CAG Beer Drinkers Unite! Beer Snobs and Cheap Ass Drunks Welcome!

I went to a place off of Belmont in Chicago called Kumas Corner. BTW some of the best burgers in Chicago, all metal themed as well (The Goblincock has to be my favorite by far.) and they also feature beer from breweries around the area and then some. I had something that I think was "Dynamo Coperhead Ale." and it was fantastic. Very full and rich taste.
Duvel is good.

Anyone tried Dundee's? I got the sampler pack from Wal-Mart and the IPA and Pale Bock are decent. I haven't tried the Porter, Wheat Beer, or Honey Brown yet.
[quote name='depascal22']Duvel is good.

Anyone tried Dundee's? I got the sampler pack from Wal-Mart and the IPA and Pale Bock are decent. I haven't tried the Porter, Wheat Beer, or Honey Brown yet.[/QUOTE]

We've got the Honey Brown just sitting at my work. I don't think I've ever sold a 6 or a 12.
I used to love Honey Brown before they jacked up the pirce. It used to be a 6 pack for $6. It was a good cheap beer. Now it's up to $8 for some reason.
Duvel is one of my go-to Belgian beers.

I had a Sam Adams Imperial White the other night. It is from the Sam Adams Imperial series (Imperial Stout, Double Bock, and Imperial White). It was VERY good. Basically an amped up witbier (Hoegaarden, Blue Moon, etc.) but a whole lot sweeter and a whole lot more alcohol - over 10%!

I highly recommend it if you like this type of beer. So two of the SA Imperial series have been great (Double Bock and Imperial White), now I just have to try the Imperial Stout. If it comes close to Old Rasputin, SA really knocked it out of the park with this series.
I like this thread mostly for selfish reasons. I keed. I keed.

Rodimus, I found a sixer of Dundee's Honey Brown at my local grocery store for $6. I'm still working on my sampler so I passed.

Oh, and another beer I despise is that God awful Cranberry Lambic that Sam Adams puts in their sampler. It's like making me buy a ten pack for twelve pack price.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']Duvel is one of my go-to Belgian beers.

I had a Sam Adams Imperial White the other night. It is from the Sam Adams Imperial series (Imperial Stout, Double Bock, and Imperial White). It was VERY good. Basically an amped up witbier (Hoegaarden, Blue Moon, etc.) but a whole lot sweeter and a whole lot more alcohol - over 10%!

I highly recommend it if you like this type of beer. So two of the SA Imperial series have been great (Double Bock and Imperial White), now I just have to try the Imperial Stout. If it comes close to Old Rasputin, SA really knocked it out of the park with this series.[/QUOTE]

I just noticed those Sam Adams while I was browsing Acme's (rather impressive) selection today. I might have to pick up some next time I'm out.
why am i just now finding this thread?

I haven't really gone too far back into this thread, so has anyone else tried the new Guinness 250th anniversary stout? I have a 6 pack chilling in the fridge at home and am really looking forward to enjoying it with some steak tonight.
I had the 250th Anniversary Guinness a few weeks ago at a bar, it tasted like a Guinness.

depascal, I wonder why Honey Brown is only $6 by you? It's in new packaging (I almost didn't recognize it) so I thought they changed something about the beer to make it more expensive. It used to be my go-to cheap beer but now it's Kirin. My local Publix always has $1 off coupons for Kirin.
[quote name='rabbitt']I just noticed those Sam Adams while I was browsing Acme's (rather impressive) selection today. I might have to pick up some next time I'm out.[/QUOTE]

They are pretty expensive (I think around $10 for a 4 pack), but they are well worth it. You are getting more than 2 beers worth of alcohol for each one you drink so it is a good money to buzz ratio ;)
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']They are pretty expensive (I think around $10 for a 4 pack), but they are well worth it. You are getting more than 2 beers worth of alcohol for each one you drink so it is a good money to buzz ratio ;)[/QUOTE]

Ha. I don't mind paying a little more for quality. Shit, the cheapest I can find Duvel right now is $12, and I'll probably end up paying that for it.
[quote name='rabbitt']Ha. I don't mind paying a little more for quality. Shit, the cheapest I can find Duvel right now is $12, and I'll probably end up paying that for it.[/QUOTE]

