CAG Foreplay #17: Rise of the Anti-Halo (9/18/07)


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91 (100%)
CAG's shipwreck & mrs. shipwreck preview the new releases for the week of September 18th, 2007. This week we preview games, games and more games. It's the everything must go, all sales final, releasing-our-games-while-people-will-still-buy-them week before Halo 3. If it's an RPG, karaoke sim, platformer, strategy, action-adventure, mini-game compilation, point-and-click, or frisbee golf title, we're talking about it!

And if that's not enough, we discuss our final opinions on Heavenly Sword and have a new contest for a copy of Halo 3 (courtesy of CAG Maklershed).

You can now subscribe to Foreplay on iTunes by clicking this link: CAG Foreplay on iTunes

You can also contact us with any questions or comments at [email protected] or [email protected].

CAG Foreplay Podcast show notes will be up later today.

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7 Wonders of the Ancient World Dev. Mumbo Jumbo Pub. Mumbo Jumbo Systems: DS MSRP: $29.99
(Deja Preview) Warning: this game will try and teach you something about history. Other than that, the current online previews are amazingly vague regarding gameplay and include phrases like "journey where no one alive has ever gone before" and "time is short and the journey is filled with peril" and "7 Wonders of the Ancient World is a puzzle game for DS". Keep these things in mind before you spend your $20. Or maybe find someone who doesn't read CAG Foreplay, borrow his or her copy (or play the online PC game), and fill us in on what this game is. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for 7 Wonders.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $28.84 (99 cent shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Deep Discount $28.99 (Free shipping)

AniMates Dev. Dreamcatcher Pub. Dreamcatcher Systems: DS MSRP: $19.99
There's a small bunny-goat-boy hatching from an egg on the cover of this DS title. Everyone (meaning EB, IGN, Gamestop) seems to think that this title is coming out this week, but no one knows anything about it. So, it's either not being released or it's so amazing that it's being kept super-secret so as not to cause long lines and fist-fights at Wal-Mart. You chose. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for AniMates.

:ds: Purchase At EB Games $19.99

Anubis II Dev. Tommo Pub. Tommo Systems: Wii MSRP: $19.99
This action-platformer was developed and released in the UK as a PS2 game in 2005. So, if you're looking for a last-gen, 2-year old title that has been ported to your Wii so you can use your Wii-mote AND nunchuck, here's your title. Oh, and it's only $20. Sweet. UK gamers, have no fear, it's coming to you in Wii form next week! - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Anubis II.

:wii: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)
:wii: Purchase At Deep Discount $18.99 (Free shipping)

Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions Dev. Ubi Soft Pub. Ubi Soft Systems: 360 MSRP: $59.99
Because no one could have asked for it, the Blazing Angels are back to take to the skies against the Axis once more. Amazingly enough, they actually made this game worth playing this time around with improved controls and better graphics as you get to fly experimental aircraft on secret missions. And the great thing about these missions being on the hush hush is that they didn't tell the heinous voice actors from the first game about them. -ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Blazing Angels 2.

:360: Purchase At Amazon $59.99 (Free shipping)
:360: Purchase At EB Games $59.99 (Free exclusive in-game Airplane Skin Raiden)
:360: Purchase At Family Video $57.68 (99 cent shipping)
:360: Purchase At Best Buy $59.99 (Free code to vampire plane skin)

Coded Arms: Contagion Dev. Konami Pub. Konami Systems: PSP MSRP: $29.99
The lone first-person shooter that dares to launch within in a week of Halo and, like Blazing Angels, it's another sequel that no one was clamoring for. Unlike the B.A., Contagion does not take any strides forward from its predecessor. The same clumsy controls, the same bird-brained enemies, and an incredible bad multiplayer experience awaits those that actively search out mediocrity. - ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Coded Arms: Contagion.

:psp: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:psp: Purchase At Family Video $27.64 (99 cent shipping)

Cosmic Family Dev. Ubi Soft Pub. Ubi Soft Systems: Wii MSRP: $49.99
Interactive animals, mini games, bright colors, and ever-enhancing hand-eye coordination are the mainstays of this early-learning game. If you're a parent-gamer looking for a title your offspring will enjoy, this edutainment game looks appealing. If they're old enough to make the wii-mote all sticky with child goo, they're old enough to play this game. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
Deep Discount is offering Cosmic Family for $44 shipped.

