CAG Buzz - The World Ends With You (DS) Giveaway! Multiple Winners!

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  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

    I've been following this one for a while. The ideas sound like they either guarantee something new, innovative, and rewarding, or too convoluted to follow the story. The fact that this is a square-enix game also doesn't help as the thought of a FF game with more complex battle controls does not sound appealing.
  2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

    It would make me more likely to buy. I like it when the setting is something other than generic universe needs you to save it.
  3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

    I can't thing of anything close to this on the DS, or elsewhere. We'll have to wait and see on catchy.
  1. It looked complicated at first but as I started to really look at unique gameplay I started to become more and more interested.
  2. Well I do like games that have aspects of different cultures and parts of the world that I wouldn't usually get a chance to experience myself, but it is not an influencing factor when I purchase a game.
  3. As I already mentioned I think this game does offer some unique gameplay for those that get to experience it.
1 i like japanese games more because of how artistic it is. gameplay matters a whole lot to me. if somehow the ideas don't connect. its b.s.

2 maybe. i've grown up with japanese culture since the days of sci-fi anime. maybe i'm more influenced in buying something because of who made it. but where it comes from is regarded too.

3 its unique to the name! but the dsis a little unique in itself. so more for the ds.
If i am not too late to enter:
  1. The game looks original and adds a little touch of jet grind radio.
  2. I can't say this would affect my opinion on the game, because if it looks good i will buy it regardless of what it is influenced by.
  3. From what I see about this game it does look very unique. Though the overall look is a combination of several types of games, the overall premise seems to be unique.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

1. The game looks incredibly difficult to control (in a pat-your-head, rub-your-belly sort of way)....but once you have a feel for it, probably pretty fun.
2. It would make me more likely to purchase, but only out of curiosity....and the chance to say "Shibouya" (my apologies if I've butchered the spelling).
3. I would compare it to some of the other "out there" Japanese-style games: Persona 3, and the Katamari franchise, maybe Owendan as well.
  1. It strikes me as sort of a Jet Set Radio meets Kingdom Hearts, which is a good thing.
  2. It would affect my purchasing decision, but not in a bad way. It actually intrigues me more to see aspects of other cultures, rather than just a local younger generation I may be outgrowing.
  3. It definitely seems unique in style and substance, which is a great thing. The DS has too much same-ol same-ol and fresh ideas like this are welcome.
1. first impression is that the art in this game looks really cool, however I dont know if I'd rather be reading a comic book where the graphics look like this or playing a game.

2. Yeah, there could be a loss of some of the meaning for non-japanese users.

3. It looks very unique. I don't know what to compare it to without playing it.
1. I really like the art style. The two screen combat looks like it may be a bit complicated.
2. Yes it definitely will.
3. It seems unique for a ds title. I think the two screen combat looks unwieldy but could be fun. I especially like the art style.

On an aside I really hate how Square Enix has been charging $40 for ds game. I can't seem to justify a $40 non-import ds game purchase. It just feels too expensive.
I was like WOW. This game looks good and unique.

I like the different style they are using. Different designs and different styles.

I will say this game is unique. Always have something different for customers to try.
[quote name='CheapyD']
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
  2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
  3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

1. Very interesting. Granted, it's a Nomura game, so the design is hit-or-miss, but the gameplay sounds rock solid, and it oozes creativity. It is an interesting title to read about, especially when it was first announced.

2. If I wasn't already planning to obtain this game, it would have affect my decision my making me want to have the game more. Japan is an interesting country, and experiencing a taste of its culture isn't a bad thing.

