CAG Gaming Group - Call of Duty 4 Thursdays

[quote name='xcoax']And yeah, I'm going to be playing COD tonight since I didn't get a chance to last night. My new goal is to be gold crossed in a month.[/quote]

This, but without the gold cross aspirations.

[quote name='DCriminal']PS - I am in favor of Ninja's plan: The more coordination the better.[/quote]

Team... work?



Hehehe... ;)
[quote name='Khondor']I have just experienced a 1st in COD4 (for me anyway)

In Mercenary Team Deathmatch on Overgrown
I went 20-2-3
I was called a cheater by a member of the losing team because, and I quote

"You where not camping, you killed me all over the map, and there is no way you could have only died 3 times"

His reasoning is I had to have some kind of game hack or something.
Never mind that I had a silenced MP5 with UAV Jammer and killed most of his team from behind due to flanking. forget all of that, It was a hack :roll:[/quote]

I've always thought you were a cheater and now it is confirmed
I submit that you haven't really experienced Call of Duty 4 multiplayer until you've played with a Scottish kid singing an out of tune Nickelback song.

Haha, it was good joining Khondor's Mercenary TDM game and getting 40 kills for my team. I was trying to use the M60, but this one guy kept sniping me, so I got mad and switched over to the M16 and proceded to destroy them all.
I might be able to get on later (like 9 p.m. PST) since I'm working tonight. Hopefully there will still be some chaos taking place.

I agree with Criminal - I will also bring my craptastic play to the team, but that hasn't stopped me before!
[quote name='REL1203']People going to play tonight? I will be on looking for some more fun[/QUOTE]

Apparently their idea of fun is not to invite you until 3 games later after you get on, and boot you out for your clan tag, then invite you back in when the server is full, and then totally ignore you.

Why did I even bother rebuying this game last week; I should of just stopped playing when I traded in my last copy.
I'll be online around 1 am est ish, hopefully the earlier side of the ish. Hope some CAGs are still online. I'll be sure to invite Twen
Hey guys, tried to add CAGCOD4 to my friends list, says its full. Any chance you could delete someone is never on? Thanks.
If Chase tried to send me an invite I was typing on here on another CAG forum but when I stopped that and kept checking I never got another invite even though I said I was ready. Oh well.
[quote name='MSUHitman']If Chase tried to send me an invite I was typing on here on another CAG forum but when I stopped that and kept checking I never got another invite even though I said I was ready. Oh well.[/quote]

*three hours later*

Hello Hitman of the past! (Past, past)
Fun shit last night, fellas. I must say, the fun of COD4 has not been diminished by GTA4's awesomeness! (thankfully, since I finally bought the game)

Anyways, I'll try to jump on with a few of you guys this weekend!
I didn't get to play any games for a week till late last night, and before that it was all GTA. My COD4 skills will be rusty as hell come next Thursday.
[quote name='Simon D I']Fun shit last night, fellas. I must say, the fun of COD4 has not been diminished by GTA4's awesomeness! (thankfully, since I finally bought the game)

Anyways, I'll try to jump on with a few of you guys this weekend![/quote]

Yeah, and Simon the game we played after you left we ended up against the other Hamster-lead CAG team. It was some good stuff except for my last match when I think I went something like 2-11....not good stuff
[quote name='woodcan']Yeah, and Simon the game we played after you left we ended up against the other Hamster-lead CAG team. It was some good stuff except for my last match when I think I went something like 2-11....not good stuff[/quote]

AWWWW SHIT, I missed that?

Damn...[CAG]s vs [CAG]s for points?! That's simply awesome!
[quote name='chasemurata']I think we are becoming a team. There is a bit more strategic talk, and people seem to listen. Well, aside from when we ignored Heart/Hamster/HR PuffnStuff's sage advice to draw out and avoid rushing the camping team during that Vacant match. :whistle2:#


Hahah, yeah. It was great how everyone was just camping in the C office area and slaughtering us as we ran in with shotguns and I'm like "hey, why don't we let them come out to us?" and everyone was like "Man, what a great idea!" and proceeded to continue rushing into the room for the rest of the match.

And yeah, we finally had the Twenzor wet dream match of CAG vs. CAG for points, and he left early.
[quote name='xcoax']Hahah, yeah. It was great how everyone was just camping in the C office area and slaughtering us as we ran in with shotguns and I'm like "hey, why don't we let them come out to us?" and everyone was like "Man, what a great idea!" and proceeded to continue rushing into the room for the rest of the match.

