CAG Foreplay #29: Wii-Em-Ups (1/17/08)


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91 (100%)
CAG's shipwreck & mrs. shipwreck preview the new releases for the week of January 15th, 2008. This week is pretty slim on the pickings, but it's got a lot of variety. That counts for something, right?

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Action Girlz Racing Dev. Data Design Interactive Pub. Conspiracy Systems: Wii MSRP: $19.99
Who else but me would you want to preview this game? I'm thinking of splitting from Ship in order to create my own podcast that focuses solely on games ending in "z". The Action Girlz are Bratz rip-offs, and this title lets us gamers race around various fairy tale-themed racetracks. I think the best use of my time would be to copy and paste the developer's description of the group and let our audience laugh amongst themselves. I've bolded the especially hysterical parts: Meet Kat, an action girl with no fear – she will take anything on! She loves to hug the curves of every race track as close as she can, and is always the first to have a drink after the racing is over. Latisha is so cool you have to check her for a pulse - nothing riles this girl! She knows her own mind and no one changes it - watch out for her, she'll have no qualms about overtaking at speed. Bianca is all about being a professional - she has it all! She uses her head and thinks about every corner and pick-up on the track. But she isn't all brains though, Bianca knows how to have fun & relax with her mates once the race is finished. Amber may come across like she's more concerned about her looks but that's only because she wants to win in style! Her image is important to her, but nothing compares to the feeling of winning. Akiko likes indie music and tap-dancing, hey every girl's different! But when it comes to racing she only thinks about the finish line, and will do whatever it takes to cross it first. Blossom harnesses flower-power like no other female - she's really something, and her passionate yet relaxed personality makes her the ideal driver - all the other girls love her. Courtney is up there with Latisha for being the coolest chick around – but she's not copying man, oh no, she's got her own style. When she overtakes her competitors on the track, she knows she'll be seeing them L8er. Now wasn't that worth reading? - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Action Girlz Racing.

:wii: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)

CSI: Hard Evidence Dev. TellTale Games Pub. Ubi Soft Systems: Wii MSRP: $39.99
Ship covered this game awhile ago with some catchy little line about searching for clues. The game is based on the well-known series, so fans will recognize all the characters. The gameplay is focused more on forensics, including using ballistics and video surveillance. All in all, this title was re-developed for the Wii, so you won't be disappointed in the Wii-mote capabilities. Also, it's developed by TellTale Games, so it should be worth the cash if you're a true CSI fan. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for CSI: Hard Evidence.

:wii: Purchase At Amazon $39.99 (Free shipping)
:wii: Purchase At Deep Discount $38.99 (Free shipping)

Furu Furu Park Dev. Taito Pub. Majesco Systems: Wii MSRP: $19.99
This Japanese-import title is a mini-game compilation that has several interesting qualities. First, it's rated E10+, which strikes me as weird. Second, it has graphics that remind me of Elebits with all the bright colors. Third, while some of the mini-games are said to be fun, no one who has actually played this game thinks it should be priced over $20. So my advice is to wait until the clearance sale. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Furu Furu Park.

:wii: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)

Kidz Sports: Ice Hockey Dev. Data Design Interactive Pub. Bold Games Systems: Wii MSRP: $19.99
(Deja Preview) A quote on Amazon proudly proclaims: "This isn't your parents' ice hockey game!". Nope, this is instead one-third of an old PC game bundle which sells for $5 on Amazon that has been updated with Wii motion controls. Aah, Wii development... a thing of beauty. This game features the same big-headed cartoon characters you've come to expect, but unlike the Backyard Sports series, there is no official NHL license attached, so take that into account if your young one actually knows any professional hockey players. I'd be lucky to name more than a handful, so I'd probably be fine with this game... if I was five... and had questionable tastes in video games. - ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Kidz Sports: Ice Hockey.

:wii: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)

Nitrobike Dev. Left Field Productions Pub. Ubi Soft Systems: Wii MSRP: $49.99
In case your trucks are all out of excitement, former Excitebike 64 developer "Left Field Productions" has strapped rockets onto some dirt bikes in a bid to up the ante on extremitude. When you boil everything down, you get something similar to Pod Racing, but replace any Star Wars references with really big jumps and nac-nacs. Those familiar with the tilty steering of Excite Truck will be right at home and, surprisingly enough, Nitrobike offers six-player online racing. There's also a bowling mini-game to mix in the mandatory amount of zaniness, so those of you looking for an arcade-style racer might have some fun with Nitrobike. - ship

Best Deal:
Target is offering Nitrobike for $30.

