CAG BUZZ: Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (Wii) Giveaway! Multiple Winners! [LAST WEEK!]

  1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?

    - I haven't played too many of the GGs before so I would be purchasing the game as a 2D fighting game fan in general. The few times I have played it I have enjoyed it, but I still preferred my Marvel vs. Capcom and Street Fighter games over the GG series.
  2. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?

    - I think that this sort of game is easy to get into if you are into 2D fighters. People who aren't into 2D fighter games usually have trouble with any of the games from the genre. The GG style is great because it's so over the top. It makes it very entertaining to play.
  3. If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.

    - Given that I haven't played it, I can't say for certain. But I think that it is much more frantic than Street fighter, and the visuals are great. I also wonder about the motion controls to the game and how that will actually work out. I have heard mixed reactions about it so far.
1. I haven't really touched the Guilty Gear series, I wanted the original, but could never find it cheap and missed out on the more recent versions due to having only a Gamecube. But I am a big enough fan of fighting/arcade games to have put together my own stick.

2. 2-D fighters have never been that easy to get into, at least for me. It wasn't until Marvel vs Streetfighter that I found a fighter easy enough that I could last more than a few rounds at the arcade. Now I'm a bit better, but I've never really come close to grasping the higher level techniques, but I can appreciate the skill it takes to do so.

3. Streetfighter is good, no doubt, but it's never been my favorite flavor of fighters. Since I'm not a serious player I tend to gravitate towards the quirkier titles like Waku Waku 7. Guilty Gear probably falls into that category, at least in terms of character design. Sadly, I can't really comment on the gameplay, having played so little of the series.
1. Not for $40. I had X2 on PS2, X2#R on XBox, and Judgement (US version with X2#R) on PSP.
2. I'd say it's easy to get into, because of how flashy and frenetic it is. Though being actually particularly good at the game, and knowing all the different game mechanics is a whole other story. Seems more complicated to me than Third Strike.
3. If the game is just a better version of all the other ones I've tried, I'd say it's somewhere high on the list, compared the SNK and Capcom fighters.
  1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?
I love fighting games and haven't had the chance to try a fighter on Wii. Seems like it'd be a fun concept! I played the DS a bit confused by it. Though I have played one of them on PS1 and loved it.

  1. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?
It's definitely a different take. Which makes for more interesting fighters.
  1. If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.
Street Fighter will always be #1 with me. Unless it can be proven otherwise!
Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?
A little bit of both. I've played past Guilty Gear games and greatly enjoyed them. I also would like to have a good 2D fighter for my Wii.

Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?
Normally, Yes. However, given this is the Wii we're speaking of, a 2D fighter with the Wiimote may scare many off.

If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.
I'd easily rank it high up there. Personally, I'm more of a Street Fighter fan, but that's because of fond arcade memories.
1) Yes, I would buy.
2) 2-D fighters have a pick up and play feel, a button-masher for instant fun.
3) I say Guilty Gear series is Top 10 of 2-D fighters.
Yes. I would buy. I always liked all the guilty gear games that didn't have an instant kill. I found that 'feature' to be frustrating. I think the animation is better than the SF series.
  1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?
  2. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?
  3. If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.
1. Never having played previous iterations, I'd have to try it due to my interest in the genre.

2. I'd actually attribute sound design as a main factor for a 2-D fighter's accessibility. If that's up to task, then the game should be quite approachable.

3. I quickly get bored with Street Fighter. I prefer Darkstalkers for the energetic character design and animation. I'd have to spend some time with Guilty Gear to see wherein it would fit.
1. Yes, I would purchase the game since I've loved the past Guilty Gear games and am a big fan of many other 2-D fighting games.

2. I think it's pretty easy to get into, Guilty Gear isn't too hard for someone to pick up, but it can take some time to master all of the moves and combos.

3. I would probably rank somewhere around #1 or #2, the music is my favorite out of any other 2-D fighter and the animations and characters are great. One con might be getting down some of the special moves or huge combos.
1. I would purchase as a 2-d fan and as a Guilty Gear fan. I enjoy playing the old, as well as the new. I am interested to see how things will function on the Wii.

2. I think it's the kind of game you can pick up and play. At the same time though, it has some level of depth. It works for long time players as well as first time players.

3. I've played the PS2 version, and based on that, I would rank it right there with Street Fighter. I love most any 2-d and even 3-d fighters, but GGXXAC is one of those games you atleast have to try once.
definatly got to say:
past playing;easy to geet into, and better than street fighter-too much arcade. dont get me wrong i love arcade games too
1.I am a big fan of both guilty gear and most 2-D fighting games so I would buy this game.