:wii: Purchase At Amazon $49.99 (Free shipping)
:wii: Purchase At Family Video $48.06 (99 cent shipping)
:wii: Purchase At Deep Discount $43.99 (Free shipping)

Dewy's Adventure Dev. Konami Pub. Konami Systems: Wii MSRP: $49.99
Poor Dewy. It must be tough being a tiny droplet of water, trying to save world and get released the week before Halo 3. In Konami's new platformer developed by the same team that brought us Elebits, gamers control Dewy via the wii-mote. Gamers can transform him into steam and ice to progress the game a-la Super Princess Peach. A short playable demo was available at E3 this past July, and the game got pretty solid reviews. Some of the story seemed to be aimed at a pretty young demographic, but the graphics are polished and sharp, the game supports widescreen AND 480p, and the controls (which don't use a nunchuck) are awesome. So, if you really enjoyed Elebits, this $50 title looks to be a good choice. -mrs. ship

Best Deal:
Deep Discount is offering Dewy's Adventure for $44 shipped. EB/Gamestop is offering a free Dewy plush.

:wii: Purchase At EB Games $49.99 (Free Dewy plushie)
:wii: Purchase At Amazon $49.99 (Free shipping)
:wii: Purchase At Family Video $46.87 (99 cent shipping)
:wii: Purchase At Deep Discount $43.99 (Free shipping)

Digimon World: Data Squad Dev. Namco Bandai Pub. Namco Bandai Systems: PS2 MSRP: $29.99
Digimon World: Dawn Dev. Namco Bandai Pub. Namco Bandai Systems: DS MSRP: $29.99
Digimon World: Dusk Dev. Namco Bandai Pub. Namco Bandai Systems: DS MSRP: $29.99
There's a lot of games coming out this week, especially if you are a Digimon fan. (But if you're not, I've grouped these three together in one preview to make it easier on both you and me.) Fans of the series can collect, evolve, and battle hundreds of different Digimon. Then they can do it again. And yet again. - ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Digimon World.

:ps2: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Family Video $27.64 (99 cent shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $27.64 (99 cent shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $27.64 (99 cent shipping)

Eternal Sonata Dev. Tri-Crescendo Pub. Namco Bandai Systems: 360 MSRP: $59.99
This eastern RPG has been hyped for some time now due to it's unique story-line and stunning graphics, and reviews that have been released since E3 make it clear that the game-play lives up to all the hype. Play as young Chopin (the composer) as he explores his own dreams, a world in which light and darkness have a large influence on combat, music abounds, and the environment is breathtaking. The combat is a mixture of turn-based and real-time. As your turn starts, a clock counts down starting from your first movement. The attacks are real-time, but you have a limited time in which to complete them, and then it's the next character or enemy's turn. There's one character that has the ability to take photos of enemies, which are graded and are sold to shops for money. It's very similar to the camera in Bioshock. The only negative that I can see, which isn't really a negative, is that the environment is fairly linear. This game is getting excellent scores, but don't just take my word for it. Check out the demo on XBLA. Don't own a 360? This past week, it was announced that Eternal Sonata will be released for the PS3, although you'll have to wait until sometime in 2008. For $60, this title is one that ship and I will be adding to our collection today. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
Family Video is offering Eternal Sonata for $55 shipped.

:360: Purchase At EB Games $59.99 (Free Eternal Sonata faceplate)
:360: Purchase At Amazon $59.99 (Free shipping)
:360: Purchase At Family Video $53.99 (99 cent shipping)

Fishing Master Dev. Hudson Pub. Konami Systems: Wii MSRP: $39.99
Play as a young, novice fisherman who's been given the task of becoming a fishing master by his grandfather. In order to gain said title, the gamer must participate (and win) in various fishing tournaments, each with increasing difficulty. Game-play involves both single and mutliplayer and utilizes both the wii-mote and the nunchuck. It's super casual, which translates into simplistic with poor graphics. I suppose you could say it's a deal at $40, but I still wouldn't buy it. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Fishing Master.