:wii: Purchase At Amazon $49.99 (Free shipping)
:wii: Purchase At Family Video $48.06 (99 cent shipping)
:wii: Purchase At Target $29.99

Samurai Warriors: Katana Dev. Omega Force Pub. Koei Systems: Wii MSRP: $49.99
Straying from the formula of mindlessly mowing through hapless enemies while repeatedly pressing a button and sometimes a different button, Samurai Warriors: Katana is actually a first-person rail-based sword-swinging, gun shooting Wii-em-up. There's quite the variety of weapons to flail around with and there's row after row of half-witted Samurai to dispatch whether you are waving, poking, or shooting. Early reviews are varying wildly on this one, so it may just come down to your tolerance level of the control scheme. - ship

Best Deal:
Family Video is offering Samurai Warriors: Katana for around $48 shipped.

:wii: Purchase At Amazon $49.99 (Free shipping)
:wii: Purchase At Family Video $46.87 (99 cent shipping)


Corvette Evolution GT Dev. Milestone Pub. Valcon Systems: DS MSRP: $19.99
A name like Corvette Evolution GT would suggest to me that this is a Corvette racing game, but to my surprise there are several other makes and models from the likes of Volkswagen, Audi, Renault and others. I guess Opel Evolution GT just wouldn't move as many copies at Walmart. Regardless, the PS2 version of this game was a decent simulation racer with an interesting driver RPG element where your performance in races allowed you to level up your character. I'm assuming the DS version keeps this system intact so it could offer some budget priced fun for a genre that's not often seen on Nintendo's portable. Don't expect much in the way of car customization or tuning though. Do expect Opels. - ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Corvette Evolution GT.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)
:ds: Purchase At Deep Discount $18.99 (Free shipping)

Miami Nights: Singles in the City Dev. Gameloft Pub. Ubi Soft Systems: DS MSRP: $29.99
A dating sim where you must worry about your character's sex appeal, humor, popularity, charisma, hygiene, and other things that matter if you want to catch the biggest fish in your pond. Remember that you have to be as attractive as possible. Make sure to keep your hair spotless and clean. Wash it at least every two weeks, once every two weeks. Follow that plan and you'll be knocking the boots in no time. Oh, and to fully immerse you in the Miami nightlife, you can also assault and pickpocket people. No, I'm not kidding. - ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Miami Nights: Singles in the City.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $28.84 (99 cent shipping)


FlatOut: Head On Dev. Bugbear Entertainment Pub. Empire Interactive Systems: PSP MSRP: $29.99
Head On: Apply directly to your forehead. Head On: Apply directly to your forehead. Head On: Apply directly to your forehead. Oh, wait. This is a PSP racing title. My bad. Anyway, this game should be pretty similar to FlatOut and FlatOut 2, only it promises more bone-breaking slaughter. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for FlatOut: Head On.

:psp: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:psp: Purchase At Deep Discount $28.99 (Free shipping)


Battlefield 2142: Deluxe Edition Dev. Digital Illusions CE Pub. Electronic Arts Systems: PC MSRP: $29.99
Battlefield 2142 gets bundled with the Northern Strike expansion pack. The Northern Strike pack adds three new maps, two new vehicles, and a bunch of unlockables. This bundle is currently slightly more expensive than just buying the original game and downloading the $10 expansion. Maybe someone just wants it all in one box though? - ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Battlefield 2142: Deluxe Edition.

:pc: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:pc: Purchase At Family Video $28.84 (99 cent shipping)
:pc: Purchase At $28.99 (Free shipping)

Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection Dev. Blue Fang Games Pub. Microsoft Systems: PC MSRP: $9.99
This PC title is one that I have enjoyed over the years. The whole goal of Zoo Tycoon is, obviously, to create and manage your own zoo. That being said, I always had a lot of fun playing the missions rather than the free-style mode. I guess you could say I'm a goal-oriented gamer (aka achievement whore). The only other thing you need to know is that this compilation includes Zoo Tycoon (the original), and it's two expansion packs: Marine Mania and Dinosaur Digs. The aquatic pack always seemed cool to me, but for some reason the Dinosaurs didn’t appeal. For $10, it's well worth a play or two on your PC. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection.