2.I think it's pretty easy to get into atleast for me and my friends.

3.I'd rank it No.1 it's pretty fun and the fighters each have a neat unique look and I really like the music.
1. Both really. I've played GG1 for the PS1, GGX on Dreamcast, X2 Reload on Xbox as well as PC, and have pretty much been a huge fan of the series. Best 2D fighting series out there today.

2. It depends on the fighting game really. Some of them are easy to get into, Guilty Gear being one of them due to the fast pace, relatively intuitive combat system, and not too much difficulty. That said, easy to play, hard to master. Not all 2D fighting games are like that (CvS2's roster and Groove system make it harder to get into than it should), but GG's been good at keeping it easier than not. And no, not obscure gameplay, not sure what's meant by that reallly... plenty of people play the games and they aren't that hard to find. Guilty Gear's probably the easiest series to get into these days, it's easy to play, hard to master. Which is the way it should be.

3. Guilty Gear >> SNK > Street Fighter as far as series go. Slash >= Accent Core = Melty Blood >> Capcom vs SNK 2 > Garou > KoF series in general (with 98 leading the pack, probably) >> Street Fighter > Fatal Fury (too old, hasn't aged well, and everyone knows it as what came before KoF anyway). Would take too long to list all the series (eg, Darkstalkers, Samurai Shodown), but Guilty Gear has the pros on the gameplay, speed, and cast. Let's not forget music either, or that GG has a damn good storyline (only one better of the genre, Melty Blood) as a game, let alone as a fighter. AC tried new things and they actually *worked,* which is better than what I can say for both Capcom's as well as SNK's latest tries of fighters (though Neo Geo Battle Coliseum is awesome and also deserves to be on that list, above CvS2 but I'm biased to NGBC so maybe not). Anyway, this is long enough, point is Sammy does things which the others *should* do, and actually can pull off bringing new stuff to a series, while maintaining something that resembles balance. Well nowadays at least (no, everyone having an infinite isn't balance).
  1. I honestly only want this game because I've played a Guilty Gear game on the PS2 years ago. It was a lot of fun, but before I saw it in my cousin's library of PS2 games, I had never heard of it. Even now, I don't hear too much buzz about it since a lot of people I know aren't familiar with the game.
  2. I thought the game was pretty easy to get into. I picked up the controller, and had a blast nearly immediately without button mashing.
  3. I don't know if I would compare Guilty Gear to the ranks of Street Fighter. Although Guilty Gear was definitely very enjoyable, Street Fighter is definitely more established and a household name. Guilty Gear is fun, fast and has a small learning curve, but it doesn't have the fanbase Street Fighter and other 2-d fighting games might have. I think it might help if someone were to base a show on Guilty Gear and release it in the US (have they already? I don't know, I don't watch toomuch television).
  1. I have played through most of the past iterations of guilty gear and i am a big fan of the franchise, i am also a huge fan of 2-d fighters. I would grab this game just for both of these reasons.
  2. This franchise is easy to get into , but whats great about it is at first its quite basic but with progress you can achieve incredible skills where you are always learning new moves and fighting styles. This creates a addiction to master the game creating massive replay value and fun.
  3. Compareing Guilty gear to a classic like streetfighter is a bit tough but i would go with guilty gear. Guilty Gear brings a kind of freshness to the table with its animation and and art style, not to mention its out of the ordinary characters and moves. Guilty gear also brgings a great learning curve where you are always acheive new ways of fighting and techniques.
  1. I have played through most of the past iterations of guilty gear and i am a big fan of the franchise, i am also a huge fan of 2-d fighters. I would grab this game just for both of these reasons.
  2. This franchise is easy to get into , but whats great about it is at first its quite basic but with progress you can achieve incredible skills where you are always learning new moves and fighting styles. This creates a addiction to master the game creating massive replay value and fun.
  3. Compareing Guilty gear to a classic like streetfighter is a bit tough but i would go with guilty gear. Guilty Gear brings a kind of freshness to the table with its animation and and art style, not to mention its out of the ordinary characters and moves. Guilty gear also brgings a great learning curve where you are always acheive new ways of fighting and techniques.
:) :D :applause:
1. I'd play the game because of knowing how good a game it was and is. The animation, sprites, and combo system is what pulls me in.
2. It's easy, the combo system can be intricate but quick and fast pace for beginners. You can play for fun without really knowing what to do, just know how to play a fighting game.
3. It's in my top 3 on 2-d fighters; an easy game with a great gameplay, story, music. Its not one of those games with good graphics.
  1. A 2d fighting game
  2. It all depends. 2D certainly helps with ease
  3. Not sure, I'd say probably lower than SF for playability, but higher on animation
1. A fighting game fan in general. I never played a Gulity Gear game, ever. But i'm interested in seeing how it shaped up on the Wii.

