CAG MLB 10: The Show League Original Teams Finish 1 game by June 13th

As I mentioned before, I'll be without a PS3 (again) for 2 weeks or so, starting probably at the end of this upcoming week. Since I won't be around, I'd like to at least get in 2-3 games before then, if not more. That way, I can still be on pace with others as far as the 1 game per week minimum goes.
hey n8, sorry was already in a local game with my buddy. Lemme know if you are wanting to play a game tomorrow. Im good early to mid afternoon
I'm not even going to deny it. I just pulled the cord on steggy. The game was a fucking garbage lagfest to begin with, and I couldn't pitch for shit. So, I had to start feeding him cake to get anything called for a strike. So, of course, he starts raking. Meanwhile, he's got Pedro Martinez pitching and even when I make solid contact, it's right at one of his defenders. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with how steggy plays at all. He didn't rush his pitches, he didn't do anything unsportsmanlike, and it's not like I'm going to blame the lag on him. That was just unfortunate, but it completely took me out of the game.

But what I do have a problem with is that I saw 3 free agents on his team. In addition to Pedro starting, he had Sheffield batting cleanup, and then after already being ahead 4-0 in the 5th, he pinch hits for Pedro with Hank Blalock. I'm sorry, but I TOLD Josh weeks ago that something needed to be decided with free agents so it wouldn't just be a fucking free for all. I don't see how it's fair, and I'm not going to waste my time just adhering to it. A policy should have been decided on a long time ago, and there definitely needs to be one now.

My apologies to steggy for being a dick in the game, but I guess it shows that people will take advantage of something if they can. It's not even totally his fault though. The commissioner should have seen this problem coming.
Not sure how you can say I took advantage of a poor situation. The option was viable for anyone. Everyone elses teams already have stars that are far better then the Free agents anyways, so I dont se how I was in the total wrong at anything. However, pulling the cord so late in the game? Who the hell does that, seriously... thanks but no thanks for wasting he past 40 minutes of my life when I could have been at work...
[quote name='Steggy']Not sure how you can say I took advantage of a poor situation. The option was viable for anyone. Everyone elses teams already have stars that are far better then the Free agents anyways, so I dont se how I was in the total wrong at anything. However, pulling the cord so late in the game? Who the hell does that, seriously... thanks but no thanks for wasting he past 40 minutes of my life when I could have been at work...[/QUOTE]

No it wasn't. People couldn't sign free agents until they had played one game. So, anybody who played first got first crack at all the free agents. Come on man. Don't act like it's a non-issue. Pulling the cord, yeah, I was already frustrated by the lag, then I kept seeing you bring in more free agent players, and I just didn't agree with it, and felt like it was something that should have been handled already. Like I said, it was nothing personal, man. So, please don't take it that way. Pretty sure you got a win for the game anyway.

This is from the PM I sent Josh about the free agent issue on 3/27:
You probably should create some kind of policy for how free agents will the signed though, since I don't think there are any restrictions in the game. Maybe allow each team to sign one free agent, starting in reverse of the team picking order? I don't know. Just an idea.
I saw that Toronto had signed Jermaine Dye. It was in the newspaper thing. So, I thought we could each sign one free agent. I signed Carlos Delgado (I wanted Dye, actually). I haven't used him in a game yet, though.
[quote name='Matt Young']I saw that Toronto had signed Jermaine Dye. It was in the newspaper thing. So, I thought we could each sign one free agent. I signed Carlos Delgado (I wanted Dye, actually). I haven't used him in a game yet, though.[/QUOTE]

Well, I think the point is, it shouldn't have been handled as some first come, first serve, grab all you want crap. There should have been some order or system to it. And yeah, I was thinking of Azumangaman's Madden league when I thought of the suggestion of one free agent per team...with some kind of selection order that maybe gave the people who picked their teams last the first crack at the free agents. I can't see why anyone would have a problem with being fair about it.
I totally agree with you. I don't know what's up with Josh. He PM'ed me and said he'd read the thread, but he hasn't posted.