:pc: Purchase At Amazon $9.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)

On The DL with the Shipwrecks

Pac-Attack Systems: Wii (SNES) MSRP: $8
Help Pac-Man munch some ghosts in this block-falling puzzler from the Super Nintendo. Not really too much to say here. - ship

Riot Zone Systems: Wii (TG16 CD) MSRP: $8
Take control of one of two characters, Tony or Hawk, to rescue Hawk's girlfriend from an evil something or other that steals girlfriends and then sends out bad guys that you must repeatedly kick and punch while walking to the right. Evil something or others love to steal girlfriends. Don't miss the sequel where Tony inpregnates Hawk's girlfriend, but then she gets kidnapped and it's up to their friends Dave and Mirra to save her while Tony and Hawk work through a situation more awkward than walking left while punching bad guys. - ship

Boogie Bunnies Systems: 360 MSRP: $10
Boogie Bunnies is your pretty gem matching game in the vain of Bust-A-Move or Snood, but replace the gems with dancing bunnies. Somewhat cute, but that $10 price tag seems a hare high. - ship

Burnout 3: Takedown Systems: 360 MSRP: $15
The Xbox Original Burnout 3: Takedown hits the marketplace this week. Now you'll have something to play when you need to take a break from playing the two current gen Burnouts! - ship

Did we miss a good sale on a game? Did we miss previewing a game completely? Well, the only way that everyone can know a better deal is out there is to let us know about it. Post deals you've found or games that we missed in the thread so that CAGs can make sure they are getting the absolute best prices on new releases.
I agree that there is certainly is little on this weeks gaming front.

I love the candid chatter during the closing theme song. MOAR ANNOUNCER VOYZ PEEZ.

Also, I am closely following your DRM problems. I was planning on picking up an Elite (w/ falcon chipset) to replace my old pro but the DRM issue has really made me hesitate on pulling that trigger; Many CAGs appreciate you apprising us of how that all is progressing.
lmao, nice banter during the ending song. Also good choice on the music. I love the Eternal Sonata soundtrack.

Ship, the way you talk about the Tony Hawk series is the same way I enjoy the Dynasty Warriors games.

Finally, for your guest host next week should be me! I can discuss the finer points of Koei games, and turn people onto the greatness of hentai.
Yes, Excitebike is on the Virtual Console. In fact, I have downloaded it.

Here is what you said when it came out (3/20/07), "A true NES classic. Race your motocross bike up and down and to the right. Watchout, don't overheat!" Here.

The part where I was gathering the apples for the stupid dinosaur was probably about 25 minutes in. It should have been only about 10 minutes in but I couldn't figure out what to do for about 10 minutes and then my character got stuck and it took me forever to get him out. Anyway, I am about an hour in I guess...not really sure if I dare to go further!
For you Mrs. Ship:You can download the ROm of this game for free. It is an Excite Bike type game that was cancelled for the GBA. They released the ROM after the game was cancelled:
Motocross Challenge project canceled
Due to low GBA game sales, our project has been cancelled by our publisher.

So here we were, tired, disappointed, publisher-less and a gold game in our hands. We took a good break and then decided that our blood and sweat would not lie in a drawer for the rest of our lives. This game was created for the players and it will go to the players.

Motocross challenge is not only a game for all of us: it is also a part of our heart. We sacrificed and given a lot to this game and we want all of you to play it. Download it, play it, spread it. The more people playing this game, the more we can show that money is not the only thing running the industry: passion still exists.

They are making an upgraded DS version and are looking for a publisher.

How would you play this legal ROM you can download a GBA emulator and play on your PC. If you have a flash cart you can play it on your DS.
I'm also very interested in your DRM woes. I was *given* over 5000 points about a year ago and I've only been willing to spend a couple hundred and part of me regrets/worries about that.