2. I really don't know to be honest with you, I never played any of the past games.

3. Hm, knowing how i'm not even decent at SF, I wouldn't be able to tell you. All the fighting games i've played are the Tekken/SC series & SF II on Genesis, along side with some mediocre anime fighters.
  1. As a 2-D fighting game fan in general.
  2. I think it's pretty easy to get into.
  3. I think i would rank it better than street fighter.
  1. I'd buy it based on the franchise- the characters and story are incredible. I think that is the only downside to this iteration- the story has been removed....sadly :(
  2. It is incredibly easy- my wife, who doesn't play games with me, used to play this all the time when I had the xbox version. I think anyone can appreciate the gameply.
  3. I think it is the best 2d fighter, easily- Its story and characters are way beyond any other fighter- and the fighting is awesome to watch. They did a great job setting up ridiculous characters and circumstances. What other game has a langly surgeon fighting with a scalpel and wearing a bag over his head? Not Street Fighter, that is for sure. :nottalking:
  1. I would buy the game since I loved the older iterations.
  2. I feel like this game is simple enough to get into
  3. I think Guilty Gear is probably the best 2d fighter around right now
1) I am a huge 2D fighting fan and can remember playing Guilty Gear on the Dreamcast alone with a ton of other classic 2D fighters on that system.

2) 2D Fighters are easy to get into, it the challenge of mastering them that presents the real challenge.

3) Street Fighter is tighter and more grounded while Guilty Gear is a little more strange and quirky. Sometimes GG gets a little two wierd, some of the special moves just make you shake your head but that may not be a bad thing.
1. If I purchased it, it would be because past iterations felt like Arc Systems cutting their teeth on the genre, and they are due to clean up their mistakes. If you liken the original Guilty Gear to Street Fighter 2 or Garou Densetsu, as raw and unfiltered experimentation, then Arc Systems may be at the point to produce a title at the level of Super Street Fighter 2X or KOF '96, especially if departing from Guilty Gear to design Hokuto no Ken gave them a different perspective on gameplay balance. I have my doubts in their abilities, though.

2. I think that 2D fighting games are traveling down a road similar to that taken by vertical and horizontal scrolling shooters. The style will not be obscure to any fan of over-the-top Japanese superheroics. But the gameplay will continue to become increasingly obscure and technical. This won't exclude new players, but it will put them at an almost impossible handicap when playing those with experience. I'm not a fan of that progression, but it seems steady and inevitable.

3. It's a very different experience than what's found in the Street Fighter franchise, or in any of SNK's works, so for me, it's hard to put it in an "All 2D Fighter" ranking. I prefer a more grounded fighter, so I'd have to rank games like Street Fighter 2, 3, and Garou: Mark of the Wolves above it. The focus on aerial combat (with most characters) smacks of MVC2, sans the brutal lockdown, which is generally negated by the Burst system. That aspect always seems to remind me of Waku Waku 7. So it would probably fall around those two titles in my personal ranking... perhaps adjusted somewhat when I actually get to try the game.
  1. Yes, i've been playing guilty gear since the original and its had me addicted from the beginning.
  2. Pretty easy to get into, difficult to master.
  3. Guilty gear is probably the most overall complete 2d fighter out IMO. With the insane challenges they present you along with the twitch finger combos it has so much to offer.
1.i'd buy it if it was fun. i feel no loyalty really, because i was never good at those games and i couldnt tell if i as doing things right. =D

2.i think this game type is easy to get into: mash buttons. but i am not competitive, so i don't like competing with my friends. coop is nice though.

3. it looks better, but it seems like the same idea
1) Yes, I would personally purchase it as I had it for the Dreamcast and I was amazed by the great combat systems and nice high-resolution sprites. I'm a HUGE 2D fan, but I like 3D fighting games as well (when done well).
2) Very easy to get into. Though I do wish more of my friends would stick around to play longer. If it's a game I play regularly and they've never played they tend to lose interest fast. After all nobody likes to lose continuously :( Even I can relate to that one cuz I actually suck at most 2D fighters...I just enjoy them though.

3) For classics sake I would say Street Fighter is definitely deeper (at least in the past) but Guilty Gear is a lot more flashy...which in my opinion can be just as fun. I like both series and will continue to support both :) Now I just hope that Street Fighter IV is 2D... a fan sinse the first one so i have to say that i play for it past iterations.