And yeah, we finally had the Twenzor wet dream match of CAG vs. CAG for points, and he left early.[/QUOTE]

fuck you. Just fuck you. I had to work at 4:50am, and I was tired as fuck the whole day.
I was able to get a 4000 point card for $25! I'll be downloading the maps in two weeks, I'm going to be in phoenix again for a Metallica concert till the 20th. Finally I can play with you guys without having to have everyone play the old maps cause I didn't buy the new map pack. :D
[quote name='Ragekod']I was able to get a 4000 point card for $25! I'll be downloading the maps in two weeks, I'm going to be in phoenix again for a Metallica concert till the 20th. Finally I can play with you guys without having to have everyone play the old maps cause I didn't buy the new map pack. :D[/quote]

Chase,Twenzor,DCrim,Thor,Khondor, and whoever else played late last night, good damn times. I know how Khondor feels now, apparently camping isnt just staying in one spot for an extended period of time, camping is logically taking cover,out-witting and outshooting the enemy. We must have been so boring to play with with.
[quote name='BackInBlack']Chase,Twenzor,DCrim,Thor,Khondor, and whoever else played late last night, good damn times. I know how Khondor feels now, apparently camping isnt just staying in one spot for an extended period of time, camping is logically taking cover,out-witting and outshooting the enemy. We must have been so boring to play with with.[/QUOTE]

Those guys were damn annoying. I especially liked the one guy who kept on saying that "Its not fun for you to play that way!"
[quote name='Wet Ninja']Maybe when we don't get the Marine spawn, we should try hanging back in the back corner of the map, near C, staying under cover well (behind the fences) and waiting for them to come to us:

In the image above, we'd set up position in the red box. Two snipers could fire down the green lines (one at each pair of lines), while the rest of the team covers the middle area (red sight lines) with medium-range weapons.

Has anyone ever tried this strategy?[/QUOTE]

For those who weren't there for it, we tried this out a few nights ago (Friday night?). It actually worked pretty well (we won the match). xcoax covered the green lines on the north side, and I covered the green lines on the south side.

Most of the fighting seemed to be concentrated in the areas marked in orange in the image below, which is pretty much where you'd expect the fighting to be. Most of our team pushed forward a little closer to those orange areas. Getting close worked fairly well, but it seemed like the most traffic came through the bottommost orange area in that image, so sometimes our guys would get outnumbered there.

We didn't have too many problems holding back people coming through the building in the middle. I set up claymores at the back of the building closest to us (in the lower-left corner) to prevent them from flanking us from that direction.

One thing I noticed that might be a problem, though it didn't happen in this match, is that an opposing sniper has a good sight-line down the yellow line in the image. If the other team counter-snipes there, you might want to have an extra sniper on your team firing down that line.

Man, what time were you all playing last night? I signed on at like 10:30 and no one was playing so I played GTA for the rest of the night.

[quote name='Wet Ninja']For those who weren't there for it, we tried this out a few nights ago (Friday night?). It actually worked pretty well (we won the match). xcoax covered the green lines on the north side, and I covered the green lines on the south side.

Most of the fighting seemed to be concentrated in the areas marked in orange in the image below, which is pretty much where you'd expect the fighting to be. Most of our team pushed forward a little closer to those orange areas. Getting close worked fairly well, but it seemed like the most traffic came through the bottommost orange area in that image, so sometimes our guys would get outnumbered there.

We didn't have too many problems holding back people coming through the building in the middle. I set up claymores at the back of the building closest to us (in the lower-left corner) to prevent them from flanking us from that direction.

One thing I noticed that might be a problem, though it didn't happen in this match, is that an opposing sniper has a good sight-line down the yellow line in the image. If the other team counter-snipes there, you might want to have an extra sniper on your team firing down that line.


Yeah, I roamed between the two sets of green sniper lines. The biggest issue I saw was people sneaking up the ditch area on the northernmost section of the map while I was looking down the sight lines. I had a couple of close calls with that. It is nice though because you have a nice sight line over a burning dumpster straight to their original spawn and over the big dirt mound at B that most people won't see you through except for opposing snipers.

The other issue was snipers setting up in the corners of the building in the south middle. I'd move over to the southern green lines and help out when it got too populated in that building and pick them off. Other than that, they all seemed to push through the bus area on our side making for easy pickings for all of us.
I heard the funniest stuff tonight.
A GOLD CROSS dude kept making excuses as to
why he (his team) was losing.
He went from "My team sucks" to "infinity Ward screwed this game up with the updates"
and everything in between.
Just imaging the excuses, but then when He (his team) won a match, it was
all about how great HE was.
If you guys need an extra this Thursday i will be on for sure ----Skittles1018--- send me an invite if you need more. I feel like i have improved allot since first started exspecialy after unlocking enough to make an MP5 ninja class. Been wanting to play with some fellow cags but have been busy recently with school and work.
[quote name='xcoax']The other issue was snipers setting up in the corners of the building in the south middle. I'd move over to the southern green lines and help out when it got too populated in that building and pick them off. Other than that, they all seemed to push through the bus area on our side making for easy pickings for all of us.[/QUOTE]

When we played this map, I actually hung out around the two containers on the southern side to make sure that that the building was locked down, and, thus our flank was protected. It worked pretty well, but I did die to snipers that were shooting down that side of the map from time to time. The few times that the enemy was able to make it to the second building, we were able to push them back pretty easily. Ninja was diligent about setting up some claymores in the second building which definately helped.
[quote name='dubbfoolio']do you guys tend to play with the new maps? Do you guys sometimes play without them?[/QUOTE]

Just depends on whether everyone in the party has the new maps. If they do then they come up, if one or more people don't have them then they won't come up.

