CAG Buzz - Final Fantasy Crisis Core (PSP) Giveaway! Multiple Winners!

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1.) The characters and really being able to play the events that transpired before the main story of FF7.

2.) Sure, why not. As long as they fix the plot holes in the game.

3.) Needs moar FF Tactics (Not Advance tactics), plus Agris is luv. Oh, and I know the CG looks wonderful and awesome, but the characters pretty much all look pale.
1. New "original" game play, I've been playing Final Fantasy's since the first, I'd like to see them make some more daring attempts to change the pacing.

2. I couldn't care less, 7 was in my opinion one of the weakest titles in the series.

3. See #1 12 was a step in the right direction, but change is a good thing. If I want to experience what games were like 5 years ago. I can play 5 year old games.
1.) [FONT=&quot]I think the story would really need to flesh out really well to lead into FFVII. The battle mode also needs to be interesting and not just random battles all the time. And finally, the graphics would also need to be good with few frame rate issues.

2.) I would definately be on board for a FFVII remake. The tech demo looked like it had a lot of potential.

3.) I think the battle system could be changed into something new.
1. Mostly, how fun the gameplay is, as well as the depth and length of the game.
2. I think it might happen, but I won't care too much if it is. FFVII was never one of my favorite FFs.
3. More non-linearity, better NPCs with more than just one or two lines of dialogue. Little touches like having NPCs move around or have more to say would help a lot.
1. It's Final Fantasy 7 !!! It shows the stories missing from the original game and it has great looking cut scenes.
2. Sounds great, they just need to jazz it up enough to make it feel different from the original.
3. Less linear and changing story
1 - How much I actually remember about Final Fantasy 7 (it was released when I was in highschool), Word of mouth (is it really worth playing? I need to find out from people who have played it that I trust to guide me in the right direction), and a demo would help. The FF7 Demo back in the day was great and was packaged with their crap fighting game Tobal No 1, but needless to say, the demo made the game a must buy.

2 - Yes. I usually replay good remakes of games I loved.

3 - Make the characters worth something by having a good battle system / plot points. FF6 for me was the best because it forced you to learn about all the characters, and they would cross paths and not be available for certain parts of the story allowing for growth, instead of just sticking with the 3 you want.
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?
    A. The battle system and entire game being optimized for a portable system, so there isn't any lengthy segments without saving, etc.
    B. The game's story being a GOOD addition to the FF7 universe (Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children's story leaving things to be desired...)
  2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?
    My opinion? Bad. I love the game, but I'd rather them spend money on a new game, rather then letting Squenix milk the FF7 series even more. Would I support it? Financially I would, because even though I'd be against it practically, I'd still buy it. Too little self control. :(
  3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
Start doing more direct sequels. These games can have some awesome stories, but having REAL sequels instead of spin-offs would make me happier about buying these games. I enjoyed Final Fantasy XII, but making the sequel a DS watered down RTS wasn't, in my opinion, a very good idea. Making another PS2/3 FFXII game, with a similar battle system to the original, would have been nice.
If it keeps true to the gameplay style of the original FFVII and story... not another spinoff... but hey that works too.

Yes and Yes! Updated Graphics and perhaps new side quests would be awesome.

Make a sequel or update to Chrono Trigger. And yes I can say it goes with the FF series it was packaged with the FF Chronicles on PS1.
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?
I totally love FF7 as it was my first PSX RPG, so simply being related to FF7 makes me squee. The key factor though would have to be story, especially since it's giving us background info on characters such as Zack. That's a huge, HUGE incentive for me. I don't really care much about the gameplay since I like RPG's for their stories and see gameplay as more of an add on or padding, though still exciting. But I'd be plenty happy to see Square Enix rival Nintendo in that respect (thinking Phantom Hourglass here), though I've heard Crisis Core is pretty easy on normal mode. The graphics certainly help though; from the clips I've seen, the cut scenes look *gorgeous*, which adds to the emotional impact. What's stopping me is that I don't have a PSP, though I'll probably get one at some point. I'd be perfectly fine with receiving a copy of it prior to handheld purchase though. :lol:
2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?
I don't own a PS3, so imagine how I feel, hahaha. Still, I'd like to see it since a remake would introduce the game to people who were put off by its polygon format.
3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
I haven't played FFXII yet since it was stolen :cry:, so I don't really have the right mentality to give a suggestion. I kind of want to see games be a little more "old school" in that you can't make characters clones of each other, but I don't know.
1 - How much I actually remember about Final Fantasy 7 (it was released when I was in highschool), Word of mouth (is it really worth playing? I need to find out from people who have played it that I trust to guide me in the right direction), and a demo would help. The FF7 Demo back in the day was great and was packaged with their crap fighting game Tobal No 1, but needless to say, the demo made the game a must buy.

