CAG Buzz - The World Ends With You (DS) Giveaway! Multiple Winners!

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1 Gameplay looks interesting and I like the art style. It's a different and unique look compared to most games out on the ds.

2 Yes. I always like to play games that give are influenced by Japanese culture.

3 Yes. This title looks very unique and should stand out from other ds titles.
1. It certainly does look innovative. My first impression of the game was "hey, this looks pretty stylish."

2. I have an interest in that culture, but it would really only affect any purchasing decisions minimally. What's important is not what culture the game is influenced by, but rather how well it translates that influence into good gameplay.

3. It does look pretty unique, from the artstyle and setting to the title.
1. My first impression of this game was that it was somewhat like a RPG.

2.yes, I am into games that dwell into japanses culture

3. I think this game is a little unique from other selection of games on the DS
1. The game reminds me of a comic book style game what my first impression was.

2. Yes I am interested in Japan Culture, so yes I would get it if designed well.

3. Yea the art style seems unique compared to other DS games.
1. - At first I really didn't like the idea of the game, back when it was announced for Japan, due to the fact it has exactly the same art style as the Kingdom Heart games, I figured it was just riding off that to sell some copies. I've warmed up to the game significantly since then, after watching some gameplay videos and reading more about it.

2. - As long as the game isn't horribly gouged by localizing trying to bring over the same feel, but in an 'americanized' way, then I'm fine with it, honestly.

3. - Question's confusing, first you say title, then you say game. Title's a bit funny, as it was 'It's a wonderful World' in japan, but 'The world ends with you' when brought over. As for how it compares to other DS games, the combat looks like it'll fit in with the rest just fine. I have a feeling it won't sell as well as some other titles to the general public, but it should do quite fine for actual gamers.
  1. I really like the art style, and it looks like a cool new franchise for Square/Enix.
  2. It really is not a factor. I enjoy games from all regions.
  3. When I first saw the screenshots, the art style reminded me of Jet Grind (Set) Radio and Under the Skin. So, yes, in that vein I would consider it visually unique and catchy just as those games were.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
  1. Honestly, anything new is always welcome. I'm so fed up with pseudo euro pseudo medival structuring that it drives me nuts. Space Marine is catching up but I'm sick of being a Wizard.
    [*]This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
    I'm a monster japanse fan so, yeah, to no end.
    [*]Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
    I do consider it unique, the comparisions I'd make for the sake of comparing might be Earthbound and Persona.
1. The battle system seems cool, finally using both screens on the DS.

2. I think that the heavy Japanese pop culture influence will attract a lot of people.

3. In terms of gameplay, the only game that might compare is Ninja Gaiden DS in that they both use the stylus to form attacks. The art style is like Jet Set Radio or Viewtiful Joe.
1. The use of both screens seems very integrated, leading to greater immersion.
2. Not really. Good gameplay is king.
3. Seems fairly unique to me. For some reason it reminds me of Elite Beat Agents / Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan, though.
1. The gameplay looks interesting because you are controlling two characters at the same time with one character on the top screen and the other on the bottom screen.

2. No it wouldn't affect my purchasing decision because the art and aesthetic doesn't bother me. I think its cool actually.

3. Yes the game is very unique and it is taking advantage of of the dual screen set up of the DS.
  1. Cool I'm using two screens at once. Its not just a throw in like other games.
  2. No I like the Japanese culture.
  3. I think the game is unique since your actually using two screens at once. Unlike other games where the other screen is a map or menu setup.
1. It's great that they are actually using the capabilities of the DS like the two screens.

2. I think Japanese style games have become less and less recently and I am up for something different.

3. The game seems to be one of the unique experiences on the DS.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

Initially, I was skeptical, since Nomura can basically be singly blamed for spiky-haired, metal-clad, androgynous protagonists. The fashion based equip system is interesting, but seems like it can turn out to be just a fresh coat of paint on an otherwise conventional accessory/equipment base.