Do you know if Microsoft is even speaking to you about this because *they* replaced your 360? I have a BB Replacement Plan that I fully intend to use when my machine goes belly up. Do you have a feeling as to whether I would get even the small amount of traction that you have in this instance, or will I be completely out of luck?
[quote name='mriswyth']I'm also very interested in your DRM woes. I was *given* over 5000 points about a year ago and I've only been willing to spend a couple hundred and part of me regrets/worries about that.

Do you know if Microsoft is even speaking to you about this because *they* replaced your 360? I have a BB Replacement Plan that I fully intend to use when my machine goes belly up. Do you have a feeling as to whether I would get even the small amount of traction that you have in this instance, or will I be completely out of luck?[/QUOTE]

I could imagine that being a real headache to deal with since Microsoft wouldn't even change the license to my new Elite even though they knew that my original 360 had just red-ringed and the new one they sent out didn't have the license on it either. So basically, they know that my licensed content is unusable, they know both of my new serial numbers, but they won't let me choose which number the tech is going to put into the database when he gets around to it. I'd suspect that using a Best Buy Replacement Plan and then trying to get your license transfered is going to require a lot of arguing.

Who knows though? I don't think they've got all this worked out yet.
yay, Eternal Sonata battle victory intro~

btw, mrs. shipwreck's volume seems louder than Shippy which was a bit jarring since i listen with headphones at work. i think maybe the mic should be placed a bit further away to avoid this problem. i kept adjusting my volume...doh.

Shippy, Omega Five is great. i agree that it's too bad that there's no online coop. what a missed opportunity...
Bunny Gun, lol. Instead of a bunny gun how about making a serious game with people replaced with cute stuffed animals and instead of blood, you get stuffing flying around. Hello E rating. Example: Dog of War!
[quote name='LiK']btw, mrs. shipwreck's volume seems louder than Shippy which was a bit jarring since i listen with headphones at work.[/quote]

I noticed that too, though I was listening through my TV.

Listening to your DRM woes is one of the main reasons I will not buy any downloaded content. Hearing Mrs. Shipwreck get more and more frustrated just reinforces it.

Shipwreck, is it even worth getting a 360 if you don't plan on getting Xbox Live?
I'm just worried that I'll buy one, not get Live and suddenly won't be able to play a new game because I don't have a software update.
[quote name='Nephlabobo']I'm just worried that I'll buy one, not get Live and suddenly won't be able to play a new game because I don't have a software update.[/quote]

The games are all playable on the disc, even if you never connect to Xbox Live. In fact, the patches they force you to download usually only fix glitches that people have found to cheat with, rather than gameplay problems.

For example: The Oblivion makers made a patch to fix the cheat where you could reproduce mass quantities of any item, but they never fixed the glitch that prevents me from completing the Fighter Guild quests because I had randomly cleared out a specific cave before the required mission.
Good show, but you guys are making me paranoid with all of this DRM drama. I'm buying a 360 Elite from an acquaintance this weekend. Pretty sure it doesn't have the Falcon chipset, and I've already kind of mentally accepted that it will fail at some point in the (hopefully not too near) future. The person I'm buying it from says he'll help me get a replacement in the event of RROD (either through Microsoft or the 2-year BB warranty he bought with the system), but of course there is no good answer to the DRM problem. *sigh* Guess I'll just hope for the best.

Oh, and don't worry about the "My pet is doing something charming/annoying/clever!" digressions. My wife and I have a dog and are guilty of such talk ourselves, so my tolerance for it is relatively high.
[quote name='Tybee']Good show, but you guys are making me paranoid with all of this DRM drama. I'm buying a 360 Elite from an acquaintance this weekend. Pretty sure it doesn't have the Falcon chipset, and I've already kind of mentally accepted that it will fail at some point in the (hopefully not too near) future. The person I'm buying it from says he'll help me get a replacement in the event of RROD (either through Microsoft or the 2-year BB warranty he bought with the system), but of course there is no good answer to the DRM problem. *sigh* Guess I'll just hope for the best.

