CAG Killzone 2 Game Night [Currently Inactive]

once again, i saw someones online (clan night, eh?). i rush off to log in. but im stuck downloading the the old (but new to me) patch. when it finished, everyone was gone... argh!

but i did join a random match. and damn i suck. i can't kill for shit. i had to turn down sensitivity to almost 20%. i forgot the pleasures of floaty controls. i kept saying to myself i used to be good, really good at this game.

so do you guys use the new maps? is getting the #4 top ribbon any easier nowadays?
I have all of the new maps, but we haven't used them yet for a clan night. Not really sure if everyone has them. When I went for the top % ribbon, it took me about 22-27 hrs.
EcoFreak had a CAG room up last night, but when I joined it he had already left. I sent Invin, Allah, and Rolento invites.

I played for a few hours and got completely schooled. 1:2 K/D ratio FTL. Man, I was doing pretty well until I hit Major, and now I get pummeled on a regular basis (my K/D was up over 1.0, and now it's down to 0.91 and it ain't coming back up either). I never feel like I'm using effective weapons for the levels I'm playing...some are definitely better for the shotgun, some are better for the M82, etc. I just haven't figured that out yet.

I have all four DLC maps, so if we have CAG clan members that have them, maybe I could concurrently run a Map Pack Room with only those four in rotation. Once we get some more people it'd be nice to give everybody the option of either/or.
I think getting some 4v4 matches on smaller maps would be a good way to rebuild clan nights, so Invin's idea of using small-map rotations is very sound.

I played a match before the 9 PM event, and I also suck. Controls seem to move faster now and I actually preferred the slower movement before the patch. Or maybe I stink because I haven't really played KZ2 for ~1.5 months...Well, everyone has to start somewhere, right?
I played a really long match the other night (about 3 hours, every game mode was 30 minutes) and I found that near the end I became pretty darn proficient with the shotgun (this was on Tharsis Depot). It took me HOURS, though...and I found that the weapon you choose has a huge bearing on your success in any given level. Pyrrhus Rise is ideal for sniping weapons, Tharsis Depot for short-range weapons, etc.

And oh yeah...NEW DLC ON JULY 14TH!!!

Two new levels along with a Flamethrower, Boltgun, and a slew of bug fixes!

YES Sentry bot damage tweaked back!! :applause:
I don't see how the Bolt Gun is going to work. It seemed pretty overpowered in the campaign.
[quote name='Invin']I don't see how the Bolt Gun is going to work. It seemed pretty overpowered in the campaign.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure you'll be slow as hell when you wield it, and if you don't have the drop on your opponent you're screwed.
[quote name='DonVanDam']I definitely want to get in on this, but do you have to be a member of the CAG KZ2 clan to play?[/QUOTE]

Absolutely not. We just call it a clan night as it's reserved for just CAG members. I should probably change the thread's title accordingly to avoid further confusion.

And free bump for clan night on Thursday! Someone else help me bump so I don't feel so lonely doing it myself.
[quote name='Ecofreak']Absolutely not. We just call it a clan night as it's reserved for just CAG members. I should probably change the thread's title accordingly to avoid further confusion.

And free bump for clan night on Thursday! Someone else help me bump so I don't feel so lonely doing it myself.[/QUOTE]

SWEET! I'm excited :lol:
I will 100% be on at 9pm EST tonight. I'll be multitasking so I won't be able to voice chat, but I'll definitely be on.

I gotta go home for lunch, so I think I'll pre-apply the 1.28 patch while I'm there in preparation for this evening's festivities.
I totally forgot about the patch! But it just downloaded and I'll be on in a few seconds. Had to help my parents set up a new couch in the basement. Of all the nights it had to happen....:bomb:
Wow, we had a very well-played 5v5 AND Rolento actually showed up? Color me absolutely :shock: I'm glad the four of us stuck around until 9:30 because a lot of people started to roll in soon after.

To all you stragglers -- show up on time next week, or my aim won't be as poor. Consider yourselves warned!

