CAG Buzz - The World Ends With You (DS) Giveaway! Multiple Winners!

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1. At first I wasn't sure what to make of it, the art and game design are intriguing, however it was difficult to discern what type of game it acutally is.
2. the setting does not affect my purchase decision negatively, if at all, the modern japanese setting makes it more appealing. Its refreshing when rpg's move away from the typical fantasy settings.
3. the title is certainly unique, the combination of music, fashion, self perception, and deep story undertones and the methods they are implemented are unlike any other title on the DS.
1. The battle system looks highly entertaining. The art style seems like a great way to liven up the experience.

2. The culture influence seems like it would only boost the experience. Those crazy Japanese and their weird fads...

3. It has it's own unique take on the RPG genre, and it set apart not only on the DS, but all RPGs really.
1) The style is intriguing to me, somewhat reminds me of Jet Grind Radio.
2) It's definitely not a turn off to me. Do I want it just because of the Japanese focus? No. But it is an interesting culture.
3) I don't think that this question is answerable without having played the game.
  1. Well so far I think it looks unique in turns of the design in that it takes place in modern era that has rpg elements. Plus the art looks to be nice.
  2. It effects a lot more since its based on modern Japaneses culture. You don't really see too many modern Japaneses culture.
  3. I would think so.
  1. My first reaction was not necessarily one of interest, but researching more and more into this game has made me very interested, vaulting it to the top of my "wants"
  2. No. A good game is a good game.
  3. It is certainly unique but I put it in the same category as something quirky like Elite Beat Agents.
1. When I first saw it I thought it was a new and interesting looking game.
2. When a game is influenced on Japanese culture it usually has some type of crazy plot and I kind of like that.
3. Yeah it the artwork/graphics caught my attention from the first time I saw it.
1)My initial impression of the game was that it untilized the unique features of the DS quite well, and it's unique approach to combat was something I just had to try out.

2) Yes, in a positive way.

3) It doesnt seem as catchy as other DS titles. Upon seeing the backgrounds, it immediately reminded me of Jet Grind Radio.
1. I really like the look of the game - I think the style is very different from most other games. I do worry about the battle system, though - seems like it would be difficult handling both sides, and then throwing stylus controls into the mix would make it even more complicated. It must be working well, though, as the reviews are good.

2. Half of the appeal of this game is that it's set in modern day Japan - I love Japanese culture, and so few games today really show that - in a modern way, at least.

3. I'd definitely consider this title unique, for any console/handheld, not just the DS. Not many RPGs have such a modern setting. Then there's the battle system, which I must say is unique, no matter how skeptical I am about how it will work.
  1. My first impression was that it has a very dark anime feel to it. The gameplay looks fun using both screens to play it seems that this will be a more fast pace RPG..
  2. Somewhat, I think Japanese culture is very different but very interesting. Hopefully it will provide a different experience then other RPGs.
  3. I honestly think the title of this game alone makes it pretty catchy and interesting. Gameplay wise it appears to be quite different, story mite be cliche square like.
1) I think the gameplay looks overwhelming and yet fascinating at the same time. The art style is definitely unique, and the setting is something fresh.
2) I don't think I'd be more influenced to buy the game as a direct result of its setting, but, as I said in the first response, it's fresh and different - it may not directly encourage me to run out and buy it, but it's making me take a second look. I'm certainly interested in trying it.
3) The game, based on the reviews I've read and media I've seen, is frankly what the DS does so well and needs a lot more of. It looks very unique and, based on what I've heard, could also be incredibly addictive (if that would count as "catchy"). Actually, I'm not sure if there is a game you could compare it to.
1) My first impression is of the originality of the game. The gameplay utlitizes both screens at once, which is really something new. Also the different attacks are pretty unique in the way they are executed. Also the game in terms of "design" or "style" is extremely unique, which is a good thing in my opinion. I love the use of colors throughout what I have seen of the game.