3. Given the battle system, it is definitely a more unique title than other games currently offered for the DS. The use of the touch screen is different than other games, and it just seems like everything works, from what I read.
1. It's a Japanophile's dream come true...which is perfect for me, haha. I also like the alternative take on the RPG structure, which is certainly nice to see.
2. Yes, but in a positive way, as I rather like Japanese culture. I can see some being turned off by it, but ultimately, my purchases consider whether the game is fun and enjoyable.
3. It's certainly one of the quirkier games for the DS, but there also is Elite Beat Agents and Phoenix Wright (among other games) that provide an alternative gaming experience on the DS.
1.) At first before even looking into the game I thought it was a pirates of the caribbean game but when I saw the cover and realized it wasn't I got what it meant. Basically I think it means whatever you do in the game affects the characters and storyline.

2.) Big time. I am way into Japanese culture. One day I would love to travel to Japen.

3.) I think it's unique, I've never heard of anything on a video game like this.
  1. It looks neat, definitely something I'd try. Unique games are the ones that always excite me more.
  2. It doesn't make me want it any more or less, I may be a bit concerned if I end up being totally alienated from the premise and completely not getting it. But I'd still give it a shot.
  3. It looks like one of the more unique DS games released to date, so yeah.
1. Game play looks interesting because it looks like you are controlling 2 characters at once, and I love the art.
2. Yes, because it looks good.
3. Unique, Catchy, and SquareEnix, that says it all.
1. awesome art. reminds me a little of elite beat agents; i hoped the gameplay would not be too epileptic for me. definitely not the typical video game story.
2. i think its neat that it is based in japan. its different from what i'm used to, so it'd be like exploring a new world, except not.
3. yes, its new. reminds me of a mix of elite beat agents and a rpg like children of mana. the ds should have more like this.
  1. Been hearing that the gameplay is unique and harder than other games of this type.
  2. Not at all, I would maybe lose out on some of the culture nods but it wouldn't hurt the game or my enjoyment of it.
  3. Quite unique for me, and any game I have played before, I'm sure it will stand out from my collection.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
  2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
  3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
1. The gameplay looks fast-paced, and the game looks very creatively designed.
2. Yes (in a good way). There are not that many Japanese-inspired games in the U.S., so the more the merrier.
3. Yes, I would consider this game unique.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
First impression is subjected by who gives the first impression. The control scheme seems daunting at first, but seems to be praised as responsive enough to be successful. The creative pin system is interesting, but the presentation is what sells the game. I didn't even know about the game mechanics, and the presentation made me want it even back when it was "It's a Wonderful World."

  1. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
Not at all, though I am used to that style (Jrpgs, anime, friends, etc). The game is set in a modern enough setting that casual players could look at it and pretend it doesn't exist in reality, though that would both be a shame in ignoring reality and not really a shame, since Shibuya isn't exactly taught as a location like Tokyo.

  1. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
The game stands out. There is no question about it. The comic like style, the necessity to utlize both screens at once, it strikes out as unique. The closest game in presentation would be Jump Ultimate Stars, but it's a relatively different genre.
1. I think the gameplay sounds interesting. Two screens with 2 characters is intriguing.2. The plot seems heavy with Japanese cultural influences, but it wouldn't affect my buying as long as the plot is intiguing and well-written.3. Yes, unique because of battle modes combined with RPG elements.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
Honestly, my first impression is obviously that Tetsua Nomura is behind this, and I'm thoroughly sick of that dude. Aside from that, though, it superficially reminds me, aesthetically, of Jet Grind Radio, which is nothing but a good thing. The game is especially reliant on the basic two-screen concept, in a way that a lot of DS games aren't these days.
2. No, not really. I'm no weeaboo.
3. Sure. I mean, it's an fashion-conscious RPG with rhythm-based combat on DS, ya know? So, of course.
1. I like the combat system, and the fact that there aren't really any random battles. It seems sort of new, but isn't going too far out of what SquareEnix has done in the past (think Kingdom Hearts Portable
2. The style of the game is very important. While I don't like some of the more cliche looking additions to the cast, I do like the overall vibe, and the real-life
3. Definitely one of the best new DS games out there. By best, I mean most involved. I was getting tired of these gimmicky games, and this one seems much more solid.
1. It's great to see Square Enix trying out a new IP, something that I think they haven't done enough of in recent years.
2. It's refreshing to see an RPG set in -- or at least inspired by -- a real world setting. Sort of makes me nostalgic for Parasite Eve in a sort of roundabout way.
3. Tetsuya Nomura's character design conjures some visual similarity to Kingdom Hearts, but I don't know of any DS game that has this look to it.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
  • This is looks like kingdom hearts but its not. The battle looks like beat-them-up but control with the stylus.
2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
  • no, everyone that plays Japanese made game should know their origin and the pop cultures. This is same concept as why foreigner would buy GTA.
3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
  • Yes the songs are very catchy.
    Wake up, leave your hesitation
    Wake up, Time for us to realize
    Wake up, Show appreciation
    Wake up, Time for us to realize
  • Its in my head
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