And thanks again to Invin for hosting! :applause::applause:
Very nice game! I was also surprised to see Rolento :)
Yes, show up sooner! I received a 2v1 beating in the first game.
It seemed like every corner I came around had AllahBomber there waiting for me, resulting in us killing each other at the same time at least three times.

After you guys dropped off, I got into an awesome room that was map packs only (plus Radec Academy, ugh). Beach Head is an amazing map. I really like the new map selection screen (post-1.28) too...there's so much more information than before.

I got pulled away just before 9pm, sorry for being late.
[quote name='silks']It seemed like every corner I came around had AllahBomber there waiting for me, resulting in us killing each other at the same time at least three times.[/QUOTE]
Ya that was annoying, you were supposed to die first :D:D

Hope kz2 night continues every week now, ill be out of town next thurs so wont be there. but def nice to play again.
i think salton must have died or something. hes been a total ghost.
We'll do another week of launch maps to solidify the attendance, and likely switch to map pack levels only for CAGers who have waited so patiently.

Unfortunately, i won't be available next Thursday but I'll keep bumping!
New DLC is tempting (at least the trailer looks cool). I told myself I wouldn't buy any until they offered a bundle option but I may be pushed over the edge for this one. The boltgun is just too freaking awesome.

We don't know much about the maps yet though... hopefully there is no gimmicky environmental effect!
Hey guys- Going to gamestops B2G1 sale in the morning. I know that I'm going to be picking up Prototype and Infamous. Thinking about making this my 3rd game (most bang for the buck).

I usually don't play the online MP/DM stuff on FPS. Is this game worth it for the campaign (and if i haven't played any of the other titles?)
[quote name='nbballard']Hey guys- Going to gamestops B2G1 sale in the morning. I know that I'm going to be picking up Prototype and Infamous. Thinking about making this my 3rd game (most bang for the buck).

I usually don't play the online MP/DM stuff on FPS. Is this game worth it for the campaign (and if i haven't played any of the other titles?)[/QUOTE]

The campaign is enjoyable and fairly lengthy, although everyone will say the real strength is its multi-player. If you have no other games you're interested in then it'd be a good pick-up if you're just interested in the single player. Otherwise -- find something else like..

[quote name='Ecofreak']The campaign is enjoyable and fairly lengthy, although everyone will say the real strength is its multi-player. If you have no other games you're interested in then it'd be a good pick-up if you're just interested in the single player. Otherwise -- find something else like..


It's a toss up between this and Red Faction... or nothing.
I really enjoyed the campaign. However, it seems like a lot of people don't agree. The multiplayer really is the best part though.

Not sure if I'll be picking up the new map pack. They're bringing these out pretty fast and I still haven't played my money's worth on the first two. Plus, I'm highly tempted to pick up the new Wipeout DLC instead :whistle2:(

Allah and Sarrasis, if you guys want, I'll gameshare you the first 2 packs since you guys are really active and a game night without you guys wouldn't be cool :)
[quote name='Invin']Allah and Sarrasis, if you guys want, I'll gameshare you the first 2 packs since you guys are really active and a game night without you guys wouldn't be cool :)[/QUOTE]
tempting indeed. ;) ill get back to you. like i said, im out of town next week anyway so send me a pm and ill keep it unread to remind me about it when i get back
[quote name='silks']WipEout DLC can wait for me. Napalm & Cordite all the way.

God bless you, Guerilla.[/QUOTE]
I'm looking forward to both of these add-ons probably more than anything coming out in the next few months.
Anyone looking for some more players add me.
my psn id is swavage415. I can make Thursday nights and i have all the maps.
You can find us by becoming a member of either clan. Check to see which members
In the single player, do kills tally up even if you die? Like if I kill 10 enemies then die, do those 10 kills count towards any of the trophies?
While doing my elite playthrough, where I died A LOT, I noticed that my kills and deaths were not being recorded.
bread's done