2. Easy to pick but hard to master.

3.first place because 2d fighter are altmost extinc right now and GG offer modes of figting that other fighters dont have, (beat em up mode), also the OST is the bomb.
  1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general? A: I would buy it because i'm a fan of the series.
  2. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure? A: Can be both, I think it's fairly easy to play, and enjoyable.
  3. XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well. A: I like Accent Core and street fighter, but I like the character's and the style of the game for Guilty Gear games better.
1. I am a 2D fighter fan in general.
2. The game has a lot of depth, so i think it would be hard to get into the storyline starting out from this far in, but i think i can manage.
3. I've played a guilty gear series game before and the fighting system takes a little while to get used to when you're normally a street fighter player, but after a while guilty gears controls feel quite comfortable :D. I would rank guilty gear almost as high as street fighter 3rd strike, higher than street fighter II (all the iterations of it), and the highest on the scale would be marvel vs. capcom 1 or 2.
  1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?
  2. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?
  3. If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.

1. I played GGX way back then and liked it. I would purchase it just for that.
2. Personally it's a pretty easy game to pick up. Just like other fighting games
3. Compared to a game like Street Fighter, GGXXAC is very different. Different fighting games simply play differently. I would buy both games if I had to choose. :D
1. I'm not much of a fighting game fan, besides street fighter. I have never played this series.
2. The style of game is very easy to get into.
3. Never played guilty gear
  1. I'm a hardcore 2D fighting game fan in general, but have also enjoyed past iterations of Guilty Gear.
  2. I think the gameplay for games like this can accept both newcomers and experts alike.
  3. I'd rank Street Fighter as the cream of the crop. 3rd Strike is my favorite. Guilty Gear comes in at a close 2nd to Capcom fighters in my opinion.
1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?

Honestly, both.

2. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?

It's easy to get into, but it's kinda hard to not suck.

3. If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.

It's definitely the best looking, the music is awesome. I likes.
  1. I both enjoy 2D fighters, as well as past GG games (isuka excluded)
  2. it would be difficult for a video game amateur. it was my first 2d fighter though, but i played SF a few times before, just not regularly.
  3. I rank GGXX pretty high. i love the pacing and the characters. KoF/SNK is my personal favorite, but GG and SF are close runners up.
1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?

Of course. Its a incredibly fun game and i cant wait to see what its like on the wii.

2. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?

I think because of the multitude of 3d fighting games, this game stands apart, but i think that if someone plays it, they will be hooked. the charicters are so vivid and set apart from one another. Thier is a charicter for everyone.

3. If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.

I think this is quite easily the best 2d fighting game franchise available. Street fighter was always counter intuitive to me in the way the combos flowed together. This game has very smooth animations and the combos flow together more naturally then most other 2d fighting games. I think it has many levels of depth. Someone with no experience can pick up this game and manage to "do something" while experienced players can hone their methods and simply dominate using advanced tactics and combos. ROCK ON!!!
  1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?

    I would like to pick the game up just because it brings back that old-school 2-D fighting style that I grew up with back in the days of arcade Tekken and Street Fighter.

  2. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?

    From what I've experienced briefly, I believe that the gameplay is easy to get into, yet the controls (like most arcade fighters) are harder to master.
  3. If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.

    I would rank it a low 9 in its genre considering how long it has lasted compared to other 2-D fighters.

    Guilty Gear games have insanely-awesome characters that differentiate from other 2-D Arcades.
    I love the crazy animations with each character's move

    Controls may be hard to master.
    Storylines could be better.
  1. I would definitely be interested in any new game in the Guilty Gear series. I've been a fan ever since the import version of Guilty Gear X for the Dreamcast.
  2. I think it's very easy to instantly get into, although the character design style may scare some gamers off.
  3. I think that the Street Fighter series has a definite advantage over the Guilty Gear series since it's success in American arcades & early home versions for the SNES and Genesis got gamers familiar with the franchise. However, I think that the animation and overall fludity of Guilty Gear trumps the Street Fighter games hands-down.
1.) I would purchase due to being a huge fan of the GG series, as well as enjoying the past iterations even today.

2.) The best thing about 2-D fighters is that they're relatively player friendly, and easy to enjoy once you get the basics down.

3.) Street Fighter is the king of the 2-D fighting genre, but GG has it's own popular spot in the line-up and will always continue to do well.
  • Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?

Yes definately. This game is the most popular fighting game in Japan and although it has been around for awhile in the US, it hasn't received the same critical acclaim that it has in Japan. Most of this is due to the fact that the fighting game genre has gone the way of the dodo... But even then, I love fighting games and always look forward to the next GOOD fighting game. This game being one of them.

  • Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?