I've not seen anyone boot people from the part for not having the new maps if that's what your asking.

I'm still out of commission. Out of town this week and probably next week as well. May be home and have a bit of time to play one night this weekend though.
[quote name='dubbfoolio']do you guys tend to play with the new maps? Do you guys sometimes play without them?[/QUOTE]

It just depends on if everyone has them or not. I don't think any of the regulars would kick you out of the party for not having them or anything. I know I wouldn't at least.
Yeah, I also would not be troubled by a person without the new maps. All folk are welcomed, even leprechauns.

[quote name='chasemurata']Yeah, I also would not be troubled by a person without the new maps. All folk are welcomed, even leprechauns.

[/quote]Well, I don't know about leprachauns. . . But I guess everyone else is cool. Yeah, I said it. I'm hating on leprachauns.

The new maps are cool and all minus Chinatown, but I really don't mind if someone joins a party that doesn't have them.

Hopefully, I can get online tonight or tomorrow. I'm really behind on a lot of work in the house and whatnot (mostly thanks to CoD4) and have been getting to work when I get home. That and catching up on sleep. I'll definitely be on Thursday, but hopefully, I get online with you guys sooner.
out of all the regular CAG COD players, i cant really think of any that dont have the new map. I remember one person didnt have them, (but i think has them now).
Great games last night, guys! Especially the last three that came down to a (pubic) hair's difference! It's good to play with a strategic team like those guys!

Catch you guys tomorrow Night!
[quote name='Wet Ninja']Great games last night. I was having a hamster night, though: I kept dying at 4 kills, or at 5 or 6 kills without having a chance to call in my airstrike before I died.[/QUOTE]

Haha, welcome to my life every day. When I do manage to call in the airstrikes, they always have a massive spawn change to the other side of the map and always kill me either right as I call it, or on the 6th kill. Then when I do get one, the helicopter takes a note out of GTA and just takes a tour around the map and leaves getting one or two kills at most.


I should be on tonight sometime after the Cavs/Celtics game.
[quote name='Simon D I']Great games last night, guys! Especially the last three that came down to a (pubic) hair's difference! It's good to play with a strategic team like those guys!

Catch you guys tomorrow Night![/quote]

Yeah my goal is to be like ElamiteWarrior from the Halo team St8 Rippin and be called "a great support player" because I know I'm not going to get the most kills most of the time (1 per 100 games maybe) but if I can help my team win by calling out locations, guarding stuff, etc. then I feel my mission is complete.

Many CAG's have higher score and K/D than me, but I've been on the winning team 75% of the time overall, so I hope I'm at least contributing somewhat.
For the first time in months, I have a Thursday nite off next week. I'm setting a chunk of it aside for COD with the CAG's so hopefully I'll see some of y'all. Looking forward to it!
Got online late last night and saw Chase join a match. Of course, immediately after he joined my baby girl woke up crying so I just wanted to say that I wasn't being rude, but had to bolt.
Are any CAGs going to be on a little after 9 P.M. Pacific/11 central/midnight Eastern tomorrow? Smallville's season finale is from 8-9, and Lost comes on at 10, so I figured my best shot at playing with a CAG group would be between shows, rather than after Lost.

It's been a while since I'm played the game, much less participated in a CAG night. Thanks, GTA IV, illness, and social activities.
You'd better be on when I'm on tonight, Simon. 2 hour time difference be damned. There will be some hardcore anal knifing going on, likely followed by me getting raped by the other team due to rustiness.
[quote name='Matt Young']You'd better be on when I'm on tonight, Simon. 2 hour time difference be damned. There will be some hardcore anal knifing going on, likely followed by me getting raped by the other team due to rustiness.[/quote]

OK! But I call it a night around 12:30/1:00AM CENTRAL TIME, DAWGGGGGGGG
[quote name='poisonedpawn45']This is what happens when Simon meets Matt Young:



You know....I'm going to make one especially for Matt Young now. You've inspired me, Pawn!

...I must say...I'm almost as beautiful as the chick in the real picture! What do you boyssss think?

Also, who's all in for COD tonight?!?!?!?!!?
bread's done