CAG Foreplay Podcast #10: New Releases (7/31/07) Speed Walkerz Edition


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CAG's shipwreck & mrs. shipwreck preview the new releases for the week of July 31st, 2007. This week we tackle Mario Strikers Charged. Or perhaps you'd like something a bit more mind-boggling like Picross, Spelling Challenge or Drake & Josh.

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CAG Foreplay Podcast show notes will be up later today.

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Bratz Ponyz Dev. Neko Entertainment Pub. Game Factory Systems: DS MSRP: $29.99
This highly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed Bratz Babyz title finally hits shelves this week. These aren't just your ordinary ponies - these are ponyz with a passion for fashion! Travel to the Ponyz archipelago (that's Bratz talk for chain of islands) to compete in the Bratz Pony beauty pageant. This isn't your ordinary pet simulator! Only the lame 8 year old girls will have those other games (Pony Friends, Horsez, Barbie Horse Adventures). This game is guaranteed to make you instant friends and become insanely popular in school.

P.S. Stupid pet simulator horse games! - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
Deep Discount is offering Bratz Ponyz for $19 shipped.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $19.99 (99 cent shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Deep Discount $18.99 (Free shipping)

Brave Story: New Traveler Dev. Game Republic Pub. Xseed Systems: PSP MSRP: $39.99
Based on the anime that's based on the manga that's based on the novel that's on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. This traditional RPG introduces new characters and story lines as you take on the role of a new "traveler" who can bridge the gap between the real world and the world of "Vision". What this all equates to is a turn-based RPG where you control your party of three characters as they randomly encounter enemies in a fantasy setting. Yes, it's about as creative as the game's title, but RPG fans looking for familiar territory will find some enjoyment. - ship

Best Deal:
Deep Discount is offering Brave Story for $34 shipped.

:psp: Purchase At Amazon $39.99 (Free shipping)
:psp: Purchase At Family Video $37.25 (99 cent shipping)
:psp: Purchase At Deep Discount $33.99 (Free shipping)

Chameleon: To Dye For! Dev. Tommo Pub. Tommo Systems: DS MSRP: $19.99
The purpose of playing this game is to take over as many game board spots by changing them to your character's color. My advice? Play the paintball mode on Bomberman if you're into this type of thing. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't appear to be any specific deals for Chameleon.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $19.99 (99 cent shipping)

Drake & Josh: Talent Showdown Dev. THQ Pub. THQ Systems: DS MSRP: $29.99
I'm watching Drake & Josh on Nickelodeon as research. There's a girl with a lisp playing Josh's girlfriend. Now there's a different girl beating up a jock. This game is $30. I think I've said all I can. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't appear to be any specific deals for Drake & Josh.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)

Glory Days 2 Dev. ODENIS Studio Pub. Eidos Systems: DS MSRP: $29.99

The Boss is back and he's tired of singing loosely formed rhymes about high school baseball players, divorcees, and assembly lines. This time around he's climbed aboard his attack chopper and is ready to blow stuff up in a side-scrolling shooter with strategy elements. Control Bruce's helicopter (or fighter plane) on the top screen with your stylus and execute bombing runs, civilian rescues, and troop deployments as you fight against unpatriotic fools that hate rock and roll. Glory Days 2, I think I'll let them pass me by. (Editor's note: Bruce Springsteen is not actually in this game, but his song is now in your head.) - ship

Best Deal:
There don't appear to be any specific deals for Glory Days 2.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $28.24 (99 cent shipping)

Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl Dev. Natsume Pub. Natsume Systems: PSP MSRP: $29.99
This Harvest Moon title is a rerelease of Harvest Moon: Back to Nature for the PS1. This time around, you can play as a girl character in addition to the original male. It's very similar in gameplay to Friends of Mineral Town (GBA), which was also essentially a port of this game. So, as a gamer who LOVES this series, save your money for the NEW Harvest Moon game coming soon (August) for your DS. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't appear to be any specific deals for Harvest Moon.