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

Whenever a RPG strays from the tried and true Dungeons and Dragons or Sci-Fi backdrops, my interest is immediately piqued. Not that these conventions automatically make for a derivative game, but as a huge RPG fan, I find I can only fight so many dragons or aliens before I get mentally fatigued and it all blends together. The exaggerated modern scene of what is to me a foreign environment can only be refreshing, whether it resonates with me personally or not.

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

This is probably the most unique game available for the DS. There are no virtual pets or brain teasers as far as I'm aware. The easy comparison to make would be to Kingdom Hearts based on the people involved, only leaning less for established intellectual properties and more on popular culture a la Jet Set Radio.
1. To me the style looks a little like Jet Set Radio. I like what I have been reading about the battle system, seems very innovative and fun.

2. Yes, I like to learn more about different cultures and any RPG that can be based on modern society (a la Earthbound) immediately grabs my attention.

3. Yes I would call it very unique. Many of the games coming out for the DS right now seem to be following a distinct pattern of Petz titles or casual games. This is a great shot in the arm for the system.
1. Love the use of colors in the screen shots though some of the dialogue appears to be be odd (firm noodle reference has a latent homoerotic theme- this is meant to be a joke).

2. Love to learn about other cultures so this impacts my purchasing decision in a positive way.

3. Game appears to be unique based on what I have seen.
1. It smells fresh.

2. I mostly just like the stylish modern feel of the setting.

3. I think this game stands out. I like that its not a remake and doesn't involve Mario.
1. I like the idea of things happening on 2 screens and two planes at the same time. It's areally cleaver idea.
2. I like the heavy cultural influence, it's further immereses you into the game's world aka Japan.
3. I think it's definitly unique in the market. I think it's one of those games that is gonna catch on by word of mouth.
1. Looks very cool and fresh.

2. I'm a fan of Japan's culture! So yes!

3. I do consider it unique very much!
1. The design looks great. Reminds me of Jet Grind Radio art style. Gameplay looks a bit complicated but compelling.

2. The Japanese cultural aspects of the game will probably make me more likely to pick it up. Cool idea for an rpg in modern day Japan.

3. It looks very unique compared to most rpgs I see on the ds.
  1. Wow, it looks like Kingdom hearts but it seems to be a very creative gameplay design
  2. Yes, it means I'll want it more. And I'll want to eat a bowl of ramen while playing it.
  3. This title is definitely unique. I doubt anything comes close to it.
1 - My first impression is that this original IP will be a breath of fresh air for DS RPGs. The gameplay looks engaging, especially the split screen combat. The design is visually attractive and interesting. I hope the originality really shines through.

2 - The inclusion of Japan's culture doesn't affect my decision to want this game however having the food, fashion, music, and more included, regardless of culture, is a big draw for me.

3 - I think this title is extremely unique and interesting. I feel that those who do not already know about it may easily overlook it though.
1. First impression is that the game is trying to utilize the capabilities of the DS in an innovative way, (remotely) similar to the Phantom Hourglass and its use of the stylus.

2. The influence of Japanese culture on this game will not be a factor in whether or not I would consider buying this game.

3. I honestly know of no other game I can compare to this game.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

With no background knowledge of this game when I saw the artwork for the first time, I had no idea that it was a Square-Enix game. From the art style and gameplay, I thought it was one of those niche action/RPGs that Atlus might localize, because they're usually the ones who localize innovative games. When I noticed the high production quality and marketting for this game, I finally read up on it and was surprised that it was a new Square-Enix game. It was refreshing because this wasn't formulaic at all. The parallels in design between this and Kingdom Hearts and Jet Set Radio piqued my interest.

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

I actually prefer games that explore other cultures in an exotic way. You can still draw the roots of that culture through it's foreign influences, so there's a familiarity to it. Yet, it's different enough to be interesting to explore.