2 - Yes. I usually replay good remakes of games I loved.

3 - Make the characters worth something by having a good battle system / plot points. FF6 for me was the best because it forced you to learn about all the characters, and they would cross paths and not be available for certain parts of the story allowing for growth, instead of just sticking with the 3 you want.
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?
    A. The battle system and entire game being optimized for a portable system, so there isn't any lengthy segments without saving, etc.
    B. The game's story being a GOOD addition to the FF7 universe (Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children's story leaving things to be desired...)
  2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?
    My opinion? Bad. I love the game, but I'd rather them spend money on a new game, rather then letting Squenix milk the FF7 series even more. Would I support it? Financially I would, because even though I'd be against it practically, I'd still buy it. Too little self control. :(
  3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
Start doing more direct sequels. These games can have some awesome stories, but having REAL sequels instead of spin-offs would make me happier about buying these games. I enjoyed Final Fantasy XII, but making the sequel a DS watered down RTS wasn't, in my opinion, a very good idea. Making another PS2/3 FFXII game, with a similar battle system to the original, would have been nice.
If it keeps true to the gameplay style of the original FFVII and story... not another spinoff... but hey that works too.

Yes and Yes! Updated Graphics and perhaps new side quests would be awesome.

Make a sequel or update to Chrono Trigger. And yes I can say it goes with the FF series it was packaged with the FF Chronicles on PS1.
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?
I totally love FF7 as it was my first PSX RPG, so simply being related to FF7 makes me squee. The key factor though would have to be story, especially since it's giving us background info on characters such as Zack. That's a huge, HUGE incentive for me. I don't really care much about the gameplay since I like RPG's for their stories and see gameplay as more of an add on or padding, though still exciting. But I'd be plenty happy to see Square Enix rival Nintendo in that respect (thinking Phantom Hourglass here), though I've heard Crisis Core is pretty easy on normal mode. The graphics certainly help though; from the clips I've seen, the cut scenes look *gorgeous*, which adds to the emotional impact. What's stopping me is that I don't have a PSP, though I'll probably get one at some point. I'd be perfectly fine with receiving a copy of it prior to handheld purchase though. :lol:
2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?
I don't own a PS3, so imagine how I feel, hahaha. Still, I'd like to see it since a remake would introduce the game to people who were put off by its polygon format.
3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
I haven't played FFXII yet since it was stolen :cry:, so I don't really have the right mentality to give a suggestion. I kind of want to see games be a little more "old school" in that you can't make characters clones of each other, but I don't know.
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

    The gameplay would definitely affect my decision. It'd need to be pick up and playable, but also enjoyable for long stretches of time, as that's how I typically play my FF games. The characters would also need to have a lot of backstory, but that's probably already in the game because it's a FF7 prequel.

  2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

    Yes, I'd absolutely love to see the game remade. I have the PS1 version floating around, but got to Wutai and realized I missed an area in the very beginning, resulting in my characters being too low level. I never got the resolve to redo 15 hours of game play. Better graphics would be favorable to replay it. However, it would have to include a copy of the original game just for nostalgia and purists. Maybe voice acting? I'd want Japanese and English voice acting on it.

  3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
    Don't change anything! I love the traditional RPG menu option battles, as opposed to active battles (ie press X to attack). The character development and cinematics are absolutely amazing. I even don't mind the spin-offs. The more time playable in all those different worlds makes me feel more immersed in it.
1) Gameplay, combat system, and story.

2) I would definitely support a remake of FFVII on the PS3. It would make me purchase a PS3.

3) I would like to see some more Tactics style games. The strategy element, use of various classes and story made Final Fantasy Tactics an excellent game and I would like to see another on a major console.
My Answers:
1. Storyline and gameplay. I want the story to be as engaging as FFVII and Advent Children was. Honestly I would prefer it to be a turn based fighting. ( i havent researched this part yet)

2. If this was true when the game came out it would be the reason i would buy a PS3.

3. I would like the series to go back to being turn based and more fantasy less industrial.
1) Gameplay is the first and foremost factor in me purchasing this game. From what I've heard it delivers. The story would be the second reason as I'm curious what happened in the Final Fantasy VII world prior to the game.