:psp: Purchase At EB Games $29.99

Mario Strikers Charged Dev. Next Level Games Pub. Nintendo Systems: Wii MSRP: $49.99
Mario and his compadres lace up their cleats and return to the pitch with the online play we've all been ready for. You know, the type where we have to enter new friend codes and have no communication with the people we are playing with! Ill-conceived online plans aside, this game is an excellent arcade soccer game that significantly improves upon the Gamecube predecessor with improved graphics, widescreen support, more options, and the ability to counter "Megastrikes" with Wii-mote controls. They haven't tried to force Wii controls down your throat with this title though, which is a blessing. Strap on your shin guards, Yoshi, it's time to print some money! - ship

Best Deal:
Family Video is offering Mario Strikers Charged for $44 shipped. If Circuit City doesn't have this game by 2PM on Tuesday, you will receive a $20 gift card.

:wii: Purchase At Amazon $49.99 (Free shipping)
:wii: Purchase At Family Video $42.99 (99 cent shipping)
:wii: See speedy1961's Circuit City ad $49.99 (Free $20 gift card if not in stock by 2PM Tuesday)

Pet Alien: A Intergalactic Puzzlepalooza Dev. Shin'en Multimedia Pub. Game Factory Systems: DS MSRP: $29.99
There once was a television show on Cartoon Network about this boy who befriended a lot of aliens. It was cancelled. Two years later we get a maze infused platformer based upon the show. It's like when that Futurama game came out, but without people who actually enjoy the license. - ship

Best Deal:
Deep Discount is offering Pet Alien for $19 shipped.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $19.99 (99 cent shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Deep Discount $18.99 (Free shipping)

Picross DS Dev. Nintendo Pub. Nintendo Systems: DS MSRP: $19.99
Picross was originally released for the Gameboy, and is a nonogram puzzler with the goal of drawing pictures with the pixels you place. Similar in appearance to Sudoku but without the numbers, there are several modes available including classic picross mode, multiplayer, and daily mode. The game grid contains sets of numbers across the top of the columns and down the side of each row. Those sets of numbers tell you how many pixels to place. So, if there is a 5,6,2, you will eventually place two pixels followed by at least one blank, six pixels,at least one blank, and then two more pixels. Where the pixel sets are placed and how many blanks in between them are the variables that make up this puzzle. In the end, you're ultimately drawing a picture. It sounds intriguing, but for $20, the monochrome icons you're creating aren't much of a prize. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
Circuit City is offering a $20 gift card if they don't have Picross DS by 2PM on Tuesday.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $19.99 (99 cent shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Circuit City $19.99 (Free $20 gift card if not in stock by 2PM Tuesday)

Professional Fisherman's Tour: Northern Hemisphere Dev. UFO Interactive Pub. UFO Interactive Systems: DS MSRP: $19.99
I'm more of a Southern Hemisphere guy myself, so I'll let you guys and gals test the waters while I patiently wait by the shore drinking some Pabst Blue Ribbon. Maybe we can trade some fish in the future. - ship

Best Deal:
There don't appear to be any specific deals on Professional Fisherman's Tour.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)

Spelling Challenges and More! Dev. Crave Entertainment Pub. Crave Entertainment Systems: DS MSRP: $19.99
I can't spell. I'm seriously awful at it. I mean, the only reason my Foreplay previews come out alright is that I have spellcheck running to tell me that awful only has one "L". This game is just what the title says: spelling and some word games. There's money involved, so you can bet on your spelling skills. Spelling Challenges and More! can be yours for only $20. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't appear to be any specific deals for Spelling Challenges.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)

World Championship Cards Dev. Crave Entertainment Pub. Crave Entertainment Systems: PS2, PSP MSRP: $14.99, $19.99
World Championship Cards features over 30 non-casino-esque card games such as Bridge, Gin Rummy, Spades, Hearts, and Solitaire. This game is boasting 8 player inter-platform online play between the PS2 and PSP which is actually pretty intriguing if you are just looking for a simple card game collection. - ship

Best Deal:
There don't appear to be any specific deals for World Championship Cards.