I usually buy singles when I get anything but I think Duvel usually runs around $3 or $4 a bottle so a 4 pack for $12 is pretty good.
[quote name='rabbitt']I just hope the store I go to tomorrow has the tulip glass.[/QUOTE]

Heh. I bought the package with the Duvel glass in it a few years ago. I have two Belgian beer glasses so far, a Chimay and a Duvel.
Where am I likely to find a Duvel glass? I searched a few stores that carry Duvel, but I couldn't seem to locate their tulip glasses.
[quote name='rabbitt']Where am I likely to find a Duvel glass? I searched a few stores that carry Duvel, but I couldn't seem to locate their tulip glasses.[/QUOTE]

I've seem them at various beer shops (I got mine in Williamsburg, VA) in a box with a couple Duvels for around $20. I just checked online and didn't find much either.
Has anyone tried Lion Stout? It's a beer from Sri Lanka. It's 8% and has a great chocolaty flavor. Highly recommended
[quote name='JBaby']Has anyone tried Lion Stout? It's a beer from Sri Lanka. It's 8% and has a great chocolaty flavor. Highly recommended[/QUOTE]

Never had it but it sounds good. Has a good rating on ratebeer and beeradvocate as well and it looks like Total Wine carries it in some areas. I'll definitely check it out next time I head to Total Wine - which might be tonight!
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']I've seem them at various beer shops (I got mine in Williamsburg, VA) in a box with a couple Duvels for around $20. I just checked online and didn't find much either.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I found a beer shop about 20 minutes away that has the gift pack.
Awesome - just browsing over in OT which I haven't done in forever and I see a huge ass beer thread!

I'm in Alabama and we have a bill on the Gov.'s desk waiting to be signed to lift our measly 6% abv limit. We are only one of two states left (MS) to still have the very low limit. If/When it gets signed I'll certainly be celebrating. May even crack open that 5 year old Double Bastard I've been holding on to. I'm doing a pre-celebration tonight with some Maudite from Unibroue. Right now in the fridge we have the Maudite, a few Rogue Dead Guy Ales, a couple Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier, a couple Yazoo Hefeweizen (wife likes the wheat beers - I do too sometimes) and of course our cheap ass beer staple - Pabst Blue Ribbon!
[quote name='bordjon']Awesome - just browsing over in OT which I haven't done in forever and I see a huge ass beer thread!

I'm in Alabama and we have a bill on the Gov.'s desk waiting to be signed to lift our measly 6% abv limit. We are only one of two states left (MS) to still have the very low limit. If/When it gets signed I'll certainly be celebrating. May even crack open that 5 year old Double Bastard I've been holding on to. I'm doing a pre-celebration tonight with some Maudite from Unibroue. Right now in the fridge we have the Maudite, a few Rogue Dead Guy Ales, a couple Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier, a couple Yazoo Hefeweizen (wife likes the wheat beers - I do too sometimes) and of course our cheap ass beer staple - Pabst Blue Ribbon![/QUOTE]

I was checking out Sam Adams Imperial Series section of their website and noticed that Alabama was listed as a state that did not carry them. That is complete BS and I hope the bill passes.

I posted about a local beer festival that I went to a few pages back and they actually had Double Bastard on tap. That was a nice surprise. I can take it in small batches, but I can't handle a whole bomber.

Maudite is very good. Anything from Unibroue is worth drinking, IMO. Dead Guy is one of my favs as well. I wish I could get Yazoo, they haven't made their way into Virginia yet. Frankly I was surprised to read that they are outside of Tennessee at all. My home office is in Nashville and I have been wanting to take a tour of the brewery when I'm in TN on business but I haven't worked it out yet.

Welcome to the thread!
[quote name='bordjon']Awesome - just browsing over in OT which I haven't done in forever and I see a huge ass beer thread![/QUOTE]

Welcome to the party! It's a little weird that your avatar looks like exactly like my brother-in-law though.