2) I would support it even though I've played through Final Fantasy VII multiple times. I would support it in the hope that if it sold well, Final Fantasy VIII would be remade.

3) I would like to have a less androgynous looking hero, even though I know that is that is one reason that helps drive sales across genders.
[quote name='Whambamm']3) I would like to have a less androgynous looking hero, even though I know that is that is one reason that helps drive sales across genders.[/quote]Second.

Just because Prince got chicks that way doesn't mean this is a trend that needs to be constantly continued.
[quote name='Whambamm']
3) I would like to have a less androgynous looking hero, even though I know that is that is one reason that helps drive sales across genders.[/quote]

I respectfully object. Pretty boys are a stylistic choice that helps to define the Final Fantasy series as a whole, up there with Chocobos and Ifrit. The fact that they are pretty boys just helps to underscore the whole 'total badassery' thing. Besides, it isn't like they aren't offset with scantily-clad, gorgeously rendered girls/women.

Actually, XIII's lead is a girl, isn't it? Is 'pretty' still androgyny then?
1. I have heard some complaints that Crisis Core incorporates a battle system reminiscent of Kingdom Hearts. I wouldn't mind that so much if it was implemented with great gameplay in mind. I'm also looking foward to a bit more character development instead of having many characters so that they will be a bit more controlled and more detailed. I really like the cgi cutscenes and really hope to see more in the remake of FFVII.

2. I would definitely support a remake of FFVII. The ps1 version was actually the first final fantasy game I completed and I look forward to playing it again with better graphics.

3. I think the Final Fantasy series is good, however it can definitely use a better battle system. I believe Square Enix will soon perfect a battle system for future rpgs.
(1) Game length is very important -- what many times prevents a "good" game from being a "great" game is length and the ability to sustain player interest throughout the entire duration of the experience. In the FF series, the former is typically not an issue; the latter, however, is sometimes a concern. Character development is one area that, when done exceptionally well, can cause a game to truly excel. My hope is that Crisis Core has the character development and story to live up to the precedent set by FFVII. New game play aspects would be nice, if well implemented, but I wouldn't object to sticking to the ol' tried-and-true RPG formula.

(2) I would, without question, buy a FFVII remake for the PS3. It is one of a few games that, I think, actually warrants a remake for those who didn't get the opportunity to play it the first time around.

(3) Great games have always been about the story, and for RPGs, this cannot be more true. Great graphics, game play, etc., will always be relegated to the back seat -- a complementary role -- compared to the story. Particularly in the FF series, I hope that they always first make sure they have a solid story that stands by itself, that doesn't need to be propped up with flashy graphics or gimmicks.
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in
purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character
development, etc)?

Essentially the biggest thing for me would be story/ character development, since many of the recent FFVII tie in titles have been pretty disappointing in trying to live up to the original. More focus on making it a cohesive story than endless fan service.
The other factor is the battle system, an original would be nice, since a non-FF sequel should have the flexibility to try something outside of the regular turn based affair.

2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII
for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and
would you support it?

Totally unnecessary, the original still holds up fine today. Depending on how the remake was handled, it could just be a shameless milking of the series. Now if it had amazing graphics, new features and in general wasn't just a straight rerelease, that I would be interested in seeing. I don't own a PS3 (yet) but this probably wouldn't be the tipping point for getting one. Plus I think there's enough FF7 fanatisicm already without fueling it more.

3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

It seems like since FF7 the series has been less and less willing to take risks, and instead reinvents the same formula over and over. The focus first should be solid story and characters, because that's what makes an RPG, and then make a truly interesting world with awesome quests and unique battle system. Final Fantasy is supposed to be the standard that sets the pace for RPGs to follow with each iteration, with Square Enix's top talents using it as an arena for their greatest ideas.
1. I find the gameplay truly intriguing. From what I've read, it's an action-oriented style like in the latest Final Fantasy series-based games; however, it has that Digital Mind Wave element that completely changes battles. As I understand it, the DMW is essentially like the slots system in the Battle Square of FF7. Being able to lose 10 levels or have a broken weapon at the drop of a hat really kept players on their toes, and I can't wait to play an entire game based on that. Additionally, it is an expansion of the Final Fantasy universe and offers insight into Zack's character. I would like to see more character development on Zack and some clarification for the original game.

