilty of this. I've actually realigned my budget from now on after looking at my gaming expenses from January 1st until today. One new game a month or the equivalent cost, that is it. It's going to be hard to keep to that. Really hard. May have to block CAG for a while.
I do this with 2D fighting games that come out for Ps2, I just want to try and collect them all. Also, I bought Crimson Tears and Romancing Saga around Christmas time for 3 dollars total and they're still shrink wrapped.
luckily, between goozex and my cost of games for my 360 gaming experience hasn't been to much. But the latest gamestop b2g1 free was a big spend for me, and i haven't even tried any of the 6 games i got =\
I fluctuate. Sometimes I have a dozen or so games for a system just sitting there, then i have a selloff until i have like two left. Then I find a smokin' deal and end up with another stack that I eventually realize I'm not playing. It's a vicious cycle, but it keeps me busy.
I stopped doing this. That's why I don't own GTA4 and why I just barley picked up COD4. I won't buy a "aaa" game just because. I have to have time for it. And I'm passing on a whole bunch of games that are just Ok.

The last 2 games I got on day one of release was Smash Bros and Mario Kart Wii. And I've dumped a ton of hours on both of them. I've very glad to say.
I'm like this some what. I only get games I intend to play but most the time I never do. I have games still for the PS2 that I have yet to play. Hell I have some on the Dreamcast that I have yet to play but got them just because they were cheap and at the time I intended to play them. I'm the same with DVDs also. Atleast with DVDs some times they are cheaper to buy then rent.
[quote name='Fragonard']Nope, I only buy games that I actually want and intend to play. I don't think I own a game that I have never played.[/quote]
This. However, I have bought a number of games I was only mildly interested in because they were cheap. Discovered some real gems that way, but a fair share of duds as well.

I've decided to shift gears a bit now that I have a 360 (and a huge backlog of PS2 and GC games). I intend to limit myself to those games that I really want.
I don't do this anymore. I only buy games I'll play or games I can flip for much more on ebay to buy other games that are more expensive. :)
Yeah I did that but you can sell a lot of the games back for more than you paid.

I'm currently working on getting my collection size down to 100-125 games.
Eh, sorta. I have a wishlist of stuff that I know I want, so I pick those up when the time's right, but I don't stray from that or have a huge backlog.
Completely and totally guilty of this, as well.

Most recent example was a few weeks ago when TRU did the clearance. I only really wanted Virtua Tennis 3, and yet ended up coming home with Blue Dragon, Stranglehold, and EDF 2017. Now, that sort of worked out, because Stranglehold is about $15 worth of entertainment, no more, and EDF is one of the most awesome games ever.

Blue Dragon. I don't play RPGs. ESPECIALLY older or 'classic' styled ones. Closest thing I play to RPGs are the BioWare games. Hell, back in the day, I picked up FF7, played it for about 10 hours, hated it, and sold it off to my friend for $10. So, that all begs the question... why in the hell did I buy Blue Dragon? Answer: because it was cheap.

After that, I really have tried to limit myself to cheap games that I *want*, like Beautiful Katamari for $13, stuff that I've wanted and isn't easy to find a deal on, like Rock Band, and stuff that I'll get day one no questions asked, like Mario Kart Wii and GTA4. As of now, I've done pretty well. I've only picked up for games this week, all finally cheap enough to warrant a purchase.

Whether people want to believe it or not, it's an addiction.
[quote name='007']Blue Dragon. I don't play RPGs. ESPECIALLY older or 'classic' styled ones. Closest thing I play to RPGs are the BioWare games. Hell, back in the day, I picked up FF7, played it for about 10 hours, hated it, and sold it off to my friend for $10. So, that all begs the question... why in the hell did I buy Blue Dragon? Answer: because it was cheap.[/quote]

i did the same thing..i picked up Blue Dragon for $9 from the Microsoft Training site and I will probably never play it...
I plead innocent. for single player games I use goozex(NG2, Alone in the Dark 5), but if is a multi player oriented game I rent it, and if I like it I buy it.
I used to buy games because they were cheap... but now with a huge back log, I don't even buy games unless I know I really, really, really want to play them regardless of price.
[quote name='Vinny']I used to buy games because they were cheap... but now with a huge back log, I don't even buy games unless I know I really, really, really want to play them regardless of price.[/QUOTE]

Same, I used to buy any 3 dollar game I came cross, now it has to be something I see myself playing at some point and not just for 5 minutes. Also I thought about it more while buying some crap one day, yes I saved money on this game............... but i'll never play it so what was the point? Then when I get a good deal on something I did want it is lessoned due to blowing money on previous garbage
Nope. I buy games when I need a new game to play and only pick up highly rated games in genres I love as I stick with games I think will be personal AAA titles for me.

I'm not a collector, and I have limted time I can/am willing to free up for gaming so I try to stick to the cream of the crop.

Saves money, and I enjoy gaming more by only playing stuff I really love. And it's nice never having much of a backlog weighing on me.

I won't buy games I don't think I would like just because they are cheap.

I also have this OCD where I have to finish whatever I start, no matter how good/bad it is.
Yep, I used to buy a bunch of games, that looked at least ok, that I have still yet to play.