The first thing that jumps out at me is the art. The setting and art style are almost non-existant (save for Jet Grind Radio). Of course, it is Square-Enix, and I've been really bored of their games lately. Part of me expects that the game will be trite, but with all of the good press and rave reviews I am really wanting to try it.

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

Not particularly. I doubt that a game's fictional aspect is a really effective way to learn about a culture. I'm much more interested in the gameplay mechanics. I mean, it's a Square game, I already know what the plot is.

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

This title strikes me as being on par with the DS's goals of innovation, but it's hard to say without playing it. It sort of reminds me of Contact, though I doubt it plays anything like it.
1. I think the battle system of using 2 characters makes it have a lot more depth.

2. I like that it has that Japanese feel to it. I like American games as much as the next person but I need to change things up to keep it fresh.

3. It has some unique things going for it. The DS has so many different type of games I'm not sure how innovative this game really is now. But I do like that the old Square boys are making something new and not rehashing Final Fantasy whatever.
I actually had the pleasure of playing this mighty beast of a game, I borrowed it from a friend for 3 days and wow. This game is nothing like any game I've ever played.

1. At first it looks kind of weird and I honestly didn't think it would be any good, but then like an awesome tsunami it all hits you at once. It not only involves just battles, but wearing the right gear too. And, it does make a difference when wearing weak brands or #1 brands. When looking at the game piece by piece, it shows the detail put into it. It has the pins, the controls to the different pins, the clothes with different brands and attributes, the characters, the foods, and the ability to change what brands are popular. All of which creates this awesome game. The game is like a portal into an abyss and after it starts, you don't want it to stop.

2. Yes, it makes me very hesitant in giving it back to my friend.

3. This game is in its own league. There's just so much in it, the characters, the little phrases like "F everything" and the characters that just beg to be hated... if you play this game, you'll know who I'm talking about instantly.

- TJ
1. I feel as though the game will turn out one of two ways, given the idea behind the game: it will either be very well pulled off, or will be mediocre at best. However, given the talent behind the games' development, I think it has a higher chance of turning out very well.

2. It would probably increase the chances of me buying it. I love all things Japan, so a game based around Japanese culture would be of pretty high interest to me.

3. This is definitely a more unique title than others on the market currently. It seems to use the DS stylus controls in a more effective and innovative manner than the majority of the games that have been released thus far.
1) When I first saw it, I was pretty excited. There isn't much game that really truly take advantage of the touchscreen, but for the games that tried to didn't do so well successfully. I feel that this game will help other developers change their mind.

2) Definitely. Japan's culture is different enough from the rest of the world, and while it may seem that a game so heavily based in Japanese culture might not do well with Westerners, I feel that the game opens up gamers to a whole new different world to explore.