I think all fighting games are easy to get into... the problem is maintaining consistency and finding your groove once you're learning the game. A great deal of this comes from constant competition against people.

  • If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.

I honestly think that after Street Fighter series of games that GGXX and it's other iterations is right up there with the best of the rest in regards to 2D fighters. It has proven that it has longevity.
  1. I'm not sure, I bought Guilty Gear X2 and loved it, but then I bought Isuka and I felt I could have spent my money better. But I really like the series so I would like to give it a shot
  2. If you have played Street Fighter, most of the basics are the same, so it's pretty easy to get into. If you want to master everything then it's very challenging, but still a very good solid fighter with cool anime characters.
  3. I would rank it just as good as Street Fighter and King of the Fighters, it has the same feel and memorable characters. It's more like Marvel vs Capcom series, so if you like that, you'll like this one.
1. I have been a huge fan of guilty gear since the first time I played it on ps, I would play it because I have always been a fan of these games.

2. It really matter because GG has one of the most complex combo systems of any 2d fighter, and as many before me have stated, the people that are good at the game are just insane and near impossible to beat. That makes this game easy to get into if there isn't alot of compition around so you can learn and such but a very hard game to get good at if all you can play is really good people.

3. Well I am a big fighting game fan in general so I have played alot of both street fighter and Guilty Gear and they both have their strong suits and places they arn't that great in. One of the biggest things that set them apart is speed. SF is kinda floaty feeling and GG is like +WOOSH+ they are really on different sides of the spectrume in that sense. But they both work on the same type of my set up.(mostly qrtrcircle moves and the like.) and they also have people with abnormal skills like fire balls and such. They are both great games but very different. Lets just say being good at one will not make you better at the other in this case.
1. I have never heard of this Guilty Gear beofre until just now. However, if I were to receive this for free, then I would consider looking into it and possibly introduce it to my friends as well.

2. I feel that this sort of fighting games are pretty easy to get into, it just a matter of whos into it and how it makes them feel.

3. Well Street Fighter is very well knows through the world, but so is this game it seems to me, so I dont really know. I like MK the most, so out of 5 ill give this game a 4. same with Street Fighter
Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?
I've played past games and never really got into them. If I had friends with an interest, I'd give it a whirl.

Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?
Easy to play, hard to master.

If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.
I prefer old-school 2-D fighting games with less action. Newer games benefit more button-masher then attack and counter.
1) Since 2D fighters are a rare breed genre now and the Wii doesn't have a true fighting game until Smash Bros, I would certanly try this game out for my Wii.

2) Very easy to get into for anybody who has played 2D fighters before should be right at home.

3) Average at best, the series hasn't achieved a international following as strong as other series like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. Heck those two games managed to have movies! Terrible, terrible movies! Well the first MK was ok...
1. I've never been too big on fighting games, as they're all about multiplayer and none of my friends really play fighting games with me, save for Smash Bros. However, I've always loved 2D fighters since the days of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, so I think I'd pick it up simply due to that sense of nostalgia coupled with a feeling of newness.

2. A lot of fighters seem to have a "easy to learn, hard to master" feeling to them, since you can just mash buttons initially, but eventually learn a character and the style the game is played. There certainly is a lot of complexity within a 2D fighter, but I think a lot of people are turned off by spritework and the 2D, pushing it into the obscurer realms of gaming as people compare it to more modern games, so they don't give it much of a chance to begin with.

3. I think Street Fighter is definitely on top of the 2D fighters, so I think GG would be more of a middle tier due to it being harder to learn the more complex actions.

Probably the latter, as I've never playeed Guilty Gear before.


I don't know. I mean, I think people have gotten used to non-2D fighters.


I really can't. I mean, obviously I've played Street Fighter, but I've never touched a Guilty Gear game.
  1. I would purchase the game due to the fact that its been going on for so long and I haven't played it yet. I hear great things but never got into it before. Also I am a fan of fighting game in general
  2. It looks like a pretty easy game to jump into.
  3. Besides street fighter being old and this might change with SF HD but i think the graphics side of things this game just screams at you when you watch it. Its high paced and very colorful.
1. I would purchase the game with an arcade stick an if its online. I also like fighting as a genre but I like other genres a lot more.

2. I always had a hard time pulling off the combos and usually just button mash.

3. I have fond memories of Street Fighter when I was a kid so I would rate Street Fighter higher than Guilty Gear because of that.
  1. I've never played Guilty Gear but if it's anything like Street Fighter, I'd love to try it out.
  2. I love 2D fighters. They look so simple but are so complex. No way is the gameplay obscure.
  3. Like I said, I've never played Guilty Gear but now that we're talking about it, I have a sudden urge to try it.
bread's done