CAG Gaming Group - Call of Duty 4 Thursdays

any time there is an evening game being played, feel free to invite me ( i am on the list )... Always up for a good CAG game
Thanks, Hamster! :) I'm like, so, like, totally, like excited that I, like, did so totally AWESOME!!!

but on a more serious note....Dmaul.....HOLY SHIT, man! I hope that type of shit doesn't happen all the time in your 'hood! Anyways, I also send my best wishes, and encourage you to get an M16 w/Red Dot, Gold Desert Eagle, 3x Frag, Stopping Power and Deep Impact Perks to keep at home just in case it happens again!
[quote name='Simon D I']Thanks, Hamster! :) I'm like, so, like, totally, like excited that I, like, did so totally AWESOME!!![/quote]
Your making fun of the valley girls that live in my area, are you sure your not from california?
That is just disturbing, Maul. I'm glad you and your roommate are okay. Here's hoping the idiot is caught, sentenced, and kicked in tanuki.

[quote name='Ragekod']Your making fun of the valley girls that live in my area, are you sure your not from california?[/quote]

Hahahah, yeah I'm sure! But in the Northwest Chicago Suburbs,...we have a LOT of ditsy chicks like that! Schaumburg to be specific!

...So is anyone going to play tonight?

I rented VEGAS2, and I don't like it so far, but I may play it for a little while and then go to COD4, BABY! :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:
[quote name='Simon D I']Hahahah, yeah I'm sure! But in the Northwest Chicago Suburbs,...we have a LOT of ditsy chicks like that! Schaumburg to be specific!

...So is anyone going to play tonight?

I rented VEGAS2, and I don't like it so far, but I may play it for a little while and then go to COD4, BABY! :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:[/quote]

Must be talking about the Downers Grove region... My sister-in-law is from that area, and I know just what you are talking about with that. Although I am lucky that none of her family is like that, as they are pretty cool.
[quote name='joe2187']...................

My Machine went and Red Ringed on me tonight.....

Im fucked.[/QUOTE]

We were wondering why you suddenly went offline. Sorry to hear that, man.
[quote name='joe2187']...................

My Machine went and Red Ringed on me tonight.....

Im fucked.[/quote]

You have our sympathies Joe. Guess that's why you randomly left and went offline last night.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, no injuries to me or my roommate, just inconvience and annoyance of not feeling safe at home since it happened coming into our apartment Thursday night (and the dude came back and stole my roommates car Saturday with the keys in her purse that he took. They found the car in fine shape Sunday evening at least.

Hopefully they'll catch the guy soon, we gave them a good composite, and after that they got him on video using some of our credit cards in local stores before we cancelled them (late Thursday night, we canceled all them shortly after getting done with the cops). They're hoping to get some prints out of my roomates car as well as he left some soda bottles and what not in it.[/quote]

I know what it feels like to be robbed (granted, not at gunpoint) and I wish you all the best.
Thanks for the well wishes guys!. Unfortunately my 'hood isn't the safest. Never was and has gotten worse the past year or so according to the cops. Lot of robberies, car thefts, drug problems etc.

We're looking to move, just a matter of whether my roommate can sell the place (it's her condo). I'll probably give her a couple months and if it's not happening just move myself.
Hey what time is Call of Duty 4 on thursdays if its still happening? I'm in NY and I never understand the time differences that well, I finally got the ability to put a CAG title on.
Hmm....well Del Far, I usually get on at like 10:30pm (central)...and by then, a lot of people have stopped playing. So maybe 9:30 (eastern) might be good?
Forgot to mention this last week, but there will be no new episodes of Lost for a month, so looks like alot of us Lost CAGs will be on sooner and stay on without haven't to leave to watch the show (me).
my work schedule has shifted so it looks lik eill be on later and for a longer period now. which is good because i always had to bail out pretty early.
[quote name='Del Far']Hey what time is Call of Duty 4 on thursdays if its still happening? I'm in NY and I never understand the time differences that well, I finally got the ability to put a CAG title on.[/QUOTE]

9:00 eastern is about the earliest I've ever seen people amassing. And yeah, we play literally every day of the week, so Thursday is definitely happening.
[quote name='Del Far']Hey what time is Call of Duty 4 on thursdays if its still happening? I'm in NY and I never understand the time differences that well, I finally got the ability to put a CAG title on.[/QUOTE]

Hey, I played with you a week or two ago. I didn't realize you were a CAG. Pretty cool.
I am hoping to be on around 10 pm mountain tonight. Haven't had much time for games lately. Training for a new job at work and have been staying later than scheduled to squeeze in a little extra.
[quote name='BackInBlack']I hope alot of CAGs are on, i want some CAG on CAG S&D action going on :)[/quote]

I dont know if I should be turned on by that sentence, or disgusted, but either way, since its coming from you, i know i am the one that is going to be getting hurt (or killed by you in this case).
I sent a request to CAGCOD4 sometime yesterday and I should be around tonight to play with you guys. It's my first time with any CAG people, so I don't have anyone on my list. I don't really play a whole lot, but I just like to play to have fun.

