CAG Madden 09 League #2 - CLOSED

Cleveland Browns - KillJoi99 / KillJoi99- whenever u wanna play week 3. Not sure if i can play tommorow, if i can it'll only be btwn 330 and 415 start cant start early or later than that pm me
I finally found a good deal on this game, and it should be coming in this week. I will take the Giants if you guys don't mind waiting a few days for me to get the game. I can definitely play two games this week to get up to speed.
Thanks IvanHood, sounds good. EDIT: I see it's in your sig. Sorry. One thing though, the previous owner of the Giants was kicked, but he had already lost his week 2 game. Are you alright with starting with an 0-1 record?

Also, the OP has been updated with the Week 3 schedule and also a list of people who NEED TO PM ME. Seriously. Your membership depends on it.
Bah. I don't need to PM you! My game was done within the deadline :)
Also, Week 3 vs. Matt Young could go badly. The 2 of us just can't seem to connect :p
We'll try though...
[quote name='Azumangaman']Bah. I don't need to PM you! My game was done within the deadline :)[/quote]

Ah, I'm very sorry about that! I skipped over the score you had reported. I'll be more careful next time. ;)

Since teams start to get Byes next week, should I pair up the teams with them, so no one has to skip a week? I think that would work.
[quote name='Jagged Toaster']Thanks IvanHood, sounds good. EDIT: I see it's in your sig. Sorry. One thing though, the previous owner of the Giants was kicked, but he had already lost his week 2 game. Are you alright with starting with an 0-1 record?

Also, the OP has been updated with the Week 3 schedule and also a list of people who NEED TO PM ME. Seriously. Your membership depends on it.[/quote]

Yeah, I don't mind starting a game down. I will PM my opponents as soon as the game gets here.
Umm... I wasn't able to play yesterday because of schedule conflicts with Matt Young.

We've contacted each other, and if he's down I'll still play him.

Whomever I'm playing in Week 3, Tuesday would be ideal for me, as I have that day off. Send me a message on Live... my gamertag is the same as my cag name.
Man good game dude. No time for right up now have to go to work.

But I have to say this. I fucking hate vsing the colts. They are such a bullshit team. I felt that you the game beat me more than you did.

When you vs the colts the game just automatically beats your defenders. I ran about 37 different defenses and each one had the same problem within 1 second 3 of your WR are completely wide open and even if I send a 9 man blitz for your 4 man front you still get 10 seconds of time.

There was one play were I sent 7 people for your 4 man front and including 2 DB and it still took them 5 seconds to get to you.

And that is what happens when you vs the colts in any video game....just picking them turns the opposing defense into god damn idiots.

That 2 point conversation you had was a prime example. My guy just stood and watch as he caught that....even when I can pressed coverage and you just dropped back and threw a perfect strike off your back foot.


Again not grilling you I just really hate vsing the colts in any video game. Whenever you vs them its 40% CPU and 60% human.
I understand where your coming from, but that is far from true. I was the colts, yes, a 94 team.

He was the Jaguars, a 93 team. You ran 37 different COVER TWO defenses, so yes the same guy was open....try cover 3?

Please don't say you're not bashing me when you say the game beat you more than I did. You threw 2 or 3 INTs, I can't remember, but you not getting through the line, or not covering my receivers, was NOT the whole reason you lost.

Now, I am not beefing you, please, don't wanna start a flame thread. We play again later in the season, and we'll see what happens then. That's it. It was a great game and by no means did I dominate you, but I did feel that I out-played you.
I tossed 1 INT actually.

And I barely ran cover 2. I was running cover 3 and blitzing the hell out of you. And I ran for over 145 yards. I rarely even went to the air.

I was by no means running the same defenses I actually ran a lot of cover 1 with extreme blitzing but again I dont want to start a flame war at all and I thought it was a good game. But I know EA and Madden have been vsing the colts long enough to watch for certain things.