:wii: Purchase At Amazon $39.99 (Free shipping)
:wii: Purchase At Family Video $38.46 (99 cent shipping)
:wii: Purchase At Deep Discount $38.99 (Free shipping)

Growlanser: Heritage of War Dev. Atlus Pub. Atlus Systems: PS2 MSRP: $49.99
Expensive game in the future alert! This strategy RPG offers several unique gameplay elements including a unique skill building interface and a friendship and personality system that effects interactions with other characters. It also has gorgeous hand-drawn cut-scenes, that unfortunately clash a little with the not-so-stellar in-game graphics, but if you are in anyway interested in this game, buy it now. The game includes a 100 page art book, a multimedia CD-Rom, keychain, two linticular cards, and 3 collectible pins. In other words, it's going to be hard to find a complete version with all the extras down the road. - ship

Best Deal:
Family Video is offering Growlanser for $48 shipped.

:ps2: Purchase At Amazon $49.99 (Free shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Family Video $46.87 (99 cent shipping)

Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights Dev. Juice Games Pub. THQ Systems: PS2, 360, DS MSRP: $29.99-$59.99
Everything you'd expect to find in another street racing game. Customize your tuner car, bet on races, drift around corners, and use plenty of nitrous. There are two unique features that set this title apart. The first is its DNA tracking system which creates a profile with your racing tendencies that you can then trade with friends. The second is a "Spooking" mechanic which causes cars to freak out and wreck if you race directly behind them for extended periods of time. Oh, and not to worry, the game has plenty of characters with attitude and dated slang terms to further immerse you into the "culture". - ship

Best Deal:
EB Games is offering a free Juiced 2 DVD with the purchase of Juiced 2. Best Buy is offering a free $10 gift card with the purchase of the Xbox 360 version.

:360: Purchase At EB Games $59.99 (Free exclusive Juiced 2 DVD)
:360: Purchase At Amazon $59.99 (Free shipping)
:360: Purchase At Deep Discount $58.99 (Free shipping)
:360: Purchase At Best Buy $59.99 (Free $10 gift card & free BMW code)
:ds: Purchase At EB Games $29.99 (Free exclusive Juiced 2 DVD)
:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $27.94 (99 cent shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At EB Games $39.99 (Free exclusive Juiced 2 DVD)
:ps2: Purchase At Amazon $39.99 (Free shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Family Video $38.46 (99 cent shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Deep Discount $38.99 (Free shipping)

Master Jin Jin's IQ Challenge Dev. Jack of All Games Pub. Jack of All Games Systems: DS MSRP: $19.99
Anyone else concerned that with all the brain-training games coming to the DS, there's going to be this ultra-smart group of eight-year olds that take over the world? There's not much information out regarding this title. Based on the cover, Master Jin Jin is really a 70's-era white guy with a 'stache. Not what I was expecting. This title is $20. There's your first I.Q. Challenge: being smart enough to NOT buy this game. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Master Jin Jin's IQ Challenge.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)
:ds: Purchase At Deep Discount $18.99 (Free shipping)

Mercury Meltdown Revolution Dev. Ignition Entertainment Pub. Ignition Entertainment Systems: Wii MSRP: $19.99
This budget title (originally on the PSP) is a Marble Madness-esque puzzler where you use the Wiimote to tilt the levels to guide your blob of mercury to safety. With over 150 levels, there's a lot of game here for your $20... and it's enjoyable. - ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Mercury Meltdown Revolution.

:wii: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)
:wii: Purchase At Deep Discount $18.99 (Free shipping)

MySims Dev. Maxis Pub. Electronic Arts Systems: DS, Wii MSRP: $29.99, $49.99
The Sims get a makeover in this title for the DS and Wii. This time around, the characters are child-like and are drawn in a similar style to the Miis. Plus, the game starts out with a huge collection of customizable accessories for your Sim - from hair to hats to clothing, and tons more are unlocked as the game progresses. The game is really an open-ended romp through what starts out as a run-down town. Gamers use the DS touchscreen or the wii-mote to construct new furnishings, remodel, and generally ad life to the entire town. The difference between the two titles is that the Wii version, featuring the Wii-mote, is more construction-heavy as the gamer plans out the town and builds it to it's fullest potential. The DS version has more of an Animal Crossing feel and relies more heavily on the customization aspect and interaction with NPCs. The main criticisms of the game are all control-based; it seems that the Miis, er...Sims, just move too slowly. How can an Animal Crossing meets Sims game with the wealth of EA behind it not turn out to be solid? For $30 and $50 on the DS and Wii, respectively, it's worth your money. -mrs. ship

