CAG GTAIV Night: Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel[ 9/2 @ 10pm EST ]

You know that OJ race got me thinking, maybe we can create a better reenactment by using this set-up:

GTA Race
^ Cop Cars | Everyone chooses a Patrol or Squad car.
^ Exhaust Fumes | 1 Lap
^ Weapons: Weak (Macgun, 9mm pistol)
^ Traffic: Low

Honor Rules
^ No one moves at the beginning of the race.
^ 1 person impersonates OJ and has to find a truck or SUV and comes back at the starting line and gets a 10 second head start.
^ Only OJ can use weapons and has to reach the finish line to win. Cops can only ram OJ to death to win.
^ If OJ dies then the cops can finish the race. Whoever killed OJ is OJ the next round.
[quote name='Dasflikko']Great games tonight!

Highlight of the evening goes to BB with his amazing shot curving sniping!

Also less GILF talk plz, k thx.[/QUOTE]

GILF talk? I thought if anything the Betty White scat thing would've been something everyone would've been like 'omg that's nasty'. But I guess unless you go on CL often then you wouldn't get the references.

Good games overall, though I still hate the C&C with the boss and henchmen setup, since it puts too much pressure on ONE person to make it to the getaway vehicle.

Plus, I think it'd be interesting if during the C&C games where each crook counts/matters they started each individual cop in their own vehicle including choppers and boats.
[quote name='metaly']BB = DD and Mister B's kid?[/QUOTE]

And Blanche was hot...
That OJ race got me thinking, maybe we can create a better reenactment by using this set-up:

The OJ Chase


GTA Race
^ Vehicle Class: Police | Everyone chooses a Police Cruiser or Police Patrol.
^ Track: Exhaust Fumes | 1 or 2 Laps
^ Weapons: Weak (Macgun, 9mm Pistol)
^ Traffic: Low or Medium

Honor Rules
^ No one moves at the beginning of the race.
^ 1 person impersonates OJ and has to find a Pickup or SUV and returns to the starting line and gets a 10 second head start.
^ Only OJ can use weapons and has to reach the finish line to win. Cops can only ram OJ to death to win.
^ If OJ dies then the cops can finish the race. Whoever killed OJ is OJ the next round.

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[quote name='Shrapnellistic']That OJ race got me thinking, maybe we can create a better reenactment by using this set-up:

The OJ Chase


GTA Race
^ Vehicle Class: Police | Everyone chooses a Police Cruiser or Police Patrol.
^ Track: Exhaust Fumes | 1 or 2 Laps
^ Weapons: Weak (Macgun, 9mm Pistol)
^ Traffic: Low or Medium

Honor Rules
^ No one moves at the beginning of the race.
^ 1 person impersonates OJ and has to find a truck or SUV and returns to the starting line and gets a 10 second head start.
^ Only OJ can use weapons and has to reach the finish line to win. Cops can only ram OJ to death to win.
^ If OJ dies then the cops can finish the race. Whoever killed OJ is OJ the next round.


Can I pretend to be OJ for this re-enactment? Moreover, can Betty White be the driver of the Bronco? :lol: KIDDING!!

Anyway, wasn't it a friend of OJ's who was driving? Al something or other I think....

And if the Bronco gets rammed too much and ends up having to stop, "OJ" can get out with ONLY a knife and try to take cops on.
I feel I need to explain something from last night....

My hilarious suicide as the boss...I have never spawned in that area of the map before, I think other people made the same comment. I am running and realize I am basically floating, which is a problem, so I look down and see I am on this beam overlooking a large drop. I attempt to turn around off the beam, and promptly fall off. As I fall I am thinking...Well I have survived long drops before...

Oh, and Metaly you had one arm sticking out from that corner where I sniped you. It probably seemed like I hit you with a magic bullet that curved around the corner lol.
That drop from the beam was absolutely hilarious! I am glad I was there to witness it.

That was one of the worst spawning points I've ever seen.
[quote name='MisterBee']I feel I need to explain something from last night....

My hilarious suicide as the boss...I have never spawned in that area of the map before, I think other people made the same comment. I am running and realize I am basically floating, which is a problem, so I look down and see I am on this beam overlooking a large drop. I attempt to turn around off the beam, and promptly fall off. As I fall I am thinking...Well I have survived long drops before...

Oh, and Metaly you had one arm sticking out from that corner where I sniped you. It probably seemed like I hit you with a magic bullet that curved around the corner lol.[/QUOTE]

That pesky arm. :bomb:

That C&C spawn by the ramp was pretty bad, probably the worst of all the spawns and that's saying a lot. It was pretty funny watching you run up the ramp, at least. I stopped to look around and go great, there's not even a way down and then I saw you out on the beam sort of hovering in the air. It was a real Wile E. Coyote moment. :lol:

I'm down for some OJ racing next week.
GTA night is quite possibly the best CAG night ever.

