CAG Madden 11 League 2 - Season 2! Week 10 Deadline Sat night. TEAMS OPEN!

Week 12 Outlook

Power Rankings Top 5:

1. Panthers
2. Bears
3. Texans (+1)
4. 49ers (-1)
5. Bengals (+1)

Full list:

Player Awards:

OPOW: David Garrard
DPOW: Pacman Jones
OROW: Colt McCoy
DROW: Javier Arenas

Week 12 Games:
Jags-Giants (Game of the Week)
Vikings-Redskins (sub needed)
Packers-Falcons (sub needed)
Eagles-Bears (already played)
Patriots-Lions (already played)

I'm setting the deadline at Tuesday night, but considering it's a 3-day weekend for most people I'm hoping we can get it done by Monday.
Hey guys, sorry about yesterday. I had a family emergency and spent all aftertnoon/night dealing with it (I just got home less than 2 hours ago) Everyone envolved is going to be ok, just very scary.

Sorry about holding the leagues up.
Dolphins owner, i'm around now and for most of the rest of the day(Raiders)

just saw that the Dolphins are unowned... whats the deal?
[quote name='Deuce20602']Dolphins owner, i'm around now and for most of the rest of the day(Raiders)

just saw that the Dolphins are unowned... whats the deal?[/QUOTE]

He's still in as far as I know, shoot him a PM or an XBL message.
A reminder to everyone: Running backs are for running the ball. It's right there in the name. A few screens in a game is fine, but please try not to go overboard.
I'm not sure we can really "do" anything to regulate playcalling unless there's an obvious exploit, other than to say it's frowned upon and I wish people would not do it quite so much.
I am HORRIBLE at running the ball so screens are kind of like running to me, but I do understand. I also find myself screening\checking it down to my back when I am being blitzed a lot.
yea i dont even call but maybe 3 screens a game so you can stop me from throwing to best sorry just not going to stop doing what i do
[quote name='gbpackers94']Maybe limit the amount of passes to HBs to 10 a game or something.
EDIT: I just looked at the stats. 5-7 seems like a good limit.[/QUOTE]

i will stick to my 17 in one game
[quote name='silentghost227']Seriously...? Screens are one of the easiest plays to stop you can see it coming from a mile away.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this, which is why I don't really worry about regulating it, though running them all the time is still pretty unrealistic which isn't what we're going for. There are way more annoying and cheese-tastic plays out there than screens though.
Doom, do you know what the deal is with your friend iiD3AD PR3Zii? He still hasn't rejoined the franchise as the Rams and hasn't accepted my friend request on XBL.
I run the screen as either a supplement to the run game, or, in the case of my Bills, to replace it. Since my offensive numbers in both leagues are among the worst, I'm going to assume I'm not "abusing" it even though I've, at times, run 6+ a game, if it's working. Often enough the players who know me or are generally good at D sniff it out and it goes nowhere..I'd say it's about half and half.
[quote name='Tanabeo']yea i dont even call but maybe 3 screens a game so you can stop me from throwing to best sorry just not going to stop doing what i do[/QUOTE]

Just played him the other night, and yeah he throws to or tries to throw to Best a shit ton but, it really wasn't as unmanageable as I thought it was going to be. 70 yards receiving and 50 yards rushing. No OPOW for you. :D
Statically it's unrealistic, but I don't really care enough about stats for that to matter. I threw to my RBs more than I usually do in my last game in the other league, but it was just because I was being blitzed all the time. Sometimes you have to take those quick check downs more than you'd like.
Yeah I'm having trouble getting through to Doom's OTHER friend, the notorious "A Hard". I sent him an Xbox Live message 2 nights ago and PM'ed Doom around 7 p.m. last night to try and get in touch with him. I can play any time today or tomorrow so I'm not too worried....just updating you S.O.B.s.

And I find screen's easy to defend too and probably run one screen play myself every 2-3 games or so in both leagues. Not that I don't pass it to my HB's at all....I just use other routes. So I don't have any problems with people running screens to their hearts' content. I feel like there are a lot more annoying things that can happen in a game than your opponent running mad screen plays. I feel like we should address other things before we try to regulate screens. Stuff like milking out the clock in the 3rd quarter and that 4 WR tight formation I think should take priority if we want to try and do a better job regulating annoying habits. Obviously something like milking out the clock in the 3rd quarter is extremely rare (I don't think it has ever happened to that extent until Uber vs. Ramesu in the other league), but since there technically aren't any rules about it...everyone can just seemingly do it freely.
[quote name='MasterAwesome'] Stuff like milking out the clock in the 3rd quarter and that 4 WR tight formation I think should take priority if we want to try and do a better job regulating annoying habits. Obviously something like milking out the clock in the 3rd quarter is extremely rare (I don't think it has ever happened to that extent until Uber vs. Ramesu in the other league), but since there technically aren't any rules about it...everyone can just seemingly do it freely.[/QUOTE]

What would any of you propose I should have done in that situation to protect the lead?

[quote name='BigAT']Doom, do you know what the deal is with your friend iiD3AD PR3Zii? He still hasn't rejoined the franchise as the Rams and hasn't accepted my friend request on XBL.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I don't think that was him playing the other day although he was online.

I will text them both now and let you BOTH KNOW.

Dank you come again
[quote name='RamesuThe1']What would any of you propose I should have done in that situation to protect the lead?


