CAG Beer Drinkers Unite! Beer Snobs and Cheap Ass Drunks Welcome!

had my first Punkin last night - much better than I was expecting. I was expecting much more pronounced spices in the taste (which I don't like) but they weren't there! They were pronounced in the nose - but the taste was well balanced - more bitter than I was expecting (and that's good!) This is one pumpkin brew I can get on board with - though still no where near my favorite style.
Yep, it's really the only one I've liked as well. Like you, I'm not a big fan of spiced beers. But the Dogfish Punkin is balanced pretty well so as to no overload you with the spices by also having the hoppy bitterness to it.
The guy at my local beer store says that Southern Tier's Pumking is about the best Pumpkin Ale he has tasted. I'm going to pick it up when I see it.

I wasn't real big on DFH's Punkin. I did a little pumpkin ale roundup last year and if I remember right, Post Road (Brooklyn Brewery) Pumpkin Ale was my favorite.
I've had the Pumpking on tap once and recall it being ok. It was a year or two ago though so I don't have a really firm sense of it. I want to say it was one that I found to overwhelming with the pumkin, nutmeg and other spices for my liking.
I finally grabbed some Dogfish Head Punkin last night. It was definitely enjoyable, but I think Shipyard Pumpkinhead is still my favorite.
sweet looking draught list - bear repub. - brewdog - southern tier - real nice looking list - Cool growlers too! Have fun!

I'm gonna crack open a growler of Pisgah pale ale tonight or tomorrow night - should be easy drinkin' - I hope so 'cause I don't know how much my wife is gonna help me out!
Haven't been drinking much beer lately, but I did have some unexpectedly good beers while in Japan. Asahi makes a stout which I tought was pretty damn good, better than most stouts I've had in the states.

But the great thing about Japan is when you order a beer at a resturant or bar they give you some fucking beer. Only certian beers do they serve in smaller glasses, everything else is big gulp size.
Picked up some beers on the way home.

Clipper City Heavy Seas The Great Pumpkin Imperial Pumpkin ale. Having it now, pretty solid pumpkin ale.

4 pack of Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale

4 pack of Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout.
Well in Texas here it's just now beginning to feel anything like "Fall". Think today is the coldest as of recent and it's in the 70s.

A couple of weeks ago they clearanced the Honey Moon Summer Ale (Blue Moon) for $4.99 a six pack at HEB.
Finally got to try a Stone 13th Anniversary - awesome stuff! Also - Bell's is finally officially in the state - I'm excited because their Two Hearted Ale (IPA) is really great stuff!
[quote name='dmaul1114']Picked up some beers on the way home.

Clipper City Heavy Seas The Great Pumpkin Imperial Pumpkin ale. Having it now, pretty solid pumpkin ale.

4 pack of Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale

4 pack of Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout.[/QUOTE]


That beer is amazing.

I think I am going to pick up a few pumpkin ales today starting with Southern Tier's. I like all of the Heavy Seas stuff so I will check out the Imperial Pumpkin as well.
I was a little underwhelmed by the Black Chocolate pesonally. It's not bad by any means, but pales in comparison to my favorite imperial stouts (Stone, Ten Fidy, Rasputin).

The Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale wasn't great either, fairly mediocre as far as pumkin ales go.
I had a Harpoon Leviathan IPA last night. It was alright, but I'd only recommend it if you like IPAs and specifically hoppy beers. The 10% ABV put me on my ass pretty quick.

I also had a Harpoon Helles Blond Bock, which is part of their 100 barrel series. This was absolutely fantastic. A distinct malty sweetness, and it was just a very smooth and pleasant beer to drink. I definitely recommend that to anyone.
Had my first spiced winter beer of the season tonight. Sweetwater Festive Ale. Not bad, not great. Pretty standard spiced winter ale.
Continuing my pumpkin beer "research" and found another micro from Maine and one from CA. Truly dislike the Sea Dog Brewing Co. Pumpkin Ale. Tastes like a really bad lite beer, with a random assortment of spices thrown in after the brewing process. Really, really like America's Original Pumpkin Ale - Buffalo Bill's Brewery. A medium-dark beer with just the right number of spices.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Jacks Pumpkin Spice is made by Busch, and Blue Moon is owned by Coors, so neither are really micro brews. :D

Oh, and by the way, my original post mentioned both seasonal beers and microbrews, and I was correct. I never referred to one of them as microbrew incorrectly. I listed three beers and called them micros and seasonals. Jacks and Blue Moon Harvest Moon are technically "Seasonal Beers," exactly what I called them. I was also referring to a microbrew from Maine, called Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale.