We spend most of the night talking smack about people whose mics are off...
[quote name='mguiddy']We spend most of the night talking smack about people whose mics are off...[/QUOTE]

It's a good thing I always... wait a minute. :whistle2:k
[quote name='AllahBomber']sounds like you fools have some fun on gtaiv nights..maybe i should try to goozex it.

edit: hmm i added it, who knows how long itll take tho.[/QUOTE]

If you have $15 and a Blockbuster with a used copy in stock by you, that's all you really need, no need to wait for someone to trade you a copy.

Well, unless you're broke like me, then I completely understand.
Shrapnellistic had an idea(same one I've had for a while, but never really figured we'd have time to do)and PM'd me the other night regarding a possible idea for a race......through the subway system of Liberty City.

Mind you, one wrong turn in one of the tunnels and you'll easily end up stuck going to Bohan. I found that out the one night unfortunately.

That's what I was doing for a while in Free Mode at night, was trying to figure out how to map out a course through the subways.

However, we'd have to have the race(s) in Free Mode and in FM it seems like the computer eliminates ALL subway trains, which takes some of the challenge out of using them as a raceway.

Plus, if we tried making it a GTA race of sorts, we'd have to wait for everyone to maybe grab a weapon, since I think they also don't spawn along the subway tracks.

If anyone wants to try out this idea some night and you guys see me on late at night, lemme know and send me an invite to a Free Mode game or I can do the same.
I found a way to fuse the subway track with a real course in the 'Race' mode so we can all race Biffs in the subway or whatever. I need to take pictures of the course so whenever I get that done I'll post the honor rules for the makeshift track.

Are you free to play right now, IAmTheCheapestGamer?
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']I found a way to fuse the subway track with a real course in the 'Race' mode so we can all race Biffs in the subway or whatever. I need to take pictures of the course so whenever I get that done I'll post the honor rules for the makeshift track.

Are you free to play right now, IAmTheCheapestGamer?[/QUOTE]

You missed me by like five minutes earlier tonight, since I had just posted that last post of mine and I was out the door to hang out with my one buddy....and of course to get back my copy of Saint's Row 2 from him.
I haven't been on in a few days, so I haven't been around to accept it.

I may get on in a bit to play though, since I'm waiting for a response from a local CAG as to whether or not we're gonna hit up some local thrift and game stores today.
I was just playing around in the subway tunnels earlier and this could be either a very LOOOOOOOONG race or a very short one depending on where we try to have it.

There's also ALOT of turns and side tunnels that we could all get VERY, VERY lost going down. I spent probably 3-6 hours over a couple of nights when I first got online playing Free Mode just exploring the subway tunnels and there's just tons of places where we could have some pretty insane pileups.

One or two spots in particular are really nasty with the branching off, where there's open spaces with steel beams throughout that section and a whole other section of tracks on the other side of those beams.

Like I said, ALOT of places where we could all get very lost.

But if you guys wanna try this this coming Wednesday and a few of you want to try a dry run before then, let me or Shrapnellistic know and we'll try and map out some of the tunnels.

As far as I know, there's only really maybe TWO places that you can get onto/into the subway without using any sort of glitching or cheats or whatever. One is in central Algonquin, about a block or two up from Middle Park, while the other is up in Bohan up by that one set of apartment buildings to the far north.

Another thing we have to worry about, should there be a big turnout on Weds, is where are we gonna get all of the 's? This game IS like the other GTA's in that once a player has one type of car, more of that same type will spawn.

Again though, if anyone wants to try this out prior to next Wednesday, let me or Shrapnel know. I'm usually on after 11 or so most nights, though sometimes earlier and sometimes WAYYYYY later.
Yes Way on the Subway


Red: Subway Tracks
Yellow: Road to Bohan

^ Vehicle Class: Any
^ Track: Road to Bohan | 1 Lap
^ Vehicle Damage: Scrapes Only
^ Traffic: Off

Honor Rules
^ Drop down to the entrance of the subway.

-> Gravitate towards the sides of the tracks to touch the official checkpoints while racing on the tracks. *Wall grind at the 3rd checkpoint.*

^ Turn right when at the “Fork in the Tunnel” (10 to 15 seconds from the exit).

^ After exiting the subway tunnel (where you first dropped down to on the tracks): hold ‘Triangle’ to respawn at the last checkpoint and continue racing towards the official finish line to claim your final position!