For the 1st year/ 1 1/2 years on CAG my game collection basically increased, at least, 5-10 fold. I didn't have that many games to start with, but once you unveil that gloriously lite Video Game Deals Thread it was quite eye-opening, in the realm of video game prices. Relative to what I had been used to pay for video games, the deals were mind blowing. I remember the first times going into the Video Game Deal Thread and wondering whether or not these deals were real.

I joined the site back in 2005 and, if my memory serves me correctly, boy do I remember there being some crazy deals back then. The Trading thread of today especially pales in comparison.

After that initial 1 1/2 years of bargain hunting, I slowed down considerably. Now, I try to only buy games that I will play. I don't have a 360 or PS3 yet, so when I get one next month there may be a little spurge.
i guess my 17 game backlog isn't so bad. i blame most of it on starcraft however as i have spent countless hrs and will spend countless more hrs playing that game until the HUD burns into my screen.
I bought stuff during the $5 CC sale just because they were cheap. One of the biggest mistakes I made. I've also bought games just because they had a certain publisher label on them (along with being cheap). Big mistakes.
I guess my getting a PS2 would count. I have no business with it; I should be happy with just my Wii and laptop. But I got it and just ordered a bunch of games and accessories. Never mind the rushed workdays and nights of nothing but homework. The games and everything can just collect dust for the next.... 7 months. :cry:
I have generally had less interest in video games since I discovered boobies, I mean really really discovered boobies. However I still feel the need to keep buying the damn things. I do have a brother who plays them more than I do when I buy them, so at least they're getting some use. Maybe I just don't want to grow up and put the addiction on hold.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I bought stuff during the $5 CC sale just because they were cheap. One of the biggest mistakes I made. I've also bought games just because they had a certain publisher label on them (along with being cheap). Big mistakes.[/quote]

That's called Atlus Syndrome. It's pretty common, as well.
[quote name='TahoeMax']That's called Atlus Syndrome. It's pretty common, as well.[/QUOTE]I bought Magna Carta and almost bought Metal Saga over it. I'm completely over it since I will ONLY buy an Atlus game now if it's something I really want.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']....since I will ONLY buy an Atlus game now if it's something I really want.[/QUOTE]

Apply that to all games and your problem will be solved.....
I used to do that when I have what could be called as "disposable income". I bought Max Payne 2 because it was 1.50 at Gamespot. One instance, I bought a copy of Spiderman 2 on the PS2 when it was on clearance. Only played it once (thought it was cool that it used Bruce Campbell's voice in the tutorial). Now I only buy games that are on my list as must have. You save more money buying what you really want than buying on impulse.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I do that for all games and still buy way too much.[/QUOTE]

Then you need to combine that with a second stipulation of only buying games you really want when you have time to play them.

That or just live with it and quit posting about how you have a giant backlog killing your enjoyment of games and then posting giant lists of all the games you "have" to buy in the next month.

Show some self control or quit whining.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Then you need to combine that with a second stipulation of only buying games you really want when you have time to play them.

That or just live with it and quit posting about how you have a giant backlog killing your enjoyment of games and then posting giant lists of all the games you "have" to buy in the next month.

Show some self control or quit whining.[/QUOTE]It's hard, that's all I can say. There is quite a bit I like, but at the same time my backlog does drive me insane. I really shouldn't be buying a lot of games (due to not exactly being rich), but it's a bit of an addiction. Let's just say it's tough to get over. There's no denying I'm buying much less than I use to and playing the games I get more, but at the same time I still have a massive old backlog I need to dump more (which I do not play, but dumping isn't completely easy because I occasionally have some gut feeling I should keep it. Also, breaking a series is tough (like Suikoden for example)).
I definitely have this problem. If I find an alright game that is cheap, I'll end up buying it. I found Stranglehold last week for $10. I've already beat it once on my roommates 360, but I thought it was alright and it was cheap so I bought it. No other real reason. I normally justify buying games that are ok but they are cheap I will buy them. I need to stop. The problem has gotten better since I have gone to school since there are no real good game stores near me there.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']It's hard, that's all I can say. There is quite a bit I like, but at the same time my backlog does drive me insane. I really shouldn't be buying a lot of games (due to not exactly being rich), but it's a bit of an addiction. Let's just say it's tough to get over. There's no denying I'm buying much less than I use to and playing the games I get more, but at the same time I still have a massive old backlog I need to dump more (which I do not play, but dumping isn't completely easy because I occasionally have some gut feeling I should keep it. Also, breaking a series is tough (like Suikoden for example)).[/QUOTE]

It's buying games you don't have time to play. Don't make such a big deal about it.

Either man up and quit doing it, or accept that you can control it (which is pretty pathetic, to be blunt) and live with it and quit whining about it on forums. Hell, if you put all the time you do whining about it on here into playing some games the backlog may get a bit smaller! :D
I'm very guilty of this as can be seen by the fact that even AAA games I want to play are still sitting on my shelf sealed. Currently 86 360 games but I have already resolved to sell off all but about 40 of them, although as a result I will be picking up a PS3, an NDS and possibly a Wii in the next 6 months, but if I bought 20 games between those three, that would be a lot.

I would feel a little more guilty about it but I can usually get back what I paid for a game when I resell it so it's not like I'm losing hundreds of dollars over it.
bread's done