Best Deal:
Target is offering a free $10 gift card with the purchase of MySims.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $25.99 (99 cent shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Target $29.99 (Free $10 gift card)
:wii: Purchase At Amazon $49.99 (Free shipping and 2 new outfits and a sweet race car bed)
:wii: Purchase At Family Video $44.97 (99 cent shipping)
:wii: Purchase At Target $49.99 (Free $10 gift card)

Namco Museum DS Dev. Namco Bandai Pub. Namco Bandai Systems: DS MSRP: $19.99
All you really need to know for these compilation titles is what retro titles are included, right? So, here goes: Pac-Man, Galaga, Xevious, Dig Dug II, Galaxian, Mappy, The Tower of Druaga, and Pac-Man VS. The COOLEST reason to buy this game? Multiplayer Pac-Man VS. where one player is Pac-Man and the other three are ghosts! Extra bonus: you can play wirelessly with up to four players and only one card! For $20, this sounds like a good time. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Namco Museum DS.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)

Nancy Drew: The Deadly Secret of Olde World Park Dev. Majesco Pub. Majesco Systems: DS MSRP: $29.99
Finally Nancy Drew becomes next gen with this new release for the Nintendo DS. Using the point-and-click adventure style that lends itself so well to the DS touchscreen, gamers will search for clues, solve puzzles, interrogate suspects, and sneak around through 15 chapters. And props to Majesco for steering clear of the game-based-on-a-summer-tween-movie fiasco and creating a classic game similar to the well-done PC games by HER Interactive. This game is well done and should be a solid $30 buy for anyone who loves point-and-click adventure games. -mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Nancy Drew.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $28.84 (99 cent shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Deep Discount $28.99 (Free shipping)

Original Frisbee Disc Sports: Ultimate & Golf Dev. Destination Software Pub. Destination Software Systems: DS MSRP: $19.99
Don't be fooled by imitators, this is the original. Probably seemed like a good idea at the time. Hopefully, they can grab the official intramural broomball license and corner the lucrative make-believe sport market. - ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Original Frisbee Disc Sports.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)

SingStar 80's Dev. SCE London Pub. SCEA Systems: PS2 MSRP: $29.99, $49.99
SingStar Amped Dev. SCE London Pub. SCEA Systems: PS2 MSRP: $29.99, $49.99
First off, this preview gets dedicated to my best friend PeggyB, a non-gamer who played Guitar Hero 2 for the first time ever last month and is now an official music rhythm/karaoke game freak! Each of these games is being released alone ($30, each) and packaged with two microphones ($50). Both games are karaoke titles, which means you score points by being on pitch. Both also offer use of the EyeToy camera so that the gamer can watch his or her performance LIVE! The difference between the titles is, of course, the song list. SingStar 80's features Madonna's Material Girl, Wham!'s Wake Me Up Before You Go Go, and Cyndi Lauper's Time After Time, to name a few. SingStar Amped features some awesome rock tunes, including Nirvana's Come As You Are and Cheap Trick's I Want You to Want Me. These games are fun to begin with, but are awesome when played in large groups with a little alcohol mixed in. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
Deep Discount is offering the Amped bundle with two microphones for $44 shipped.

:ps2: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Deep Discount $28.99 (Free shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Amazon $49.99 (Free shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Family Video $27.64 (99 cent shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Amazon $49.99 (Free shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Family Video $46.87 (99 cent shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Deep Discount $43.99 (Free shipping)

Sonic Rush Adventure Dev. Sega Studios Pub. Sega Systems: DS MSRP: $29.99
Sonic returns with another solid 2D platformer sprinkled with 3D side missions and boss battles. This is the Sonic that we all loved and it's nice to see that great 2D side-scrollers still have a home on the DS. - ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Sonic Rush Adventure.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $28.84 (99 cent shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Deep Discount $28.99 (Free shipping)

Stuntman: Ignition Dev. Paradigm Entertainment Pub. THQ Systems: PS3 MSRP: $59.99
(Deja Preview) If you hate freedom of choice and top notch graphics, but have a real "try-and-try again" OCD attitude, then you're probably very familiar with the Stuntman series by now. This time around the movie stunt-driving franchise has added a stunt constructor mode so you can release your creations to all your masochistic online friends. Truly, the frustrating part about this series is that they have a good concept and the game plays well, but they castrate the fun clean off with the strict rules and boundaries. - ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Stuntman Ignition.