3) I feel the game art design, story, and gameplay is unique enough on its own. Though if I had to compare something somewhat simliar, it'd have to be Ninja Gaiden due to the touch screen based gameplay mechanics.
1. Looks great for a DS game and a Final Fantsay look for a non-Final Fantasy game.
2. For me no becuase i like games for the game part but to most non-gamers it my be a turn off becuase the story they cannot relate too.
3. The title is great and provocative which is a seller right there but it all it is a good name.
1. The game looks interesting and fun to play.
2. No, it would not matter.
3. I haven't seen a game like it.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
I'm intrigued that Squeenix is finally trying something fresh, and its on the DS! I'm stoked about a lot of features seen in the trailers.

This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

Not really, I'm open to all cultural uniqueness.

Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

Yes, moreso then the glutton of sequels currently being tossed on the machine.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
  2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
  3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
1) at first impression it looks interesting. i like the art style.

2) the art style definitely affects my opinion on the game

3) this is one of the most unique rpg's i've ever seen. no other rpg is like it.
  1. My first impression of the new system was that it was innovative.... that's a plus+ in my book
  2. Since the game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture it actually encourage me purchase it even more... i like playing different and unique games
  3. Like i said for question two, yes the game in my opinion is UNiQUE
[quote name='CheapyD']CAG BUZZ ENTRY QUESTIONS:
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
  2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
  3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

1. Finally an RPG that isn't a Fantasy/Sci-Fi hybrid from Japan. I'm interested in it because it seems to be a fresh take on the genre with cool graphics along the lines of Jet Set Radio.

2. Absolutely. I'm interested in it without knowing much about the gameplay. It's the setting and interesting premise that caught my attention.

3. Again, absolutely. The other RPGs on the system all look like Final Fantasy clones from the SNES era. It's nice to see something available that looks like it was made in the present-day.
1. It is nice to see Square Enix take a chance with this unique title and not just rehash another version of Final Fantasy.

2. The games style reminds me of a fun funky Anime so I would love to buy it to experience it.

3. It's a very unique style rpg that will be fun to play on the DS with the stylus.
1. The character designs by Nomura-san is the first thing that caught my eye because it looks reminiscent of Kingdom Hearts.

2. The game's reliance on modern Japanese culture is actually what interests me the most about the game because that seems unique in comparison to other games. This is what distinguishes the game from other RPGs for me, and why I will definitely get this game at some point.

3. I would consider it unique and catchy for the reason listed above - that the game deals a lot with the culture of modern Japan. Before I knew that, I assumed it was just another generic RPG, but with the inclusion of the cultural aspects, it stands apart.
1. I like the visual, hip, harajuku inspired look of the characters.
2. I'm also intrigued by any game that infuses this much of japan culture into it.
3. I do consider it unique enough for me to consider purchasing it!
1.My first impression of the game? I got heavy Jet Grind Radio vibes at first sight. Not that that is bad, I absolutely love the future-Tokyo-pop style aspects of the game. This look like it would follow in the same vein.

2. Did this, affect my purchase decision? Hell yeah, I'm waiting to see if I can win it before I go and buy a copy. For me, Style=Love.

