CAG Killzone 2 Game Night [Currently Inactive]

I'll tell you what I decided to do for next week. I will just say in the OP, please refer to (certain post number) for information on the game. I decided that was the best thing to do. Sucks that the turnout was no where near what I was expecting (I was hoping for 8 - 10 on both sides), but oh well. That MIGHT be my last clan game, but we'll see.
Hopefully, we'll get more turn-out if we keep Saturday a standard clan match night.

Even though there was an imbalance, I still had some fun. Looking forward to the DLC next week -- I'm sure it will bring back some people who have taken a break of this game.
[quote name='Ecofreak']Hopefully, we'll get more turn-out if we keep Saturday a standard clan match night.

Even though there was an imbalance, I still had some fun. Looking forward to the DLC next week -- I'm sure it will bring back some people who have taken a break of this game.[/QUOTE]Your next post in this thread, I will use at as the schedule for next week. I will say in the opening, please refer to post #????.
Alright, Tenchi has agreed to host the match this Saturday. Could an officer from the Beta or Alpha clan send a invite? I've tried several times but fail each time.

Here are the details:
Date: Saturday, April 25
Time: 900 PM EST for sign-up, actual match begins at 915 PM EST
Rounds: Everything
Weapons: Everything but grenade launchers
Max People per Team: 10
Map: Blood Gracht

If you are on the Beta clan, PLEASE ATTEND! We had pretty poor turn out last week, and I can't make it this weekend on account of being out of town.
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If you want to do a rematch of the same clan game that was tonight for next Saturday, that's fine too, clan game and regular CAG night will be posted at post #1795 for next week.
whats a quick way to find the post #1795 located at pg90 if somebody forgets?
instead of looking through every page if they forget.
i bet this thread will be 5 pages longer by next week so i might forget where it is.
[quote name='Xeph820']whats a quick way to find the post #1795 located at pg90 if somebody forgets?
instead of looking through every page if they forget.
i bet this thread will be 5 pages longer by next week so i might forget where it is.[/quote]
Use this link.

arg.. Because the turnout was large last time, I assumed I wouldn't be needed and decided to do some Valkyria Chronicles. I'll show up next time.
I know I'm late to the party, but WOW, the multiplayer is pretty good. Just one more level before I'm worthy of one of TMK's real clans...

Wasteland Medic (Bronze)
Revive 5 allies in Wasteland Bullet during one round.

Wasteland Engineer (Bronze)
Repair 5 objects in Wasteland Bullet during one round.

Wasteland Tactician (Bronze)
5 allies spawn on your spawn grenade in Wasteland Bullet during one round.

Wasteland Saboteur (Bronze)
Kill 5 enemies while disguised in Wasteland Bullet during one round.

Wasteland Scout (Bronze)
Kill 5 enemies while cloaked in Wasteland Bullet during one round.

Wasteland Assault (Bronze)
Boost 5 times in Wasteland Bullet during one round.

Cruiser Medic (Bronze)
Revive 5 allies in Vekta Cruiser during one round.

Cruiser Engineer (Bronze)
Repair 5 objects in Vekta Cruiser during one round.

Cruiser Tactician (Bronze)
5 allies spawn on your spawn grenade in Vekta Cruiser during one round.

Cruiser Saboteur (Bronze)
Kill 5 enemies while disguised in Vekta Cruiser during one round.

Cruiser Scout (Bronze)
Kill 5 enemies while cloaked in Vekta Cruiser during one round.

Cruiser Assault (Bronze)
Boost 5 times in Vekta Cruiser during one round.

hmm..need to get clan games announced quicker. im thinking even if we planned one for this weekend, not enough people would have enough notice. we need to have an alpha vs beta every sat unless otherwise noticed. as well as a cag night every thursday.

do we not have any other this the problem? i cant host so i can only inquire, but lets not just let kz2 nights die because mana can no longer do them. someone with hosting ability needs to step up.
[quote name='joshr915']hmm..need to get clan games announced quicker. im thinking even if we planned one for this weekend, not enough people would have enough notice. we need to have an alpha vs beta every sat unless otherwise noticed. as well as a cag night every thursday.

do we not have any other this the problem? i cant host so i can only inquire, but lets not just let kz2 nights die because mana can no longer do them. someone with hosting ability needs to step up.[/QUOTE]

I won't be able to host unfortunately since I'll be out of town this weekend.

I believe that Tenchi has hosted games in the past, I'll PM him to confirm.

And it sucks that the DLC maps cost $6, I was hoping for new maps to breath some second wind into the game. :whistle2:(
I've been aiming for that top 1%, that shiny red ribbon looks so good. PATCH TOMORROW! Read my blog post for details. Also, the trophies in the DLC make me automatically open my wallet.
Ok, so I am a bit confused on what goes on. Do I have to be in the clan to play with CAG's now? Or can I pull a warhawk and just join the CAG game?
Alright, Tenchi has agreed to host the match this Saturday. Could an officer from the Beta or Alpha clan send a invite? I've tried several times but fail each time.

Here are the details:
Date: Saturday, April 25
Time: 900 PM EST
Rounds: Everything
Weapons: Everything but grenades
Max People per Team: 10
Map: Tenchi will decide, probably a mid-sized map

If you are on the Beta clan, PLEASE ATTEND! We had pretty poor turn out last week, and I can't make it this weekend on account of being out of town.