:ps2: Purchase At Amazon $14.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)
:ps2: Purchase At Family Video $14.99 (99 cent shipping)
:ps2: Purchase At Deep Discount $13.99 (Free shipping)
:psp: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)
:psp: Purchase At Family Video $19.99 (99 cent shipping)

On The DL with the Shipwrecks

Drop Off Systems: Wii MSRP: $6
It's a Breakout clone for the TurboGrafx-16 where you must kill fruit before they kill you. Use your ball and paddle to show those cherries who's the boss. Actually, don't do that, this game is terrible. - ship

Dynamite Headdy Systems: Wii MSRP: $8
This Treasure platformer for the Genesis is the spiritual precursor to the excellent Gunstar Heroes. You play as a puppet who throws his upgradeable puppet head at evil toys that are trying to stop you from killing them with your puppet head. Okay, so I don't remember the story line. I do remember that is was pretty difficult and that, while it was a good game, it was really just a building block to the awesomeness that is Gunstar Heroes. - ship

Marathon: Durandal Systems: 360 MSRP: $10
See what Bungie was up to before they became known for space marines shooting aliens. Durandal is the second game in the Marathon series and, hey, what do you know, it features a space marine type guy shooting aliens! This release of the classic FPS features four-player split-screen play, eight-player online play, online co-op, and upgraded graphics. Sure, you could play these games for free on your computer, but how would you get the achievements? - ship

Spyglass Board Games Systems: 360 MSRP: $5
This game includes Chess, Checkers, Reversi, and Mancala. Four games for $5 seems like a good deal, and when you throw in camera support, this set of games could be kind of fun. The biggest drawback is that all these games are 2 player games and playing stuff in larger groups is more fun. I have a board game book that I got as a kid that had all these games (and quite a few others, including Go, the one Cheapy talked about on the CAG cast). I'm just bringing it up because there are more interesting games than the four provied here. - mrs. ship

Star Soldier Systems: Wii MSRP: $5
Star Soldier is a NES vertical scrolling space shooter with a superior sequel that has already been released on the Virtual Console. Pretty standard 8-bit SHMUP fare here. - ship


Did we miss a good sale on a game? Did we miss previewing a game completely? Well, the only way that everyone can know a better deal is out there is to let us know about it. Post deals you've found or games that we missed in the thread so that CAGs can make sure they are getting the absolute best prices on new releases.
Wow! Shipwreck, you are THE FIRST person that I know that is looking forward to a fishing game. I am shocked.
Is your PS3 up to date?

I looked up Bust A Groove on the Backwards Compatibility Software Status List, nothing is mentioned. That is odd, but it does have the second game. I can't copy and paste what it says but here is a image.


It says, for the second one, the issues were corrected with FW 1.60 (FW version 1.90 is out now *horrah for custom backgrounds!*). So perhasps the same can be said for the 1st game? Unless you're already up to date. :)

BTW, I'm glad you like Crush too! It just won a nice award. I really suggest people go check it out.
Bust A Groove is my favorite dance game. The music was great and original and the charaters were awesome . Thanks for adding the Natural Playboy at the end brought back memories. Kitty -N is my favorite player. I never played the sequel but from what i heard I did not miss a thing.

I haven't listened to the cast yet, but I did read through the write up and I must say, Shipwreck you are quite the bard, Mrs. Shipwreck too. I find your writing naturally humurous; it doesn't seem forced or over the top and I find myself chuckling a few times. If you guys ever decide the write a satirical novel sometime let us know because I'll read it! Now off I go to listen to the cast.
LOL @ ship making mrs. ship review all the pet simulators and girly girl games! Keep the wimminz in dey place! J/K ;)
I just checked itunes and the latest CAG Foreplay is not up yet. Do you know when it'll be ready to download? Thanks.
Not to be too anal, but technically the PS1 dancing game you talked about is also called "Bust A Move" in japan, so it's not way off calling it that. I will also confirm that penguins are indeed not fish.
According to Amazon, Fatal Fury Battle Archives Vol. 1 (PS2) is supposed to come out this week. And it's only $14.99.