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

The DS is the home to some of the most unique titles I've seen, along with the Wii. With so many, it's impossible to compare. It is however one of the more unique action/RPGs on the DS.
1. It uses both screens simultaneously, each with separate gameplay. It looks challenging and seems to be an innovative use of the DS's features.
2. It would affect my decision only slightly. The setting is a bit different, which makes it more interesting.
3. It seems to stand out from other titles, but I can't say more than that without playing it. (hint, hint)
What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

I want to say that it being designed by Square-Enix isn't a swaying factor in my first impression. I want to say that, but it is. Unfortunately, for all the great games SE puts out, they have a bad habit of being crushed under the weight of their own ambition. We'll see how it goes.

This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

I have a rather deep rooted fondness of the Super Sentai TV series, so I don't think it can throw anything at me more blatently Japanese than that. I certainly won't be buying it BECAUSE of the Japanese pop culture references though.

Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

All games on the DS strive for uniqueness. That's one of the main selling point of a system with a totally unique control scheme.It does have a lot going for it, but still the threat of being crushed by it's ambition looms overhead.
  1. It seems like a really creative game both in regards to stylistic choice and gameplay. It's a little Cookie & Cream with regards to doing two things at the same time, but it's supposed to work well, so I'm pretty excited to play it.
  2. I don't know if that particular aesthetic is anything that would directly make me purchase the game as much as it's something that won't make me not buy the game, like perhaps a baseball, or any sports aesthetic for that matter, might. It doesn't look bad and the gameplay seems pretty fresh, so I'll definitely check it out.
  3. It seems like a very unique title for the DS, definitely. I can absolutely see Tetsuya Nomura's influence on the game through and through, which isn't something that bothers me generally, and now, it even seems to make more sense, given the gameplay style.
1.The game easily separates itself from anything else on the ds in regards to the visual design and use of both screens

2.The fact that it takes place in modern times does have me leaning toward this if it was between purchasing this or an rpg that took place in some fantasy setting as most do.

3.I can't think of anything on the ds but for reason this reminds of persona 3...I think its b/c even though the graphics aren't great,there very slick and stylish considering the lack of power of the system (which is similar to persona 3 on the ps2)
1. The art style is definitely unique. It's what drew me to look up more info on the game.

2. Not really but it does draw me to it more than other games.

3. Absolutely. The art style hasn't been done by another DS game thus far.
  1. The game looks amazing. It's pushing the boundaries on the DS. It's also integrating the stylus very well for combat.
  2. Yes! JRPG's are a favorite of mine.
  3. Yea, it's definitely a unique title. The combat, storyline, and artwork are top notch.
1. At first, I dismissed it as a mere fashion-centric JRPG with Nomura's penchant for belts and zippers. As I continued to read more about it, I obviously became more interested, this time I was surprised that some of the items were ACTUAL Japanese cuisine. And then there's the crazy battle system... I thought this game would be quite challenging, mainly because of the need to concentrate on both screens.

2. Actually, it wouldn't influence my decision at all. I was planning to buy this game since it is a Square Enix game, but being a cheap ass gamer I decided to wait a little longer, when prices dropped or something. As usual the designs are pretty nice, considering it is quite cartoony, a contrast to the hyper realism other SE games express.

3. I actually don't know with what to compare this game. It would most likely be the Elite Beat Agents games, considering their attempts to reach multiple audiences with their crazy designs.
1. I actually first thought this would be a Japan-exclusive game. But it looked so cool and refreshingly modern, such as Shiki's outfit. Nomura's style is definitely noticable, but they actually look like normal teenagers. I was also surprised to learn battles use both screens, instead of the top screen functioning as a map.

2. I was very shocked to learn Square Enix was doing a fantasy game set in modern Shibuya, Japan. But as an anime fan, it really intrigues me. It actually makes me want to buy it more, as it is different from the European/American setting style fantasy games.