Biffs can be raced, but I didn't find it much fun compared to Burritos. Thanks for taking the time, IAmTheCheapestGamer.​
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[quote name='Shrapnellistic']
Yes Way on the Subway


Red: Subway Tracks
Yellow: Road to Bohan

^ Vehicle Class: Any
^ Track: Road to Bohan | 1 Lap
^ Vehicle Damage: Scrapes Only
^ Traffic: Off

Honor Rules
^ Drop down to the entrance of the subway.

-> Gravitate towards the sides of the tracks to touch the official checkpoints while racing on the tracks.

^ Turn right when at the “Fork in the Tunnel” (10 to 15 seconds from the exit).

^ After exiting the subway tunnel (where you first dropped down to on the tracks): hold ‘Triangle’ to respawn at the last checkpoint and continue racing towards the official finish line to claim your final position!


Biffs can be raced, but I didn't find it much fun compared to Burritos. Thanks for taking the time, IAmTheCheapestGamer.​


No problem Shrapnel. Maybe we can work on a variant of that race course which involves a loooooong stretch around by the airport on those very confusing tracks we both ended up on the one dead end down by the train cars.

I think that type of course would have everyone kind of going 'which way do we go?'. It would be quite hilarious for those of us who know which way goes back to the starting point though.

I actually forgot that the tracks for some reason NEVER extend over into Alderney. I think that was a major lapse on Rockstar's part, since the old subway system in GTAIII covered all three islands of LC.
I haven't looked into this much beyond what's being posted here, but I assume this type of race has never been done before? If not, maybe someone should post the results on one of those blog sites like Joystiq. Yeah I know, all those blog sites are teeming with accurate information , but I'm sure others would want to copy this for themselves. Plus it would make someone famous on the interwebz for, oh, 30 seconds? And isn't that what we all want out of life :lol:
But realistically, maybe Rockstar will include this as a mode (or make it more easily doable) for their next game if they see it's popular enough?
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']I haven't looked into this much beyond what's being posted here, but I assume this type of race has never been done before? If not, maybe someone should post the results on one of those blog sites like Joystiq. Yeah I know, all those blog sites are teeming with accurate information , but I'm sure others would want to copy this for themselves. Plus it would make someone famous on the interwebz for, oh, 30 seconds? And isn't that what we all want out of life :lol:
But realistically, maybe Rockstar will include this as a mode (or make it more easily doable) for their next game if they see it's popular enough?[/QUOTE]

I'm shocked that certain vehicles were left out of the races, like the ones from the airport(and the big buses from Algonquin), but I guess maybe that'll be in the next game.

If anyone is up for a bus race through the subway tunnels ending over by the airport perhaps, then hopefully Shrapnel and I can work on mapping out a route to facilitate that sort of race as well.

I just still can't believe that Rockstar left out certain vehicles or didn't extend the subway to Alderney at all.

As for other ideas for 'races' or otherwise to spice up the normal games, how about we have a re-creation of the movie Speed. We could have one CAG priming a grenade while on a bus with 2-4 other CAGs, with even more CAG's chasing them and the bus in cop cars and trying to 'direct' them towards the airport for a final battle.

Good idea? No?
[quote name='bornrunnin31']I'm all for having fun and mixing things up, but the real challenge is getting 13 people on the same page for a race that isn't built into the game.[/QUOTE]
Especially those who don't use mics... *looks in swavage's general direction*
I've been thinking the same thing. The OJ race could work but this subway thing is a little complicated for our casual Wednesday games. I mean, it was hard enough getting people to stand in one place long enough to take the group photo. :lol:
The subway track belies itself when you first look at it on the map (just hold down the acceleration and you can wall grind 85% of the track), the only landmark people need to remember is the "Fork in the Tunnel".

Never know if we don't try it.
The course's size belies its complexity (can wall grind 85% of the subway); the only landmarks people need to remember is the entrance to the tracks (pictured) and the "Fork in the Tunnel" (also pictured). I'd hope the micless players would lurk this thread and if not, they'll just have to wait the 6.5 minutes it takes to cruise the unofficial subway tracks. I would think The OJ Chase would require more cooperation than this.

I guess I enjoyed myself too much when I discovered this fusion.
We should at least give it a try. Shrapnel seems very invested. If it results in a clusterfuck, so be it...GTA4 clusterfucks are fun!

Not doing it because people without headsets might be confused is bullshit.
[quote name='bmachine']We should at least give it a try. Shrapnel seems very invested. If it results in a clusterfuck, so be it...GTA4 clusterfucks are fun!

