Buying store warranties?


Hi im interested in getting an xbox360. Im wondering if you guys advise getting a store warranty, for when the 3 years from MS are up?

If so, which stores offer the best warranties?

I read on this forum, someone mentioning MS' extended warranty? I've never heard anything about this. How much does it cost? Does it cover more than just RROD?

Also, im interested in the elite. Could i use the HMDI port to plug it into my computer monitor? My old CRT tv broke and i dont want to buy a new one.

thanks in advance
You got a bit of misinformation here. The 360 comes with a 1 year everything warranty and a 3 year RRoD warranty. I have heard many reports of them just covering everything in the 3 year though.

I got the Game Stop warranty and it helped me. It was $50. After mine RRoD I just swapped it out. I got one with the newer chipset too. Systems made after the October 23 2008 time frame have the Jasper chipset. Which are supposed to RRoD less.

All systems now have HDMI. Not just the Elite. So you could get an Arcade and there are some deals posted here where you can get the 129 Gb HDD for $100. Which would almost make an Elite.
so is it 50 bucks for oen year? two years?? renewable?

also supposing i buy an xbox from the deals, is there any extra warranties at all?

Do you think its worth bpaying more for a warranty?
$40 at GameCrazy.. you get Microsoft's one year, then GameCrazy's 1 year kicks in. You can use it once, but when you swap it out, you can get it on the new system as well.

And yeah, whereever you get it, get a warranty. Not just because the system fails quite often, but because the 360's are being updated so quickly with new and better hardware. That way, whenever yours fails (and it's a question of when, not if), you can swap it out for one of the newer models
I purchased a launch console and the MS extended warranty I purchased was set to expire Jan 21, 2009. While I was ordering a Migration Kit over the telephone I asked if I could get another warranty. It seems that as long as your console is still under warranty, you can purchase yet another extended warranty from MS in one or two year versions. My "launch" 360 (having been replaced four times) is now under warranty until Jan 22, 2011. It cost me $68CDN.
Depends which model your getting. If you're getting the $199 Arcade model, then I don't think its worth it to spend 25% of the purchase price for an extended warranty. Depends on your tolerance for risk, but that just seems too expensive for my tastes.

A lot of credit cards double the mfg warranty (like my Amex Blue), so that would get you to two years of coverage if that's an option for you.
I see your point. Im actually itnerested in the elite. I plan to play it for well over the 3 yrs. Even if theres a new xbox, id probably stick w/ the 360...

Do you guys find any other defetc that commonly occurs, besides RROD?
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