Usually I get on a little earlier in the EDT, say 8:30 or 9.
Looking at your guys gt's just reminds me how much I need to work on my gamerscore....and to think I've had by 360 since launch :whistle2:(

Oh, and as usual, I'll be on late tonight.
Don't worry, woodcan, I am damn sure, myself, that I will NEVER surpass 10,000 Gamer points!

I don't even get half the points in the games that I love the most! i.e., Gears of War, Mass Effect, ASS ASS ins' Creed...

And yes, I will also join in the Thursday Festivities.
haha, it was pretty funny when you guys were dissecting my gamerscore last night. "Stranglehold? You must have thought that game was a piece of ass." You've almost inspired me to go back and play Mass Effect now though. Almost.

And yeah, I'm starting to warm up to S&D now that I've finally learned rushing in is bad, mmkay?
Unless something pops up I'll hopefully be on tonight. Just don't be surprised if I mess up a bit since I've been playing Vegas 2 all week and it really messes with my head going from a slow, keep your back against the wall, pace to "OMG RUN TO THE FLAG AND THROW SMOKE!" setting.

That and the sprint button in Vegas is the same one used for grenades in this. Yeah, that leads to some fun accidents.
I thought I had posted in this trhead, but it was the other COD4 one. Simon answered my question about the starting time, but I would like to say again, in this topic- Please accept FrankySox and A Happy Panda to CAGCOD4. They've got mad skills and want to play.

I will be on tonight, but there are a couple can't miss TV shows on (I don't have DVR, and my VCR won't record while I am playing 360) and that's without Lost, so from 6-9 Pacific, I'll be watching them. But possibly for a little while before 6, and definitely a few hours after 9 Pacific/midnight Eastern, I will be on, trying to hit level 55. I know, I'm way behind.
I couldn't sent a friend request to CAGCOD4 because its friendslist is full. I'd like to game with you guys tonight if possible. Someone send me an invite if you please. Thanks.
If anyone wants to play a late session, I will be on after work at 2AM EST until about 3:30 or 4AM. Thus barring any major incidents (Damn working at a college campus as security on a MF'n Thursday night!).

If you are on the list and in a group look for me, or I will just send a message for an invite.
Damn, MVP, get at me on the weekend, and I'll join you at that time. unfortunately, my bitch ass has to get up at 5:30 am for work :(
[quote name='Simon D I']Damn, MVP, get at me on the weekend, and I'll join you at that time. unfortunately, my bitch ass has to get up at 5:30 am for work :([/quote]

I prolly won't get to play too much until Sunday after 4 PM except for tonight after work. Starting at 6PM tomorrow I gotta pull 24 hours of work in a 30 hour span. :bomb:
That random guy texting panda to lick his balls was priceless. When he finally got his headset on I was crying laughing.
[quote name='xcoax']That random guy texting panda to lick his balls was priceless. When he finally got his headset on I was crying laughing.[/quote]

That was hilarious, what was his name? Big Fat Daddy or something like that. Simon had me laughing so hard I couldn't play.
And that one entire team just quiting on us during that game of domination. Ive never seen that before.
A fun evening indeed
[quote name='Khondor']That was hilarious, what was his name? Big Fat Daddy or something like that. Simon had me laughing so hard I couldn't play.
And that one entire team just quiting on us during that game of domination. Ive never seen that before.
A fun evening indeed[/quote]

Hahaha... Damn Simon and his hilariousness. For a good portion of that match, I was also laughing so hard, I had to turn off my mic and get a tissue. :drool:

Also fun? Simon's pool party. I think I dove, prone first, into Flesh Ribbon. :^o
Hahahahah, man you guys are crazy!

I believe that dude's name was BIG DADDY FAT1, and don't forget, after he told hamster to lick his balls for some reason, he messaged me : "blow me!" Yeah, man, his 5 second rant of "YOU GUYS PLAY REAL GOOD, BUT IT'S TOO BAD MY TEAM fuckIN SUCKS!!!" and then sign-off promptly after, made me almost hurl from laughter.

And yeah, man, that entire team leaving the game,...holy crap! I think we dominated them so badly that all of their 360s just RED RINGED on 'em!

Oh, man, the pool party....what a disaster! But the image of Chase, Fleshribbon and someone else laying on the stomachs in a straight line in the deep end was just.....erotic!

I don't know who was yelling "cannonballssssss", but that was hilarious too!

All in all, an awesome THURSDAY COD NIGHT!!!
Damn me for having a night class on Thursdays. I'll have to get in on some of this between my Spring and Summer semesters.
I sent a friend request to Big Daddy FAT1 . We need to get him in future games.

It's just too bad that just about everyone was gone by 11:00 Pacific. I had no more CAGs to play with.
bread's done