Not doing it because people without headsets might be confused is bullshit.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, clusterfucks are fun.
And yeah, fuck people without headsets. I'm not catering to swavage, especially after he spent a whole race hunting me down to kill me with his bullshit aim. :lol:
"Ho ho... Driving by at 60 miles an hour?" *bang* *bang* "You dead!"
[quote name='mguiddy']Yeah, clusterfucks are fun.
And yeah, fuck people without headsets. I'm not catering to swavage, especially after he spent a whole race hunting me down to kill me with his bullshit aim. :lol:
"Ho ho... Driving by at 60 miles an hour?" *bang* *bang* "You dead!"[/QUOTE]

Yes, what the fuck is up with that. He could hit a fly from 60 paces away while flying an exploding helicopter and eating a cheeseburger. :applause:
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[quote name='mguiddy']Yeah, clusterfucks are fun.
And yeah, fuck people without headsets. I'm not catering to swavage, especially after he spent a whole race hunting me down to kill me with his bullshit aim. :lol:
"Ho ho... Driving by at 60 miles an hour?" *bang* *bang* "You dead!"[/QUOTE]

You should try playing against him in sniper deathmatch games. :roll: All I can say is, by the time I lined up a shot and was ready to squeeze off ONE round, I was watching the black and white screen just before you re-spawn for 3-5 seconds already.

All he does is play deathmatch and shooter games typically, so that explains his accuracy with the weapons. Mind you, I still prefer to run people over, as it's much more fun.....for me anyway. :lol:

Trust me though, I think you'd rather Swavage versus one of the other people I used to play GTAIV against online at night. You guys would never get in a single kill on some of them. :whistle2:# I only managed to get some because of the aforementioned car kills.

BTW, if anyone is up for helping me map out a much larger unofficial race(cuz I don't have a camera to snap photos with), there's one that extends over into Dukes/Broker that we could use that would make great use of the tracks by the airport.

Many sections of those tracks don't have railings on either side of them, so imagine the hilarity that'll ensue when/if some try to pass and get bumped from said tracks.

I tried the tracks with a Biff and the one subway station by the airport is just barely big enough to accomodate them going through ONE AT A TIME. So there could be some further fun pileups around there too.

Of course, this isn't even mentioning the way the tracks split off and go into two segments for a bit over by the carnival/amusement park in Broker or the way the tracks branch off a third time into a dead end by some train cars just up from there.

But the way we'd be doing this race the one dead end would be a non issue since it would be behind us and not in front of us.
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Okay, sweet. Can't wait to play this. CAG night always makes online games way better than playing with randoms.

I'll hop on tonight if anyone wants to play. FR me.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
Trust me though, I think you'd rather Swavage versus one of the other people I used to play GTAIV against online at night. You guys would never get in a single kill on some of them. :whistle2:# I only managed to get some because of the aforementioned car kills.[/QUOTE]
That reminds me... right after the trophy patch went live, freaky and I played some DM with random people (because I heard that Rockstar made it free week, where everyone that played and killed during that week would get the "Killed a Rockstar" trophy).
There was one guy who only died once the entire round. He was freaking insane.
[quote name='mguiddy']That reminds me... right after the trophy patch went live, freaky and I played some DM with random people (because I heard that Rockstar made it free week, where everyone that played and killed during that week would get the "Killed a Rockstar" trophy).
There was one guy who only died once the entire round. He was freaking insane.[/QUOTE]

That's like the one night I was playing with another PSN friend and there were two players(both with the same kinda PSN name, one was Hot something or other and the other was Cold something or other, the second part was the same) who were annihilating people in Annihilators.

I mean, they were literally hovering with the attack choppers and picking people off with just the chain guns from the choppers.

I think I tried inviting one of the people I played against into CAG night fairly early on, his PSN name is LUDE. He's a fellow CAG(lude21) and one of the few people I have been deal hunting with from CAG, since he's also local to me. He's one of the players I used to play against who is super tough to beat in DM/TDM.
I can hit the ground with them, but I like the nice effect they make when you're skimming along the water and fire them.

Normally, I'm really proficient with a chopper, but I'm not good enough to pick people off with the guns on it. I've also noticed that when I'm playing in a multiplayer game with other people, I seem to get really crappy at controlling the chopper. I guess it's because unlike the NPC's, you guys usually fire back and I have to scramble to turn around and get out of the way of the spray.

But if anyone wants to pop on for a bit and try out my potential race course in either free mode or race with scrapes only as far as damage goes, then lemme know and I'll pop onto GTAIV for a bit.
bread's done