Post #1795 has been updated accordingly.
[quote name='Ecofreak']Alright, Tenchi has agreed to host the match this Saturday. Could an officer from the Beta or Alpha clan send a invite? I've tried several times but fail each time.

Here are the details:
Date: Saturday, April 25
Time: 900 PM EST
Rounds: Everything
Weapons: Everything but grenades
Max People per Team: 10
Map: Tenchi will decide, probably a mid-sized map

If you are on the Beta clan, PLEASE ATTEND! We had pretty poor turn out last week, and I can't make it this weekend on account of being out of town.

Post #1795 has been updated accordingly.[/QUOTE]
Challenge sent. I set the time to 9:15 since that will allow people to join at 9pm.

Date: Saturday, April 25
Time: 9:15 PM EST
Rounds: Everything
Weapons: Everything but grenades
Max People per Team: 10
Map: Blood Gracht
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[quote name='Sarrasis']Challenge sent. I set the time to 9:15 since that will allow people to join at 9pm.

Date: Saturday, April 25
Time: 9:15 PM EST
Rounds: Everything
Weapons: Everything but grenade launchers
Max People per Team: 10
Map: Blood Gracht[/QUOTE]

Cool -- I just accepted the clan match and updated post #1795. Have fun on Saturday, everyone!
[quote name='Ecofreak']Cool -- I just accepted the clan match and updated post #1795. Have fun on Saturday, everyone![/QUOTE]
I was tempted to turn off rocket launchers too. The room we were in earlier with Assault turned off was sooo nice.
[quote name='Ecofreak']Alright, Tenchi has agreed to host the match this Saturday. Could an officer from the Beta or Alpha clan send a invite? I've tried several times but fail each time.

Here are the details:
Date: Saturday, April 25
Time: 900 PM EST
Rounds: Everything
Weapons: Everything but grenades
Max People per Team: 10
Map: Tenchi will decide, probably a mid-sized map

If you are on the Beta clan, PLEASE ATTEND! We had pretty poor turn out last week, and I can't make it this weekend on account of being out of town.

Post #1795 has been updated accordingly.[/quote]

I'm showing up for the clan game but
maybe I could get a Beta clan invite before Saturday? :oops:
[quote name='GodlyOne']I'm showing up for the clan game but
maybe I could get a Beta clan invite before Saturday? :oops:
If you aren't in the clan when the challenge is set you unfortunately won't be able to join the match. It's set that way so people can't switch clans last minute.
So far it doesn't look like there will be a CAG Night tonight. No one has stepped up to host and several people aren't going to be on.

And a reminder:

Lets try to get as close to 10 vs 10 as we can. Lop-sided matches aren't as fun.
Hey i'll join one of the clans. send me an invite. I'm pretty good. in the top 3%.
Do you guys always have the clan matches at 9 on saturdays? What time zone is the 9?
[quote name='HowStern']Hey i'll join one of the clans. send me an invite. I'm pretty good. in the top 3%.
Do you guys always have the clan matches at 9 on saturdays? What time zone is the 9?[/quote]

its eastern. youll have to join after this weeks game since additions arent allowed after the clan game is setup (game restriction)
The clan matches usually don't last all that long. I'll host a cag night game after the match. Unless someone is really against it, all classes and weapons will be available. The game will be open to all cag gamers so you don't have to be in a clan to join the game.

89K to Commander in Chief....whee. :)
Cool yeah the later like 9:30+ games are better for me because I usually put my daughter to bed around 8:30-9est. With books, brushing teeth/hair, pajamas, etc it is usually a half hour ordeal :)
As long as we get 6+ people to play, I'll host til midnight or one. Any game less than 3 v 3 is kinda boring.
[quote name='zenprime']Alpha has me for Sat[/QUOTE]

Cool. Hope we can field a full team for the Alpha clan.
REMINDER: Clan game tonight @ 9:00 PM EST. We absolutely need members from the BETA Clan as we were pretty low on people last week. Please attend if you can.

Tenchi has also been kind enough to host some games afterward to make your time worth it. Enjoy yourselves tonight, everyone!
Sorry Beta clan, but I won't be able to make it. Hope the clan get's a decent turn-out and that everybody manages to have a good time.
Good luck and have fun.
[quote name='joshr915']im there for beta...that brings us to what 2-3 confirmed people? :([/quote]

I made a mistake and thought the game was last night and was online. Unfortunately, I'm out of town for tonight's game. (not playing for Beta tonight)
In for alpha I think, more than likely I'll be there. for about an hour and then again @ 10pm pacific if anybody wants to join up.
i missed joning by about 5 seconds. fucking update screwed me. not even that. but the damn update forced me to watch most of the stupid intro video. oh well im sure no one from beta showed up anyway. i know for a fact nobody on my friends list from beta showed up cause theyre all offline. i guess we can assume that cag nights are dead now. at least beta clan is dead for sure.

ill just stick with regular cag nights from now on. waste of time to even bother trying to do a clan match because we have too many flakes.

/end bitching
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yes i heard u did. i feel like a real ass forgetting about the stupid update. im talking to mana about things.

but aside from that..still no one showed, not even the clan management....

and what happened to the open cag game that was supposed to be after the clan match?
i think they're playing right now. i have to do some other things so yeah. it's all good. we can rework the clans and whatnot. they were already talking about it before the match.
bread's done