Not sure if that's the best deal for it, though I can't imagine it being much cheaper.
[quote name='Jackal888']Bust A Groove is my favorite dance game. The music was great and original and the charaters were awesome . Thanks for adding the Natural Playboy at the end brought back memories. Kitty -N is my favorite player. I never played the sequel but from what i heard I did not miss a thing.

Oh, you missed a couple of things.

One of the new characters, Tsutomu, has stage where you travel around a building getting to the top. The music is awesome and the stage is great. The character is dorky, but the rest is gold.

The hidden character McLoad is probably one of the funniest things in videogames.

But, yeah, on the whole the game is a disappointment. The music just isn't as good and the game feels like it lost its magic somewhere. A shame, since the original is one of my favorite PS1 games.
[quote name='NamPaehc']Is your PS3 up to date?

I looked up Bust A Groove on the Backwards Compatibility Software Status List, nothing is mentioned. That is odd, but it does have the second game. I can't copy and paste what it says but here is a image.


It says, for the second one, the issues were corrected with FW 1.60 (FW version 1.90 is out now *horrah for custom backgrounds!*). So perhasps the same can be said for the 1st game? Unless you're already up to date. :)

BTW, I'm glad you like Crush too! It just won a nice award. I really suggest people go check it out.[/QUOTE]

Yea, my PS3 firmware is up to date. I'll test the game again though because I updated around the same time I was playing Bust a Groove last week and I can't remember which I did first. I've got an older 480P/1080i TV that I think the PS3 doesn't always agree with that may be the problem.

[quote name='sinewav']I just checked itunes and the latest CAG Foreplay is not up yet. Do you know when it'll be ready to download? Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Hmm... it's showing up on iTunes for me. Maybe restart iTunes?
Ship does it bother you that the ps3 wont scale its games to 1080i? Ive got an older CRT HDTV, and its annoying me to hell that i cant play some games in high def. Heavenly sword demo is the latest problem that is starting to piss me off.

What is your take?
[quote name='blandstalker']Oh, you missed a couple of things.

One of the new characters, Tsutomu, has stage where you travel around a building getting to the top. The music is awesome and the stage is great. The character is dorky, but the rest is gold.

The hidden character McLoad is probably one of the funniest things in videogames.

But, yeah, on the whole the game is a disappointment. The music just isn't as good and the game feels like it lost its magic somewhere. A shame, since the original is one of my favorite PS1 games.[/quote]

So you say I missed something but not enough to purchase BAG2.
[quote name='shipwreck']

Hmm... it's showing up on iTunes for me. Maybe restart iTunes?[/quote]

I just tried and it works now for me as well (no restart needed). Maybe there was some lag on itunes? Anywho it's there now and I'm listening, thanks for the reply.
I also loved the music in bust a move/groove, I wonder though if they changed some of the songs for the american release, there was at least one song that was all japanese.
Great show, I love having this on Tuesday, and having the CAG cast on some thrusdays to occupy my time on the way to school.

Totally agree with the Harvest Moon comments, I finally stopped after Save the Homeland. Id rather just play it on the 64.
Is that "it's a sunshine day" in the opening tune, or does it just sound riddiculously similar?

lol @ "baby cheapy unboxing video" Cheapy should totally bring a camera to the birth and do his generic unboxing commentary: "very exciting".
Love the show! I've been listening since episode 7 and it has already become one of my favorites. Keep up the fantastic work. :)

I also wanted to mention that you can control the camera in Overlord. You have to hold the left bumper and then you can use the right analog to move it around.
I can not believe you Shipwrecks think Escape From Bug Island can possibly even come close to the pathetic depths (or lack thereof) of Chicken Shoot.

