CAG Buzz - Minicopter: Adventure Flight (Wii) Giveaway! Multiple Winners!

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1. if it was a family of gamers sure-seems like a unique fun game
2. well i think the price point 29.99 is a pretty big incentive, the fact that there are control options is also an incentive.
3. Yeah, if i was a rc fanatic and gamer, game sounds interesting sorta reminds me of chibi robo the idea of you playing someone small in a big environment
1. I would say that it's not as family friendly as some of the Wii's other titles (like Wii Sports, for example), due to a lack of 4 player multiplayer and the lack of very simple controls (like Wii Sports, EA Playground, etc.). But it's certainly more family friendly than Metriod Prime 3, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, etc.

2. An incentive to buy this would be a low price. Around $20-$30 to start out with. More Wii games should really be at this pricing level. Also, incorporating Miis into the title would help. Not enough Wii games have that.

3. I would certainly have more interest in the title if I was an RC fanatic, so yeah, I think that would help in my decision to purchase it.
  1. I probably wouldn't recommend this. Not because it won't be a good family title, but because there are many others coming out that would be better for a family -- Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit, +++
  2. Cheap prices, an interesting control scheme, maybe a free RC Toy or a discount.
  3. If I were a RC fanatic I could see myself buying this... but more likely I would buy a new RC toy.
1. Based on the types of Wii titles coming out, would you recommend this title for family purchase?

I'd recommend this title for family purchase because it looks family friendly, and controlling with the wiimote should be fairly easy for kids.

2. What would be an incentive for a Wii owner to buy this title?

It would have to be at a low price point since it only has RC helicopters. They could've added RC Cars too.

3. If you were a RC fanatic can you or would you see yourself buying this title?

If I were a RC fanatic, I would probably spending the money on more RC parts than the game. I might get it though if the price point is around $20-30.
  1. Based on the types of Wii titles coming out, would you recommend this title for family purchase?
  1. What would be an incentive for a Wii owner to buy this title?
Motion Control
  1. If you were a RC fanatic can you or would you see yourself buying this title?
1. With all the great title coming out, this is mediocre at best.
2. Budget price.
3. For hobbyists, the joy would be in the modifications, which be more fun in real life.
1. It could definitely be family friendly and fun if the controls are user-friendly.

2. I like flight simulation games. If the controls are amazing, then it could definitely be a must-buy!

3. If I was into RC, I would be buying the real thing instead of a video game.
1. I would possibly recommend this to a younger sibling but with mariokart coming out its going to be tough to compete with it.

2. It's fun to use the tilt feature if it works well and someone who's never had an RC experience could get a sampling from a game like this.

3. Maybe but i would probably just stick to the real thing unless i wanted to battle people that i couldn't meet with in person.
!) No, mini-copter is really something you have to experience to really enjoy, but if your family already knew about the greatness of mini-coptering and it is raining outside then totally!

@) The incentive would be calling all my buddies over and poppin' the mini-copter game in the Wii for some 2 player co-op mini copterin' action! Plus all my buddies can customize the controls to fit their mini-copterin' style.

#) No because instead of sinking $30 into this game, I could just sink it into a sweet gyro for my mini-copter or some new skids or some hot new rotors with flames on them.
1. Based on the types of Wii titles coming out, would you recommend this title for family purchase?

Maye if it were $19.99 or less, but I can't say that with the advent of Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. recent release, I, or anyone is really going to notice a no-name RC helicopter game. Maybe if it were Mario RC, it would have half a chance of selling.

2. What would be an incentive for a Wii owner to buy this title?

If it came with a free foot massage, I might think about it. Kidding aside, it may be the perfect game to highlight the inaccurate and sloshy steering controls the Wiimote offers. It would therefore be a perfect RC flight simulation.