Just wanted to set the record straight. Back to the pumpkin beer and 360... what a good combination!
I bought a 6 of the Schlafly Pumpkin Ale and it's the best pumpkin beer I've had next to the Dogfish Head. Definitely worth trying! I've also had the O'Fallon's pumpkin ale and it's good, but I like the Schlafly and DFH better.
had a 2008 delirium tremens bomber the other night - it's definitely not my favorite Belgian beer though but it's what was here at the house. Also bought a case of the Costco Kirkland Signature beer (four styles - German lager, hefe, pale ale, amber) - here on the east coast it's brewed by Matt brewing (Saranac.) I've tried the amber and the pale ale - they are ok nothing great but it was like 18 bux for the case so price isn't too high either.
My neighbor who works at a beer distributor gave me a couple of six packs, Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat, Mothership Wit, and Fat Tire.

I'm drinking the Sunset Wheat right now, I swear it smells and tastes like fruity pebbles. I like it.

I've always heard of Fat Tire but have never had one strangely enough, and the Mothership Wit looks interesting.
Wow. That's a great neighbor!

Tried Buffalo Bill's Pumpkin Ale last weekend and it was pretty good. They're a small brewery in Hayward, CA but my wife found it at World Market. I'm pretty sure they have Pyramid brew it at some of their breweries up north and slap the Buffalo Bill label on it.
I had Pyramid's Audacious Apricot Ale over the weekend. I've never had a beer that fruity (as in the taste) or drinkable. It's a great session beer.
Been drinking Bell's expedition stout over the weekend. Awesome beer. Very coffee - roasted. Sweetness but not chocolaty. Can taste the alcohol more than old raspy - and I think I still may prefer old raspy but expedition is great.
deshutes has their jubilale back out for the winter. i had 6 last night, not as good as i remember. i dont know if this is a seasonal beer or a seasonal beer that changes every year.

deshutes also had a new one i saw called mirror mirror, its a double fermented version of their mirrior pond pale ale (one of my favorites), i would have tried it last night, but it was $13 for a pint and a half, maybe next time.
[quote name='pimpster4183']sweetwater 420[/QUOTE]

That reminded me - we got some of the Sweetwater 420 Bread from Whole Foods and it is awesome! They use spent grains from 420 to make it. It's soft and chewy and a bit sweet. We always get bread there and this is one of our favs. I hope it becomes a regular.
[quote name='Rodimus']Damn, wish we could get Fat Tire on the east coast.[/QUOTE]

It just came to Indiana in the spring so at least it's in the Eastern Time Zone now.
I went to my local Total Wine were they have a huge selection of beer from all over the world and they said they can't even order it. They also told me they get requests for it all the time.
[quote name='Liquid 2']I had Pyramid's Audacious Apricot Ale over the weekend. I've never had a beer that fruity (as in the taste) or drinkable. It's a great session beer.[/QUOTE]

I'm more of a fan of Magic Hat #9, you should give it a try if you can find it.
Had some good beers in Philly last night (last night of a conference.

St. Bernardus 12 and Hair of the Dog Fred (barleywine) were the two real standouts. The Left Hand/Terrapin Depth Charge was pretty good as well for a coffee/espresso stout.
St. Bernardus 12 is hard to beat! I really like depth charge - have three bottles left in my pantry right now. Had a Dogfish Head Burton Baton last night. It's an oak aged old ale blended with their 90 min ipa. It was really good - a bit too warming (from the alcohol) for me - I think I'd rather have the 90 min straight up.
Picked up some beer on the way home tonight.

Stone Double Bastard (22oz)
New Belgium 1554 (22oz)
Bell's Two Hearted Ale (6 pack)

And a sampler of 4 St Bernardus brews that came with a glass--Had the Abt 12, the Pater 6, the Tripel and Prior 8.

Having a Two Hearted Ale now. It's not bad, but could be hoppier for an IPA. Still solid though.
Had a Terrapin Big Hoppy Monster last night - nostalgic beer for me. Reviews are usually mixed on it but I love it - an easy drinkin' 8.3% abv! I can see most folks beef with it being named what it is - it's not really a hop bomb - it's more balanced. Also picked up a six of Sweetwater festive ale.
My wife took me out to a British pub for some dinner and beer. I had 4 beers, Old Speckled Hen (my favorite English beer), Belhaven, Young's Double Chocolate Stout & a Doghfish Head Pumpkin Ale all on tap. Along with some bangers & mash it was a nice evening.
Is the brewery where one should go to get growlers? I've been itching to try more of Live Oak Brewery's beers.

And do any of y'all have an idea of how much it would set one back?
Had my first "Christmas Beer," as I call it, of the season. Blue Moon's Full Moon and Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale. I like both, but CA is a bit spicier and darker. My friend described it as "biting into a pine cone." I disagreed, but thought the description was funny and wanted to post it for all :)
Picked up a sixer of the SN Celebration Ale as well. It's pretty solid. But I like the "piney" west coast pale ales and IPAs a ton. :D
I grabbed a sixer of the Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale over the weekend. It's a dangerous brew, since it's so drinkable (the hoppy bite is subdued) and almost 7% ABV.
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When I finish this 12 of Hoegaarden, I think I'll give the Celebration Ale a shot.

Last time I was at the beer store, I wanted to pick up a 4-pack of the Breakfast Stout, but it was $16. I've heard it's good, but that's steep.
bread's done