:ps3: Purchase At Amazon $59.99 (Free shipping)
:ps3: Purchase At EB Games $59.99 (Free code for three in-game tools for constructor mode)
:ps3: Purchase At Family Video $57.68 (99 cent shipping)

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror Dev. Sony Bend Pub. SCEA Systems: PS2 MSRP: $39.99
Sony's hit PSP game gets ported to the PS2 this week with a price tag that doubles the current MSRP for the PSP version. So what do you get for your extra $20? Well, all the multiplayer has been stripped out along with the ability to stealthily set people on fire with your taser. Apparently ripping out that content took up all the development budget so they didn't have time to clean up the graphics at all. And you're only charging us $20 more for all this? - ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror. I really mean that.

:ps2: Purchase At Amazon $39.99 (Free shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Deep Discount $38.99 (99 cent shipping)

Warriors Orochi Dev. Omega Force Pub. Koei Systems: PS2, 360 MSRP: $39.99, $49.99
Guess what you would get if you were to combine Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors. Go on, guess. - ship

Best Deal:
Deep Discount is offering the Xbox 360 version of Warriors Orochi for $44 shipped.

:360: Purchase At Amazon $49.99 (Free shipping)
:360: Purchase At Family Video $46.87 (99 cent shipping)
:360: Purchase At Deep Discount $43.99 (Free shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Amazon $39.99 (Free shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Family Video $38.46 (99 cent shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Deep Discount $38.99 (Free shipping)

World in Conflict Dev. Massive Entertainment Pub. Sierra Systems: PC MSRP: $49.99
Just a quick reminder that this high profile RTS game comes out for the PC this week. - ship

Best Deal:
Circuit City is offering World in Conflict for $40 and you get a free "Heroes Under Fire" DVD. Fry's offering the game for $39 and Target is offering a free $10 gift card with purchase.

:pc: Purchase At Target $49.99 (Free $10 gift card)
:pc: Purchase At Circuit City $39.99 (Free "Heroes Under Fire" DVD)
:pc: Purchase At Fry's $38.99

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 Dev. Konami Pub. Konami Systems: PSP MSRP: $29.99
Sticking with the mass of Konami games that are slated to be released this week but have no information available is the next installment of Yu-Gi-Oh games. You can be sure that this title is a strategy card game like the first, although what other changes have been made remains to be seen. It's likely a MOTS title, but if you were a fan of the first, that's not so bad. Plus, the game is only $30. Don't get too excited - we'll have to wait and see which titles Konami actually releases this week. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2.

:psp: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:psp: Purchase At Deep Discount $28.99 (Free shipping)

On The DL with the Shipwrecks

Super Thunder Blade Systems: Wii MSRP: $8
Blow stuff up in your attack chopper with this not-so-super Genesis game. - ship

World Class Baseball Systems: Wii MSRP: $6
Baseball... TurboGrafx style. - ship

Yoshi's Story Systems: Wii MSRP: $10
Yoshi's Story was originally released for the Nintendo 64 as a sequel to Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island for the Super Nintendo. Baby Bowser has turned Yoshi's Island into a storybook, so the graphics are very colorful and look hand-drawn. The object of each of the four worlds within six different levels is for Yoshi to eat fruit. There's the standard collect all the pieces to save the world lay-out. Overall, this game is fun, classic, and well-worth the $10. Especially if you missed it on the N64. - mrs. ship

Did we miss a good sale on a game? Did we miss previewing a game completely? Well, the only way that everyone can know a better deal is out there is to let us know about it. Post deals you've found or games that we missed in the thread so that CAGs can make sure they are getting the absolute best prices on new releases.
I was listening on my drive to work today and I never realized how many games come out for the DS and PSP. It seems like 90% of the games are not worth the time or money. Are there any games for either of these systems that make them must haves? Right now I only have a GBA and that suits me fine on plane rides or long trips, which are rare for me anyway.