As for beer glasses, I used to have a bad habit of "lifting" beer glasses while I lived in New York. As a result, I have a very nice collection of Guiness, Sam Adams, Hoegaarden, and (my favorite) Stella glasses. I never have seen the Duvel glasses in the wild.
JBaby, I picked up a Lion Stout at Total Wine but haven't had a chance to try it yet. This weekend was spent drinking free beer at a birthday party so I was a prisoner to what they had the best of which was Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Not too exciting but better than the Bud Lime and other shit that was there.

Along with the Lion Stout I picked up the following, none of which I have tried yet:

Sam Adams Double Bock (already had a couple of these before - excellent)
Starr Hill Pale Ale
Victory Old Horizontal
Weyerbacher Old Heathen
Bells Third Coast Old Ale

I can't wait to try these out.
I have a new apartment, a new balcony, and most importantly, a hammock with cup holders within viewing range of the big TV. What should I be drinking, CAG? I'm typically a Newcastle guy based on availability, but I'm down for just about anything delicious. BevMo within five minutes of my apartment should make finding things a little easier too.
If you like Newcastle then give boddington's a try. It's another Engilsh beer but much smoother. You should to be able to find at most places. They come in 1 pint cans and are ment to be poured into a glass. There's a widget inside the can that helps simulate drinking it from draught. Here's what it looks like:


You also might like Old Speckled Hen. They come in normal bottles and the 1 pint cans like above.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']I wish I could get Yazoo, they haven't made their way into Virginia yet.

Welcome to the thread![/QUOTE]

Some other local southern breweries to try if you haven't yet are Sweetwater in Atlanta (there IPA is a great session beer! and Big Hoppy Monster is an awsome amber that packs a punch) and most anything from Terrapin outta Athens, GA is good stuff. Also if you are ever in Savannah, GA or a brewfest that has it definitely check out Moon River - their Wild Wacky Wit is great and easy to drink - they just aren't bottling their stuff as far as I know. Too many to count in NC - brewgrass in Ashville is awesome if you like brewfests! We even have a very new microbrew here called Good People that is supplying limited kegs to local watering holes!

Thanks for the welcome and I hope the guv signs the bill - he has until this upcoming Monday. There have been many thousands of calls/emails/faxes to his office in support for it. Our next hurdle is container size - we have a state limit of 16oz. but there are a few counties that override that law with 24oz and one or two with 32oz laws - so not sure if we'll be able to get the bombers in just yet - may have to save that battle for next session!
[quote name='depascal22']Welcome to the party! It's a little weird that your avatar looks like exactly like my brother-in-law though.

That is weird. The avatar is me - the pic was taken a couple weeks ago when me and my wife were working out in the yard. I "old-ified" it just for kicks.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']JBaby, I picked up a Lion Stout at Total Wine but haven't had a chance to try it yet. This weekend was spent drinking free beer at a birthday party so I was a prisoner to what they had the best of which was Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Not too exciting but better than the Bud Lime and other shit that was there.

Along with the Lion Stout I picked up the following, none of which I have tried yet:

Sam Adams Double Bock (already had a couple of these before - excellent)
Starr Hill Pale Ale
Victory Old Horizontal
Weyerbacher Old Heathen
Bells Third Coast Old Ale

I can't wait to try these out.[/QUOTE]

Let me know what you think of the Lion. It impressed me a lot.

I've been wanting to check out the Sam Adams Double Bock. I'm in some summer intensives right now for a MS degree. I'll be looking for something to pick up in celebration of being done..
[quote name='bordjon']That is weird. The avatar is me - the pic was taken a couple weeks ago when me and my wife were working out in the yard. I "old-ified" it just for kicks.[/QUOTE]

Totally off topic: You look like Torgo from "Manos: The Hands of Fate" in that pic. BTW I love that movie, well the MST3K version.

i had a nice combo of sierra nevada and pabsts last night. bought a SN for the hockey game. there were 3 random PBRs in the fridge when that was gone. i love it when friends forget their beer.
Dead Guy ales=Vomit
How do you guys drink that crap?

