CAG Desktop Thread | July 2010 |


1 (100%)
So I remember there being a big thread in OT where people could share their desktops. However, I can't seem to find it anywhere now and I only remembered it as a big mess anyways. I figured it'd be nice to a have a new one because it's where I find a lot of great backgrounds and other information regarding desktop customization.

I've seen this done elsewhere and it works quite nicely. We'll just have a new thread every month (created by me or whoever gets the chance) for people to share their new desktops, and whatever information related to them.


- Obviously nothing obscene or pornographic. If you think your background contains something a bit too sexy, put it in a spoiler labeled "NSFW"

- Post your source below your desktop in spoiler tags if you can. It's kind of a pain so it's not required, but keep an eye on the thread as someone might want to know where you wallpaper is from.

- Same as above, try to let people know what programs/skins/widgets or whatever you use to decorate your desktop. Not required, but be prepared to answer.

- When quoting put the quoted wallpaper in spoiler tags to avoid repeat images and clutter. Feel free to ask people questions.

- Keep off topic discussion to a minimum. Having small conversations about where something is from or discussion on related TV shows, movies, or whatever is fine in small doses.

Have fun!





Program - Rainmeter

- cornerClock (time/date)
- ChaeChae (vertical calendar)
- WP7 (shaded overlay)
- Enigma (notes)

- Lucid Icons pack
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