Great show again this week!
[quote name='Tapio']really nice what Maklershed did!
i wonder if Eternal Sonata is region free?[/quote]

probably not since all the Asian versions are region-locked so i think the US version will be the same
Fantastic writeup as always, shipwrecks. You two have more snappy writing than 90% of the online sites that get paid to do this. And if you ever really want to feel good about your podcast, listen to EGM live where their "review crew" talks about the week's releases. It's a joke compared to you two! Thanks for keeping up with the podcast!

I'll be getting Namco Museum DS if pac man VS is truly a single card game. Mercury Meltdown Revolution too. Probably Eternal Sonata in the spring after playing all the other holiday games.
HEY! I loved Super Thunder Blade! One of the reasons why I bought the Megapack 3. It isn't worth $8, but it's good!

And, just to add, you also do top-down on occasional sections. I think the first one is at the end of the first level, where you take on a battleship.
[quote name='MrDemonicAngel']hey Ship...check out the anime Hellsing...its a vampire anime...very dark...[/quote]Seconded. I have the boxset, and there's another OVA called Hellsing: Ultimate which is supposed to follow the original Manga for.

But there's nothing like calling a catholic priest a "Poor Vatican whipping boy!"
[quote name='thorbahn3']sonic collects coins?!![/quote]

haha, must be a new hobby :lol:
hey mrs. shipwreck, you mispronounced a few titles:

Yu-Gi-Oh is a hard G like You-Gee-Oh

and Anubis is Ah-Noo-Bis

[quote name='MrDemonicAngel']hey Ship...check out the anime Hellsing...its a vampire anime...very dark...[/QUOTE]
Thirded. A great vampire show. The OVA is better than the TV show, so I'd suggest getting that one. They're both good though, so whichever you choose is great!

Anyway, Eternal Sonata and Warriors Orochi for me this week! I'm one of those people that doesn't like Halo so it's nice I'll have plenty of stuff to play. Also if you ever want to play some Puzzle Fighter send me an invite!
[quote name='LiK']:-({|=[/QUOTE]

Indeed, just got home with our copy of the game and one of the faceplates. Now I just have to wait until mrs. ship gets home so we can play it.
Hey ship, in the gc version of pacman vs you only need one gba to be linked in. The other players just use gc controllers. But yeah this ds verison would be much easier to use since there is no need to play musical chairs with the controllers.

Wasnt Weekly reader the kid newsletter thing for kids with questions in the back? I remember book clubs like Arrow where i used to get my garfield book fix. thanks for the flashback

another entertaining show mr and mrs ship
[quote name='PortVista']I'm going to do a podcast at my downstair neighbor's apartment. She has lots of cats.[/quote]

They do make good cohosts! :)
I bought the adventures of LOLO. I never played it as a kid and my god it's so rad. Thank you so much for telling me to buy it and damn i love the game.

Are you sure Mercury Meltdown Revolution comes out this week? Gamefly and Gamestop are signalling a fairly long delay while most other sites say it comes out next week.
[quote name='shipwreck']Indeed, just got home with our copy of the game and one of the faceplates. Now I just have to wait until mrs. ship gets home so we can play it.[/quote]

sweet, which faceplate did you get? my copy should be shipped this week with a faceplate, hopefully.
Hey, all. I also picked up eternal sonta and was able to get in 2 hours last night. who would have thought such a fantastic original jrpg would show up on the 360!? it seems all the time and money microsoft has been putting towards winning over japanese developers has certainly paid off this time. anyway, great battle system, charming characters, and a compelling story. its a winner. I got the polka faceplate with my copy.
For the contest:

You guys confirmed my suspicions on Juiced 2 and I will not be getting it as a result of the podcast. The review about the barebones Syphon Filter for the PS2 without any of the good stuff from the PSP stopped me from getting it. Thanks.
Leaving feedback on my view of this show, this was my first time listening and it will be the last. You guys tend to ramble on needlessly a lot, but I guess you have to since it would take me a minute to read a list of games coming out this week but you guys manage to stretch it out to 78 minutes. I know it's more complicated than that because you guys give impressions of games and talk about purchases but it's not for me. I just find that for me, it's boring, even for a podcast so I'll just stick to cheapy and wombat for now.
Is it possible that to accompany the next podcast (or the one beyond that), if Ship gets the Cat Helmet edition, that we get a picture of a cat wearing said Cat Helmet? It would be the CAG post of the year hands down (if there is an award for that) (if it isn't, there should be one)
I was listening to the Foreplay show on my MP3 player, on my way to Gamestop. You guys said some kind words about Metroid Prime3, but I was heavily involved in Bioshock. Well, I saw MP3, and like any fan of the ships, moved impulsively,and reached for my wallet.