In what situation...up 14 at halftime? Lol everyone has been in that situation a hundred times. You could just do what every single other person in the league does and just play a normal game at that point. I understand your side of things, but where do you draw the line? If the game starts out with a quick touchdown and then a pick six to make it 14-0 with 3 minutes left in the 1st quarter, you think it would be perfectly reasonable to start running out the clock at that point? I'm just saying I think there should be some kind of guideline put in place for this kind of situation. Like maybe no deliberately running out the clock until the 4th quarter or something.
[quote name='MasterAwesome']I'm just saying I think there should be some kind of guideline put in place for this kind of situation. Like maybe no deliberately running out the clock until the 4th quarter or something.[/QUOTE]

Obviously I agree. Winning should really never be that important that a situation like that ever happens. This is for fun, and winning is of course fun but at what cost? Exploits and glitches would help people win too, but we don't allow those for obvious reasons. Same line of thinking.

Maybe set the clock rules aside for the playoffs, where games actually matter. But that Texans-Jets game couldn't have been more meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

(Not to drag that convo up again in here, but obviously that's a rule people are discussing)
First of all I think there are a number of players in both leagues who would've done the exact same thing in that situation.

Secondly, if I'm playing with a more than one score lead in a game, no matter the quarter, I'm burning clock. If you can't get my offense off the field, that's your problem, not mine. This wouldn't even be an issue if I were forced to punt at all in the second half in that game. Now, if I were cheesing to keep my offense on the field then, I think you'd have a legitimate beef. But that isn't the case.

Limiting the number of opportunities your opponent has on offense is an essential component to winning football games. That's why turnovers and time of possession are so important in real life football. Why put my defense in harms way when I don't have to? Why make the game interesting, when it doesn't have to be? Why would I be charitable in that situation? I'm trying to win.

I really don't understand why I'm getting so much backlash over this bull-shit, I'm starting to get pissed off.
[quote name='ubernes'] This is for fun, and winning is of course fun but at what cost? Exploits and glitches would help people win too, but we don't allow those for obvious reasons. Same line of thinking.

The reasons we don't allow exploits and glitches are because they give the user an unfair advantage and exploit the deficiencies in the games A.I., something other users can't defend against. You can defend against running clock by forcing punts.
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Did you read my post BV? I was saying, if we're talking about maybe regulating screen passes...I think there are more important things to set guidelines for like milking out the clock and running 4 tight WR formation. I wasn't bringing drama in here...Ramesu took that as a personal attack on him or something. I don't think Zurezo would come in here and start being defensive about running that particular formation just because I brought it up now...I'm talking about the nature of the act in itself, I'm not calling anyone out. Since this is something that just happened recently and multiple people said they think it's lame or whatever, I don't think we should just leave our stance on it as ambiguous. Either way it should be addressed somehow...either by saying it's fine to do or by restricting it somehow.

And you didn't answer my question you think it's perfectly reasonable to start milking out the clock with a 14-0 lead with 3 minutes left in the 1st quarter? I'm just trying to understand your point of view on this, do you draw the line at some point? Like at the start of the 2nd half or something?
[quote name='MasterAwesome']
And you didn't answer my question you think it's perfectly reasonable to start milking out the clock with a 14-0 lead with 3 minutes left in the 1st quarter? I'm just trying to understand your point of view on this, do you draw the line at some point? Like at the start of the 2nd half or something?[/QUOTE]

IDK how to multi-quote but this is from one of my previous posts.

Secondly, if I'm playing with a more than one score lead in a game, no matter the quarter, I'm burning clock.
Oh whoops my mistake......very interesting....have you always played like that? Cause you're in both leagues and have been playing for multiple seasons and this is the first time anyone has ever said anything about it as far as I can recall. Plus you always have a pretty solid record so I imagine you're often playing most of the game while at least one score ahead.
Yes, I have. As I've previously stated the strategy only works when you're playing with a lead and aren't forced to punt. The last season with the Texans and this season with the Chiefs I lost my starting RB and my offense seemingly has tanked because of it so, I have a really hard time sustaining offense without a run game. I'm usually in really close games or playing from behind as a result but if you look at all my games with the Texans this season aside from the game vs. the Vikings and most of my games the first season with the Texans I'm sure I dominated TOP in most.

When the game came out and I realized how hard it was to play effective defense, I decided that it was just best to take the air out of the ball and manage the clock.
[quote name='Darth0fTheDead']Just played him the other night, and yeah he throws to or tries to throw to Best a shit ton but, it really wasn't as unmanageable as I thought it was going to be. 70 yards receiving and 50 yards rushing. No OPOW for you. :D[/QUOTE]

:cry: thats fine at least i got to put tom brady on his back a few times:D
Dolphins owner is online right now and he's playing Black Ops... dont want to think he's ignoring my messages but he hasnt responded and i will be somewhat busy over the next few days so setting up a game may be a challenge... any ideas?
[quote name='Deuce20602']Dolphins owner is online right now and he's playing Black Ops... dont want to think he's ignoring my messages but he hasnt responded and i will be somewhat busy over the next few days so setting up a game may be a challenge... any ideas?[/QUOTE]

Did you PM him on here as well? He was pretty responsive when I was trying to set up a game with him...
he responded... we're gonna try and play the game tomorrow but it's gonna be rough since i'll only have a 3-4 hour window from the time i get home from work... tuesday is more likely even though i hate waiting til the last minute.
[quote name='BigAT']Rams still aren't in the league and haven't accepted my friend request on Live.[/QUOTE]

Doom was texting both his friends to check up I believe. What's the word Doom?
bread's done