3. This may be extremely stylish but, the quirkiness of the DS library knows no bounds.
  1. YAY SE. Square Enix usually comes up with the same formula for most of it's games, but lately they've surprised. I loved Final Fantasy XII and now I'm ready for this new inovative game.
  2. Not really. Just the game itself.
  3. Yeah. So far it's the only game that I would even consider buying that has two things going on at once. I'm proud of SE for finally thinking out of the box for the two screen combat.
  1. It's about time that Square-Enix puts out something new and innovated since that is what the DS is made for.
  2. Originally no, but if I did not have a gf who liked Japanese fashion, I would not consider it a factor, actually, I probably wouldn't notice.
  3. The title sounds like its some revenge story rather than trying to save someone.
1. The design looks very slick. A great display of 2D gameplay. As well I have heard a good bit of the audio from the game and it sounds good.
2. I think that the game being based on Japan culture only makes it that much more interesting.
3. The game looks like Square took a walk from their normal "press A for everything" path. This game not only looks great, but it also looks different from anything that is currently on the Nintendo DS.
1. My first impression of the gameplay is that it seems pretty complex and frenetic. The design and style makes me think of urban-inner city graffiti art. While the whole thing with a young boy waking up and not knowing what's going on has been done and is not very creative; hopefully, the gameplay and story will take it somewhere interesting.
2. While the Japanese aspect is interesting, it doesn't really affect my purchase. If after playing it I found that these references hindered the game in some way, then it might reflect in how I recommend the game to others.
3. Overall, it seems like it could be a new direction with the interesting gameplay; however, it seems to have some of the standard starting conventions with charcters.
1. My first impression was that it could be a mess, using both the buttons and touch screen all the time but the more I read the more sense it made. It sounds like a challenge for the developer to pull off but from what I've read it sounds like they succeeded.
2. The game's setting was what first made me interested in the game. The few other takes on modern Japan in games that made it to the west that I can remember were all based on crime, such as Shenmue and Yakuza. I'm curious to see what kind of crazy crap Square puts into Shibuya.
3. Yes, I certainly would. The other games that took advantage of the DS best were mostly not hardcore (Nintendogs, Ouendan, ect) and those that were more hardcore were all from existing IPs (Ninja Gaiden, Contra 4). The World Ends with You looks like a unique experience designed specifically for the DS. It seems like an appropriate way to make an RPG for a DS crazed Japan.
1. I really like the art design, in a way it reminds me of Jet Set Radio, one of my favorite Dreamcast games. The story doesn't sound that original given what little I know about it, but still seems to be something that could be interesting, given the rest of the game is engrossing.

2. If anything, it would make me want to buy the game more! I'm a fan of the Japanese culture, not exactly an otaku but I love anime, manga, and other forms of Japanese entertainment. As far as video games go, I play JRPGs almost exclusively.

3. I would have to say yes, as far as the whole package goes this game is very unique. The story might not be as interesting as the gameplay but that would not keep from enjoying the game. The art work alone speaks volumes about its uniqueness.
1. The gameplay looks very chaotic and possibly confusing at first. The creativity looks to be high as I don't think I've seen a game quite like this one yet. As for game design, again, it looks confusing and probably has a steep learning curve.

2. No, in fact it would make me want to investigate it even more.

3. Yes I would consider it unique and catchy.
1. It looks like a definitive break from the fantasy/dragons setting of most rpgs, which is good.

2. The japan theme is something of draw but I'm not one of those western-otaku's obsessed with certain aspects of japan's culture.

3. I don't know what else to compare this with. Modern-day rpg set in japan. Persona 3?
1. I think that it is WONDERFUL that Japan is allowing some more insight into its' culture via video games.
2. If it influenced me to do anything, it makes me want to buy it!!
3. I think that it is as unique and catchy as any other DS title. The Japanese art and influences would make people want to purchase the game even more (Especially in my case).
1. This game appears to make worthwhile use of both screens and, as such, the game play is fairly unique. It also has Japanese flair without the usual "been there, done that" qualities that can sometimes plague similar games.
2. I think it's definitely better for the game to be influenced by Japanese culture than American culture, so... yes?
3. The story is a little clichéd (enough with the amnesia, already!), but other than that, it seems relatively unique -- unique, at least, to the extent that I want to play it.
1. I've heard that the combat method is unique in that you use the stylus and face buttons simultaneously for each DS screen. It's an interesting control method that I look forward to trying. Games that utilize the touch screen in a smart way are few and far between, I'm hoping that this game is one of those gems.
2. Being somewhat of a Japanophile, this game does intrigue me. I've been a longtime consumer of Square (Enix) games and I'm excited that they are branching out further from the tried-and-true Final Fantasy series. Any insight into modern Japanese culture would be a cool addition to my DS library.
3. The storyline of this game reminds me of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne for PS2. They're both set in Tokyo and are RPGs; the similarities probably end there. Considering how different this game is from others on the market, it's on my short list of games to buy.
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