CAG GTAIV Night: Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel[ 9/2 @ 10pm EST ]

I might play Warhawk for a bit before joining you guys... Probably an hour after you guys start. Send me an invite if you see me play GTAIV tonight. :)
kube, I tried to send you an invite at one point but you never showed. Maybe next time.

That was a fun bunch of games. We should all practice until we're all expert ice cream truck drivers, and then we can go around embarrassing random racers online. They will fear the Mr. Tasty squadron!
I got the invite then my game locked and I had to restart, thanks for the invite though metaly, hope you guys had fun. I had some fun doing team mafia work.
Helicopter racing was fun, the the best was the four player coop where we had to plant the bomb.

Also, is there a secret to shooting people... I swear I could have full health, empty a clip into someone that wasn't facing me, have it take off MAYBE half their health, then they'd turn, shoot me twice, and I'd be dead.:bomb:
Dude. The two other guys on your team in that last TDM were monsters with the assault rifle or whatever they were shooting. Half the time I couldn't even get a lock before they killed me. I noticed the one guy left at the end was level 4, so I assume he's had a lot practice tweaking his aim with the right stick.

Anyone know if either of those guys are on here, or were they just randoms? Either way, I hope they're on my team next time.
What I usually do take other people out is by aiming and using the right stick to refine it enough to get headshots.
In my experience, a headshot takes a massive amount of health away... so practice practice PRACTICE! :D

That 'Bomb Da Base' mission was fun! And the Mr. Tasties, and ambulances, and etc. race was funny up until I got disconnected for some strange reason, also I did receive & accepted the invite you sent me afterwards metaly, but as soon as I did, the game didn't exist! :dunce:

Oh well... Next time let's do some helicopter racing... I have yet to do that, and that sounds like something that would be massively fun. ;)
[quote name='freakyzeeky']Oh well... Next time let's do some helicopter racing... I have yet to do that, and that sounds like something that would be massively fun. ;)[/quote]

We did a helicopter race right after that, which was pretty great because helicopters kept smashing into each other. Then we did a few boat races, which were fun but pretty easy to get behind in. A GTA boat race would probably be better. :twoguns:
Hmmm... I was trying to get headshots, but even without adjusting my aim it seemed like I was using rubber bullets.
I has a question... Does clicking R3 to "zoom" in make my accuracy go up, or is it purely visual?

During the mr tasty race I got the great idea to switch cars to blow past everyone... too bad you can't get out of your car in a regular race.#-o:dunce:

[quote name='metaly']We did a helicopter race right after that, which was pretty great because helicopters kept smashing into each other. Then we did a few boat races, which were fun but pretty easy to get behind in. A GTA boat race would probably be better. :twoguns:[/quote]
Didn't you win that helicopter race? I was right behind you most of the race, I kept wishing you'd crash.
During the boat race, did you see that guy that didn't even try. He was just sitting at the start for the entire race, Cit... something.
Dang, I missed all the fun. I won't be able to get back on until at least next weekend now that I'm heading into FINALS week. Sucks.
[quote name='mguiddy']Didn't you win that helicopter race? I was right behind you most of the race, I kept wishing you'd crash.
During the boat race, did you see that guy that didn't even try. He was just sitting at the start for the entire race, Cit... something.[/quote]

Yeah, I did. I should correct myself:

[quote name='metaly']We did a helicopter race right after that, which was pretty great [for me] because [everyone else's] helicopters kept smashing into each other.:twoguns:[/quote]

I probably spent half my time in Vice City in a helicopter, though.

And yeah, what was with that boat guy? I think he sat out both races.
[quote name='bmachine']Damn...these races sound like fun!

I still humbly request an all-$$$gio race one of these days![/quote]
Are you kidding me...:roll: (about the word filter)
Lea$$$e... testing
[quote name='mguiddy']Is there a game going down today (Sunday the 18th)?[/quote]

I'm game for tonight but the thread title hasn't been updated. Not sure what time.
[quote name='bmachine']I'm game for tonight but the thread title hasn't been updated. Not sure what time.[/quote]

Thanks for the reminder. ;)

Title updated. Game on tonight as always!
[quote name='StrandedBrit']Thanks for the reminder. ;)

Title updated. Game on tonight as always![/quote]

My headset's running low and keeps beeping at me, so I'm going to stop for now.

That was a lot of fun once we stopped jumping from game to game, though. For official nights we should try starting out with invite-only custom games instead of party mode, and then as it gets later and people start leaving, we can switch to party mode or co-op. It would be awesome to have a Cops & Crooks game with just CAGs.
That was a lot of fun at the end...thanks to those who stayed on late.

The last all-CAGs Cops and Crooks was a blast...I'd be up for that again...maybe this Tuesday?

And, yeah...we should definitely play invite-only. I look forward to CAG nights so I don't have to listen to fucktards talking on the phone and arguing with their mother.
There was a cag only cops and crooks...:shock:

I don't remember...

That last game (well the last 4 games I guess...:lol:) were awesome.

And a tip to everyone while playing bomb da base, DON'T DIE IN THE HELICOPTER AFTER YOU LAND IT ON THE BOAT.#-o I did and it spawned me back where you get in the helicopter, but without a helicopter, so I had to drive to the boat.:lol:
I should be able to handle duties at least for the first hour or so. Usually Meh-tally:lol: takes over when I leave. Them West Coasters play late.
I think I might join in on tonight's game (if I can figure out how to since I haven't played a second of MP before haha).
Sorry I didn't join up with you guys but I got into a party with some friends while I was waiting for an invite and then it looked like you were doing co-op mode so there would have been too many. Grr, where is in-game messaging!!

We had a good time launching each other off skyscrapers with RPGs, at least. :D If anyone's playing tomorrow, I'll try to join in.
[quote name='bmachine']I fell asleep on the couch last night before this started! Did I miss anything fun?[/quote]

Absolutely not. Only about 4 showed up, and we did co-op most of the time. Still had fun but nothing epic.
bread's done