3. I would definitely consider it unique. I actually like the U.S./Europe title of "The World Ends With You" better than "It's a Wonderful World." It sounds so much more mysterious.
1. The World Ends With You stands out in every aspect. In terms of gameplay, Square-Enix has produced possibly the most innovative RPG game ever. On the bottom screen, you play as Neku, using the stylus to move around, slash enemies, and hurl objects. On the top screen, you play as Neku's partner by using the D-Pad and buttons for combinations to attack alternate versions of the same enemies. All of this is augmented further by simple card games in the top center of the top screen, such as War and Poker, that are won by selecting the correct combos. When you win at these, your characters perform devastating combos and regain a bit of their joint health bar. It's so insane and difficult-sounding that you can't possibly deny the creative genius that made it.

2. While the game is steeped in modern Japanese culture, it also appeals to foreign audiences. It gives those of us who can't afford a trip to Japan to experience its culture and places in a new way. The game generally seems very hip and trendy, with its unique visual flair; everything is colorful, edgy, and looks great on the DS's dual LCD screens. Possibly the greatest cultural feature of this game is the music. I read that an insane amount of current artists are contributing to a high-energy mix of dance, trance, and hip-hip tracks. And the tunes are catchy, with lyrics you'll remember until you die.

3. This game is possibly the most unique and creative DS game I've seen. Other games, such as Cooking Mama and Trauma Center, are obvious staples to a handheld with a touch-screen, but fully incorporating the touch-screen with the regular screen and a card game in the same battle is phenomenally inventive. How many games expect you to have three games going on at once? Zero many, that's how many. I expect this game to redefine and revolutionize the way we look at handheld RPGs.
  1. Very interesting, I'm not sure if I would be able to get the hang of it but I would love to try.
  2. Not at all, as long as the gameplay is good cultural influence is a moot point.
  3. Yes, this game is very unique.
1. Gameplay looks engaging. I enjoy the whole stylized look; like a mix of Jet Set Radio, Final Fantasy, and cyberpunk.

2. Personally, I enjoy the whole Japanese vibe. The whole Japanese pop culture interests me whether its fashion, food, music, or games. Ever check out Danny Choo's webpage?

3. Very unique and catchy. I'm glad they take a chance on bringing a game like this to the American market. It's good to know there are enough of us with similar tastes to make it a profitable choice for them.

1. Like all games I will have to see if this one lives up to its hype before I invest the money in buying it, I have seen good review scores lately, so it probably is a game that lives up to what it promises.

2. I would be MORE likely to buy the game because of its Japanese influences. The last thing we want is a big part of the game being lost in translation because they tried to "americanize" it so it would appeal to a more broad audience. Removing Japanese influences in this game especially if it refers to the fashion scene in Japan would completely kill the game since America simply does not have a fashion scene like Japan does. It would seem silly to make a game based on the fashions of America but for Japan it makes more sense. I only listen to Japanese music so I would appreciate if they left the original songs in it, instead of creating an American soundtrack of songs that I have never even heard of nor would I like. I miss out on so much in games like Donkey Konga and other music based games because I wish they had the Japanese songs I know and like instead of the American crap they put in the game.

3. From the description it sounds like the game is semi-music based so I would compare it to things like Ouendan and its american version, Elite Beat Agents. I have played both Ouendan's from Japan. Other than that it sounds really unique and different, however that can be a good and bad thing. Some games are too unique and do not work out well, while in other games, uniqueness is a very good thing.
What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

1. Looks pretty cool, the buzz around it is enough to make me want to try it.
2. I like Japanese culture and see this as a positive.
3. Hard to answer that without having played it. Just on looks alone, I'd say it compares to jet set radio future and space channel 5?
1. When I first saw this game, I got very excited. I'm generally only won over by the best and most original of RPG's, and I saw that potential here. The gameplay sounded very unique and challenging, which is always a plus from a genre that likes to stick to the straight and narrow. It also looked like something completely orignal and innovative, and those two together are very rarely found in a industry largely composed of trend followers. The design just makes me smile, with bright colors and dynamic characters and sets. The graffiti and clothing styles are just icing on the cake to make this experience feel truly urban.