2. I would definitely play a remake of the original PSX Final Fantasy VII. And if I had it my way, I would allow people to team up and battle each other online. Or better yet, I would secretly make three different versions of the game and give special Materia and weapons to each one, sort of like in Animal Crossing, so players would have to barter and trade with each other to get the best goods. With the PS3's crazy cell processor and limitless bandwidth in reference to downloadable content, they couldn't go wrong with it. They could even release mission packs, or extensions onto the original game through DC. And they would make crazy money on an alternate version of the game where Aeris lives.

3. Square-Enix, you need to stop selling out in terms of difficulty. I mean, I don't mind playing a game like Dirge of Cerberus or Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime, as long as they are tough. But you're wussing out - you're making games exceptionally easy just to get more unexperienced gamers interested. Whatever happened to facing tougher than shit bosses like The Four Fiends in FFIV? Do you remember how difficult almost all of Final Fantasy Tactics was? Culex from Super Mario RPG was harder than Shuyin and Yu Yevon combined. Make more enemies like Sephiroth and Xenmas from Kingdom Hearts 2, and less like Flowery Girlpants, the androgynous fairy with 2 HP.
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in
purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character
development, etc)?

Essentially the biggest thing for me would be story/ character development, since many of the recent FFVII tie in titles have been pretty disappointing in trying to live up to the original. More focus on making it a cohesive story than endless fan service.
The other factor is the battle system, an original would be nice, since a non-FF sequel should have the flexibility to try something outside of the regular turn based affair.

2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII
for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and
would you support it?

Totally unnecessary, the original still holds up fine today. Depending on how the remake was handled, it could just be a shameless milking of the series. Now if it had amazing graphics, new features and in general wasn't just a straight rerelease, that I would be interested in seeing. I don't own a PS3 (yet) but this probably wouldn't be the tipping point for getting one. Plus I think there's enough FF7 fanatisicm already without fueling it more.

3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

It seems like since FF7 the series has been less and less willing to take risks, and instead reinvents the same formula over and over. The focus first should be solid story and characters, because that's what makes an RPG, and then make a truly interesting world with awesome quests and unique battle system. Final Fantasy is supposed to be the standard that sets the pace for RPGs to follow with each iteration, with Square Enix's top talents using it as an arena for their greatest ideas.
1. I find the gameplay truly intriguing. From what I've read, it's an action-oriented style like in the latest Final Fantasy series-based games; however, it has that Digital Mind Wave element that completely changes battles. As I understand it, the DMW is essentially like the slots system in the Battle Square of FF7. Being able to lose 10 levels or have a broken weapon at the drop of a hat really kept players on their toes, and I can't wait to play an entire game based on that. Additionally, it is an expansion of the Final Fantasy universe and offers insight into Zack's character. I would like to see more character development on Zack and some clarification for the original game.

2. I would definitely play a remake of the original PSX Final Fantasy VII. And if I had it my way, I would allow people to team up and battle each other online. Or better yet, I would secretly make three different versions of the game and give special Materia and weapons to each one, sort of like in Animal Crossing, so players would have to barter and trade with each other to get the best goods. With the PS3's crazy cell processor and limitless bandwidth in reference to downloadable content, they couldn't go wrong with it. They could even release mission packs, or extensions onto the original game through DC. And they would make crazy money on an alternate version of the game where Aeris lives.

3. Square-Enix, you need to stop selling out in terms of difficulty. I mean, I don't mind playing a game like Dirge of Cerberus or Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime, as long as they are tough. But you're wussing out - you're making games exceptionally easy just to get more unexperienced gamers interested. Whatever happened to facing tougher than shit bosses like The Four Fiends in FFIV? Do you remember how difficult almost all of Final Fantasy Tactics was? Culex from Super Mario RPG was harder than Shuyin and Yu Yevon combined. Make more enemies like Sephiroth and Xenmas from Kingdom Hearts 2, and less like Flowery Girlpants, the androgynous fairy with 2 HP.
  1. story and character development are both very integral, sure, but I'm gonna be totally honest here; when I heard that FFVII:CC's battle system was real-time based, my interest in the game shot up ten-fold.
  2. i was all hype from the tech demo a few years back, and would fully support the idea of FFVII: Remake.