I'd have no problem releasing Delgado if the other teams who signed free agents released theirs. Then again, that does nothing to help the fact that at least 2 teams- Milwaukee (steggy) and Toronto (Droogs) have used free agent signees in games already. Steggy's used 3, apparently, and I'm not sure about Droogs, but he at least has Dye on his team.
[quote name='Steggy']I dont think my game even counted since N8 pulled the plug before we could finish.[/QUOTE]

I was given a loss for it. At worst, Josh might have to officially resolve it.
[quote name='Droogs']Please don't hate me for picking up Dye. I've used him in one game...not to mention I got to pick dead last.[/QUOTE]

Was he the only free agent you picked up? Even though I think Josh should have set up a system/order for free agents (he said during the fantasy league draft that he'd address it tomorrow), I see no harm in getting one guy. But I feel that we should each be able to select only one free agent, at least for now. Since others had signed guys, I picked up Carlos Delgado, as I mentioned earlier.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Well, I think the point is, it shouldn't have been handled as some first come, first serve, grab all you want crap. There should have been some order or system to it. And yeah, I was thinking of Azumangaman's Madden league when I thought of the suggestion of one free agent per team...with some kind of selection order that maybe gave the people who picked their teams last the first crack at the free agents. I can't see why anyone would have a problem with being fair about it.[/QUOTE]
I think that is a great idea.
[quote name='Matt Young']Was he the only free agent you picked up? Even though I think Josh should have set up a system/order for free agents (he said during the fantasy league draft that he'd address it tomorrow), I see no harm in getting one guy. But I feel that we should each be able to select only one free agent, at least for now. Since others had signed guys, I picked up Carlos Delgado, as I mentioned earlier.[/QUOTE]

Yes, Dye was the only one I picked up. Although John Smoltz looked promising.
Hey guys. I'm gonna try to have everything fixed by the end of the night. For the time being I am asking that nobody pick up any free agents for the time being. If you have any questions or concerns or maybe suggestions, please post below or PM me.
Josh, what are you going to do about people who have already sued FA's in games? There's really no way to fix that.

Anyway... Posting this in both league threads: Does anyone want to play a late night game? I am not sure if I can get on anytime in the next few hours, but I will be online to play a Madden league game at 9 Pacific/midnight Eastern, and would love to play some MLB after that.
I don't see that as being a big deal, since those few who signed free agents haven't played that many games with them anyway. And if we do go by reverse order for the team draft then Droogs would have had the first free agent pick. We just need to get it straightened out right away before more games are played.

I could play now, but if later is the only time you can then how about 10:00 then?
First thing, I have 5 unresolved games...

Grievey vs. cpac2008
Josh5890 vs. DestroVega
Killsbury vs. Captainbackslap
MattYoung730 vs. BigggAT
ICT_Esqgamer vs. The Gloomy Avenger

Anyone have any info here?

Also, Droogs, I'm not sure if it was my fault or the game for giving you the win. Never the less, I'm 99% sure that I won't be able to take it back. I trying to fix this league so that we don't have to start over.
Let me know ASAP if you have taken any free agents. Yo0u won't be totured or anything since you didn't do anything wrong. But the sooner I find out the faster everything gets fixed.
[quote name='yukine']I don't see that as being a big deal, since those few who signed free agents haven't played that many games with them anyway. And if we do go by reverse order for the team draft then Droogs would have had the first free agent pick. We just need to get it straightened out right away before more games are played.

I could play now, but if later is the only time you can then how about 10:00 then?[/QUOTE]

I can do 10, maybe a little later. The guy I'm supposed to play in Madden said "around 9". I told him I'd give him till 9:10-9:15 and that if he didn't show up, I wouldn't wait any longer. So if he doesn't show up on time, I'll get on the PS3 and send you a message. If not, we can do it after the Madden game. I just can't promise it will end by 10. You know how those things go sometimes. But I will get on as soon as the Madden game ends.

But wait- again, are we even on each other's schedules? Because I don't think we are.

Josh: BigAT and I communicated a few days ago about our game, but the time I could play was too late for him. We have not communicated since. Not saying it's his fault, but rather that neither of us have sent messages to the other.
Last time I checked we were, I'll make sure right now and edit this post.

Edit: Yes we do, Game 6 in the schedule.
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I dont recall ever playing captainbackslap. Not sure why that is unresolved.

I picked up Smoltz, Martinez, Blalock, Sheffield

Also dropped a few players off my team and minor league affiliate.
I picked up a couple bullpen guys after my game with n8 (my 2nd game.) They shouldn't scare anyone though, Kiko Calero and some other guy.
I've gotta a slim so I have no cable to pull (wifi) I don't know, it froze on me and then that was it. I couldn't get out or anything. I'll give you the win if you don't get it right away. Sorry about that.
[quote name='Steggy']I dont recall ever playing captainbackslap. Not sure why that is unresolved.