2. The setting, characters, story, etc. only drew me in further. We rarely see games that actually try to represent real places, which is to me very disappointing. I have a feeling that after I play this game, I'll be wanting to visit Tokyo very soon just to see old familiar places from the game.

3. This title is certainly unique for the DS, and even for most offerings on other systems. The only game I can compare this to was the like-it-or-hate-it Marc Ecko's Getting Up. Despite its gameplay flaws, I felt like the game had an awesome sense of urban style that set it apart from other games. Plus, the fact that you got to live out the dream of becoming a famous graf artist was simply wonderful.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
    • My first impression was that the gameplay sounded incredibly complicated. As a new DS owner, it could be pretty daunting.
  2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
    • Not at all. Although I do think I would appreciate it (and games like Yakuza) more if I ever visit Japan for a significant amount of time.
  3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
    • Absolutely. I think it is unique when you compare it to any other console. An RPG that isn't medieval or sci-fi is hard to come by (for that fact alone), let alone a game that forces you to think with two screens and independent button pressing and touch controls.
    • The art, by the way, looks fantastic.
1. My first impression was a little confused and overwhelmed, however the more I learned about it the more I began to like it.
2. This would not affect my decision at all.
3. I think it is very unique, I haven't seen anything like this before.
1. When I first saw it I thought it looked really good and I would love to play it.
2. It would help me buy the game because I would like to learn more about Japan's modern culture.
3. I think it is really unique and there really isn't any game out there like it right now.
1. The gameplay being split between the two screens looks like it could be a lot of fun, and the design has a very distinctive style that I like.
2. I would have normally said no, but after how great Persona 3 was with it's reliance on Japanese culture I think this game being influenced by it may sway me a little in it's direction.
3. I consider this game unique and catchy compared to games on any system, not just the DS.
What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

This games looks great and just the overall style caught my attention. I then read more about the actual game elements and it seems like a must have.

This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

Yes and no. Yes in the fact that the urban and Japanese modern feel attracted me. But no in the fact that I would probably still get this if the Jap influence wasn't has predominant.

Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

The title has a ring to it also it does not make use of some Distorted arrangement of's good to see that the whole DS naming scheme isn't used
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

My initial impression is that the game's design is unique and interesting, however, I'm unsure of whether or not I would enjoy it much.

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

No, it won't affect my purchase decision.

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

Its interface seems just as distinctive as almost any other DS game. I can't think of a single game I've played where 2 individual characters are controlled at once by the player.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
  2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
  3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
1. It seems interesting, what with the whole controlling multiple people at once stuff. I'd like to give it a try since its something I haven't really seen before.
2. I might not connect with it as much because of that fact but it wouldn't dissuade me from buying it.
3. Unique in the manner of how it plays, not really in its style though. It seems like the style of many DS games, less mature, more colorful.
1. It seems like a game with potential. The two-screen gameplay at once is intriguing; I would probably need to actually play the game to see if I would enjoy the experience or find it too hectic.
2. This would not really affect my purchasing decision. On the plus side, it probably gives the game a distinct style. On the negative side, some of this may be lost in translation (either removing stylistic elements for the American audience, or too many obscure references to Shibuya that an American audience will never get).
3. I would consider this game fairly unique. The RPG genre tends to get stuck in the rut of high fantasy and pseudo-medieval settings. In that respect a game set in the modern day world is refreshing. That said, this is just a setting. The game might still stick to the same old RPG cliches: angsty teen hero, amnesia, evil technology vs. good nature, repetetive character design (gruff guy with heart of gold, self-absorbed jerk who learns to respect others, shy and quiet female lead who is always a healer, etc.) silent protagonist, mysterious ancient and advanced civilizations, etc.
1. Its very unique its the only game I can think of that has you fighting two battles at the same time.
2. No since I have no real knowledge of Shibuya culture.
3. Yes I would say it is unique. which is something because the ds already has so many unique games.
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