  3. real-time battles.
1. Storyline/character development comes first as the biggest concern, with gameplay coming shortly behind it.

2. Sounds great. A lot of people would love to see the game revamped.

3. New plots instead of spin-offs of existing games.
1. Price, gameplay and length of the game

2. I wouldn't care since I don't own a PS3 and wouldn't buy one just for this game.

3. Release FF13 sometime this decade
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

1. FF7 is still my favorite game of all time. I've taken a lot of crap from people about but I can and will always be an FF7 whore.

2. A bad battle system can ruin an otherwise decent RPG (Lunar) but a great battle system (Grandia) can enahnce the game to great levels.

3. The last deciding factor would be how it fits into the FF7 canon.

2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?


3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

More spinoffs starring various characters, or a game with all Moogles!
1. More back story!

2. Would love a remake! It would get more people the chance to experience the greatest FF game in the series.

3. No changes. Just keep making them!
1. - comfortable and easy to use control scheme
- new elements to the story not seen before, not just retreading old ground

- since its on a portable, easy to pick up and play

2. Good decision. This is a classic game and a quality remake would do much to please old fans as well as gain new ones

3. newer gameplay mechanics, mostly a new battle system

1. Gameplay, story telling, and its relation to FF7.

2. I would support a FF7 remake for the PS3 as long as they kept the turn-based gameplay.

3. The ability to switch frequency of random battles. Sometimes I feel like training, sometimes I just don't wanna see anymore freaking monsters >.
1.) I believe FF7 should be canon for all respective game in the FF7 universe. If character development differs to much from the intent of 7 I would consider that a reason to not buy. Gameplay wise, the materia system was one of my favorites, and active battle is a real necessity.
2.) I honestly wouldn't care much anymore. I like the concept of remaking and releasing games, but I find that square capitalizes far too well on them. It is almost like a trump card they can just play for instant money.
3.) End the series, leave the name sake behind. Start with fresh franchises or pick up ones they left, such as Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, etc. The series as I see it has been dead since 9, maybe even 8.
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?
  • the length of the game
  • how the game ties in with FFVII, i.e. any foreshadowing
  • learning curve/replay value.

2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

I like the idea of FFVII being remade. However I think it would be a more interesting approach if it is remade for the psp (or DS even) much like FFIII was completely redone on the DS for it's NA debut.

3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

FF spinoff games being made/sold not because of the label but because of quality. Some of the spinoffs seem like it's just made for the hell of it.
  1. I don't want a full JRPG where I need to set this item or use this spell to advance, or level up to 100 before I can even attempt to fight the final boss, a nice easy RPG would be fun. Developing certain FF7 characters would be a major point for me, while I don't like RPGs much, I rather enjoy their stories and FF7 was one of my favorites, if this fleshes that out some more that would be awesome.

  2. I would support it, though I would much rather have it on the PSP due to me not being able to afford a PS3 console.

  3. I really can't say because as a whole I have only played a few Final Fantasy games so I can't comment much on how to improve them.
[quote name='CheapyD']CAG BUZZ ENTRY QUESTIONS:
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

  2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

  3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

1. Strong ties to the FF7 universe, and pick up and play gaming where I can play for a short bit and feel like I made progress.

2. I would totally support it, since I feel that given the attention the FF7 universe is currently getting, that a remake would allow new gamers a chance to see what the fuss is about. It would also give the original fans a more definitive version of the title they cherish.

3. The FF series should lean more towards being an action rpg instead of following the designs set forth in FF XII.
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

I really enjoyed the materia system from FFVII, but I have not looked into Crisis Core to see if it is there as well. If it does remain, it'll be an easy pick-up for me. Honestly though, I have every FF released in the US to date, so I will clearly be buying this one eventually.

2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

I am not sure how well it would fare other than among the people who played it when it was released. I would love a budget-priced remake though.

3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

Recently Squenix has really whored out the FF name. Back in the day, I used to try to find every article I could about the next FF game, and die of suspense waiting for its release; these days it feels like a new FF game is released every other week. The core series is still the best, but they really need to cut out some of these side stories and stick to making the core series instead of diluting the francise as they have been (Drige of Cerebus?).
1. I would like it to be easy to play on the go and not always very time consuming, not a total grind, and good story.

2. I would love it even though I've never played it. =( Sounds like a great game though and I would buy it.

3. Right now FF games are being made into a bunch of crap and they need to focus on a few really good games. Also maybe interactive cutscenes.
1. Most importantly, a great story line that's addicting. Then the battle system and graphics.