I picked up Smoltz, Martinez, Blalock, Sheffield

Also dropped a few players off my team and minor league affiliate.[/QUOTE]

Again, no offense...but that's not right. If we went to the extent of having a lottery for team selection to be fair to everybody, there's no reason that mentality should stop concerning the signing of free agents. You picked up 4 really good players just because they were there. That didn't seem odd to you at all?
[quote name='Matt Young']I say Josh should just remove all free agents from all teams ASAP and then set up a lottery. This is madness.[/QUOTE]

I thought about that however I keep looking everywhere and I cannot find that option. Heck I cannot even check other rosters from other teams. From what I can tell, my only "powers" are inviting/droping players and ruling on supposedly unresolved games. I am really sorry about droping the ball as far as FA's are concerned. N8 I especially owe you an apoligy. I kinda blew off your warning in the PM for some reason. Maybe it was because I was busy or brain dead that day. So I cannot say that I wasn't warned.

The way I see it. I have 3 options...
1. From here on out have everyone abide to a lottery based on opposite team draft order with those who have taken Free Agents to be passed up in the first go around.

2. Option 1 except kindly ask everyone to reset their rosters to their original form and then go to the lottery with nobody losing a chance at picking a guy up.


I'm leaning towards option 2 and I would certainly hope there would be no complaints. Again nobody really did anything technically wrong but more so it was against the spirit of the league. Any thoughts.
[quote name='yukine']What happened, Josh?

We were having a pretty good game, I would like to think you didn't pull the network cable.[/QUOTE]

BTW, you earned the win. Congrats. You probably would've won anyway since you were up 3-0 and I have trouble coming from behind late. I hope for better results in the second game.;)
I think Option 2 is the ideal solution, and I think reversing the order of the team draft to pick free agents would be fair to everyone. I would be one of the last to sign a free agent for example, which I'm fine with.
[quote name='Josh5890']2. Option 1 except kindly ask everyone to reset their rosters to their original form and then go to the lottery with nobody losing a chance at picking a guy up.[/QUOTE]

I also like option 2. I hope everybody would be ok with doing this. The games that have already been played are water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned. Hell, the game I played against a team with lots of free agents, I pulled the cord anyway. So, I did a dick thing too, haha.

And there's no need to apologize Josh. It's not like I'm some be all, end all Commissioner guru, lol. All I've got going for me is experience, and the fact that I've screwed up plenty of times, so I've had things to learn from. I can tell you though, I'm really enjoying the feeling this year of doing this together. There's a lot more open discussion, and it feels like things are being decided on as a community in both of our leagues. And that's how it should be.

My vote is for option 2, with option 1 being my second choice. I definitely don't think we need to restart the league. At worst, if people are unwilling to cooperate, then it is what it is, and it'll be something to keep in mind if you do another season. It's not the end of the world, but striving to keep things fair should always be a goal.
I played yukine a little while ago. That was the most frustrating game ever. It was mostly due to the CPU. The fucking pitch meter would stop in the red area and then not come back down, even though I only pressed the button once. That resulted in several wild pitches, 2 of them leading to runs. Then there was a ball hit out to the warning track. Even though I was clearly directly on the marker, the ball bounced off of my center fielder and went for a triple. That also led to a run. Had those things not occurred, the game would have been tied. That pissed me off.

To yukine's credit, he somehow guessed 75% of my pitches correctly and took an 8-4 lead. But I rallied back to make it 8-6, and I had men on 2nd and 3rd in the 8th, but I couldn't drive them in. He scored another run in the top of the 9th. Then I had 2 men on in the bottom of the 9th when Paul Konerko hit what looked to be his 2nd home run of the game, but it was caught at the warning tack to end the game.

Diamondbacks 9, White Sox 6

The one complaint I have about yukine is that he seriously rushes his pitches and, well, everything else about the pace of the game. he's worse than m_d_amore in that respect. I would never even get a chance to see who was coming up to the plate! And half the time, I couldn't guess the pitch because he threw immediately after the batter got to the box. I had to resort to holding R2 the second it showed the pitcher/batter matchup. That was really irritating.
It's all right. I don't hold it against you. Like I said, I learned to hold down R2 as soon as the pitcher/batter matchup screen came up. And as I also said, the majority of my frustration came from the game itself, not you.

EVERYONE PLEASE READ: In case you missed it, I have to send in my PS3 for repairs once again. I received the shipping confirmation e-mail just now, and the box is set to arrive on Wednesday. I will be mailing it out Thursday. Thus, Wednesday is the last day I will be able to play till I get my new system from Sony. I've played 2 games and would like to get in a couple more before I send the system out, so please let me know if any of you can play. I'm the White Sox.
Ok as of now I have the following people who have taken free agents...

Steggy (4)
Droogs (1)
Madbst (2)

Anyone else pick a player up?
bread's done