You two need to play Chicken Shoot, just to give yourself a frame of reference to what terrible really is. Or just look at video of the gameplay. Or even still images... it doesn't really change.

I've seen video of Bug Island. Actual character models. 3d enviroments. Voice acting. It just outranked Chicken Shoot by three stars already.

Once you experience CS, you won't think so poorly of any other game. It still haunts my memories.
Dear Shipwreck,

Hi I just finished listening to your podcast and Mrs. Shipwreck said Picross was only black and white and listed this as a fault but this is not true once you get to Normal mode and even free mode each level changes.

Example: level 7 of free mode you shoot the squares, and level 1 in normal it's all grass so each new level has it's own theme if you will.

Just wanted to give Mrs. Shipwreck the heads up, also this game is very addictive!



P.S. I tired to PM ship but his mail is full >_
[quote name='Heyasuki']Dear Shipwreck,

Hi I just finished listening to your podcast and Mrs. Shipwreck said Picross was only black and white and listed this as a fault but this is not true once you get to Normal mode and even free mode each level changes.


Thanks for the heads up! I does look like an addicting game!:)

[quote name='meager']Egad!
I can not believe you Shipwrecks think Escape From Bug Island can possibly even come close to the pathetic depths (or lack thereof) of Chicken Shoot.

You two need to play Chicken Shoot, just to give yourself a frame of reference to what terrible really is. Or just look at video of the gameplay. Or even still images... it doesn't really change.

I've seen video of Bug Island. Actual character models. 3d enviroments. Voice acting. It just outranked Chicken Shoot by three stars already.

Once you experience CS, you won't think so poorly of any other game. It still haunts my memories.[/quote]

I'm thinking we need to take up a collection and get meager into some Chicken Shoot Therapy!!! ;) There must be some way to wipe those images from your memory.
[quote name='mrs. shipwreck']I'm thinking we need to take up a collection and get meager into some Chicken Shoot Therapy!!! ;) There must be some way to wipe those images from your memory.[/quote]

I'm treating myself to Electroshock therapy. I can only afford 3AA batteries though, so it's a slow process.
[quote name='mrs. shipwreck']Thanks for the heads up! I does look like an addicting game!:)[/quote]

I'd pay the regular $29.99 for Picross any day! I'm in love with this game and the fact that you can download the whole GBC game from Wii into your DS makes me scream.

I'm so hooked on this game it's not even funny.
crap, i'm listening to this via earbuds at work and the static is driving me nuts. i had to stop after 5 minutes. maybe i'll finish it at home if the static ain't as annoying.

i hope your new mics fix this problem or i'm gonna have to quit... ;_;
Good show. I'll third the Picross recommendation. And it is nothing like Sudoku, other than the fact that there are numbers and a grid somewhere on the screen.

Also, one clarification: Mario Picross, despite the name, was NOT Mario themed. They just put Mario on the cover of the box to try and pitch the game to Western audiences who would otherwise simply have shrugged and said, "Picross? What's that?" (much as they seem to be doing with the current title, despite stellar reviews and word of mouth). The game itself featured the same sorts of non-Mario-themed puzzles that the new DS title features. And it was awesome.
[quote name='LiK']crap, i'm listening to this via earbuds at work and the static is driving me nuts. i had to stop after 5 minutes. maybe i'll finish it at home if the static ain't as annoying.

i hope your new mics fix this problem or i'm gonna have to quit... ;_;[/QUOTE]

We got our mic today so we're going to try it out tonight. Unfortunately we didn't get the mic stand yet, so I've got to rig something up for that for the time being.
[quote name='shipwreck']We got our mic today so we're going to try it out tonight. Unfortunately we didn't get the mic stand yet, so I've got to rig something up for that for the time being.[/QUOTE]

Just like Rock Band.
bread's done