But thats neither here or there. It was a good game. But by no means did you out play played the exact same as me. We were perfectly even in my opinion, you threw 1 INT I threw 1 INT you threw for around 200 yards I rushed for around 200 yards.

But in my opinion if you ever play even with skill wise with someone who is playing with the Colts, Pats, Bolts you will most likely loose. As the game just allows more leway for those teams.
The OP should be updated as of now. Let me know if I missed anything.

EDIT: I really have to start getting to bed earlier. I have to be up at 6AM every morning. It's 11:30 now. Uh oh.
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Week 3 opponent please stand up.

I pmed my opponent and still waiting to hear back from them. I have been ridiculously busy at the office so I haven't had much time to play but hopefully today will be a better day.
Minnesota Vikings - ReturnofBoltz / BostonDynasty......When can you play? I can play anytime from now until this Fri, Sat, then I work both nights.
I replied to the PM. Opponent and I have been in contact, but have not been on at the same time. He just joined the league a couple days ago, and I didn't have an opponent before, so I don't see why I'm threatened with being kicked. I was the first to play my game out of the whole league, along with Derwood.
Yeah, Matt = ultra legit.
I'll be off work somewhere between 8-10 PM EST tonight.
Just shoot me a PM if you can work in that timeframe.
Maybe it'll work this time?
You are not being threatened, he just wants to organize the reasons why everyone couldn't play their games on time. Then, from there, eliminate the weak links.
Yeah, I definitely wasn't threatening anyone. I figured you were still participating, but I just needed to know why your game hasn't been played. It's all good. It's difficult organizing this league by reading through posts.
Thanks, Azu.

I didn't know the message was being sent to various people. I had not viewed the thread for a couple days. I will message Masked Lemon again right now to see if he can play sometime other than early morning.
[quote name='Tolmes']You are not being threatened, he just wants to organize the reasons why everyone couldn't play their games on time. Then, from there, eliminate the weak links.[/quote]

Who shot who in the what now?

Anyway who is my next opponent. Also commish can you add this to the op for me. I will always be able to play from 8am to 2pm as of right now. I work at night so my afternoon is always open.
OK, Madden is mine. I sent PMs to my week 1 and week 3 opponents. I can play tonight or Saturday/Sunday, but I'm out of town tomorrow and Friday.
What a second I am confused. I thought the Colts was my week 3 game? But my record show that I am 1 and 1? Did I not play the week 2 game?

Oh snap I didnt.

Who the hell is the Bills owner? We can play anytime tonight I am here just hit me up.
[quote name='Soodmeg']What a second I am confused. I thought the Colts was my week 3 game? But my record show that I am 1 and 1? Did I not play the week 2 game?[/quote]

You were on the list at first, but I took you off since you were actively posting. I figured you were aware.
Click, click, boom.

Three new teams. If the spots aren't filled by Friday at 8PM EST, I will allow any of you to take up the spot of two teams.
I would allow the spots to be taken now, but I want to give a chance for some newcomers to get into the league. I figure we might be at the point where everyone who would join already has, but we'll see.
[quote name='BuddyHenika']good game n8[/quote]

Yeah, you too Buddy. I'll tell ya, I thought you were going to destroy me at the beginning. That opening drive had me reeling, and I was trying to come up with something to stop you cause it just seemed like you kept outguessing me. Then finally, my defense wakes up. 103 yd interception return.

Then on the ensuing possession Hasselback fumbles at his own 15, easy score for me. That's just bad luck man. After that, I tried to just play it smart and take advantage of your desperation. You didn't really do anything wrong. There were some bad throws, but you had to start airing it out, and I was just nickel & diming you, haha.

Although my Madden Rams look like they're in an alternate dimension compared to their real-life counterparts, haha. They might be lucky if they win 1 game all season. Anyway, good game to you sir. I look forward to the rematch.

(for consistency purposes): Rams 28 - Seahawks 0
bread's done