I gave Henry's summer Ale a shot this weekend not bad, I was expecting something with a little more hoppy taste
The Gov. signed the bill today! It's official - our abv % limit has been raised to 13.9%!!! One distributor already had a variety of beer on standby if/when the bill was signed so that stuff should be in store in a day or two. Should take a few weeks for other distributors to get more on shelves. The founder of Oskar Blues (Dale's Pale Ale) is from Alabama and is very eager to get his beer in the state - has even said he would throw a homecoming party! Very exciting day here in AL for beer lovers!
I was visiting my family back in St. Louis last weekend and I wandered into a Dierberg's. It's a high end grocery store that just opened it's first store on the Illinois side of the river.

To my delight, they had an entire aisle of beer! They had everything from the cheap stuff to good imports. I picked up sixers of Hoegaarden, Paulaner, Bitburger, and some vile stuff called Blue Sky.

I'm trying to get my brothers to try something other than Bud Light w/ Lime and Dierberg's will be my go to spot for a while.

My big complaint is that Schafly's is just as expensive as the imports. How can a beer that is brewed 20 from my house be as expensive as a beer that's brewed in Munich and shipped all the way to the States?
I picked up my first high grav beer in the state on Wednesday. I happen to live a mile away from one of three stores that got delivery on Wednesday. Picked up some North Coast Old Rasputin, Ommegang Hennepin, and La Chouffe - it's awesome to finally be able to get good high grav beer right down the road now! And we have our annual brewfest - Magic City Brewfest - next weekend!
I had a couple Sam Adams Imperial Stouts the other day and was severely disappointed. The chocolate taste was too present for me to enjoy the rest of what was going on.
I went to the Mac And Jacks brewery after work to get 3 growlers filled. I love their amber. Anyone in the Redmond, WA area should check it out since its real cheap.
I think I'm going with Sierra Nevada this summer. It's just the right amount of bite and my friends and my wife's family don't guzzle it like Bud Light.
[quote name='bordjon']I picked up my first high grav beer in the state on Wednesday. I happen to live a mile away from one of three stores that got delivery on Wednesday. Picked up some North Coast Old Rasputin, Ommegang Hennepin, and La Chouffe - it's awesome to finally be able to get good high grav beer right down the road now! And we have our annual brewfest - Magic City Brewfest - next weekend![/QUOTE]

Excellent choices all around. Welcome to the real beer club. Now you can mock Utah, or whatever states with shite beer are left.

Rodimus brings up Boddingtons - one of the worst tasting canned ales I've ever had, but is pretty tasty (a unique texture, at any rate) on tap. And the drink of choice of The Macc Lads, so that's good. I suppose.
[quote name='rabbitt']I had a couple Sam Adams Imperial Stouts the other day and was severely disappointed. The chocolate taste was too present for me to enjoy the rest of what was going on.[/QUOTE]

I've mentioned it several times but try the Double Bock or Imperial White. They are both fantastic.

I had a Lion Stout (very tasty), and Sothern Tier Back Burner (Barleywine - not so hot) tonight while sitting around a campfire with my neighbor. Until I can find a new job, this summer is going to suck beer-wise. I can't justify dropping $20 on a make-your-own six each week without a job.
I've been enjoying Woodchuck Amber Draft Cider lately. It's really more of a pale ale than a straight up cider, but it's really good.

As for cheap swill, Pabst or Miller High Life are my poison of choice. 60% of the time, it works everytime.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']I've mentioned it several times but try the Double Bock or Imperial White. They are both fantastic.[/QUOTE]

I'll be sure to pick up a pack of each. I'm going to give the IS a second go some time, too.

I've got a Rogue Mocha Porter sitting in the fridge for me to try. Seems like it would be good on a cooler night.
Damn this thread is dead.

I landed a new job that starts in July so I started buying beer again ;)

I got one of those mini-kegs of Bell's Oberon for a party tomorrow and also had a Kellerweis Hefewiezen by Sierra Nevada. I'm not typically a Hefe fan, but I really like this one. It has some spices thrown in there that give it a Belgian-like taste and it is easy to drink. This may be my go-to summer beer this year.
I noticed some of you guys talking about Duvel, which is my favorite beer. Just wanted to let you know that if any of you are in the West Los Angeles area, there's a cafe called Overland Cafe ( that has Duvel for $2.50 during their happy hour which is 4-7pm every day, even Sa-Su. I love it.
bread's done