3. If you were a RC fanatic can you or would you see yourself buying this title?

No, because if I were an RC fanatic, I probably already have the simulation software that came with my RC that let me practice before crashing a $400 RC airplane. This is for people who always THOUGHT about getting an RC but didn't want the investment. Besides, I already played this game 8 years ago when it was called Toy Commander on the Dreamcast. It was good for an hour, then rested on the shelf collecting dust (just like my broken RC airplane).
1. Yes looks like a great family game.
2. Multiplayer games are great fun.
3. If i was a RC fanatic I would probably buy the game.
  1. Yes, but I would tell them to try to find it used or wait until it drops to $19.99.
  2. The multiplayer aspect and the fun of being something tiny in a large world.
  3. If I were an RC fanatic I would buy the game.
  1. Probably... not. I think as far as family titles go, there'd be a lot I'd reccomend before this.
  2. Perhaps a mini rc?
  3. Almost definitely.
1. Probably since its a family game and a different type of theme, it would be something different

2. The ability to unlock items, play in mulitplayer modes,

3. It would really depend on controls, and over all play of the game, if its fun and I would definitely rent or try first
  1. Yes, it seems like something a family can enjoy together.
  2. Wifi, downloadable content and good price point
  3. Yes, I would seeing as how RC games are a rarity.
1. Based on the types of Wii titles coming out, would you recommend this title for family purchase?

Depends. As long as it is budget priced with good fun controls, easy enough for a child to get into but in-depth enough to have competitivity, then I would recommend it. I wouldn't immediately be put off by how it appears.

2. What would be an incentive for a Wii owner to buy this title?
For the casual gamer, this needs to be a decent flight sim. I loved the feel of the paper airplanes in EA's Playground. For the more competitive gamer, there needs to be balanced yet fun and in-depth competitive components in the multiplayer. A budget price would be good, because most people will judge a game by it's cover.

3.If you were a RC fanatic can you or would you see yourself buying this title?
I'm not an RC fanatic, but I can imagine if this can emulate the feel of RC with the Wii controls, then it can certainly entice that niche of gamers to check it out.
  1. Nope... looks impressive, but impressively BOOOOOORRRRRIIIINNNGGGGGG.
  2. Hidden nudity... like in the clouds, or on a building, or something... at least that's what kind of stuff gets MY attention. :whistle2:/
  3. Depends on the feel of it. If it has pretty good reaction and seems somewhat lifelike or semi-realistic, then... maybe.
1. Probably... Only if it gets good reviews!
2. Possibly an RC kit. That'll bring more converts, I hope. Obviously Wifi capabilities.
3. I would get it if it came with a wicked cool copter.
1. I've picked up a few wii games for my 7-year old nephew and it's tough to find good games. I'd be interested to see how this game turns out for a good option for our wii.
2. Good control options for young gamers and good intro price level.
3. No. But I'd still buy an RC-style game. Revolt on the Dreamcast was fun.
  1. Based on the types of Wii titles coming out, would you recommend this title for family purchase? nah just wait for mario cart.
  1. What would be an incentive for a Wii owner to buy this title? ive broken two air hogs hellies so buying one game is cheaper than buying two hellies.
  1. If you were a RC fanatic can you or would you see yourself buying this title? its good for youngsters and beginners so you can get the hang of what your doing befor you launch a $50. rc toy in the air. i wouldnt buy it
1. I would reccomend this game for families.

2. Online play, a nicely-paced game if the controls are good.

3. Yes!
1. I see it as a good clean family fun game
2. I think the fairly low cost and ease of playing makes it a nice buy
3. I've been looking at this game since I first saw it mentions months ago. I'll have to read more reviews once people play it. But I can definitely seeing it making my wish list.
1. For families, this would likely be a decent title, especially for a very young child. However, I would not recommend it if said family wants a high quality title, as this is likely to be a cheap cash-in style game.

2. There is very little incentive for most gamers to purchase this title. However, given that the price is likely to be relatively low, it might be a decent purchase if the price is right.

