CAG + Drinking + Gaming = CAG Drunk Gaming League?


46 (100%)
Before the bonfire begins, let me just borrow your eyes for a few moments.

I've been actively posting to CAG threads for a while now. As some of you are probably aware (based on my posts), my social life is rather limited. Before I married my wife (and subsequently had a child), I was a relatively active socialite. Every night, my friends and I would either hit the bars or hang out at one of our respective homes... drinking our faces off while bullshitting about most everything.

Those days have since passed.

No longer do I have the opportunity to sit in a public watering hole, shooting the breeze about how I would bang the lonely chick at the end of the bar... even though she's somewhat homely and likely a carrier of some wretched STD. No longer can I say to my friends in the middle of a conversation that "I need to lay down," followed by a silent drop to the floor.

Instead, once my child and wife go to bed, I grab a twelver and sit alone in the dark. I end up playing some random multiplayer game in hopes that someone else, somewhere else, is playing and prepared to get equally as trashed. All while attempting to participate in typical intellectually low-brow conversation.

Unfortunately, most nights I just get hammered while listening to twelve-year-olds talk about their dicks, and how they just shot me in the head.

I'm fully aware that there are gaming groups here on CAG... but I can't help but think that it would be nice to have a group that specifically "games" and chats while intoxicated.

Before you ask, my "drinking while gaming" gig is of pure habit. Ever since I was 17, I would play games in the evening with a beer within arms reach. These days, it just seems natural... and if I didn't have a few beers to drink while gaming, I just wouldn't feel right.

So let me ask... is anyone interested in in a social gaming group involving copious amounts of alcohol and/or substance of your choice?

Because let's face it, nobody wants to be the only drunk guy laughing it up in an online game full of serious people. It's like being the sober guy who showed up to the kegger four hours late.

Thanks for your time!
I used to play some games online stoned but haven't in a long time. I'd join but all you would hear would be me laughing lol
[quote name='snakelda']I used to play some games online stoned but haven't in a long time. I'd join but all you would hear would be me laughing lol[/QUOTE]

Laughing just makes the game more fun! It's quite funny... when I play high, I totally suck, even though I feel as if I'm concentrating intensely.
Me and my friends usually all get together and drink and play games makes them more fun made some cool Mario Kart and smash bros drinking games too lol
Have you guys never played loser of the hill in a fighting game?

Rules are simple:
-loser keeps playing until they win
-each loss nets one drink
-after 5 losses the loser is require to take a shot and is called the "loser" until someone else losses 5 times in a row. Two new players now play after someone loses 5 times in a row.
-when you are the loser, each win you get the person you beat takes a shot rather than a drink. Don't lose to the loser!

Side bets with booze or money is highly encouraged. This works very well with a group of 6-10 people. Less people means you drink faster.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']hahahaha. this sounds like fun. only on PS3 though, OP?[/QUOTE]

I'm currently only on PS3 (and Wii ~shudders~). Haven't bit on a 360 yet... but in time, I'm sure I will.

Anywho... it would be damn fun. All we need now are a few people, and for PSN to go back up.

If you guys want to add me, my PSN is: neuroned
I actually wish I still had some friends to sit around and play local multiplayer with. Unfortunately, that isn't the case.

Mario Kart becomes quite the excellent drinking game... and there's nothing more fun than sitting in a room with your friends drinking and driving. Especially with the stupid Wii wheel.
Are sign-ups still open for this?

There's not much better than trying to play a shooter or puzzle game after a few drinks.

But there's not much worse than not being able to do crap in those games because you can't think/see straight. A group of folks like that would be a blast!
Haha, the thought crossed my mind as well.

I'm just a so-so average gamer anyway; but playing trashed might be tough since I might have to pass out. But it'll be hilarious up until then.
I got off of work had some beer played Bastion and beat it. Then played my player in MLB2k11. Two nights ago I brought a girl yet still ended up drunk playing MLB and NBA for money with my roommate. I didn't get Around The Fur sadly just tits on mouth. So ya I love beer girls and games lol. This was a shinfo post. I don't have a PS3 other wide way down
Hey OP, your first post was nicely written and I enjoyed reading it. I wish I can get in on this but I dislike drinking alone and I've been having trouble getting into gaming again since some shit got all screwed up recently. I hope everything's all right with ya and if this ever becomes official, I'll join in when I can.
bread's done