CAG Gaming Night- Halo 3- First Night: Friday, 9/28. 9:00 PM EST

Oh! I've been rejecting some random friend requests lately. It looks like they're originating from this thread. I just have one request when you send a request:

Make sure I can tell you're a CAG. Usually I'll look at profiles and most cags have their user name in their motto. If not, just state you're a CAG. that is all. Sorry about the rejections. Feel free to resend them.
Add me to the list, please; gamertag is Gnomes And Pie.

I can't stand playing with people who only want to win instead of having fun.

I'll send out friend invites to those listed in the main post, so if I am online and you want to play outside of the Friday slot, just let me know.
Good sir, please include me on the list and invite me to the next gameday. I must say that I am pretty good at the pirates gametype. That I be arrr, good at plundering other people's booty. Aye
Someone needs to make a seperate, mid-week day for all the people who, for various reasons, can't play on a Friday night. Me, for example, I have to leave on Fridays to work down south on the weekends, so Friday is out of the question, as is Saturday night.

There's more than enough people already signed up to branch it off into another night.
Sorry to sound like such a n00b, but Is there a way to play this on LIVE with random ppl? I see the option of inviting friends and recent players but I'm new to LIVE and hence have no one to play with :(

Please add me. My gamer tag is destinywaste

I'm up for any game mode.
[quote name='destinywaste']Sorry to sound like such a n00b, but Is there a way to play this on LIVE with random ppl? I see the option of inviting friends and recent players but I'm new to LIVE and hence have no one to play with :(

Please add me. My gamer tag is destinywaste

I'm up for any game mode.[/QUOTE]

Ya, you just go to matchmaking and hit start matchmaking and they'll pair you up with either random individuals or a larger group of people playing. For example, when a group of about 10 of us were playing the other night, 2 random individuals got added to our matches for 6v6s. So ya, and then if you like your group, you can elect to stick with them, or choose to find a new group. I stuck with a group of guys I met randomly for about 2 hours the other day.
Shazo and I came up with the idea of changing our tag to say CAG, we chose C49 at first but I'm thinking C46 would be better, I don't know. What do you guys think?
Yeah I posted about that some place I just cannot find it. I'm thinking C46 is better then the C49 that I put in last night.

[quote name='twen']Shazo and I came up with the idea of changing our tag to say CAG, we chose C49 at first but I'm thinking C46 would be better, I don't know. What do you guys think?[/QUOTE]
LMAO. Had some good fun in coop last night on Mission 2. Shoot the NPCs in the bunker enough times and they start throwing grenades at you, pretty much flooding the entire bunker with them.

After getting tired of being pawned by them, we just hid behind a fence and shot them. The got pissed and started throwing nades at the fence, with the nades bouncing back and killing themselves. Was quite Epic, especially the ones that would just stand up again and continue killing themselves with grenades.
I'll be on in a couple minutes. If I don't accept a game invite it means I expect to get interrupted soon and can't commit to a game.
I'm on right now - gt dorfs - shoot me a FR if you want to play some multiplayer (social, ranked, slayer, objective, whatever).
If anyone wants to invite me you can.

GT: KingBroly

yeah, not that shocking.

I'm up for a multiplayer achievement grind if it's at all possible.
Good fun tonight with G-money. I later went on match making in a drunken stooper and ranked up. Skill skipped around a bit. I did pretty good though.
Anybody up for playing some infection tonight? Im really wanting to play some. If so just send me a Invite Or Message or Friend Request.

GT: Vulcan7905
If anybody is interested in blowing through a few levels on coop legendary from about 7-9:30edt tonight, send me a friend invite and a message. GT is below.
So far has there been any actual 16 person rooms going on? I'd like to playtest one of my maps and it'd be awesome with 16 people.
I'll playtest your map if you want to go ahead and add me.

As for the Friday games, I start my job Friday so that night when I get off I'll definitely get on and play. I'm sure there will be more then 16 people, so how will things be split up?
[quote name='dastly75']So far has there been any actual 16 person rooms going on? I'd like to playtest one of my maps and it'd be awesome with 16 people.[/quote]

your ap is broken...i found the perfect spot.
The CAG Halo 3 forum on Bungie is basically dead. Is the dream of a CAG Clan dying out?

On a side note, who wants to get together for some co-op legendary from about 7:15-9:30 tonight?
Anyone still doing this or did this pretty much die out on CAG already. Sorry for posting this in its own thread by the way I did a search for Halo3 and couldn't find the orginal thread.
Ok I'm guessing no one does social matches with CAG folks then anymore :/. I'll give it one bump see if anyone bites. I was hoping some CAG socializing would help me get more into the multiplayer of this playing with strangers to me is kinda dull.
anyone still doing multiplayer on this vs or co op at all? Just curious since I'd like to play with people I socialize with on a regular basis I'm not having much fun on the ranked matches really.
I agree, it's no fun to play with strangers. I never know when I'll be on and haven't put in Halo 360 for a while or I'd be up for some game time.

Thats actually not a bad idea I guess it just didn't enter my mind since it was a clan and traditionally on the PC clans play other clans almost exclusively and it requires you have a certain lvl of skill I never achieve in these games to play with them.
bread's done