Oh, and don't worry about the "My pet is doing something charming/annoying/clever!" digressions. My wife and I have a dog and are guilty of such talk ourselves, so my tolerance for it is relatively high.[/quote]

i wouldn't worry about this DRM problem, Tybee, seems like MS will work with you cuz it's their problem. the only problematic game the Ships mentioned is Puzzle Quest so i guess if you don't own that, it's all good.
[quote name='LiK']i wouldn't worry about this DRM problem, Tybee, seems like MS will work with you cuz it's their problem. the only problematic game the Ships mentioned is Puzzle Quest so i guess if you don't own that, it's all good.[/quote]

Got it on my DS, so no need for the XBLA version. Thanks for the comforting words, LiK.
Never even thought about a dog licking a paper shredder. It sure looks fucked up and makes me sad.
[quote name='Nephlabobo']I'm just worried that I'll buy one, not get Live and suddenly won't be able to play a new game because I don't have a software update.[/QUOTE]
You can update via burned CD/DVD.

[quote name='JadedJedi']Bunny Gun, lol. Instead of a bunny gun how about making a serious game with people replaced with cute stuffed animals and instead of blood, you get stuffing flying around. Hello E rating. Example: Dog of War![/QUOTE]
Wasn't there a game like this, Raze's Hell?
[quote name='thorbahn3']Never even thought about a dog licking a paper shredder. It sure looks fucked up and makes me sad.
That is horrible! :shock:

It makes me sad too. :cry:
[quote name='Quintessence']That is horrible! :shock:

It makes me sad too. :cry:[/quote]

That looks so clean,I am not even grossed out by the picture. I guess dogs tongue heal fast just like ours do. When I was a kid I clamped my tongue and cut in almost in half, it healed so fast. You could not even tell that it happened.

I love the PSN 's DRM system. Any game , any user downloaded is available to all users. You can have the game on up to five PS3's. I would not share PS3 games with someone I do not know.Too much risk about credit card info.

The only game that is strange is Warhawk.Only the user who downloaded Warhawk can use it. You cannot share Warhawk. That is why I bought the disc.
[quote name='Tybee']Don't feel too bad for the doggie...Now it feels like 12 different tongues when he licks himself.[/quote]

if only that were true. seems like some people had to euthanize their dogs because of it:

man, maybe it's because i have a dog, but that pic is just so friggin disturbing to me. ;_;
[quote name='LiK']if only that were true. seems like some people had to euthanize their dogs because of it:

man, maybe it's because i have a dog, but that pic is just so friggin disturbing to me. ;_;[/quote]
That's really, really sad. I share my user name with my dog, so that should tell you something, and I would be deeply traumatized if anything like this happened to him. No shredders in our house, ever (though why the dog would be tempted to lick something like that I have no idea, unless someone was using it as a redneck deli slicer or something).

[quote name='LiK']hehe, cute dog Tybee, i should post pics of our FeiFei. she's only a year old.[/quote]

Yeah, he's about a year old there. He's six now and has a bit more gray in the muzzle. He barks a little too much, but he's about the sweetest dog you'll ever meet.
[quote name='JadedJedi']Bunny Gun, lol. Instead of a bunny gun how about making a serious game with people replaced with cute stuffed animals and instead of blood, you get stuffing flying around. Hello E rating. Example: Dog of War![/quote]

I don't know, could you imagine a shooter where THIS was your weapon?

(image from )

Great show this week, as usual, ships! The DRM troubles sound awful, but I know I still have a fair amount of downloaded games on my 360, guess I'll have to hope it doesn't RROD on me. I'm glad you guys are keeping us posted, but it's disappointing to see how long Microsoft is taking in taking care of their customer...

Oh, and FWIW, I'm not the one who asked about Tsugunai Atonement, it was Nephlabobo, but your mention of my name means I got mentioned in both the CAGcast and the CAG Foreplay podcast within a week. :)

As a radom question, spurred slightly by the pet talk here and spurred slightly by the fact that I was playing UNO while listening to the 'cast, does anybody's pet get in the way when they're trying to play stuff? I have a cat (Oz), and he's good at either getting on my lap and trying to sit on the controller while I'm playing, or he tries to chase and bat at things on the screen. Is my cat just nuts?

Anytime I sit down, either at my computer or to play something on the couch, iPod is in my lap. It's really a new occurrence since we've moved to the new house as he's predominantly a mama's boy.
My dog seems to have an innate sense of when I am about to play a game, and immediately commences crying to go for a walk. Letting him in the yard won't do. Walk. Now. Dammit.
bread's done