2. I would be all in for this idea since I enjoy the Final Fantasy series, but I don't have a PS3 yet.

3. Maybe online modes?
  1. I hope that there will be a pretty good replay factor. Most FFs are great because you can continue to go back and do new things or continue to level until you cap. I enjoy games that unlock some extra features upon completion. Also, it seems that it's a great looking title which is a big selling point for me.

  2. I wonder why they would continue to say that this is something that is only rumor and conjecture for so long. It's not an easy thing to make a game and HOPE that it sells. Here, they have people clammoring for a game that already has everything in place. The only resources required are a new graphics system! The story, system and fanbase is already intact. I have no clue why they don't push this out ASAP!

  3. I would say to keep it turn based. I love the FF series but, FFXI was too strange for me. I had never played an MMORPG and the entire system was just too much for me to get into in a few sittings. Making the MMORPGesque FFXII was also strange for me and it's the first "normal" entry in the series I have yet to complete. I simply lost interest in it. I'm hoping for great classic gameplay from FFXIII! If you want to make MMOs and games with actice battle systems and so forth I say fine, but don't slap the FF title on it.
1) Materia is one of my favorite magic systems from the Final Fantasy world and I'm excited to play with it agian. Also, I'm a sucker for Square games with active battles (i.e. Kingdom Hearts, and FFXII to some degree).
2) While the market seems rife with remakes (Square Enix is no stranger to this as they've been pumping out remakes of the first 5 final fantasy games), I would love to see them make one more for FFVII, but I doubt they could ever really live up to the fanboy expectations, which is sad.
3) I have enjoyed the direction they're going with more real time battle systems. It looks like Final Fantasy XIII will continue to hone this battle type.
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

  2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

  3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
1. In order of importance: Story, gameplay, graphics
2. I'd definitely support it. I bet it will look awsome if they do remake it.
3. Hmm...suggestions... Make it more epic. Make it so there won't be any points while playing the game where you need to level grind or when you wonder why theres another annoying quest that is pretty random/pointless.
[quote name='Pyramid_Party']Is this contest over? Did anyone win yet?[/quote]

I won a copy, but it said multiple winners on the topic, so I didn't post it to give everyones hopes up. I'm not sure who else was picked though.
[quote name='Nesmaster75']I won a copy, but it said multiple winners on the topic, so I didn't post it to give everyones hopes up. I'm not sure who else was picked though.[/quote]

I just found out that I won also. Thanks again CAG. I am starting to rack up a nice lil collection of free stuff. :D:D:D:D
  1. Comparison to the old series, sticking to the basics without adding too much unnecessary crap that'll just be taken out of the next game anyways. For instance how materia was introduced, you learn the sillyness of the system, then master it, then it's gone... wooooooow, okay... that was fun, I mean really. (sarcastically speaking). Back to the factors though, the way characters interact with one another is very important to me. I like it to seem realistic in the terms of conversations, movements, etc. With in depth storyline with many turns... You have to leave me guessing or make me think I know the answer and be wrong, which isn't that easy to do in the first place.

  2. I doubt if they will. They'd probably take a few and make a collection before that. Would I support it? I doubt it. I'm not really a Final Fantasy fan. The only Final Fantasy games I like were Final Fantasy Tactics, etc. The first ones were annoying as hell how you'd attack an enemy, 500 ninja stars or blades or whatever would fly into them, cut them up, have them screaming or whatever... then the game turn around and say YOU MISSED. Wooooooooow. Okay. I just cut your head off, it rolled, i kicked it, but I missed. yeah... that'll get em. :whistle2:/

  3. To rename it to The Never Ending Fantasy, Act/Story (fill in act/story number)
List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

Gameplay and fun factor (is that a feature?). Ability to skip cutscenes would be nice.

There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

Only if you updated it, added new content or features and greatly improved the graphics.

If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

More action RPGs.
I won on 4/14, but I didn't reply within the alotted time due to computer issues. :(

Damnit, I catch a break and get promptly screwed over.

Yeah, just got a reply back. Someone else got it. :(
That sucks man.

Hey I noticed Konami Stars in your signature. I use to be a member there and they screwed me when they shut down. I think I had over 9000 stars and waited for like 2 months for them to restock and they never did and shut down.
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