2) The game being based off of japanese culture doesn't bother me on bit. Although it appears to take the game to a higher level when dealing with culture implementation, other games insert the developers culture into them as well; just not as obviously

3)This title is unique in many ways compared to other ones. Just the vibrant use of colors is something not many games do. Also it is one of the only games to really feature usage of both screens, along with the D-Pad and touchscreen at the same time.
1. The game at first made me think of gantz (manga and anime which i wouldnt recommend if your under 18 pretty bloody and nudity are in there once in a while.) The game play looks kind of complicating but that what make some game really unique. Lastly the designs look really nice even if it doesnt compare to what we see today.
2. This would not affect my purchasing decision because i mainly rely on experience over video games things.
3. This probably is a really unique title considering most games have simple titles. (A game that made me google it when i heard the name)
1. Looks too confusing and cumbersome, expecting me to control action with buttons and stylus across too screens.
2. No.
3. Unique, yes. Catchy, not sure.
1. The gameplay sounds interesting. I'm a bit wary about how the stylus is used for combat. From what I've experienced, stylus based combat = bad.
2. Yes. I'm fascinated by Asian culture and having the game set in it only enhances the gameplay experience.
3. It's a unique title. It catches your attention but I would have a hard time being able to recall it in a conversation
1.) I'm really looking forward to trying this game. The emo thing was a little off-putting at first glance, but what I've heard about the simultaneous 2-screen combat and the overall style of game (kind of reminds me of Jet Set Radio) really have me interested.

2.) Probably not. I like Japanese culture, so that's a positive thing, but most of what I've read about the game is enough to warrant my interest anyways, regardless of the cultural influences. It doesn't make or break a sale for me, though I'm interested in seeing how it ties into the gameplay.

3.) I'd say so. The DS has its fair share of shovelware and "cash in" license games, but this title stands out to me as something special even amongst the quality games for the system, at least from first look.
  1. I love the way you control the 2 characters at once using the stylus and d-pad. I think it will keep the combat fresh and exciting.
  2. I dig Japan.
  3. I think it's unique as it actually adds something new to the rpg scene with the controls and settings. Love the urban theme as well.
1. It certainly looks innovative... no overhead maps, modern setting, etc.
2. Only insomuch as I don't know as much about modern Japanese culture as a modern Japanese person. I think I will be able to pick up on the cultural themes once I start playing it.
3. Yes :p
1. My first impression of the game was definite confusion. I couldn't see myself watching two screens at once, and the game just seemed hectic. I did like the art style, though. I've always wanted to beat up a demonic tatooed kangaroo.

2. The Japanese influence is a plus for me; I'm actually learning the language, and have a huge interest in the culture. I do think the game will suffer within the US market, but looks to be gathering a following with our American otaku.

3. I'd try before buying; I like the concept, but I'm not sure I could handle the system when the fights start getting harder.
1. I think the game sounds a bit like the crimson room.
2. I would consider buying this game none the less, it would be nice to see some culture in games nowadays.
3. I would definitly consider this game unique because this game does not have the same story line as other games and it does not fit along with the other clear cut stories. This game has a unique storyline along with characters.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design? Answer: The art design really jumps out at me, much like Jet Grind Radio.
  2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision? Answer: I wasn't aware that it was designed around current Japanese culture - it actually makes the design that much more intriguing.
  3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with? Answer: I think it feels like an action-adventure RPG with a Jet Grind Radio style of art. Whenever I see reviews or pictures, I am more and more interested.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
Seems fun, controlling multiple characters in fights and the DS is usually fun and innovative with the stylus, as for the creaativity, its great to get a break from the typical ogres and mages or the future post nuclear world type settings, very few games set in modern arenas, the design looks cool, very colorful and the characters look very well designed

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
Yes, just recently came back from japan and definitely would LOVE to see some of those things referenced in a game, if nothing else for a chuckle

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
yes its definitely catchy and unique, a break from the norm is what we all need sometimes, its refreshing
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