It's still sitting (sealed) on my entertainment center, waiting for the 1-2 hours of spare time.
[quote name='KingBroly']Is it possible that to accompany the next podcast (or the one beyond that), if Ship gets the Cat Helmet edition, that we get a picture of a cat wearing said Cat Helmet? It would be the CAG post of the year hands down (if there is an award for that) (if it isn't, there should be one)[/quote]

I dont think anyone is really going to put the Metal Helmet on a cat, at least I hope not.

I bet the helmet does not even have enough room underneath to put on anything but the stand.The slot is probably just big enough to fit over the game cases in the stand.

Thats my guess.
just as trivia mr ship. u were talking about how juiced has the scare thing to make the driver in front of you wreck and u said u never saw it in a game before but actually....

the game R: Racing Revolution had a similar game mechanic where u would give them "pressure" by driving behind them.

read the third paragraph
[quote name='JDUB X']I dont think anyone is really going to put the Metal Helmet on a cat, at least I hope not.

I bet the helmet does not even have enough room underneath to put on anything but the stand.The slot is probably just big enough to fit over the game cases in the stand.

Thats my guess.[/quote]

i guess if they wanna risk some major injury from cat scratches, they can try putting the helmet on their cat, hehe
[quote name='JDUB X']I dont think anyone is really going to put the Metal Helmet on a cat, at least I hope not.

I bet the helmet does not even have enough room underneath to put on anything but the stand.The slot is probably just big enough to fit over the game cases in the stand.

Thats my guess.[/quote]

wait... the helmet is metal?? i never heard such a thing.... reading the article about the making of the helmet but a quick scan shows that only the visors are "metallicized"
I would be in for Eternal Sonata, Blazing Angels 2, and Dewy's Adventure, but not all in the same week. Add Halo 3 next week to the mix and I will pass on all 3 for now.

Edit: Damn Fry's has Blazing Angels 2 for $45 that is tempting.
for the contest: Well, i must say after the sterling review that Urban Yeti received i rushed out to my nearest gamestop to find it! J/k, my real choice is Bioshock. I was still kinda on the fence about this game cause im not too much into horror type games, but if Ms. Shipwreck likes it and Shipwreck wants to declare a holiday for it i decided it must be good. Listening to the podcast finally pushed me over the top and i must say its a damn good game. Thanks Shipwrecks!
Great show as usual, mr. and mrs. ship! I definitely think I'm going to have to check out Eternal Sonata. Does anybody know if the rumors were true that it's going to come to the PS3? If it were, I might wait to buy it for know, so I have more things to play on my PS3 other than PS2 games. ;)

On a side note, I think it's funny that you guys compared Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (PiT) to Zelda: Minish Cap (MC). Both of those games have a dubious honor: they are the only 2 games in a series that I generally like that I never bothered to finish. They're also the only 2 games in a series I generally like that I traded back in. With both, too much of "more of the same" got to me by the end, specifically with the final boss battle. I got to the final boss of Minish Cap (Vaati or something like that, if I remember correctly) when it was almost time to go to class. I beat the first 2 iterations of him, and got bored with the third, and was running out of time before class, so I just shut it off and never bothered to turn it back on. MotS can be good, but ad nauseum it just annoyed the living daylights out of me. If the strategy had changed up fighting him, I might have stayed with it, but it was the exact same thing OVER AND OVER again. With PiT, I got to the final boss and struggled a little bit, so it ended up taking a lot of time to get through her first iteration or 2. At some point, my low battery light came on, and by the time I was in her final iteration, my battery died and I didn't think it was a great loss. Two games out of classic series I love, two games I don't regret selling back without finishing. Sad, but true.