3. I would imagine that, while RC fans would see this as a good move for RC products, most fans wouldn't purchase the title. They would most likely realize the lower quality of the title, and would even more likely still prefer a real, physical RC product compared to a virtual one.
I've never actually won something online before, so I was shocked when I got a bit o mail from GQD. :) Thanks again GQ :) They shipped it out really quick too, but I haven't gotten a chance to try it yet. We're in the middle of finals/research due dates.
1. Seems more of a niche title than anything. You don't see too many rc collectors out there now a days. Everyone else would probably rather have a more realistic flying game as the rc part of it is only going to be enjoyed or appreciated by the people who do this as a hobby

2. While I understand that the wii has a log of family friendly games, this one screams too much of say a toy story game. It might be alright for the kids, but as I said earlier. Unless the parents are actually into the actual rc hobby then they likely will just dismiss it for it colorfull graphics, and the fact that a lot of adults still see this kind of hobby as "playing with toys". After all you can't have a family without mom and dad :D

3. As it does look a bit budget pricey it will probably be pretty cheap, which is a good thing. If I was a fanatic I would probably take a look at it since you don't see games like this often. Nor as a fan do you get to see the perspective of the plane that you are flying around. Might be kind of cool seeing what your plane sees "OH MY GOD, A PINECONE.. PULL UP, PULL UP". That and the Wii controls may make it a bit of fun to play with the tilting of the wii-mote to go up and down, pad to move around. Kinda looks like it may have the feel of a real remote.
1.Based on the types of Wii titles coming out, would you recommend this title for family purchase?
Probably not. RC copters have a limited fan base. Also a game based around flying RC copters I think would not be great as a family game due to its complexity and/or lack or variety.

2.What would be an incentive for a Wii owner to buy this title?
Being fun and having good controls. Flying RC copters is supposed to be difficult and takes a fair bit of learning. Without being fun or good/realistic controls , what would be the incentive to playing this over just getting and flying a real rc copter.

3.If you were a RC fanatic can you or would you see yourself buying this title?
If the controls simulated the experience of flying a real rc copter well enough , I think I might be interested in buying this title.
1) Yes, multiplayer games are good for families.

2) Multiplayer. Leverages Wii functionality like tilt controls.

3) I might. The RC minigames in GTA were fun.
  1. Looks like good family fun to me!
  2. Good use of the wii controls.
  3. Sure, I don't care for RC and I'd still atleast give it a rent. It looks fun.
1. I'd have to play the game first, but from the looks of it, it seems to be your average, low budget game with motion controls tacked on.

2. Make it good, or at least look good. The concept of flying RC planes on the Wii doesn't sound like much fun.

3. Nah.
1. I would say this is a family game.
2. It would be a fresh spin on games and it would allow people to play more interactivly with the wii.
3. I would definitly buy this game if I was a fanatic.

1. Yeah it looks innocent enough to be a family game. Though I dont know if theres lots of families into RCs. But I would recommend it.

2. Probably the WiFi

3. If I was an RC Fanatic, I would definitely get this. But I think even Non - RC fanatics would probably buy this.

Note: could you guys list the winners after all have been picked? Ive done several of these contests and I dont know if its still going on or its over. I just think it would be considerate to let people know that.
1. Based on the types of Wii titles coming out, would you recommend this title for family purchase?
Yes I am always looking for games for the family thats nice and wholesome to play, something that doesnt involve shooting people blood death etc...

2. What would be an incentive for a Wii owner to buy this title?
Definitely something the whole family can enjoy not just the adults

If you were a RC fanatic can you or would you see yourself buying this title?
If theres lots of upgrades and models to choose from, yes I would probably buy this as an RC fanatic.
1)Based on the types of Wii titles coming out, would you recommend this title for family purchase?
I would have to play it first, but based on the screenshots, probably not.
2)What would be an incentive for a Wii owner to buy this title?
If its cheap enough, it could be fun if the controls are decent and the missions are fun.
3)If you were a RC fanatic can you or would you see yourself buying this title?
I guess If i were a fanatic I would.
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