Wow, I hadn't heard of the new Growlanser game. Had I heard about that I would have preordered it at Gamecrazy. I'm sure I won't find a non-gutted one now :bomb:. (Edit - actually, EB/GS's store locator shows 4+ at a few locations, so maybe I can get a sealed if I act quick. I'd rather spend my Gamecrazy credit though so maybe I'll call them tomorrow).

I'm also interested in your impressions of Eternal Sonata. I was only going to get it if I could finagle a faceplate from GS. But I haven't gone there yet so I don't know if I'll find one at this point or not. I'd feel cheated if I spent $60 and DIDN'T get the faceplate, so if I can't get one I may wait for a price drop.

I'm playing Blue Dragon now which I think is excellent - far better than most of the reviews have made it sound. The "actiony" aspects of Eternal Sonata are a turn-off for me in comparison.

Edit #2 - Just got to the Cosmic Family part. Ship, Ship, Ship... Clearly you don't know kids too well ;). I have a 4 year-old (in addition to a 7 year-old and a 10 year-old) and he plays the Wii a lot. There have been no throwing Wiimotes into the TV, etc. Actually, one time about a year ago he did throw a Wavebird into the TV ;). He's very active when playing even GC games (hops all over the living room) and he lost control of it. Who said the Wii was necessary for kids to get exercise while playing games! Anyway, I'm curious about this game. My wife actually mentioned it to me because she read about it some "mainstream" mag (she's not into games at all so this was a surprise). $50 just seems a bit too steep for me. Plus, while it may be aimed at preschoolers in general, I'm not sure if "hardcore" gaming kids will get into it. My 4 year-old plays the Mario Party games, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Brothers, Bomberman, things like that. I really have no idea if he'll like this. Like Carnival games, this sounds like a perfect rental to see how much he likes it. But like that game, I'm sure my local Blockbuster will decide not to carry it (seriously, why the hell are they not carrying Carnival Games for their very popular Wii rental section? No wonder Blockbuster is struggling).
[quote name='SAGExSDX']wait... the helmet is metal?? i never heard such a thing.... reading the article about the making of the helmet but a quick scan shows that only the visors are "metallicized"[/quote]

Oh maybe it is not metal. It better be some high quality plastic for the extra $70 then. Regardless of what it is made out of, it is still not safe to put it on an animal though.
[quote name='adamska2020']Leaving feedback on my view of this show, this was my first time listening and it will be the last. You guys tend to ramble on needlessly a lot, but I guess you have to since it would take me a minute to read a list of games coming out this week but you guys manage to stretch it out to 78 minutes. I know it's more complicated than that because you guys give impressions of games and talk about purchases but it's not for me. I just find that for me, it's boring, even for a podcast so I'll just stick to cheapy and wombat for now.[/quote]i think u should give it 1 more shot, i do agree that this week's got kinda boring, it was a lot longer than usual
[quote name='SAGExSDX']...
the game R: Racing Revolution had a similar game mechanic where u would give them "pressure" by driving behind them.[/quote]also the nascar 06 (not sure about any other ones) had a mode were when u drove up behind them, u could do 1 of 2 features,

draft, were u both get a little speed boost
or u could use "intimidate" where their car in front of u dont control as good, and its hard to keep it straight
Hi just stared listening to your podcast about three weeks ago and enjoying it so so far. I agree with the other people here Hellsing OVA is really good and worth a watch

For the contest: I picked up picross after hearing shipwreck talk about it and I love it haven't put it down yet
[quote name='webcaster68']Hi just stared listening to your podcast about three weeks ago and enjoying it so so far. I agree with the other people here Hellsing OVA is really good and worth a watch

For the contest: I picked up picross after hearing shipwreck talk about it and I love it haven't put it down yet[/quote]

If you want to enter the contest, you should put your entry about Picross in the Contest thread, here:

Hey If CheapD & wombat are bringing out their CAGcast on Tuesday (or wednesday or next year) are you guys going to release yours the same day?
[quote name='E*Master']Hey If CheapD & wombat are bringing out their CAGcast on Tuesday (or wednesday or next year) are you guys going to release yours the same day?[/QUOTE]

As of right now, I think we are both releasing tomorrow morning. That's if everything goes according to plan.
Ship saves the day!!!.. Man I got like 3 podcasts to listen 2 on my way to work. Damn.... Ships first then CAg and then x3f Awesome!
bread's done